NEWS BULLETIN of the AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS' ASSOCIATION VOLUME 14 DECEMBER 1977 NUMBER 10 OFFICERS INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT NO. CALIFORNIA Bob Rosencrans Pres.: Howard Koff 36 Hampden Rd. Vice Pres.: Phil McCoy Upper Darby, PA 19082 Sec.: Dick Reutlinger Treas.: Bill Wherry VICE PRESIDENT Reporter: Stuart Hunter Richard Drewniak 191 Capen Blvd. SO. CALIFORNIA Amherst, NY 14226 Pres.: Prentiss Knowlton Vice Pres.: Elliott N. Lacy SECRETARY Sec.: Evelyn Meeder Isadora Koff Treas.: Lewis Troffer 2141 Deodara Dr. Reporter: Bill Toeppe AMICA MEMBERSHIP RATES: Los Altos, CA 94022 TEXAS Continuing Members: $15 Dues BULLETIN Pres.: Tony Palmer Tom Beckett Vice Pres.: James Guinn New Members, add $5 processing fee 6817 Cliffbrook Sec/Treas.: Haden Vandiver Lapsed Members, add$3 processing fee Dallas, TX 75240 Reporter: Dick Barnes MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY MIDWEST (New memberships and Pres.: Milton Cooperman mailing problems) Vice Pres.: Jim Prendergast Anita Nickels Johnson Sec.: Jim Weisenborne P. O. Box 666 Treas.: ,Alvin Wulfekuhl THE AMICA NEWS BULLETIN Grand June tion, CO 81501 Reporter: Molly Yeckley TREASURER Jack & Mary Riffle PHILADELPHIA AREA Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' 5050 Eastside Calpella Rd. Pres: Donald Wood Association. a non-profit club devoted to the restoration. distribu· Ukiah, CA 95482 Vice Pres.: Larry Cornell tion and enjoyment of musical instruments using perforated paper Sec.: Barbara Macartney music rolls. BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Treas.: Doris Berry N. Cal: Frank Loob Reporter: Dick Merrill Contributions; All subjects of interest to readers of the bulletin S. Cal: Dick Rigg are encouraged and invited by the publisher. All articles must be Texas: Steve Chapman SOWNY (So. Ontario. West NY) received by the 10th of the preceding month. Every attempt will be Phil.: Larry Cornell Pres.: Stan Aldridge made to publish all articles of general interest to AMICA members Midwest: Bill Eicher Vice Pres.: Chuck Hannen 41 at the earliest possible time and at the discretion of the pUblisher. SOWNY: Dave Gaudieri Sec.: Janet Drewniak ,. ADVERTISING Rky. Mt.: Toni Hart Treas.: Tom Zorn Line ad rate: 8C1 per word. $1.20 minimum. New Jer.: Dan Schacher Reporter: Jim Brewer Page rate: $12.50 per quarter page or multiple thereof. COMMITTEES ROCKY MOUNTAIN Ad copy will be typeset (at additional cost) only if requested. Technical Pres.: Robert Moore Each photograph or half-tone. $5.00 Mel Luchetti Sec.: Sharon Paetzold Camera-ready copy that is oversized or undersized will be 3449 Mauricia Ave. Treas.: Carl Paetzold changed to correct size at your cost. Santa Clara, CA 95051 Reporter: James Bratton Camera-ready copy must reach the publisher by the 10th of the preceeding month. Honorary Members NEW JERSEY Pres.: Peter W. Brown Cash must accompany order. Typesetting or si ze alteration Alf. E. Werolin Vice Pres.: Francis J. Mayer charges will be billed separately. Make checks payable to 2230 Oa~dale Rd. Sec.: Jeffrey Morgan AMICA INTERNATIONAL. Hillsborough, CA 94010 Treas.: Glenn W. Grabinsky All ads will appear on the last pages of the BULLETIN. at the Reporter: Betty Schacher discretion of the publisher. IOWA Publication of business advertising in no way implies AMICA's Pres.: Richard W. Parker endorsement of any commercial operation. However. AMICA re­ Vice Pres.: Dale Snyder serves the right to refuse any ad that is not in keeping with AMICA's Sec./Treas.: AI Johnson general standards or if complaints are received indicating that said business does not serve the best interests of the members of AMICA. according to its goals.and by·laws. AMICA Stationery. $3.20 (letter size). $1.75 AMICA ITEMS AMICA TECHNICALITIES BOOKS: Volume I (note size). including mailing charges. Fine (1969·1971). $5.50 postpaid; Volume II (1972· FOR SALE· 1974). $7,50 postpaid; or order both sets for quality stationery with ornate AMICA borders. AMICA BULLETINS. BOUND ISSUES: 1969. Each packet contains 25 letters and matching $12.50 postpaid. Reprints of interesting techni· $9; 1971. $15; 1972. $15; 1973. $15; 1974 calities articles which have appeared in the envelopes. Send orders to Robert Lemon. 4560 unbound sets. $15; 1974 bound sets. $18; AM ICA Bulletin. arranged and indexed into Green Tree Drive. Sacramento. CA 94823. 1975 bound. $18; 1976 bound. $18. PRICES appropriate categories. spiral bound to lie flat. INCLUDE POSTAGE AND HANDLING. Spiral Send orders to Howard Koff. 2141 Deodara "They All Laughed When I Sat Down At The bound to lie flat. Send to Mary Lilien. 4260 Drive. Los Altos. CA 94022. Piano, But When IT Began To Play ..." Olympiad Drive. Los Angeles. CA 90043. This sound and color super-8 movie. produced ROLL LEADERS: DUO·ART. Authentic. For by AM ICA members, is again available for loan order sheet. see the April. 