ISSN Versión impresa 2218-6425 ISSN Versión Electrónica 1995-1043 ORIGINAL ARTICLE /ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL A NEW SPECIES OF TEMNOCEPHALA (PLATYHELMINTHES, TEMNOCEPHALIDA) IN MOUNTAIN CRABS FROM TOLIMA, COLOMBIA UNA NUEVA ESPECIE DE TEMNOCEPHALA (PLATYHELMINTHES, TEMNOCEPHALIDA) EN CANGREJOS MONTANOS DE TOLIMA, COLOMBIA Julian Yessid Arias-Pineda1-2*; Cristina Damborenea3 & José Joaquín Castro Avellaneda4 1Laboratorio de Zoología y Ecología Acuática LAZOEA, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. [email protected]. 2Grupo de investigación en artrópodos “Kumangui”. Bogotá. Colombia. 3División Zoología Invertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. CONICET. [email protected]. 4Departamento de Biología. [email protected]. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia. * Corresponding author Neotropical Helminthology, 2015, 9(2), jul-dec: 253-263. ABSTRACT Temnocephala icononcensis n.sp. an ectosymbiont on several species of montane Pseudothelphusidae crabs such as, Hypolobocera bouvieri, Phallangothelphusa dispar and Strengeriana cajenensis, is described from brooks and small streams in the mountains of Tolima, Colombia. Eggs and adult specimens were found on the carapace and orbital cavities of the hosts. The morphology of the species was studied with whole mounted specimens. The most distinctive character of the new species includes the size, shape and introvert morphology of the cirrus and the absence of sphincter in the vagina. The finding of this species in Pseudothelphusidae of Colombia demonstrates the potential diversity of temnocephalans in this country. Keywords: Colombia - Ectosymbiont - Neotropical region - South America - Taxonomy -Temnocephala icononcensis n.sp. RESUMEN Una nueva especie de Temnocephala Blanchard, 1849, Temnocephala icononcensis n.sp. ectosimbionte de varias especies de cangrejos montanos de la familia Pseudothelphusidae, Hypolobocera bouvieri, Phallangothelphusa dispar y Strengeriana cajenensis, encontrado en quebradas y pequeños arroyos en las montañas del Tolima, Colombia. Huevos y adultos de los especímenes fueron encontrados en el caparazón y cavidades orbitales de los hospederos. La morfología de la especie fue estudiada con ejemplares enteros montados. El carácter más distintivo de la nueva especie incluye el tamaño, la forma y la morfología del introverto de los cirros y la ausencia de esfínter en la vagina. El hallazgo de esta especie en cangrejos de la familia Pseudothelphusidae para Colombia demuestra la diversidad potencial de temnocéfalos para este país. Palabras clave: Colombia - Ectosimbiontes - Región Neotropical - América del sur - Taxonomía. 253 Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015 Arias-Pineda et al. INTRODUCTION Colombia, considered as a biodiversity hotspot area, has 88 Pseudothelphudidae described species, being 78 of them endemic Temnocephala Blanchard, 1849 is a genus of (Cumberlidge et al. 2009, 2014). However, no commensal turbellarians, endemic to the temnocephalan species associated with Neotropical region (Pereira & Cuocolo, 1941; crustaceans are recorded for this country. Only Cannon, 1993; Damborenea & Cannon, 2001; Temnocephala colombiensis Garcés et al., Garcés et al., 2013). The first species described 2013, has been described in association with was T. chilensis (Moquin-Tandon, 1846) from the snail Pomacea sp. from the Department of the anomuran crab Aegla laevis (Latreille, Antoquia, Colombia (Garcés et al., 2013). 1818) from Chile. Since then around 33 species have been described, associated to During a research work done in Tolima, freshwater invertebrates (i.e. Crustacea: Colombia, between 2009 and 2012, several Brachyura, Anomura, Caridea and Astacidea; temnocephalans specimens were found Mollusca: Ampullariidae and Neritidae; associated with three pseudothelphusid Insecta: Belostomatidae, Naucoridae and species. These individuals were identified as a Odontoceridae) and turtles (i.e. Chelidae and new species, which is described in this article. Emydidae) (Garcés et al., 2013; Martínez- The new species was compared with the Aquino et al., 2014; Seixas et al., 2015). morphology of other temnocephalan related to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay are the Pseudothelphusidae. countries where these species have been studied more in depth. This finding is very important since it is the first Temnocephala species found living in The freshwater crab fauna encountered in the association with crabs from Colombia. n e o t r o p i c s i n c l u d e s t w o f a m i l i e s Considering the unique characteristics of the (Trichodactylidae and Pseudothelphusidae) crab fauna in Colombia, this discovery with approximately 311 species (Cumberlidge indicates the high potential diversity of et al., 2014). Despite the great species Temnocephala waiting to be studied. diversity, only eight temnocephalan species have been described associated with seven MATERIALS AND METHODS species of Trichodactylidae (i.e. Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861, D. septemdentatus (Herbst, 1783), Sylviocarcinus australis E i g h t y e i g h t c r a b s b e l o n g i n g t o Magalhães & Türkay, 1996, S. pictus (H. Milne Phallangotelphusa dispar (Zimmer, 1912), Edwards, 1853), Trichodactylus fluviatilis Strengeriana cajaensis Campos & Rodriguez, Latreille, 1828, T. panoplus (von Martens, 1 9 9 3 a n d H y p o l o b o c e r a b o u v i e r i 1869), and T. petropolitanus (Göldi, 1886), (Rathbum,1898) were collected on brooks and and only five with Pseudothelphusidae streams from Cafreria, Hoya Grande, Pie de (Hypolobocera henrici Pretzmann, 1978, Cuesta and Valparaiso, Icononzo Municipality Kingsleya ytupora Magalhães, 1986, in Tolima Department (the samples were taken Pseudothelphusa tristani Rathbun, 1896, P. between 4º06.515 N - 74º35.395 W and jouyi Rathbun, 1893, and Telphusa sp.) 4º06.669 N - 74º35.215 W) (Table 1). The (Martínez-Aquino et al., 2014). crabs were manually collected from March 2009 to September 2012. Females and Pseudothelphusidae has the highest species juveniles crabs were released alive in the diversity in the rivers and streams of the sample site. Crabs were examined in the field montains on Colombia and Ecuador. searching for temnocephalans. 254 Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015 Temnocephala icononcensis n.sp., Colombia Approximately 50 commensals were Temnocephala icononcensis n. sp. recovered from the coxae and pereipods of (Fig. 1-4) seventeen crabs. The crabs were determined by specialized key Campos 2005 and deposited in Specimens examined: 30 specimens of the collection of arthropods and other Temnocephala icononcencis n. sp, collected in invertebrates CAUD-216. The turbelarians 17 montain crabs: Hypolobocera bouvieri, were fixed at the moment in 70% ethanol and n=3, Phallangothelphusa dispar, n=8 and were transported to the laboratory for posterior Strengeriana cajaensis, n=6. processing. The worms were flattened between Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Icononzo, cover and slide, transferred to AFA and kept in Cafrerias, Las Lajas brook, 4° 06' 51'' N 74° 35' this solution overnight. The AFA solution was 39'' W, 1,029 meters above sea level; July 2th, replaced by ethanol 50%, followed by 70%, 2010; collected by J. Y. Arias-Pineda and R. and stained overnight with acetocarmine. Then Barbosa Cornelio. the Temnocephala were clarified in acidified Etimology: The species has been named after ethanol (0.5 ml HCl in ethanol 70%), the locality were they were collected, dehydrated in ascending series of ethanol Icononzo, Tolima, Colombia. (80%, 90%, and 100%) for 15 min in each, Holotype: Specimen stained and mounted in cleared with a mixture of 1:1 ethanol methyl toto, deposited in CAUD 216 -TEM-0001. salicylate, and later in 100% methyl salicylate. Paratypes: Ten specimens stained and The specimens were transferred to xylene and mounted in toto, deposited in ANDES-IN mounted in permount mounted medium (3125), ANDES-IN (3126), ANDES-IN (Fisher Scientific Co., N. J.). (3127), ANDES-IN (3128), ANDES-IN (3129), ANDES-IN (3130), CAUD 216- Measurements were taken from fixed and TEM-0002, CAUD 216- TEM-0003, CAUD mounted specimens and expressed in microns 216- TEM-0004, CAUD 216- TEM-0005, (µm), unless specified otherwise. The mean is CAUD 216- TEM-0006. shown, followed by the number of specimens Host species: Hypolobocera bouvieri measured and the size range. The terminology (Rathbum, 1898) CAUD 216 -DEC-0004, used for the description of reproductive CAUD 216-DEC-0006; Phalangothelphusa structures, were recognized using Cannon´s dispar (Zimmer, 1912) CAUD 216-DEC- (1993) diagnosis. The specimens were 0001, CAUD 216-DEC-0002, CAUD 216- photographed and drawn using the programs DEC-0003; and Strengeriana cajenensis Corel Draw X5 and Photoshop. Campos & Rodriguez, 1993, CAUD 216- DEC-0005, CAUD 216-DEC-0007. The studied material was deposited in the Site of infection: Coxopodite of ambulatory Colección Artrópodos y otros Invertebrados, legs, around the eyes and on the ventrolateral Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas sides of the carapace. (CAUD), Bogotá, Colombia and in the Museo Tipe Host: Phallangothelphusa dispar de Historia Natural, Colección de (Zimmer, 1912), Colombia, Tolima, Icononzo, Invertebrados, Universidad de los Andes Cafrerias, Quebrada La Fría, 1,029 a 1,258 (ANDES-IN), Colombia. m.a.s.l., 1 (ancho del caparazón 30.7 mm, largo del caparazón 28.5 mm). Juny 2th, 2009, RESULTADOS collected by J. Y. Arias-Pineda and R. Barbosa Cornelio (Fig. 1A-B). Family Temnocephalidae Monticelli, 1899
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