Neighbourhood On Show 18th September 2016 Page Suburb Price of Property Agency Name 136 Albertville R1 080 000 RE/MAX 77 Albertville R1 280 000 Fine and Country 107 Allens Nek R710 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 66 Ashby Estate R4 999 000 RJD Realty 145 Atholhurst R7 300 000 Sotheby's International Realty 145 Atholhurst R4 650 000 Sotheby's International Realty 28 Atholl R17 900 000 Jawitz Properties 174 Atholl R4 600 000 Seeff 123 Atholl R2 999 000 Vered Estates 72 Atholl R2 990 000 Homes of Distinction 81 Atholl R2 750 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 166 Atholl POA Firzt Realty 166 Atholl R1 950 000 Firzt Realty 37 Barbeque Downs R1 950 000 Jawitz Properties 154 Barbeque Downs R3 790 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 69 Barbeque Downs R1 499 000 RJD Realty 151 Bedford Park R2 500 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 38 Bedfordview R7 500 000 Jawitz Properties 38 Bedfordview R2 299 000 Jawitz Properties 150 Bedfordview R10 000 000 Sotheby's International Realty 150 Bedfordview R3 999 000 Sotheby's International Realty 150 Bedfordview R4 200 000 Sotheby's International Realty 151 Bedfordview R6 800 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 122 Benmore R3 399 000 Vered Estates 123 Benmore R2 900 000 Vered Estates 139 Berairo R2 350 000 RE/MAX 60 Bergbron R1 700 000 Pam Golding 104 Beverley R2 900 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 104 Beverley R1 750 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 104 Beverley R2 350 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 121 Beverley R3 700 000 Vered Estates 59 Beverley R2 990 000 Pam Golding 183 Beverley R4 350 000 Tyson Properties 60 Beverley Gardens R2 500 000 Pam Golding 41 Beyers Naude R4 950 000 Century 21 29 Birdhaven R3 399 000 Jawitz Properties 123 Birdhaven POA Vered Estates 60 Blackheath R1 050 000 Pam Golding 181 Blairgowrie R1 599 000 Seeff 181 Blairgowrie R2 500 000 Seeff 124 Blairgowrie R1 575 000 Vered Estates 158 Blairgowrie R2 650 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 158 Blairgowrie R2 400 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 158 Blairgowrie R2 630 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 78 Blairgowrie R2 950 000 Fine and Country 82 Blairgowrie R1 799 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 181 Bordeaux South R1 950 000 Seeff 191 Bordeaux South R1 950 000 Annette Kotzian Real Estate 105 Boskruin R1 495 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 76 Boskruin R4 095 000 Fine and Country 76 Boskruin R5 500 000 Fine and Country 95 Boskruin R2 200 000 Rawson Properties 116 Bramley R2 200 000 Amour Properties 84 Bramley R1 640 000 Blue Living Properties 82 Bramley Park R950 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 116 Bramley View POA Amour Properties 138 Broadacres R1 050 000 RE/MAX 140 Broadacres R804 000 O.C.C 156 Broadacres R2 000 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 157 Broadacres R5 150 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 157 Broadacres R1 950 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 107 Bromhof R1 495 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 107 Bromhof R795 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 84 Bromhof R1 650 000 Blue Living Properties 25 Bryanston P.O.A Broll Auction And Sales 26 Bryanston R545 000 Ennik Estates 35 Bryanston R9 400 000 Jawitz Properties 35 Bryanston R1 980 000 Jawitz Properties 35 Bryanston R3 370 000 Jawitz Properties 35 Bryanston R2 200 000 Jawitz Properties 110 Bryanston R2 139 000 Renprop Residential 112 Bryanston R20 950 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 112 Bryanston R15 750 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 112 Bryanston R8 650 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 112 Bryanston R8 950 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 113 Bryanston R19 950 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 113 Bryanston R12 950 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 113 Bryanston R1 399 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 118 Bryanston R5 950 000 Vered Estates 118 Bryanston R1 770 000 Vered Estates 169 Bryanston R9 900 000 Firtz 169 Bryanston R9 900 000 Firtz 169 Bryanston R3 199 000 Firtz 169 Bryanston R3 900 000 Firtz 169 Bryanston R2 500 000 Firtz 169 Bryanston R6 399 000 