Final Report 1: Baseline Characterisation of Groundwater, Surface Water and Aquatic Ecosystems 5 Identification of Potential Water-based Receptors Potential receptors of UGEE-related contamination are surface water and groundwater bodies, water supplies (abstractions) that source water from surface and groundwater resources, registered protected areas, and groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems (GWDTEs). This section describes potential water-based receptors that are present in each of the case study areas, which depend on the surface and groundwater resources described in Sections 2 and 3. Surface and groundwater resources are inherently linked. Groundwater provides baseflow and supporting conditions for streams, lakes and GWDTEs which is especially important during prolonged dry weather conditions. Daly and Craig (2009) estimated that more than 30% of the annual average stream flow in Ireland can be derived from groundwater. In low-flow periods, this contribution can be significantly greater, exceeding 90% in certain aquifer types. With regard to groundwater resources as receptors, there is no fixed depth which can be assigned to define when groundwater ceases to be a usable water resource. This issue is relevant in a UGEE context because of the risks of impact from hydraulic fracturing on groundwater quality. The UK Technical Advisory Group (UKTAG) on the Water Framework Directive (WFD) defined 400 m below ground level as a depth below which it may become increasingly difficult to obtain: a) adequate quantities of groundwater for supply purposes; and b) water that is of a quality that can be used for potable supply purposes. The 400 m depth limit was specified in context of WFD groundwater body delination purposes (to the EC), and should not be interpreted or regarded as a fixed limit for usable groundwater resources in either of the case study areas. There are indications from past gas exploration wells drilled in the NCB that formation waters of variable salinity are present in bedrock formations at depth (see Section 2.11). This indicates that groundwater quality deteriorates with depth and that beyond a certain depth, the resource value of groundwater, e.g. as a usable source of water supply, is lost. Depths, configurations and circumstances of such water quality deterioration remain poorly understood, but would be expected to vary in three dimensions as a function of geological structures, stratigraphy and heterogeneity, degree of bedrock fracturing, and possible hydrogeological connections with shallow water resources. 5.1 Water Supply Abstractions Both surface and groundwater resources are used for water supply purposes. As part of the UGEE JRP, relevant public bodies and private entities involved in public and private regulated supplies were contacted for information on existing sources of abstraction in both case study areas. As well, ground-truthing surveys were carried out to: Verify the information obtained; Improve the overall understanding of water users and related abstractions pressures; and Assist in the determination and specification of which water supplies would be suitable for potential baseline monitoring purposes. Details of the ground-truthing survey are presented in Appendix G and findings are summarised below. The survey followed a three-tiered approach. Priority was given to inspect and document the suitability of public water supplies and group water schemes for sampling purposes. Second priority was assigned to industrial or commercially active supplies which are monitored as ‘regulated supplies’ by local authorities. Third priority was afforded to “other” private wells that supply farms, other facilities (which do not require monitoring or reporting by public bodies) and single houses. 138 Final Report 1: Baseline Characterisation of Groundwater, Surface Water and Aquatic Ecosystems Time constraints did not allow for all wells to be identified, but a substantially updated database of abstractions and understanding of groundwater use resulted from the survey work in both study areas. 5.1.1 Water supplies (abstractions) from groundwater Verified groundwater abstractions from wells and springs are shown in Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2 for the NCB and in Figure 5.3 for the CB. In the NCB, groundwater is sourced for public supply, private regulated supply (e.g. group water schemes) and ‘other’ private supply (e.g. single homes, farms, industrial and commercial facilities). Public supply wells pump water from several of the rock formations of the Tyrone Group, whereas spring-sourced supplies are mostly linked with formations of the Leitrim Group. General information on wells and springs in the NCB are summarised in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2. Only public and private regulated supplies are included in the tables, but other private supplies that were identified from the ground-truthing survey are also shown on the maps (green symbols). In the CB, there are no groundwater-based public or group water schemes within