20th Century Architecture, Project Material for the 21st Century Sustainable City Multi-year research program 2016-2020 In partnership with the Ministry for Ecological and Solidary Transition, the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities, in cooperation with the Plan Urbanisme Construction Architecture (PUCA), the National Agency for Urban Renewal, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations and the Union Sociale pour l’Habitat Call for Research Proposals, Report 2016, 2017 and 2018 Sessions Call for Research Proposals, Report 2016, 2017 and 2018 Sessions STEERING COMMITTEE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Chair of the Committee EXTERNAL EXPERTS EXPERTS APPOINTED BY Agnès Vince, Director of Architecture, INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS Summary Deputy to the General Director for Heritage, Benoît Carrié, Architect Ministry of Culture (2014-2019) Anne-Marie Châtelet, Historian, Nicolas Clément, Responsible for the Section Full Professor at ENSA Strasbourg on Operational Support and Capitalization MINISTRY OF CULTURE Vincen Cornu, Architect, Associate Professor (PACO), Division of Stakeholder Strategy • Department of Architecture at ENSA Paris-La Villette (since June 2019) and Support at the ANRU (until April 2019) 7 Foreword Frédéric Gaston, Deputy Director of Higher Michel Goutal, Chief Architect of Historical Sylvie Denante, Certification Agnès Vince, Director of Architecture, Education and Research in Architecture Monuments (until December 2018) Correspondent 20th Century Heritage/ Deputy to the General Director for Heritage, Corinne Langlois, Deputy Director Franz Graf, Architect, Full Professor Remarkable Contemporary Architecture Ministry of Culture (2014-2019) of Architecture, Construction at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ACR) Certification - at the DRAC Quality and Living Conditions in Lausanne (EPFL), Full Professor at the USI PACA (Ministry of Culture) • Department of Heritage -Università della Svizzera Italiana (Ticino), Odile Dubois Joye, Responsible for the Section Emmanuel Etienne, Deputy Director of Lab Director at Techniques on Operational Support and Capitalization 9 Introduction Historical Monuments and Protected Areas for Safeguarding Modern Architecture (PACO), Division of Stakeholder Strategy Frédéric Gaston, Deputy Director of Higher Education • General Secretariat Loïc Josse and Patricia Martineau, and Support at the ANRU (since May 2019) Olivier Lerude, Deputy Senior Official Architects (since June 2019) Isabelle Duhau, Mission of the General and Research in Architecture, General Directorate for Heritage, for Sustainable Development Laurent Lehmann, Architect and Inventory of Heritage (Ministry of Department of Architecture, Ministry of Culture Engineer (until December 2018) Culture/ General Directorate for MINISTRY FOR ECOLOGICAL AND Florence Lipsky, Architect, Associate Heritage, Department of Heritage) SOLIDARY TRANSITION Professor at ENSA Paris-Est, Member Julia Gartner-Négrin, Deputy Chief • General Commission for Sustainable of OCS/UMR AUSSER Research of the Office of Spatial Protection and 13 Research Program Overview Development (CGDD) Team (since June 2019) Management (Ministry of Culture/ Nathalie Cecutti, Expert for the Head Jean-Pierre Péneau, Architect, Honorary General Directorate for Heritage, Department of the Research Department, Division Full Professor at ENSA, Visiting Professor of Heritage, Subdivision of Historical for Research and Innovation at ENAU (Carthage University, Tunisia) Monuments and Protected Spaces) 15 Call for Research Projects th David Peyceré, Responsible for the 20th François Goven, Heritage Inspector 15 Context and Challenges: 20 century architecture, MINISTRY OF TERRITORIAL Century Architectural Archives Center at (Ministry of Culture/ General Directorate a tool for building the sustainable city COHESION AND RELATIONS the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine for Heritage, Department of Heritage) 17 Objectives WITH LOCAL AUTHORITIES Antoine Picon, Architect, Engineer and Philippe Grandvoinnet, Director • General Commission for Historian; Senior Scientist at École nationale of Studies, ENSA Grenoble 17 Details of the Expected Research Projects Territorial Equality (CGET) des Ponts et Chaussées (LATTS lab) and Sophie Masse, Deputy Chief of the Office 19 Structure of Research Projects Michelle Brosseau, Project Manager for Full Professor at Harvard University of Architectural and Landscape Quality — Team Composition Urban Renewal, Transportation and Mobility, (United States) (until December 2018) (Ministry of Culture/ General Directorate — Development of the Scientific Project Division of Cities and Urban Cohesion Bruno Reichlin, Architect, Honorary for Heritage, Department of Architecture, Full Professor at the Académie Subdivision