North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship NCAT Student Newspapers Digital Collections 3-29-1985 The Register, 1985-03-29 North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.library.ncat.edu/atregister Recommended Citation North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University, "The Register, 1985-03-29" (1985). NCAT Student Newspapers. 1031. https://digital.library.ncat.edu/atregister/1031 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in NCAT Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "COMPLETE AWARENESS FOR COMPLETE COMMITMENT" VOLUME LVI NUMBER 22 NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL STATE UNIVERSITY, GREENSBORO Friday, March 29, 1985 Tharrington and Jenkins win elections By FRANCES WARD The new Miss A&T, Debra News Editor Jenkins, toldthe crowd, "I am Candidates and their sup- overwhelmed. I owe you (the porters waited two hours in students) a lot of thanks. I the Memorial Union Wednes- believed in you; you believed day to hear election results for in me. I'm looking forward to class and SGA officers. a great year." Results were supposed to Jenkins, a junior home have been announced at 8:15 economics education major p.m. but because of a break from Selma, won with 836 down of the counting votes, which were over 500 machine, they were announced more than her closest com- at 10:15 p.m. petitor, Deirde M. Lewis. She of about 100 supporters, wnen also defeated Demetricus Donna Stewart, nominating Smith and Sheba Anne Hall. committee chairperson said, Thomas Horton, who won "May I have your attention vice president of External Af- please. The results of the elec- fairs, defeated his opponents tions are lodi Walston and Damon C. Screams and hollers filled Robinson. Horton won with the air, as James Tharrington.. 638 votes. Walston had 351 was announced president of and Robinson, 185. Newly elected SGA officers Darnevy A. Law, vice president/internal affairs; the student association. He Stephanie D. Cousins, who ington Jr.,president,, Debara Jenkins, Miss A&T and Thomas Horton, vice-president external defeated Hebrew Dixon won the nominating commit- III affairs pose with Chancellor Edward B. Fort at the election reception. and Curtis Williams. tee chair, .defeated her oppo- Officers absent were treasurer Chistopher Morris and attorney general Terry Phelps. (Photo by Powell). Tharrington, a junior nent Cathy Humphrey with Phil speech and theater arts major 710 to 389 votes. sophomore class officers: Milton Shaw, vice president; from Durham, Students elected to the We apologize for the delay." said, "I thank Beverly Elaine Threatt, presi- James Burney, secretary; all of you. I Judiciary Council were Lucy A. Bailey said the machine used want to see unity dent; Roslin Maddox, vice Eric Bernard Griffin, as a start. Why Felicia Banks, James B. to count the ballots broke not start it president; James Hill, treasurer; Patty tonight?" Bryant Jr., James Rodney III, and Jean down and she had to return to treasurer; Cyrus, Campbell, Arthur Kevin Dees, Karen Branham, Miss Senior. the Greensboro elections of- Tharrington had 714 votes, Miss Sophomore. (the Ganzie C. Dent, Roy A. Ezell "It elections) was fair fice to get another machine. Dixon had 438 and Williams Junior class square," Jr., Bruce A. Faison, Adriane officers are and said Dorothy Students will have a chance had 209. Curtis Lee Lowrie, Frank McCain, and Richardson, Bailey, director of Student Ac- to fill vacant offices in the fall. After thanking the students, secretary and Kevin Todd Cor- tivities and advisor for Tharrington Jacqueline Y. Simmons. the New SGA officers will be in- asked them to ley, treasurer. nominating and elections join elected officers runn- com- stalled at the annual Student hands and led the group Others Senior class officers are mittee. "We ran them (the ing unoppossed were Government Banquet in prayer. Craig ballots) on April M. Joseph, president; through three times. 26- Bomb threats at all time high By FRANCES WARD According to Police Chief "Hopefully if they persist News Editor John O. Williams, the caller we will get to the bottom of it The ten bombs threats that for Haley Dormitory sounded all," he said. "Our investiga- occurred this week brought the like a female. tion has taken on focus." total number of threats to 18 "The people calling in the Williams praised faculty for the year, school an all time threats do not understand the and administrators in the high at A&T. seriousness of it," he said. buildings that were targets Director of of University As of 4 p.m. Thursday, the the bomb threats. Police, Joe Daughtry, said on Department had not received a the average, only three or four prank call for that day. "We have good coopera- threats occur each year. Although the bomb tion from administrative staff According to A&T police threats have reached an members and faculty. By '. :vy.:<::;.