7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXI, NO. 53. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1949 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 12 KinUn Named Head Local Officials Confer on Bulkhead-Basin Plans Parsons Blasts Of Democratic Club Hoodlums Wreck James Kinlan of Highlands was Red Bank To Ask Reds in Talk elected president of the North Former School Shore Democratic club last Thurs- day night when the organization Before Legion met at Charles manor, Sea Bright. At Fair Haven He succeeded John Petillo of Red Aid Of Planner County Member* Elect Bank. Board's Effort to Other officers elected were: Sam- Rodriguez at Fint uel Fisher, Jr., Shrewsbury town- Sell It 6 Month* Ago ship, vice president; Raymond Bulkhead Repairs to Be Weighed Annual Convention O'Neill, Middletown township, For $13,000 Blocked A blistering attack on Commun- treasurer; Otto VanHowe, River Heavy daamge to the former In Respect to Entire River Park Plua, secretary, and Charles Wil- Fisk st. school by hoodlum* was lim and a plea to check foreign son, Shrewsbury township, ser- influence! at horn* wu voiced on reported at Monday night's meet- The Red Bank parks, waterway geant-at-arms. Mr. O'Neill and Mr. ing of the Fair Haven mayor and Baturday night by Theodore D. VanHowe were re-elected. improvements and recreation com- Parson* of Red Bank, attorney council by Arthur H. Rieman. The mittee met with the borough park general of New Jeriey, speaking The club adapted it* by-lawc and co-operation of the public wu Red Bank Leading commission Monday night and de- before 100 persons who attended discussed preliminary activities in asked by Mr. Rieman, who I* chair- cided to solicit the aid of a park the dinner of the Monmouth coun- connection with the autumn elec- man of the police committee, <n planner. Meeting at the Chestnut ty American Legion at the Villa tion. obtaining clues which would lead All Monmouth st. office of En.slcy M. White, su- Roma, Highlands, to the identity of the perpetrators. perintendent of public works, the The'dinner marked the conclus- Councilman Russell H. Minton. County Markets two groups decided to have anoth- ion of the flr*t annual county Le- Twp. Officials , who also is president of the beard er meeting soon with Thoims gion convention. Earlier in the day of education, said the building was Sales Management Sur- Procter of Long Branch, bulkhead Bladio A. Rodriguez of Highlands. virtually wrecked. Mayor Edgar builder. wu elected county commander, To Meet Here V. Denise termed the actions of tho vey Shows Far Better Councilman Thomaa F. Oakley, •ucceeding Job Ireland of Free- hoodlums a "disgrace." who in chairman of both commit- hold. State Aisocialion Mr. Minton recalled that six Than Nation Average tees, conducted Monday night'3 Mr, Parson* reviewed the duties month* ago the board of education meeting. Topographical maps and Selects Red Bank had an opportunity to sell the New York, Juno 27—(Special to aerial photographs of the borough's oj American Legion members. building for $13,000. If that trans- First, he aaid, the Legion take* The annual summer meeting of The Register)—Red Bank con- property along side the Monmouth action had gone through, he said, tinues to dtand out ns .1 prosper- Boat club fron the Shrewsbury care of 1U members and their de- the New Jersey Association of the borough would have had that pendents; secondly, it sees to it Township Commltteemen will be ous market, with earnings nnd pur- river to the extension of Union it. much more .In the treasury, the chasing power much greater, in were studied. that American military might re- held Monday, July 11, at the Molly property would be back on the tax main* strong. Pitcher hotel here. 'This has been proportion to its size, than most The size of the proposed basin list and the- building would have cities across the country, accord- at the former Diekman slip wa* "We of World war I fell down announced by Amoa F. Dixon of been kept In good shape. on thia point," he said. "We got Stillwatcr, president of the associ- ing to the new survey of buying estimated at 125 feet wide and 12S fat, the money came rolling in ation. I Irving Rubin made the $13,000 power Issued by Sales Manage- feet in length. It waa announced and we let the armed force* be- offer for the property. He had ment. The copyrighted study cov- that it would be impossible' to come IK. I am a firm believer in planned to use the building for the ers every county In the United widen tlio basin, but that th* the atom bomb. Let'* have ao manufacture of electrical and ra- States