THE WASHINGTON TBIES; WEDNESDAY; AUGUST "5; 191?. If Edited By Frank Chances NewYorkYarikeesAre Playing Great Ball LIVE SPORTS Louis Dougher THE ANNUAL OUTING OF ANY. ASSOCIATION IS LIKE THIS YANKS ARE CLIMBING ? MINCE PIE CALL DOCTOR A UTTLB'OF EVERTHlNG. AND UP EXCELLENT V 2j Ji sr..-- PUT ILL MJeR wn FRSSfi 4A BEXi Bf'BUGS" BAER. I 600 Wi'kIGsU H YoUr2 For?ser THre BITT6W BY A STvjrFeb r wkb (m OOTINJCS" HA.S V DB BALL AGAINST FOEMEN AMUUM- - UUIMb 'I . a. itV.$f M m I S 'MiLHiLLii LATEST WAR NEWS Football TJ-t- e l. rules for 1014 Or SINbOW just been published. x -- WASHES ?f .riAt' V- Lalt A I " ill V- Manajlinr to beat Cleveland at last. CLOrS IM IS8 VJHeKr" iir? Nott. when we cefbaclc to.thA Amw, Frank Chance's Team Plays .606 Baseball Since July 4, and Has Xearue, go 1 weotignt to muchixtwr. vC r-J- l s 09msss.v V WrXS CrtAlRMAlJ OWE FAT vwv-i- r m . OF AT UAST Steadily Mounted Upward Outlook'for Next Year Is x wfsm & ra& s ii x IWE Ib'fc OAJ TVMMT AT 7 Z jjrl?r"'l CoMtl LrbV HOST Even Hotter American League Race. Xfc & fryX. X 4jr7 league la aaklns for 'waivers For HS.t oa Lajoie. Was a time when r f cvKArJce TO Larry could hare asked for Tl - l?f & 7C" rfwd Tre You MS waivers on the league. By LOUIS A. DOUGHER, Doctor ujrc ALVAJAYS rVA.rOiS eyes Can't understand why the J&onprlnzesstn Have you kept tout these TrttEM OUST BE ALofJG. days on the perfornance of the New To Cecllte has returned to America with that X CfHe to rtelP N0UMfF 110,000,000, unless the Tanlcees have decM4 York Yankees? Hove you noticed NOW FREE AGENT colctef to buy Joe Jackson after all. fJOB AWb 5AM,fevJM''"TFe LcfcetG".'' . i J.! OlS- - fine work being turned out by - e I inui trie - .; - the DISTRIBUTE- TH-- LCjM6- - AwaoMir- FOR TOO-DAA- the team that a month agp looked MINNEAPOLIS, Aug, 5. " "- Don't know who will start, - r Fiiyr HYTicKe- r- op a; &L. but Doc Ayers will finish. 'like the biggest joke extant outside Claude Rossman, for five years SNblMtCr5 Mb, . " --w v- -s t - & up n..llntyw- of the Gleveland Naplanders? Well, a member of the Minneapolis ledn, you neAsue-y- ktno5 ,josttll nos AmLlfc TfWCC if you haven't, you've missed one of club, today purchased his re- rASrTofr OUST A' JsM60R3eR f American tourist oJto - -- t ) are TAMSo-TACf?R CMOVAJS is-.- aoie to return to this country the best things this season in the lease from the Millers. tnm.wB-- 7 cKARLfe scrVwrrzeL ore robustly envUd by ftoRTtfe rXnPTo, 5PW iLJ) Jack American League, that's all. He has made no plans for the fu- JP OJT&tE Bheridan. V Sure, most watching sign with of us are the ture, but says he will v -- . "C s& M1B rr Griffmen and their bittles against the club that makes him the r' JKfiKeRSkr'f r&-- rLm 7 -- v - ' VMVLL 9 Jk NTi: Fatrlotlo baUplayera would like to the Mackmen and Bed Sox, but that offer. Rossman was with Star-Spangl- best 7 LL t Ins "The ed Banner." but keep- W5T J chould not interfere with your Detroit in the world series of vJ. fUagBMJKK!8Ccf4. VK V Ais. N. Vw no limp would allow them to set past ing a side glance on the Yankees. 1907 and 1908, and also played 1 0 vN5SrtV the first four words without a baUy-ho- o. Don't forget that Frank Chance is with the Naps. f " a regular manager. Don't forget that he doesn't stand for loafing on the 1 Amvm QPJS -- 1 field and that he is always trying to many dcadonescouldland on one team. 1 r.let "W win the game before him. I had the prize collection. The Feder- S al League took some of my failures "When the present season irot under and I have got rid of others until now way. thought , 41sw I most of New Tork the I think I have a team competed of csss out New young fellows who have some ability 5iL "One gUncs at Yankess would soon be in front. VAiATTTKSS rX MW ', Yorkers generally Imagine teams and are willing to try all the time. .VA6 .JFTEft FOR. Eddie Ainsmitb's their OrJLX Sers eWAfOce uygAR. " .1 "If I am with New York In two or - a To U? . to be of championship caliber in the1 years now, PeeP.VrVJlTfriOfi TO batting average will three from the Yankees 3 SAbGG- OMCG A YeAR AMb Trre LVFG e winter and spring. But when the other will be fighting for the championship. ex of Tte . Tr-t- -- LAST MlNViTe He Tftexi easily outfits got down to business. It was If they're not, I'll quit." vAces THe MOST OF eLoMS OP oM rHs JJAH VVVfE. rfeies Horn in. prove' that seen that the Yankees were a bunch to be didn't hit TJmp In one month, from. July 4 to August of