Tony Pastor to Play for Mil Arts Ball Cadet Colonel to be Crowned by Gov. Adams at 25th Annual Ball By Leighton Gilman Tony Pastor and his orchestra, one of the biggest name bands in the country, will play for the 25th annual Military Arts Ball, to be held Dec. 7 at New Hampshire, it was announced today by Bob Whittemore, chairman of the ball. The Pastor band, which appeared here once before, about 10 years ago, is the best-known band that has appeared here for a NEW HAMPSHIRE Mil Arts Ball in recent years. The band, comprising 14 pieces and a vocalist, will be playing for the first big formal dance of the VOL. No. 41 Issue 9 Z413 Durham, N. H. November 15, 1951 PRICE — 7 CENTS sem ester. The usual coronation of the Cadet Colonel will also take place, with Gov. “ Universal Military Sherman Adams presiding, assisted by President Robert F. Chandler, Jr. and U.S. Domestic and Foreign Policy Col. Wilmer S. Phillips, head of the Training” Subject of U N H R O T C unit This week men’s housing units have Notch Hall Debate nominated candidates for the honorary post, and next Monday afternoon at Theta To be Discussed at Symposium A debate on the current issue of uni­ Chi the nominees will attend a tea at versal military training will take place which time six finalists will be selected. By Barbara Bruce at the Notch on Nov. 29. The debate is Nancy Graham, last year’s Cadet Colonel, being sponsored by the Cultural Recre­ A symposium entitled “Economic Reg­ will be a pourer, while judges will be ation Committee of the Ctudent Union ulation and Regimentation in the Pres­ Lt. Col. Robert B. Knox, Dr. Gigson R. and will be held at 7 :30 p.m. ent Cold War Emergency” will be held Johnson, and Dr. David F. Long. this Monday, Nov. 19 at 8 p.m., in Edward W. Eames, headmaster, gov­ Nominations in Today Murkland Auditorium, Prof. John A. ernor Dummer Academy, will speak in Results of the housing units’ nomina­ H olden acting as moderator. favor of Universal Military Training, tions were supposed to be reported to This symposium is sponsored by the while Cecil E. Hinshaw, under the au­ George Bretton, chairman of the Cadet government, economics, and business ad­ spices of the American Friends Society, Colonel selection, by today, and Chair­ ministration departments. The concerts will speak against the measure. Mr. Hin­ man Whittemore urged that if houses and lectures series will be held to pre­ shaw, who was recently refused the right have not already done so, they should sent this problem to the University stu­ to speak at Ohio University because of report as soon as possible. dents and faculty. his “ Fascist” ideas, is a graduate of Voting for the Colonel will be held The presentation of brief papers, mutual Friends University and Iliff School of under T-Hall arch on Dec. 6, with the criticism, and answering any questions Theology. H e was a Professor of the announcement of the winner being made from the audience by the three speakers Bible at Friends University from 1940 at the ball. will constitute the program. Robert R. to 1943 and was president o f William Dancing will be held from 9 p.m. R. Brooks, dean of Williams College, Penn College from 1943 to 1949. until 2 a.m., with women students re­ recently was named to the Enforcement Dr. Eames has been Headmaster of ceiving 2 :30 o’clock permission. Tickets Commission of the New England Reg­ Governor Dummer Academy since 1930 which will go on sale shortly after the ional Wage Stabilization Board and has Thanksgiving recess, will be sold for written extensively on labor problems. and is a trustee of Amherst University and International College. He is a grad­ the same prices as last year, $4.20, tax James Tobin, Associate Professor of included. Economics at Yale, has worked for the uate of Amherst and received his master’s degree at Harvard; he was awarded a Scabbard and Blade Initiation Office of Price Administration and for L.H .D . at Bowdoin in 1944. In addition to the coronation of the the War Production Board, in addition Cadet Colonel, there will also be the to teaching economics. The third guest annual initiation of Scabbard and Blade, speaker will be John Harriman, Boston honorary military society which is Globe columnist for the past three years, sponsoring the ball. The Scabbard and John Harriman James Tobin covering economics and politics. U N H Concert Choir Blade pledges will also parade Friday “ Garrison State” ? afternoon, Dec. 7. As usual, a number o f distinguished The domestic theme will be a promi­ military dignitaries will be in attendance nent topic under discussion. Is it neces­ To Broadcast Sunday M ask and Dagger’s "Years A g o ” at