389 Co.: A. H. Smith 79016 (holotype, mCii), 79203 , 79278. WASHINGroN: Pierce Co . A.H. Smith 47561. C. olivaceopictus is one of several Dennocybes 1d th strong yellowish olive to olive colors. In general appearance i t is si milar to C. humboldt ensis but it can be separated from the latter by its smaller spores, the ferruginous to r eddish orange fibrils or fibrillose zones on the st ipe and the reddish, rather than dark inky violet, reaction of the pileus surface of fresh basidiocarps with KOH. C. tuba:r>ius Ammirati and Smith and C. hw>onensis var. oZivaceus Ammirati and Sm i th are easily separated from C. olivaceopictus by their larger spores. CORTINARIUS THIERSII Amm i rati and Smith, sp. nov . Fig. 2 Pileus 15- 50 mm Zatus , obtuse convexus demum plano­ convexus , umbonatus veZ subdepressus, gZaber vel sericeus veZ appresso- fibriZZosus, primo ZameZZis immatu:r>is concoZor demum ochraceo-brunneus ve Z cinruonomeo-brunneus; contextus solidus, usque 2 mm crassus, superficie piZei concoZor veZ pallidior; odor et sapor raphanini. Lamellae confel'tae vel subdissitae, ZuteoZo- bubaZinae dein paZZide ochraceo- luteae vel paZZide ochraceo- bubalinae demum fulvo- tinctae. Stipes 30- 50 mm Zongus , 4- 10 mm crassus, aequalis vel basi incrassatulus, siccus, appresso- fibrilZosus , pallide vi:r>idi - Zuteus demum paZlide luteo-bubalinus vez subochraceo­ bubaZinus, interdum pZus brunneus veZ brunneo-oZivaceus. Cortina ZuteoZa, evanescens. sporae 7. 7- 10(- 12) x 4. 7- 5.8 (- 6. 2) um, eZZipticae, verrucuZosae . HoZotypus: H. D. Thiers 1 26 33 ( SFSU) , prope Pinecrest Campground, Tuo Zumne Co ., CaZifornia, June 14, 1965. PILEUS 15-50 mm broad, obtusely convex when young, becoming plano-convex, umbonate to shallowly depressed, i n age often irregular in outline, margin incurved becoming decurved, smoo th to sil ky or appressed fibrillose, never scaly but often lacerated or torn in age , when young more or less concolorous with the young lamellae or yellow brown (Buckthorn Brown) to olive-brown (Dresden Brown) , in age becoming ochraceous brown (Ochraceous-Tawny) to deep brown (Cinnamon Brown), in some s lightly darker on the disc or the margin more pallid. Context solid, up to 2 mm thick, more or less concolorous with the surface or slightl y pal er; 390 odor and t ast e raphanoid. LAMELLAE shallowly to deepl y notched , close t o s ubdistant, thin, some s lightly ventricose, edges even t o eroded , several tiers of 1ame11ulae, wh e n very young light yel101<ish buff (Narm Buff) becoming light ochraceous yell01; t o light ochraceous buff (Yellow Oc her, Antimony Ye ll01; , Ochraceous Buff) fina lly with a fulvous (Ochraceous ­ Tawny) cast, edges conco1orous with the faces. STI PE 30-50 mm long , 4- 10 mm thick, equal or the base s lightly enlarged, dry , appressed fibrillose becomi ng more or less fibrillose s ca l y from handling, col or l ight greenish yellow (Chalcedony Yellow) when young , becoming light yellow i sh buff (W arm Buff) t o light ochraceous buff (Oc hraceous Buff) or some in age sordid or more br01mish to br01mish olive (Ochraceous -Tawny to Dresden Brown). Con text stuffed becomi ng ho1l01<, more or l ess concolorous with the surface. CO RTINA yell01dsh, not leaving a noticeabl e annulus on the s tipe . PILEUS SURF ACE of fresh basidiocarps not t ested wi th KOH; pileus surface of dried basidiocarps vinaceous­ red 1;i th the applicat ion of KOH. SPORES 7 . 7-10(-12) x 4 . 7- 5. 8(6.2) ~m , in profile elliptic and obscurel y inequi1atera1 t o somewhat inequi­ Jateral, in face view elliptic to broadly ell iptic or slightly ovate, verrucul ose, in KOH light br01mish to light f u1 vous (Oc hraceous-Ta•my), in ~lelz er 1 s yell01<ish to yellm;ish brown . BAS IDIA 4- spored, 29-34 x 7.5-9.5 ~ m . broadly clavate to clavate or more or l ess ventricose , thi n­ ,,•al l ed, in KOH hyaline to pale vinaceous, some cont aining colorless to yellowish granules and droplets or particles and masses of purpl ish red, red, reddish orange, orange or yell01<ish pigment, in ~lelzer 1 s pal e yel!01; or containing particles of reddish, orange or yell01dsh pigment. PLEUROCYSTI OIA absent. CHE ILOCYSTIDIA not ~<ell differen­ tiated, 14-18 x 6-9.5 ~m , c l avat e to broadl y clavat e , thin­ ~<a l led, in KO H and ~ t e l zer ' s as for the basidia but fe,;er con t aining particles of pigment . SUBHY~IE N I A L HYPHAE compactly int erwoven , cylindrical, 2 . 5-6 (- 6.5) ~ m wide , thin-walled, i n KOH and ~ l e i zer 1 s as for the hyphae of the l ame llar trama. T~IAL HYPHAE OF LAMELLAE s ubparallel to s lightl y interwoven , cylindrical to more or less i nflated , 5- 26 ~m wide, thin-walled, in KOH hyaline to pal e vinaceous or containing a more or l ess concentrated vinaceous t o yellowis h pigment, in ~ l e l zer 1 s yell01dsh. CUTIC ULAR HYPIIAE OF PILEUS inter~<oven, more or l ess radially arranged, 391 2 n . L) ®. J . ::,J :. .... ~r. • J Go5 FIGS . 