ones. be- . dead Then Frank Chance 4, the Yankees have leaped from a win SheridaB." gan tearing his line-u- p to pieces. As ning percentage of JH to .433, or eighty-fiv- e a ersult, he now has a pretty fair ag points. This is a large sum when NAMES E gregation you're down the bottom. CREWS LEARN OF RC Ekr at work for him. at BINGLES AND BUNTS Here Is the record of the Yankees to Ttti Saodsran's $30,000 fly looks Ilk or-ra- et Harry "Williams has given way to. yesterday: By GRANTLAND RICE. alongside" of that C0.0ea.0eo liner. Roy Date Opponent. Score. Pitchers. IN Charlie Mullen at first base. Aug. OPPONENTS REGATTA Kansas City is working Bert Gallia. Hartrell and "Red" Truesdale have 3 Detroit l Cole. CENTRAL LEAGUE Aug. 2 Detroit 43 Fisher Argonaut Rowing Club, Toronto, Can- afaiost as bard as Gallia worked Griff. been supplanted by Daniel Boone at Aue. 1 Cleveland... z- -9 Keatlne War Song of the Boston Braves. Aug. 1 Cleveland... McHale-Bro- ada, second. Leslie Nunamaker has been 7o FOUR-OARE- D added to the catching staff. Holden and July 31 Cleveland... s 7 Caldwell Eight Entries Mark Junior SENIOR INTERNATIONAL We have fought the fight as stalwarts might John Henry's hand is better,.and Jimmy Walsh have disappeared from July s 6 .Warhop SHELLS. July 30 Cleveland... s : .Cole University Bargo Club, Philadelphia. With the red, raw courage of Viking' heart; - ', John suffers no pain while catch the outfield to make room for "Bird'e' July 29 Cleveland... Special Eight-Oare- d Race Daley. And each change 63 Fisher Potomac Boat Club, Washington. Kenilworth and Emerald Both guns dusk-rimm- v Cree and Pete July 13 Cleveland.. 106 ..Brown Rowing Club, St. Louis. Wo have stood by the till the suns ing, which is more man specta- has been for the better. July IS Chicago Keating Western Baltimore 27 Chicago 36 Next Friday. Duluth Boat Club, Duluth, Minn. Sank back to rise for the next grim start; The coming of Cree from July 70 Caldwell Argonaut Rowing Club, Toronto, Can- Have Records of One Game tors of John's last home exhibition CMmedto add life and "pep" to the July 26 Chicago 37 .Brown-McHal- e We have played the game through the dearth of fame, i Chance organization. Almost as if on July 26 Chicago 10 Cole ada. can say. signal the others began hitting the pill. July 25 Chicago 01 Warhop Illinois Valley Yacht and Canoe Club, Won and One Lost. When they jeered us down as an old, old story; The pitchers are always considered July 23 Detroit 11 KeaUng By KIRK C. MILLER. Peoria. 111. July 22 Detroit s--o Cole-Ple- h Arundel Eoat Club. Baltimore. But from the rut we have slashed and cut rood. Indeed. Chance has one of the 22 oit Marquard Holds Cubs; July Detroit 31 Caldwell Three Washington crews will raco in Vesper Boat Club, Philadelphia-Gran- d best pitching staffs In major league July 21 Dertolt 7 C blazoned way up the path of glory. baseball, none. Warhop four events at Fhlladelphia next Fri- Rapids Boat and Cano. Club, Each club with a record of one gamo Our bar July 20 Browns I Cole Rapids, Mich. won and one lost, the Vaughn Is Hit Hard The Yankees were considered soft July 20 Browns 13 Keating day, according to the present plans of Grand Kenilwcrth and picking by the "Western clubs until the July IS Browns J Caldwell the Analostan and Potomac clubs, and Analostan Boat Club, Washington. Emerald teams of the Central League Through the spike-c- ut field we have rushed and reeled, 16 6 Pleh-Brow- n Potomac Boat Club. Washington. are putting tap an interesting bat- NEW YORK. Augf S. Chicago Tras Tigers landed there on their second July Browns I to the entries as sent to the National little through swing around the Eastern half of the July 15 Chicago....'. 21 .....Cole Duluth Boat Club, Duluth, Minn. tle for tho supreme honors of the ama- We have snarled and cursed tho driving fray, humbled in its opening gamo with tho wheel. Then the Polo Ground boys July IS Chicago 23 Warhop Association of Amateur Oarsmen, un Detroit Boat Club, Detroit, Slich. teur season in that circuit. Both clubs spilled red gore the needed score, Giants when Jim Vaughn foiled to stop July 13 Chicago S 1 Caldwell Re- are anxious to get into post-seas- We have for waked up and simply smashed those der whose auspices the National that New-Yor- k, July 13 tnicago 02 ..Keating This year is the first time In lis his- contest, and the remainder of the week who block; .the.
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