the ball which will have “Silver Anni­ sary for our government to control life The UNH Choir will appear over the versary” as its theme. under the impetus of the defense effort? N B C radio network as a part o f the ROTC uniforms and other military Are we headed for a “garrison state” — Starts Second PerformanceTonight series entitled “ Songs from New Eng­ uniforms wlil be worn. that is, a military state in which the land Colleges” currently sponsored by the government is forced because of an By Louie Thompson Monsanto Chemical Company. The Nov. emergency to control civilian life, thus Id concert, scheduled to start at 1:30 setting up a society under army-navy “Years Ago”, a warm, witty and tender comedy being pre­ IDC To Publish Pamphlet p.m., will originate from Murkland conditions? How much money will have sented by the Mask and Dagger Society, enters its second night of Auditorium. For All Men Dorm Residents to be paid out for taxes — income and production this evening at New Hampshire Hall. Tickets for Ruth excise? Credit restrictions, installment Prof. Karl Bratton, head of the Uni­ The Inter-Dormitory Council decided buying, price control, wage stabilization Gordon’s prize winning^ play are still obtainable at the door for versity Music Department, will direct at its last meeting to publish a monthly — all are prominent questions concern­ performances of Nov. 15-17. the varied afternoon of song. Accom- news letter. This publication, to be ing today’s businessman as well as Mr. paning the choir will be Paul Verette. known as “I.D.C. News,” will be dis­ Because of the illness of Miss Janice and Mrs. America. One of the selections scheduled for pre­ tributed to men residents of the dormi­ Brown, who was to play Annie Jones, Also under discussion will be the ques­ sentation is “Night Time,” with words by tories to inform them of actions taken the mother and one of the leading char­ Debating Tearn Beats tion of foreign affairs. America, wanting Prof. Bratton and music by Prof. Wilson up through their representatives at coun­ acters, at all performances, to be seen in to maintain her high standards of liv­ of Columbia University. cil meetings. the role of the stage-struck daughter ing must regulate her economy — her Navy to Place Ninth Also dorm dances, smokers, special will be Ann Hastings and Janet Towle. Part of the program will be a medley home consumption, military needs, and From a field of 39 competing colleges, speakers, and outstanding achievements The dual casting divides the father’s role of college songs including “Alma Mater’s aid to foreign allies. Not all are willing the U N H Debating team placed ninth at of dorm residents will be featured. This between Robert Morrison and Ray Math- Day,” Blewett. ’26, music arranged by to accept these views, and eminent states­ the Vermont Invitational Debate Tourn­ publication will be a news letter and in eson. Prof. J. Donald Batcheller is di­ Prof. Manton of the Music Department; men Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, no way is an attempt to replace the now recting the Mask and Dagget players ament held on Saturday, Nov. 10, at the “New Hampshire Hymn,” Richards, long­ and Senator Robert O. Douglas of Illi­ discontinued Dorm Doings column. and Foxen is handling the technical University of Vermont. time professor of English at UNH; nois with views similar to those of the The topic, “Resolved That The Feder­ “New Hampshire Colors,’ by L. Swain end of" the production. present administration, are leading the al Government Should Adopt a Perm­ ’18, words by Blewett ’26; “On To Vic­ nation in politics on the discussion, The play is the richly comic story of anent Program of Wage and Price Con­ tory,” by F. Cole 19; and “Alma Mater,” Rumery Elected Freshman (continued on page eight) a young girl living in a suburb of Boston trol”, was debated on from teams from to the hymn-tune “Lancashire” by H. President by Class Re-Vote early in this century, and it is one of Virginia to McGill University in Canada. Smart. the rare instances of an avowed auto­ The Affirmative debate team, made up of Peter Rumery was elected president of Ron Gray and Ed Bareau, won four out the Freshman class by a second election biography in stage terms. The story tells Paintings of 3 UNH Artists five debates by defeating Princton and held in Commons on Friday, Nov. 9, of the struggle of Ruth Gordon to break Navy teams. The negative team, com ­ CORRECTION breaking the tie between Rumery and On Display in Manchester away from her staid parents and get to posed of Marilyn Crouch and Janet David Lord.
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