August 2, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1625 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PENSION PROTECTION ACT OF 2006 treme that their colleagues in the Senate were bers should draft their amendments to the bill unwilling to go along with it. So, here we are as introduced on February 1, 2005. SPEECH OF now at the eleventh hour doing what we can Members are also encouraged to submit an HON. BETTY McCOLLUM to salvage pension legislation. electronic copy of the amendment either via the committee’s web page (http:// OF MINNESOTA Today, I wish I were rising to support pas- sage of a bill that will guarantee quick action www.rules.house.gov/amendmentlform.asp) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to save the pensions of millions of workers, or by e-mailing an electronic copy of the Friday, July 28, 2006 but instead, once again, partisan politics will amendment to Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Speak- slow down the much needed action on pen- rules.amendments@mail.house.gov. Anyone er, I support final passage of this pension leg- sion reform. Even with House passage of the e-mailing an electronic copy of an amendment islation because we must do something today bill, we can’t guarantee anything to America’s should include the bill number and amend- to protect working families so that the pension workers because this legislation was taken ment sponsor in the subject of the e-mail, as promises that were made to them are hon- from the conference committee and now it well as a copy of the summary in the body of ored. I am proud today to stand with the em- must pass the Senate with no changes in the e-mail. Electronic submission of an ployees and groups who are in support of this order for it to move to the President’s desk for amendment does not relieve a Member of fil- legislation, including the Affliated Unions of the his approval. If the Senate wants to change ing the amendment with the committee as ex- Building and Construction Trades Department, anything in the bill, American workers will plained above. AFL–CIO, International Association of Machin- have to continue to wait for Congress to act. Members should use the Office of Legisla- ists, UNITE/HERE, the United Brotherhood of I do share some of the concerns expressed tive Counsel to ensure that their amendments Carpenters and Joiners of America, and many by my colleagues. There are some missed op- are drafted in the most appropriate format and others. And, I join with all of my Republican portunities—including the failure to address should check with the Office of the Parliamen- and Democratic colleagues from the Min- executive compensation and provisions con- tarian to be certain their amendments comply nesota delegation in broad bipartisan support cerning the investment advice for those who with the rules of the House. If you have any for this bill. have 401(K) plans and IRAS. The investment questions, please contact me or George Rog- Without this legislation, Northwest Airlines, a advice exemptions in the bill do not ade- ers at extension 5–9191. major Minnesota-based employer and key quately protect against conflicted investment f player in the economic vitality of the region, advice. PERSONAL EXPLANATION will not be able to come out of bankruptcy with Despite some legitimate reservations voiced its pension plans intact. I support this legisla- by groups I respect, this bill contains good tion because it will help to ensure Northwest provisions—important provisions that must be HON. JULIA CARSON Airlines keeps flying and that their employees passed now so that employers can keep the OF INDIANA can keep working and ensure that their pen- pension promises made to their employees. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sions are funded. f Wednesday, August 2, 2006 This bill is not perfect. In addition to much Ms. CARSON. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to needed relief for airline employees, this bill in- AMENDMENT PROCESS FOR H.R. record my rollcall votes 421–423. cludes provisions that will make it easier for 503—TO AMEND THE HORSE PRO- TECTION ACT TO PROHIBIT THE Had I been present, I would have voted working families to save for their retirements ‘‘yes’’ on votes 421 and 423. by encouraging automatic enrollment in retire- SHIPPING, TRANSPORTING, MOV- ING, DELIVERING, RECEIVING, Had I been present, I would have voted ment savings. It is critical that families are ‘‘no’’ on vote 422. supported in their efforts to create a strong POSSESSING, PURCHASING, foundation of savings for their futures. SELLING, OR DONATION OF f Working men and women have waited far HORSES AND OTHER EQUINES TO HONORING FORMER MEMBER OF too long for Congress to pass legislation to BE SLAUGHTERED FOR HUMAN CONGRESS THOMAS J. MANTON protect pension benefits and to honor the CONSUMPTION, AND FOR OTHER promise of pensions. Pension legislation PURPOSES SPEECH OF should have been done many months ago. HON. MAJOR R. OWENS This Congress’s failure to act in a more timely HON. DAVID DREIER OF NEW YORK way will potentially make worse current and OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES future employer bankruptcies and will impact IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the strength of all retirement benefits. It is Monday, July 24, 2006 Wednesday, August 2, 2006 shameful that this Republican Congress has Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to put partisan politics ahead of the well-being of Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, the Committee add my sentiments to the words that have working men and women and those who have on Rules has announced that it may meet the been spoken already. I associate myself with already retired. week of September 4th to grant a rule which the remarks that have been made about Tom I am concerned that this pension bill before could limit the amendment process for floor Manton. us today has been introduced with no notice consideration of the bill H.R. 503, to amend Tom Manton was a political leader in an ad- and there has been no opportunity for Mem- the Horse Protection Act to prohibit the ship- jacent county, the Borough of Queens. In the bers to review the provisions. Instead of bring- ping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiv- Borough of Brooklyn we had what we call a ing forward the bill that Congress has been ing, possessing, purchasing, selling, or dona- first-rate political machine, and in view of the working on now for more than a year, House tion of horses and other equines to be slaugh- fact that we have been discussing power-shar- Republicans have brought this bill forward. tered for human consumption, and for other ing and the Voting Rights Act, I remember It is outrageous that House Democrats were purposes. dramatically seeing the difference between excluded in the conference committee negotia- Any Member wishing to offer an amendment Brooklyn and Queens. tions between the House and the Senate. should submit 55 copies of the amendment As a leader in Queens, Tom Manton be- After missing three deadlines to complete their and one copy of a brief explanation of the lieved in power-sharing. Minorities did not work, House Republicans, instead, were more amendment to the Rules Committee in room have to fight to get what they deserved in interested in thinking of ways to attach their H–312 of the Capitol by 11 a.m. on Wednes- Queens. Harmony was not established only extreme tax cuts for America’s wealthiest onto day, September 6, 2006. A copy of the form after a big battle was waged and the spoils what should have been clean, common sense, used for submitting amendments to the Rules were settled. In Brooklyn we had to battle for bipartisan legislation. Their tactics were so ex- Committee is on the back of this letter. Mem- everything. We had to fight all the way. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:02 Aug 03, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02AU8.001 E02AUPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1626 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 2, 2006 Tom Manton was a political boss. He was Before joining the government of Virginia, open its civilian nuclear facilities to the Inter- the head of a machine. But he gave new Rosemary helped lead a number of political national Atomic Energy Agency for inspec- meaning to the word machine and being a campaigns for state and congressional can- tions, and should India perform any weapons boss. A conciliator, a mediator, a guy who didates in Northern Virginia and held political tests in the future, all U.S. cooperation would made things happen as he took this diverse, positions in several Congressional offices. cease, permanently. India must work with the rapidly growing borough; rapidly growing in Throughout her career, she earned a well-de- U.S. to conclude a Fissile Material Cut-Off terms of diverse population, and he wove it al- served reputation for her political acumen, te- Treaty as well. together without bitter fights and without leav- nacious advocacy and gracious constituent The overarching goal of this legislation, to ing a lot of blood in the aisles. service. increase positive diplomatic ties between the So I take my hat off to Tom Manton and the In the course of developing a valued and U.S.
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