1973 Bulletin. Nick to AMICA members and chapters. For more Jarrett. 3622 . 21 st Street. San Francisco, CA information write fa Howard Koff. 2141 94114. Deodara Drive. Los Altos. CA 94022. ~ A CHRISTMAS FANTASIE Once more the AMPICO wishes its friends and patrons a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This re­ cording is a direct expression of the spirit of the holiday season, and it can be used most effec­ tively by following the directions and text throughout. The words may all be spoken, but where indicated they can also be sung to the music of the recording. Toward the close an actual march or dance may be performed. Strains from Victor Herbert's "Toyland" usher us into that magic country, and the lullaby from God­ ard's "Jocelyn" puts the children to sleep in anticipation of Christmas Horning. "Holy Night" adds its familiar strains to the mood of peaceful calm. Santa Claus approaches to the jingling bells, and in dreams we hear the dancing doll and see the toys as though they were alive. The distant chiming of "Adeste Fideles" proclaims that it is Christmas Day, and as we all gather round the tree in the morning, the children join with the toys in a march of celebration. "London Bridge" and "Farmer in the Dell" supply the music for merry games, and fi­ nally as night approaches again, we say good-bye to Toyland to the soft strains of "Now the Day Is Over." Toyland - Ampico #5976 Contributed by Conant, Arranged and played by Adam Carroll Kavouras, and Willyard • I II J" 1.1" IIlw , I cl I ",' I I 'I I ........... COVER STORY In 1913 a special gift was prepared by a neighbor of a two year-old girl of a pioneer Dallas family. It was a large scrapbook of cut-outs from period magazines pasted up on hand lettered pages, bound with a cloth cover hand monogrammed and trimmed by Anne Harley for Hazael Williams. Of significant ',>,.' bearing on our cover story are the following items - Hazael carefully saved : .' the book (our Christmas scene cover is one of the cut-outs), and after Miss i Williams graduated from college, she married a young man by the name of i Thomas G. ~eckett, Jr. Merry Ohristmas and Happy New Year to all! Tom and Carole Beckett (III) - 234 - Jnfernafional Jlc1KJ8Jl FROM THE PUBLISHER HONORARY ~IEMBER INDALLAS This issue of THE AMICA closes out our publication Ruth Bingaman Smith, an Honorary Member of AMICA schedule for 1977. The first issue (out of a total International, spent the week of October 8th in set of ten issues) for 1978 will be the combined Dallas, Texas. The Treemont presented her in a January/February issue to be scheduled for delivery piano recital as a feature of their entertainment to you in early FebruayY. Advertisers please note program in the assembly hall on Tuesday, October there will be no iss~ in January and next deadline 11th where she played for some 300 residents of that is January 10. T~second issue to be skipped in establishment. This is the second concert she has 1978 will probably be the August issue. A convention given there and the Treemont has engaged her for special August/September issue will result. another appearance in the Spring of 1978. 1977 INDEX: At the back of this issue we have pre­ While in Dallas, she attended a meeting of the Texas pared a special treat. Instead of having to wait Chapter of AMICA at the home of Janet and Richard every three years for a comprehensive Bulletin index, Tonnesen in Richardson, Texas. we have compiled one for the 1977 year only and included it with the last issue of the year. This On Wednesday she was the guests of the Musical Arts took a bit more time which was added to the December at their musicale and luncheon while Charlie Johnson production schedule but we trust it will be worth the and Doyle Cassel honored her with a dinner party in extra delay. their home that night. On Ruth~s return to San Antonio she was accompanied by Mrs. Dunbar LaTaste Happy Holidays to all. TB of Dallas who will spend several weeks with her. 1978 RENEWAL DUES AUNIQUE LISTING By the time you receive this Bulletin you should Honorary Membership Chairman, Alf Werolin, has sent in have received in the mail, by first class postage, a clipping from the October 9, 1977 "California your renewal dues notice for 1978. Please renew living Magazine" (Sunday supplement to the San Fran­ promptlyl We are doing things a little differently cisco Chronicle) in which AMICA was listed amon-g--­ this year. Our new Directory will become available several other "pretty strange" and "weird" groups. in June of 1978 and in order to prepare for this we In particular, we are catagorized as an "Off-the- are asking you to fill in the special information wall Organization." renewal card.
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