VOL. 6O—NO. 7 PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER T9, 1912 PRICE 5 CENTS THE SUPREME HONORS! The Record-Breaking Battle for the Base Ball Championship of the World, Between the Boston Red Sox, Champions of the American League, and New York Giants, Champions of the National League. S "Sporting Life" goes to press the stages when defeat seemed certain with the 1912 World©s Series is drawing to good pitching Tesreau was serving up to a conclusion and will be a matter HIS SUDDSN COLLAPSE of history ere this greets the read in the seventh inning. Doyle was the star of er. At this writing, Tuesday, the day for New York in fielding and batting. October 15, the seventh game of Myers also rose to an emergency in the last the series is being played in Bos inning, and Murray, the failure of 1911, made ton and in the event of Boston©s success the his first hit in a World©s Series, and with it series will be ended with the Boston Ameri scored both New York runs in.the third in can League team as the winner of the great ning. Fletcher had a bad day, striking out series by four games to two games for the three times, when a hit on two occasions would New York Nationals, the second game of the have obviated his team©s defeat. The bulk series being an 11-inning draw. Should New of Boston©s field work was done by catcher York win on this day the rival teams will be Cady, who made a splendid World©s Series tied with three victories and defeats each, debut, and by Wagner with brilliant short field and the deciding game will be played on Wed work and timely batting; but the real hero of nesday, Octob-er 16. The record of the series the game was the generally-underrated Yerkes, to date is as follows: who, with two out in the seventh inning,© de October 8, at New York New York 3, Bos livered the hit that sent two men over the ton 4. Pitchers Wood for Boston; Tesreau plate and clinched victory for his team. The and Crandall for New York. two errors of the game -fumbles by Wagner October 9, at Boston Boston 6, New York and Snodgrass cost nothing, and the result 6 (11 innings). Pitchers Mathewson for was decided by the timely batting of the Red 2. Pitchers O©Brien and Bedient for Bos Sox and the effective pitching of Wood up to ton. the ninth -inning, when he wobbled long October 10, at Boston Boston 1, New York enough to put the game in the gravest danger. 2. Pitchers O©Brien and Bedient for Bos THE RED SOX WORK. ton ; Marquard for New York. In Boston©s first inning Hooper walked October 11, at New York New York 1, Yerkes, Speaker was retired at first, and Boston 3. Pitchers Tesreau and Ames for Lewis flew to Snodgrass. In the second in New York; Wood for Boston. ning Gardner started with a gift of first base October 12, at Boston Boston 2, New York on a fumble by Snodgrass. Stahl then forced 1. Pitchers Bedient for Boston; Mathew- Gardner on a hit to Tesreau, and was later gon for New York. thrown out by Myers on an attempted steal October 14, at New York New York 5, this being the only attempt in the entire game Boston 2. Pitchers Marquard for New York; to pilfer a base. After Stahl had been thrown out -Wagner was walked, but Cady ended O©Brien and Collins for Boston. the inning with a fly to Murray. In the third Herewith are given the detailed accounts inning Wood started with a pass and was sac and official scores of the World©s Series games rificed to second by Hooper; Yerkes was dis up to Tuesday, October 15, from the pen of posed of, Doyle to Merkle; Speaker also the©Editor of "Sporting Life," one of the walked, but the best Lewis could do was to two official scorers appointed by the National give Fletcher an opportunity for a fine run Commission, under whose exclusive jurisdic ning fly catch. In the fourth inning the side tion the World©s Series is annually played1 . was retired in order Gardner on a foul to Necessarily the "Review and Analysis of the Herzog, Stahl on a strike-out, and Wagner on Series," together with the official averages a foul to Merkle. In the fifth the side was will have to be deferred until our next issue: again retired in order, Cady being thrown out by Doyle, Wood on a drive to Merkle, and BOSTON WINS FIRST GAME Hooper on a strike-out. In the sixth the Red Sox broke the ice. After Yerkes had flicd to Snodgrass, Speaker hit a long fly between De- In a Duel Between Untried World©s Series vore and Snodgrass, and a momentary inter