and all cities above 10,000 length might be regulated. many in «torage that Russia will dio parts. Residents of the neigh- n population, Mr. Procter will be asked to sub» alway* be afraid of us." borhood objected strenuously to The ability of the average Red mil estimated costs of four alter* conversion of the property for bus- At Saturday's conference at the riverfront were (left to right) Councilman J. Albert VanSchnlk, natc projects. No. 1 project Is a In discussing Communism at Bank family to buy luxuries as iness use, and last Jan, 18 the zon- Freeholder Joseph C. Irwln, Mayor Charles R. English, Thomas Procter of Long Branch, bulkhead well as necessities Is indicated by bulkhead and basin, 125 feet wide home, the attorney general said ing board of adjustment at a pub- builder, and Councllmen Thomas Oakley and George A. Gray. and 125 feet long, dredged to three , that he had In his possession at its effective buying income—Its lic hearing rejected the application earnings after deduction of Fcd- feet at low water. Trenton several document* which for a variance in the zoning law. No. 2 project U a curbed bulk- described the influence of Red* in Card Party Tomorrow Middletown Lions ral Income taxes. With the total head, back just as far as necea* this country. * The new lighting plan for River of such Income, for the 4,700 fam- sary to find solid bottom across the rd. wa* accepted on recommenda- mooo-$6o,ooo He spoke of the trial of the top For Youth Center Fund Elect Harold Otten ilies In Red Bank, amounting to former Diekman slip. Communists In New York and tion of Councilman Tony Hunting. 140,205,000 for 1948, the average in- No. 3 project Is a straight bulk- New type lamps will be located A card party for the benefit of Harold Otten of Belford was re- come per family was $8,573. This called it a mockery of Justice. the building fund of the Leonardo Income Forecast cently elected president of the Mid- head of sheet steel or whatever "Judge Medina is a patient and over the center of the road, replac- figure, an improvement over the material necessary to hold in ap- ing the present pole bracket lights. Youth Center committee will be dletown township Lions club, suc- $4,032 of the previous year, I* well fine Judge. It turn* my rtomach held tomorrow night at Brevent ceeding Fred Freibott, proximately the same location M to see member* of the American Several new lights will be added at ahead of the national family earn- the present bulkhead which a small additional cost ovtr the Park and Leonardo fire house. Pro-, For Shore Beach Others elected were James ings ot $4,531. It was also better Bar association attack the meth- ceed* will be used to erect a new •reeley, Port Monmouth, first vice slipped. od* of the judge and American than the average Income of fam No. 4 project is for a basin aa Work on converting part of the . recreation hall for young peoplle Sea Bright Took in president; William Werner, Bel- illes in the Middle Atlantic states justice as a whole," Mr. Parson* ford, second vice president; i£d- long us possible, leaving 80 feet •aid. former McCarter tract, opposite living in the Leonardo area. —$5,331. New Jersey families had $3,156 Last Week-end; ward Corbet, Leonardo, third vice an average Income of $5,164. for a roadway on the south, and no "Let the American Legion Instill the Willow st. school, Into a war Mrs. GeorgGg e Black Is ggeneral president; James Davldheiser, moro than two feet for a retaining a ipirlt of America in it* mem- memorial park will be started with- chairman, as»l*ted by Mrs. Robert Thousands Cooled Off Leonardo, secretary; Fred William- On a per capita basis the aver- wall on south side of roadway, ber* and in fellow countrymen. in the coming week, Mr. Hunting Colleran and Mrs. Clifford Gordon, son, Leonardo, treasurer; William dredging the basin to three feet at reported. The fence will be taken who are in charge of refreshments, Following last week-end'* great age "spendable" Income In Red We will not be *ucker*." activity, Sea Bright officials esti- Ast, Leonardo, tail twister; James Bank in 1948 was $2,442, better low water. Former Representatlva William down and the Job of clearing off and Mrs. James Lundrigan, prize*. Grodeska, Leonardo, tall twister; Mr. Procter at a meeting with the four acres will get under way. One of the special award* will be mated the municipal beach would than that of most people In the H. Sutphln of Matawan urged add a net income of from 140,000 Robert Goodman, New Monmouth, United States, who averaged $1,239.
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