TIIE AMERICAN MINERALOGTST. VOL 53. NOVEMBER_DECBMBI'R. 1968 DISTRIBUTION OF ELEMENTS IN A SPHERULITIC ANDESITE SrnpnBN E. Knsron, DepartmentoJ Geology, Louisiana State LInivers,ity,Balon Rowge,Louisiana 70803 AND Paur W. WtrrnroN, Departmentof Geologyand Geophysics, Llniversilg oJ Minnesola, Minneapolis, Minnesttta 5515 5. Aesrnacr Electron microprobe and bulk chemical analyses of a spherulitic andesite indicate that notassium is concentrated in the spherulites,whereas sodium and magnesium are depleted. Calcium, silicon and titanium are concentrated, and aluminum and potassium are depleted in a 10pm-wide band of brittle mica(?) which is peripheral to the spherulites The spheru- lites appear to consist of an open aggregate of 1Opm-wide,radially-oriented plagioclase fibers with abundant potassium feldspar and minor biotite in the interfibrillar areas The groundmass contains unoriented plagioclasefibers, some potassium feldspar, hornblende(?) and hematite Both the groundmass and spherulite plagioclase have a composition of approximately Anro and have potassium-rich rims. This distribution of elements conforms to that predicted from observations of spherulite formation in polymer melts. The growth rate of the spherulites was approximately 10-6 cm/sec. hqrnooucrrox During a study of the Colombier volcanic sequencein the Terre- Neuve Mountains of Haiti, an unusual distribution of potassium and calcium was discoveredin a spheruliticpyroxene ande3ite when staining for potassium and calcium-bearingfeldspars indicated a strong par- titioning of potassium into the spherulites and a concentration of calcium at the spherulite borders. This distribution has been verified by bulk and electron microprobe analysesand appearsto agree with predictionsbased on theoriesof spherr.rlitegrowth in pclvmers. The geology of the Terre-Neuve Mountains has been discussedb1' Kesler (1966, 1968). The Upper Cretaceous(?) Colombier volcanic sequencefrom which the spherulitic andesitewas collected,is exposed along the axis and periphery of the Terre-Neuve Mountains (Fig. 1). The maximum thicknessof the unit is 500 m although the basalunit is not exposedand the upper contact is an erosionsurface. The seque;rce is dominated by terrestrial flows of pvroxene andesiteand trachyande- site with some basalt, hornblendeandesite, and dacite. The spherulitesare found in a 5 m-thick pyroxeneandesite flow from the middle of the exposedvolcanic sequence.The flow containspheno- crysts of plagioclase,clinopyroxene (Woas, Fs26, Ena2), and orthopyroxene (Woa, Fs36,En66) in a microcrvstalline groundmass which retains a vague perlitic structure. As the modal analysesof Table 1 indicate, the 2025 2026 STP,PH]iN IJ. KESLI'R AND PAUL W. WDIBLEN Frc. 1. Location of the Colombier volcanic sequence and the spherulitic andesite describedhere. spherulitic andesite is somewhat more mafic than most flows in the sequence.The spherulitesare found as bands, apparently concentrated along lines of flow, and isolated individuals in all parts of the flow' The diameter of the spherulitesranges from 1.0 to 2.3 mm, but most are about 1.3 mm in diameter. Dpscnrprron oF THE Spspnutrrns AND GRoUNDMASS Spherulitesexamined in thin section appear to have a crude radial structure definedby feldsparlaths and interfibrillar material (Fig. 2a), although the feldspar cannot be positively identified because of its small grain size. Under high magnification, the fibrous nature of the spherulitecan be seenbest (Fig. 2b), and it is alsopossible to distinguish anhedral massesand subhedralto euhedralgrains of biotite up to 5 p in T,lrrn 1. Moo.lr Axlrvsns ol Spnnnutrrtc Anotsrtr (M-180) 'lno Orrnn Axorsrrns lRoM TrrE Cor,oMernn VoLcANlc SrQunNcr Pyroxene Pyroxene Hornblende Andesite Andesite Andesite M 180 M-175 M 186 Piagioclase 26 .tJ 20 Phenocrysts Orthopyroxene tr tr Spherulites t6 Clinopyroxene 8 .) tr Groundmass 4t Hornblende 6 Magnetite L z Groundmass 59 59 71 L,LEMENTS IN A SPHERULITIC ANDESITL 2027 diameter betweenthe fibers (Fig. 2c). Although this biotite is a minor componentof the spherulites,it is much more abundant in the spheru- lites than in the groundmass and gives the spherulites their character- istic light brown color. Observationsof the cathodoluminescenceduring electron microprobe analysis revealed that the spherulites Ittminesce light blue-greenand contain individual plagioclasefibers, which are about 10 p wide and up to 100pr in length, with bright blue luminescent borders.The compositionof thesefibers, as determinedwith the micro- Ftc. 2. (a) Two spherulites with straight mutual boundary and unalligned plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts, some of which cross the spherulite boundary. (b) spherulite- groundmass boundary showing feldspar frbers(F; wirh interfibrillar biotite masses(arrow) in the spherulite and