-::: all reports, on Monday time high, Williams is positive helping us search the pranksters called in bombs that the pranksters will be buildings, they make the threats for Crosby, Merrick, caught. search procedure more effec- and Barbee Halls. "We have found out that tive and quicker." On Tuesday, two uniden- the calls are being made from tified callers phoned in bomb places in the city and on cam- Williams said many students threats for the Memorial Stu- pus," he said. "Each time our are getting irritated with the dent Union and Price Hall. officers reach the location the threats and don't want to leave On Wednesday, prank calls person has left." the buildings. were received for Martenna, Williams would not go into "The bomb threats are get- Barr.es, Alex Haley and detail just yet about the in- ting irritating but there is still Williams Cafeteria. vestigation but said the of- that element of danger, he SGA President James France congratulates new SGA presi- All of the buildings were ficers are questioning several said. "Our officers don't like dent Junes Tharrington Jr. during the reception Wednesday—«v evacuated, but the alleged suspects .who doing thisbut they never know night. (Photo by Phil Powell). are A&T bombs were not found. students. when this imay be the one." Page 2 The A&T Register Friday, March 29,1985 Jackson, Board head Spring Sports Fest The Rev. Jesse Jackson and "My goal is to win, and it's Dwaine Board, two prominent clear I know how to win," said A&T graduates, add a na- Board, a defensive end who tional flavor when A&T holds started on both San Francisco its annual Sports Festival Super Bowl championship Weekend on April 12-13. teams. The"weekend's activities get Meanwhile, veteran A&T under way on Friday, April football coach Mo Forte will 12, with the annual All-Sports be watching the game from a Banquet at the Greensboro different angle. Usually pacing Sheraton at 7 p.m. The ban- the sidelines directing the quet, sponsored by the Board- teams's fortunes and making in-Control of Intercollegiate crucial decisions, Forte will be Athletics, will honor more atop the Aggie Stadium than 150 athletes, including pressbox taking notes on his members of the 1985 MEAC players' performances. \ i) conference men's basktetball In the fall, Forte begins his Students wait in line patiently to cast their baDots.(Photo by Phil Powell). championship team. fourth season as the A&T Board, a standout on the coach and will be hoping to Super Bowl XIX champions reverse last season's 2-8 San Francisco 49ers, will be record. Forte sees the annual Journalists to advise students the guest speaker at the ban- Blue & Gold spring game as More than 80 area high associate news editor, WGHP- of the Harte-Hanks Com- quet. another step in his rebuilding school journalism students T.V.; William Peeler, assistant munications Inc. in San An- Less than 24 hours later, plan. will participate in the an- professor at A&T; Otis tonio, Texas Board will be paired against "The Blue & Gold spring nual Communications Day Hairston Jr., Greensboro pro- Moll, who joined the Rev. Jesse Jackson to game" is very important in the Harte- sponsored by the A&T Mass fessional photographer; Hanks in past presi- match wits in the annual Blue overall process of building a 1972, is Communications program on dent and general & Gold spring football game. winning program," Forte manager of today. Robert Lawson KENS-TV in San Board will coach the Gold said. "This game will give us fo Interna- Antonio. He The which tional Press, also served as vice team; Jackson, the Blue. The the opportunity to get the conference, will Kansas City, president be in the Kansas; and general football game will be Satur- players in the proper frame of Memorial Student Drexel Ball, A&T manager of Union, will be Sports Driector; WSMW-TV day, April 13, at 1 p.m. in Ag- mind as we look ahead to start centered on the Information in Worcester, theme 'Mass., and was gie Stadium.* another season." "Communicatons Priscilla Smith and Sandra manager of 1 Careers Realities KLRN-TV in San Both Board and Jackson are Tickets for the football and Hughes of the WFMY-TV Antonio. Challenges." staff; Tony former football stars at A&T. game are $4 each. A ticket also Moor, copy editor, Greensboro News & He is chairman of the Each will be taking his will allow the holder a plate of During the conference, Record; Tony Welborne, Television Bureau ofAdvertis- coaching debut seriously.
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