Southeast Circuit Reformation Update: Week Thirty Six Southeast Circuit Reformation Update: Week Thirty Six Smalcald Articles and Smalcald Articles and Luther’s Illness Luther’s Illness Rev. Sean Daenzer Rev. Sean Daenzer The purpose of presenting the Augsburg Confession in 1530 was not The purpose of presenting the Augsburg Confession in 1530 was not to form a new church. The Lutherans hoped a “free council” might to form a new church. The Lutherans hoped a “free council” might be called, where theologians would subject the teachings and be called, where theologians would subject the teachings and practices of the church to the Scriptures. The Augsburg Confession practices of the church to the Scriptures. The Augsburg Confession was an optimistic confession begging for such a council. was an optimistic confession begging for such a council. In 1536, the Pope finally summoned that council, but the location In 1536, the Pope finally summoned that council, but the location was Mantua, in Italy—territory deep in the control of the papacy. was Mantua, in Italy—territory deep in the control of the papacy. The Lutherans were highly skeptical that the council would be truly The Lutherans were highly skeptical that the council would be truly free. Some princes thought the best course was simply to stay free. Some princes thought the best course was simply to stay home in protest. If a council were to be attended, however, the home in protest. If a council were to be attended, however, the princes wanted to be prepared. “On what points could we com- princes wanted to be prepared. “On what points could we com- promise? On what points must we hold fast?” promise? On what points must we hold fast?” At the same time, Luther’s health had declined. He survived a heart At the same time, Luther’s health had declined. He survived a heart attack and was struck with extremely painful kidney stones. Luther attack and was struck with extremely painful kidney stones. Luther was convinced he was about to die, and was ready to meet that was convinced he was about to die, and was ready to meet that end. Already in 1528 he had written a Confession Concerning end. Already in 1528 he had written a Confession Concerning Christ’s Supper, which he called his “testament.” Now, with the pos- Christ’s Supper, which he called his “testament.” Now, with the pos- sible council coming, Luther’s prince wanted him to write a final sible council coming, Luther’s prince wanted him to write a final theological statement for adoption at Smalcald, the meeting of the theological statement for adoption at Smalcald, the meeting of the Lutheran alliance. Lutheran alliance. Luther is explicit in the articles that he does not imagine a free Luther is explicit in the articles that he does not imagine a free council or an agreement possible with Rome. His own preface to council or an agreement possible with Rome. His own preface to the document concludes with a prayer that Jesus Christ hold his the document concludes with a prayer that Jesus Christ hold his own council and that “the pope and his followers are done for. own council and that “the pope and his followers are done for. They will have none of you.” Nevertheless, the articles are orga- They will have none of you.” Nevertheless, the articles are orga- nized by what the churches hold in common, what must be held nized by what the churches hold in common, what must be held against Rome, and what few points might be discussed and clari- against Rome, and what few points might be discussed and clari- fied. fied. 500 Years of the Lutheran Reformation 500 Years of the Lutheran Reformation Southeast Circuit North Dakota District Southeast Circuit North Dakota District Part I is simply a confession of the Trinity. Part II is the articles that Part I is simply a confession of the Trinity. Part II is the articles that refer to “the first and chief article” which Luther says is “the of- refer to “the first and chief article” which Luther says is “the of- fice and work of Jesus Christ, that is, our Redemption.” The first fice and work of Jesus Christ, that is, our Redemption.” The first article in this section is a brief summary of justification by faith in article in this section is a brief summary of justification by faith in Christ’s sacrifice; the second part is the Mass, that is, the Roman Christ’s sacrifice; the second part is the Mass, that is, the Roman Catholic sacrifice to which Luther connects the doctrine of pur- Catholic sacrifice to which Luther connects the doctrine of pur- gatory and the practices of prayers to saints, monasteries, and gatory and the practices of prayers to saints, monasteries, and the papacy. Part III are other articles which Luther says could be the papacy. Part III are other articles which Luther says could be discussed, but not conceded. These articles lay out Luther’s discussed, but not conceded. These articles lay out Luther’s clear teaching on Sin, Law and Gospel, the Sacraments, matters clear teaching on Sin, Law and Gospel, the Sacraments, matters of the Church, and the place of Good Works. The topics are sim- of the Church, and the place of Good Works. The topics are sim- ilar to the Augsburg Confession, but Luther shows how each ilar to the Augsburg Confession, but Luther shows how each connects to the central article of justification by faith in Christ connects to the central article of justification by faith in Christ alone. alone. Attached to the Attached to the Smalcald Articles Smalcald Articles is the Treatise on is the Treatise on the Power and the Power and Primacy of the Primacy of the Pope by Philip Pope by Philip Melanchthon. It Melanchthon. It represents the represents the Lutheran position Lutheran position on the papacy, on the papacy, namely, “that namely, “that Cranach woodcut from Reformation era showing depiction of Christ and the marks of An- Cranach woodcut from Reformation era showing depiction of Christ and the marks of An- the “antichrist” tichrist plainly the “antichrist” tichrist plainly agree with the kingdom of the pope and his followers.” It is the agree with the kingdom of the pope and his followers.” It is the confession that best describes the Lutheran position on the Of- confession that best describes the Lutheran position on the Of- fice of the Ministry. fice of the Ministry. In the end, while the princes had resolved not to attend the In the end, while the princes had resolved not to attend the council, the Pope postponed the council anyway. No “free council, the Pope postponed the council anyway. No “free council” ever came, only the council of Trent, where the Luther- council” ever came, only the council of Trent, where the Luther- ans were not welcome. The Smalcald Articles themselves remain ans were not welcome. The Smalcald Articles themselves remain as Luther’s largest theological contribution in the Book of Con- as Luther’s largest theological contribution in the Book of Con- cord. cord. Next Week: Luther Writes the Small Catechism—Rev. Dr. Matt Richard Next Week: Luther Writes the Small Catechism—Rev. Dr. Matt Richard .
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