the UGEE licence boundary. The Lissacasey GWS is located immediately to the east of the licence boundary and elsewhere in the study area groundwater is an important source of water for industry/commerce, farms and single houses. An overall summary of verified groundwater abstractions in the two study areas is presented in Table 5.3 and Figure 5.4. Regarding private wells serving single homes and farms, not all homes or farms could be visited during the ground-truthing survey, and thus not all potential abstractions could be verified. For this reason, the total number of abstractions in the lower abstraction categories (<50 m3/d) is to be under-represented in Figure 5.4. Additionally, the data from the CB is believed to under-represent private regulated supplies as there were a small number of commercial enterprises which could not be verified following the initial inquiries that were made. The largest groundwater abstraction in either of the two study areas is the Rockingham PWS which abstracts 2760 m3/d on average. It is located marginally outside the UGEE licence area, but abstracts water from a limestone aquifer that is linked to the UGEE licence area in the NCB. 139 Final Report 1: Baseline Characterisation of Groundwater, Surface Water and Aquatic Ecosystems Figure 5.1. Groundwater abstractions from wells – NCB study area. 140 Final Report 1: Baseline Characterisation of Groundwater, Surface Water and Aquatic Ecosystems Figure 5.2. Groundwater abstractions from springs – NCB study area. 141 Final Report 1: Baseline Characterisation of Groundwater, Surface Water and Aquatic Ecosystems Figure 5.3. Groundwater abstractions – CB study area. 142 Final Report 1: Baseline Characterisation of Groundwater, Surface Water and Aquatic Ecosystems Table 5.1. Groundwater abstractions from wells – NCB study area Est. Supply Population Geological Aquifer Supply name Easting Northing County Supply code Status abstraction type served formation type (m3/d) Bawnboy P.W.S. 220809 318039 Cavan P.W.S. 0200PUB1007 Verified 360 50 houses Dartry Lst Rkc Bricklieve Ballyfarnon P.W.S. 187068 312722 Roscommon P.W.S. 2600PUB1009 Verified 120 200 Rkc Lst Rockingham Springs 2600PUB1011/2600 Oakport 184939 302850 Roscommon P.W.S. Verified 2760 – Rkc P.W.S. (Boyle P.W.S.) PUB1023 Lst Gowlaun Arigna P.W.S. 192609 314178 Roscommon P.W.S. 2600PUB1005 Verified a130–150 – Pu Shale Bricklieve Keadew P.W.S. 190551 311856 Roscommon P.W.S. 2600PUB1009 Verified a120 – Rkc Lst Bundoran North Sligo P.W.S. 168008 347932 Sligo P.W.S. 2700PUB2705 Verified 432 2000 Ll Shale Ballyconnell P.W.S. 229878 318801 Cavan P.W.S. 0200PUB0105 Verified 734 1220 Dartry Lst Rkc Ballymore Boyle/Ardcane P.W.S. 189103 300887 Roscommon P.W.S. 2600PUB1011 Verified 912 – Rkc Lst Ballyshann Pettigo P.W.S. 210536 368359 Donegal P.W.S. 0600PUB1104 Verified 150 – PI on Lst ENCIRC Glass Factory 226999 323267 Fermanagh cPR AIL\2007\0001 Verified 400 Factory Dartry Lst 2A Slieve Russell Hotel 229129 316590 Cavan PR 0200PRI0400 Verified 220 Hotel Dartry Lst Rkc Bricklieve Sliabh An Iarainn G.W.S. 206537 313987 Leitrim G.W.S. – Verified 480 – Rkc Lst Lattone GS 2 (G.W.S.) 194558 347211 Leitrim G.W.S. – Verified 0.4 Dartry Lst Rkc Quinn Cement 227683 319966 Cavan PR – Verified – Dartry Lst Rkc Quinn Rooftiles 227515 322992 Fermanagh PR AIL\2008\0107 Verified 2–11 Factory Dartry Lst 2A Derrylin Cement Plant 228012 321739 Fermanagh PR AIL/2007/0129 Verified 183 Dartry Lst 2A 500 Kildallon G.W.S. 223220 311109 Cavan G.W.S. – Verified 400 Dartry Lst Rkc houses Knockmore Acheson & Glover 210846 338952 Fermanagh PR AIL\2010\0003 Verified Infrequent Quarry 2C Lst 143 Final Report 1: Baseline Characterisation of Groundwater, Surface Water and Aquatic Ecosystems Est. Supply Population Geological Aquifer Supply name Easting Northing County Supply code Status abstraction type served formation type (m3/d) Mudbank Swanlinbar Quarry 219703 324772 Cavan PR – Verified – Quarry Ll Lst Doon Quarry 223597 327374 Fermanagh PR AIL/2008/0104 Verified 17 Quarry Dartry Lst 2A Quinn Concrete Ltd 227751 322635 Fermanagh PR AIL\2008\0106 Verified 11–50 – Dartry Lst 2A Quinn Lite 227998 322644 Fermanagh PR AIL\2008\0105 Verified 51–100 – Dartry Lst 2A Bundoran Clover Farms Ltd 214700 352300 Fermanagh PR AIL\2008\0015 bUnverified 11–50 – 2C Shale Greagrahan G.W.S. 229570 315580 Cavan G.W.S. – bUnverified – – Dartry Lst Rkc Ballyshann R.J. Mittens & Sons 219968 346997 Fermanagh PR AIL\2008\0037 bUnverified 450 – 2A on Lst Borehole (private) 221319 310535 Leitrim PR 1700PRI1062 bUnverified 12 – Dartry Lst Rkc Graham (private) 222052 363023 Fermanagh PR AIL\2008\0135 bUnverified 21 – – 2A James Balfour and Sons Shanmulla 219320 356660 Fermanagh PR AIL\2008\0095 bUnverified 1152 – 2C Ltd. gh Milltown G.W.S. 234990 313000 Cavan G.W.S. 0200PRI2030 Verified 300 Ballysteen Rf Eonish G.W.S. 233400 308100 Cavan G.W.S. – bUnverified – – Ballysteen Ll Finnalaght Borehole (private) 222822 304662 Leitrim PR 1700PUB6000 bUnverified 111 – PI a Drumgesh Corrawallen G.W.S.
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