of Architecture Construction — Methodological Expectations MINISTRY FOR ECOLOGICAL d’architecture de Mendrisio Quality and Living Conditions) AND SOLIDARY TRANSITION/ (Switzerland) (until December 2018) Virginie Thomas, Director of the REHA MINISTRY OF TERRITORIAL Christiane Schmückle-Mollard, Architect, Program (Ministry for Ecological and 20 COHESION AND RELATIONS Urban Planner, Honorary Chief Architect of Solidary Transition, Ministry of Summary Table of Submitted Proposals st WITH LOCAL AUTHORITIES Historical Monuments (since June 2019) Territorial Cohesion and Relations with 20 1 session - 2016 • PUCA (Plan Urbanisme Construction Guido Stegen, Architect Local Authorities / Plan Urbanisme 21 2nd session - 2017 Architecture) - REHA program (Belgium) (since June 2019) Construction Architecture) 22 3rd session - 2018 Virginie Thomas, Director of Corinne Tiry-Ono, Chief of the Office Experimental Programs of Architectural, Urban and Landscape Research (Ministry of Culture/ General UNION SOCIALE POUR L’HABITAT Directorate for Heritage, Department 23 Summaries of Selected Proposals Cécile Semery, Responsible for of Architecture, Subdivision of Higher 24 1st session - 2016 the Department of Architecture Education and Research in Architecture) nd and Development Valérie Wathier, Deputy Chief of the Office 34 2 session - 2017 rd of Architectural, Urban and Landscape 40 3 session – 2018 CAISSE DES DÉPÔTS ET Research (Ministry of Culture/ General CONSIGNATIONS Directorate for Heritage, Department Nicolas Toraille, Architecture and of Architecture, Subdivision of Higher Landscape Program Manager, Sponsorship Education and Research in Architecture) 50 Appendices and Partnership Department 50 Proposal Application Format 50 Terms of the Consultation ANRU - National Urban Renewal Agency — Resources Nicolas Clément (until April 2019) PREPARATION, DESIGN AND DRAFTING OF THE CALLS FOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Odile Dubois Joye (since May 2019) The Office of Architectural, Urban and Landscape Research (BRAUP), — Criteria for Selection Responsible for the Section on Operational in collaboration with institutional partners of the program 51 Calendar Support and Capitalization, Division of Stakeholder Strategy and Support EDITORIAL COORDINATION Isabelle Bertrand, BRAUP DIFFUSION Ministry of Culture General Directorate for Heritage Subdivision of Higher Education and Research in Architecture Office of Architectural, Urban and Landscape Research 182 rue Saint-Honoré, 75033, Paris cedex 01, France CONTACT Phone: +33 (0)1 40 15 79 59 [email protected] 4 20th Century Architecture, Project Material for the 21st Century Sustainable City Multi-year research program 2016-2020 5 Foreword Agnès Vince In order to highlight innovative pedagogical and scienti- Director of Architecture fic practices, symposiums within ENSA establishments Deputy to the General Director for Heritage, will take place in 2020 surrounding the topic of trans- Ministry of Culture (2014-2019) formation conditions for twentieth century architec- ture. One of the main actors will be the educational and Our cities are primarily comprised of spaces built du- research network backed by the Ministry of Culture, ring the twentieth century, the heritage importance of “Architecture, Heritage and Creation”, which has been which is still to be acknowledged. We owe it to past and gathering referent faculty members within different future generations to consider the values of this heri- schools since January 1st, 2018. tage in view of its envisaged transformation, particularly in terms of energy and ecological transition as well as The research program, “20th Century Architecture, changes in usage and lifestyle. The recognition of these Project Material for the 21st Century Sustainable City”, values, whether cultural, social or technical, is far from is part of the incentive-based research policy that has being achieved. Nevertheless, it is in light of these values been led by the Ministry of Culture since 2002. These and the adaptability of inherited architecture that expec- multi-year programs give way to calls for research pro- tations of residents must be met in order to generate a posals intended for ENSA establishments and their res- better quality of life. pective research labs, aiming for renewed questions with regard to current challenges and necessary methodolo- As part of its policy on architecture, the Ministry of gical and practical evolutions, whether scientific, educa- Culture has been supporting and carrying out nume- tional or professional. rous initiatives to promote the awareness, knowledge, valorization and qualitative transformation of these The research project currently underway has a reso- twentieth century buildings, encouraging architects to lutely operational
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