unalligned plagioclase and rods of hornblende in the groundmass. The border zone is delineated by dashed lines. (c) Euhedral biotite grain (arrow) in inter- fibrillar area of spherulite. probe rangesfrom a core of approximately Anasto a narrow potassium feldspar (anorthoclase:)rim. Less than 25 percent of the spherulitesis composed of the plagioclase fibers. The remainder of the spherulites consistsdominantly of a material with the composition of potassium feldspar,which appearsfibrous in cathodoluminescence.We have inter- preted these observations to indicate that the spherulites consist of an open aggregate of crudell' radiating plagioclase fibers with abundant interfibrillar potassiumfeldspar and somebiotite. Hematite, a few horn- blende (?) needles,and apatite form small grains scatteredthrough the sphenrlites. The groundmass,in which therspherulites are contained, appearsin thin sectionto consistof randomlv oriented feldspar fiberswith a small 2028 STIiPI]DN I'. KESLIiR AND PAUL W. WJ'IBLEN amount of interstitial hematite,apatite, and small needlesof hornblende. The hornblende needles,which are very scarcein the spherulitesbut abundant in the groundmass,appear to be the groundmassanalog of the biotite which is abundant in the spherulite and almost completely absent from the groundmass.The cathodoluminescenceof the ground- mass differs from that of the sphenrlitesin that only the plagioclase fibers Iuminesceclearly. The remainingapproximately 75 percentof the groundmassis dominantlv a cryptocrl'stallinematerial which from re- connaissanceprobe anall'sescontains up to 2 percent total iron as FeO. Both the spherulitesand groundmasscontain phenocrystsof plagio- claseand ortho- and clinopyroxene.No differencebetween the primary magnetite of the spherulites and that of the groundmass was detected in polishedsection. Many of the phenocrystsare only partly included in the spherulites. In most places,the border between the spherulitesand groundmass is a band about 10 prwide. The band consistsdominantly of a weakly birefringent, pale greenish-yellowmineral with anomalousinterference colors,which forms plates oriented perpendicularto the spherulitesur- face. The optical propertiesand the high calcium content obtained in microprobeanalyses suggest that the mineral in theseperipheral bands is a calcic brittle mica or pumpellyite. fn some places,a very narrow band of a tangentially-oriented,greenish-brown, platy mineral, thought to be a low-potassium biotite, is found between the brittle mica (?) band and the spherulite. Cupurcel Colrposrrrox or,THE Spsrnurrlns AND GRouNDMASS The compositionsof the spherulitesand groundmass,compared in Figure 3, were obtained by atomic absorption analysis of spherulite and groundmassseparates, both of which contained phenocrysts.Be- cause the phenocrystsare randomly distributed within the andesite, any difference in the two analyses can be assumedto represent a com- positional difference between the spherulite and groundmass. The results of theseanalyses indicate potassiumis partitioned strongly into the spherulite whereas sodium and magnesium are depleted in the spherulite. Caicium is not clearly partitioned into either part of the andesite. Electron microprobe analyses verified this partitioning of elements and clarified the nature of the border that surrounds the spherulites. Typical traversesshown in Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the sharp change in potassium content of the matrix from about 9 percent KzO in the spherulitesto about 2 percent K2O in the groundmass.The approxi- mately constant calcium content of the matrix is also shown. The con- ]'LI'MENTS IN A SPHERULITIC ANDESITE 2029 CoO 8 7 6 5 4 z 3 tll 2 Iu I rll 0 G I I Mgo t! 8 3 7 6 5 4 3 2 I o Frc. 3. Compositions of the spherulites (S) and groundmass (G)' Both analyses include phenocrysts. centration of potassium in the potassir-rmfeldspar and biotite-rich inter- fibrillar areasof the spherulite contrasts strongly with the concentration of calcium in the plagioclasefibers. The upper two potassium and calcium traverses illustrate the concentration of calcium and depletion of potassiumin the border zone,whereas the lower traverse illustrates the more unusual two-phase border zone consisting of a relatively potassium-poorbiotite inner zone and a calcium-rich brittle mica or pumpelll.iteouter zone.The border zoneis also enrichedin silicon,iron, and titanium and is clepletedin aluminum, as indicated by reconnais- sance microprobe traverses. A distinct enrichment of silicon in the spherulitesand titanium in the groundmasswas also detected. fron appeared to be present in approximately equal amounts in both the spherulitesand groundmass. CnvsranrzerroN or rnB Sprtrtutttps By relating observationsof spheruliteformation
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