Pitchers, Wood Defeats Tesreau. ference by Devore prevented Snodgrass get BOSTON AT NEW YORK, TUESDAY, ting both hands on the ball going from him OCTOBER 8. The opening game of the 1912 and he lost it, the hit World©s Series between the New York Giants GOING FOR A TRIPLE. and Boston Red Sox was On Lewis© out at first, with the assistance of _ played before one of the Doyle, Speaker scored Boston©s first run of largest crowds that ever the game, but Gardner ended the inning by witnessed a World©s Series. striking out. In the seventh inning came There were no vacant seats STEPHEN YERKES Tesreau©s explosion under Boston©s crashing and standing room was at a onslaught. After Stahl had been thrown out premium. The occasion was Batting and Fielding Star of Boston Team, 1912 World©s Series by Doyle, Wagner and Cady singled in suc- honored by the presence of .cession. Wood then hit to Doyle, who Gov. Foss, of Massachusetts; (For biographical sketch see "Sporting Life" of October 12, 1912.) fumbled long enough to lose a double play, Gov. Tener, of Pennsylvania; barely getting the ball to Fletcher in time for Mayor Gaynor, of New York; a force out. This slip was fatal, as Hooper Mayor Fitzgerald, of Boston; doubled, scoring Wagner, and then Yerkes a great delegation of Red Sox rose to the emergency with a single to centre, rooters from Boston, and a er instead of the tried and true veteran, Ma closed the game with a strike-out, and in sending in both Wood and Hooper. Speaker host of distinguished base thewson thus breaking a New York prece between sprinkled nine more strike-outs, his then ended the inning by striking out. In JwWoo* ball men from all quarters. dent and also© the luck, judging from the re great feat being the striking out of Fletchcr the eighth inning Crandall relieved Tesreau The game was well played, but sult. Joe Wood, on the whole, outpitched his and Crandall in the ninth inning with two and disposed of the side in order, Lewis being not particularly brilliant, but it presented bulky opponent and went through a number of thrown out at first by Fletcher, and Gardner many thrills and an ideal climax in the last crises with colors flying, while Tesreau, after down and two on, when a hit would have and Stahl striking out. In the ninth inning inning, when with men on second and third, outshining Wood, crumpled up in the seventh snatched victory out of the jaws of defeat for Wagner led off with a double and was sac two out and two runs needed to win the game, inning and suffered the humiliation of being New York. Tesreau was far more effective rificed to third base, but there lie died, as the hard-hitting Crandall, instead of delivering knocked off the slab in his first World©s Series than Wood for five innings, but in the sixth a Wood was retired at first base by Crandall the hit that would have won the game for the game. Both pitchers were perceptibly nerv scratch triple by Speaker started the trouble and Hooper ended the inning with a fly to Giants, struck out and gave the Boston root ous at the start, but Wood recovered quickest for Tesreau that led to a knock-out in the Doyle. ers with their band the chance and pitched desperately in face of an early seventh inning. The Giants outbatted the Red THE GIANTS© STRUGGLE. FOR A FRENZIED JUBILATION. handicap of two runs and not a hit behind , Devore opened the first time at bat of the him for five innings. Under the conditions Sox, but of their eight hits only five figured As was expected Manager Stahl, of Boston, in the run-getting, while the Bostons made five Giants by striking out, and Doyle was tossed his work in pinches was really remarkable and out at first base by Wagner. Snodgrass then staked his hopes of a good start in the series he deserves of their six hits.count for enough runs to win upon Joe Wood, but Manager McGraw fur out. Each team battled gamely, particularly singled .to centre and Murray walked, but nished a surprise by presenting for the tirst ALL POSSIBLE CREDIT the Red Sox, who had the heavy handicap of Merkle killed feverish hopes by giving Wag- time in three World©s Series a yearling pitch- for his World©s Series debut. He opened, aad an early two-run lead to overcome in the Ust {Continued on the third page.) SPORTING LIFE OCTOBER 19,1912 in the seventh inning when he bravely walked home while White was winding up to pitch.
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