1-5 Bas idiospores (x1800) . 1. Cor tinarius aurantiobasis. 2. Cor tinarius thiersii. 3. Cortinarius humboZdtensis . 4 . Cortinarius zakii. 5 . Cortinarius oZivaaeopiatus . 392 cylindrical to more or less inflat ed, 5-25 ~m ~<ide, thin­ walled, in KOH hyaline, pale vinaceous to pale brown or containing a more or less concentrated reddish, vinaceous or brownish vinaceous pigment, some s lightly encrusted, in ~1elzer ' s yellOI<ish, yellowish br01m or yell01<ish orange­ brown; pileocystidia absent. TRJ\1\IAL HYPHAE OF PILEUS i nterwoven, more or less radially arranged, cylindrical to inflated, 6-30(-40) ~m wide , thin-walled, in KOH and ~lelzer's as for the hyphae of the lamellar trama. CORTICAL HYPHAE OF STIPE longitudinally arranged, subparalle l to more or less interwoven, cylindrical to more or less inflated, 6-25 ~m wide, thin-walled, in KOH hyaline, pale pinkish to pale reddish or containing a more or less con­ centrated reddish vinaceous to vinaceous pigment or red­ vinaceous particles, i n ~ l e lz er's yellowish or yellOI<ish orange to dull orange, some containing granules; caulocystidia apparently absent. CORTINAL HYPHAE cy lindri­ cal, 3.5-7 ~m wide, thin-walled, in KOH as for the hyphae of the stipe cortex, in ~1el zer's yellowish . CLM1P CONNECTIONS of the normal type, present throughout the basidiocarp. OLEIFEROUS HYPHAE present, in KOH vinaceous to brownish vinaceous , i n ~1elzer's yellDI<ish to ye llowish bro••n . INTERHYPHAL PIG~IENT DEPOSITS present in the pi lear cuticle and trama, the lamellar trama and the stipe cortex, in KOH purplish red, red, orange or ochraceous-orange to yellow, in Melzer's reddish orange to yellowish. Caespitose to gregarious under conifers. Fruiting period: June to August. Collections examined: CALIFORNIA: Amador Co: J.F. Ammirati 182 (SFSU); G. Breckon 413 (SFSU), 422 (SFSU); H.D. Thiers 12633 (holotype, SFS U) . IDAHO: Cus ter Co.: A.H . Smith 65655. C. thiersii is a common species in the higher mountains of California and should be expected in the higher coniferous fares ts throughout western North America . The large spores together with the general color­ ation of the basidiocarps distinguishes it from other species of De:rmocybe with yellOI<ish lamellae. The pil ei are yellowish buff at first and then become br01mish to brownish olive and finally more or Jess cinnamon brown. The lamellae are yellDI,'ish buff at first and become ochraceous to brownish or rusty br01m in age . The stipe surface is greenish ye llow at first and becomes some~<hat 393 sordid to br01mish bel01; in age or from handling . In some collections the pileus context is somewhat greenish yellow, usually it is similar in co l or to the pileus surface. The large spores of C. thiersii (spores 7.7-10(-12) x 4.7-5.8(-6. 2) ~m) indicate some affinity "ith other large-spored Dermocybes, such as C. huronensis and C. ahrysoLitus Kauffman (spores 8.5-11(-12) x 5-6 .2 ~ m), that occur in the coniferous forests of eastern North America. H01;ever, more information on the distribution and eco logy of these species is needed before their relationship "ith C. thiersii can be detennined. C. thie1'sii is named for Professor H. D. Thiers, San Franscisco State University, who f i rst collected it from California. CORTINARIUS ZAKII Ammirati and Smith, sp. nov. Fig. 4 Pileus 15- 45 mm Latus, e aonvexo late obtusus, wnbonatus vel subwnbonatus , siaaus, appresso- fibriZZosus , ad marginem primo oLivaaeo- brunneus deinde subfulvus demwn 1'Ufobrunneus vel valde rufobY"Unneus, disco aonaolor vel fusaior; aontextus dilute brunneus; odor et sapor plus minusve raphanini. LamelLae aonfertae, primo sordide aurantiaaae, b1'unneo-suffusae, deinde pallide brunneo­ aurantiaaae demum ferrugineo- aurantiaaae, aetate interdum maaulis rufobrunneis . Stipes 40- 75 nm longus, apiae 4- 10 mm arassus, aequalis ve L basi inarassatuLus, appresao­ fibrillosus, apiae l uteolus veL luteus, deorsum och1'aceus, brunneo- ochraceus vel pallide aurantio-och1'aceua et fibrillis brunneis vel vinaaeo-brunneis tectus . Sporae (6- )6. 5- 8 x 4- 4.5(-5) vm , ellipticae, verrucuZosae . Holotypus : J. F. Amni1'ati, Jr. 6175 (MICH) , prope Mary 's Peak, Benton Co ., Oregon , November 16, 1971. PILEUS 15-45 mm broad, convex becoming broadly obtuse, umbonate to subumbonate, with the margin incurved to slightly decurved, dry, appressed fibrillose becoming minutely fibrillose-scal y on the margin i n age , margin at first olive-bro"n (Tawn y-Olive) or br01;ner, somet imes "ith slight ochraceous to olivaceous (Old Gold) tones, becoming light fulvous (Ochraceous -Tawny) to reddish brown (Tawny) or deep red-brown (Warm Sepia), sometimes with a .
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