Firtz 169 Bryanston R2 500 000 Firtz 169 Bryanston R3 500 000 Firtz 169 Bryanston R6 399 000 Firtz 173 Bryanston R7 500 000 Seeff 174 Bryanston R6 450 000 Seeff 174 Bryanston R1 370 000 Seeff 174 Bryanston R6 250 000 Seeff 43 Bryanston R1 850 000 Century 21 43 Bryanston R1 095 000 Century 21 44 Bryanston R2 250 000 Frankie Bell's 44 Bryanston R5 950 000 Original Homes 44 Bryanston R5 800 000 Original Homes 52 Bryanston R2 950 000 Pam Golding 52 Bryanston R2 995 000 Pam Golding 52 Bryanston R2 890 000 Pam Golding 52 Bryanston R2 900 000 Pam Golding 132 Bryanston R1 199 000 Cherno Davis Properties 133 Bryanston R1 880 000 Renprop Residential 134 Bryanston R10 900 000 RE/MAX 142 Bryanston R5 800 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 153 Bryanston R7 500 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 153 Bryanston R2 250 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 153 Bryanston R1 395 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 153 Bryanston R3 250 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 72 Bryanston R9 990 000 Homes of Distinction 72 Bryanston R5 700 000 Homes of Distinction 72 Bryanston R4 650 000 Homes of Distinction 72 Bryanston R1 990 000 Homes of Distinction 72 Bryanston R1 099 000 Homes of Distinction 73 Bryanston R8 750 000 Homes of Distinction 73 Bryanston R4 700 000 Homes of Distinction 74 Bryanston R4 900 000 Fine and Country 74 Bryanston R2 990 000 Fine and Country 81 Bryanston R9 995 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 186 Bryanston R4 395 000 Tyson Properties 163 Bryanston R2 475 000 Firzt Realty 102 Bryanston R2 425 000 Chas Everitt International 70 Bryanston R3 350 000 Huizemark 52 Bryanston East R5 950 000 Pam Golding 52 Bryanston East R4 750 000 Pam Golding 134 Bryanston East R1 850 000 RE/MAX 138 Bryanston East R5 800 000 RE/MAX 68 Bryanston East R6 000 000 RJD Realty 138 Bryanston Ext,8 R3 300 000 RE/MAX 152 Bryanston Ext. R2 499 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 152 Bryanston Ext. R1 499 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 152 Bryanston Ext. R1 799 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 154 Bryanston Ext. R4 499 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 136 Buccleuch R750 000 RE/MAX 136 Bushwillo Park Estate R4 599 999 RE/MAX 136 Bushwillo Park Estate R3 300 000 RE/MAX 185 Cedar Lakes R2 450 000 Tyson Properties 137 Cedar Lakes Estate R4 950 000 RE/MAX 137 Cedar Lakes Estate R3 000 000 RE/MAX 144 Cheltondale R1 250 000 Sotheby's International Realty 147 Corlett Gardens R1 550 000 Sotheby's International Realty 178 Craigavon R2 100 000 Seeff 178 Craigavon R1 250 000 Seeff 36 Craigavon R2 300 000 Jawitz Properties 36 Craigavon R2 300 000 Jawitz Properties 44 Craigavon R2 800 000 Frankie Bell's 183 Craigavon R2 975 000 Tyson Properties 184 Craigavon R1 500 000 Tyson Properties 30 Craighall R2 000 000 Jawitz Properties 50 Craighall R5 500 000 Pam Golding 50 Craighall R3 700 000 Pam Golding 50 Craighall R2 300 000 Pam Golding 135 Craighall R1 650 000 RE/MAX 82 Craighall R4 800 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 82 Craighall R2 400 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 164 Craighall R5 200 000 Firzt Realty 164 Craighall R4 200 000 Firzt Realty 147 Craighall Park R6 200 000 Sotheby's International Realty 147 Craighall Park R4 300 000 Sotheby's International Realty 147 Craighall Park R2 200 000 Sotheby's International Realty 62 Craighall Park R4 895 000 Kings Estate 62 Craighall Park R4 500 000 Kings Estate 135 Craighall Park R3 500 000 RE/MAX 32 Cresta R980 000 Jawitz Properties 32 Cresta R1 300 000 Jawitz Properties 76 Cresta R3 790 000 Fine and Country `150 Cyridene R1 800 000 Sotheby's International Realty 40 Dainfern R3 500 000 Century 21 40 Dainfern R3 400 000 Century 21 58 Dainfern R6 100 000 Pam Golding 58 Dainfern Golf Estate R5 500 000 Pam Golding 157 Dainfern Golf Estate R6 950 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 157 Dainfern Golf Estate R6 500 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 40 Dainfern Ridge R4 950 000 Century 21 40 Dainfern Ridge R4 400 000 Century 21 40 Dainfern Ridge R3 350 000 Century 21 40 Dainfern Valley R9 900 000 Century 21 40 Dainfern Valley R6 700 000 Century 21 58 Dainfern Valley R7 400 000 Pam Golding 177 Douglasdale R950 000 Seeff 37 Douglasdale R1 999 000 Jawitz Properties 37 Douglasdale R1 100 000 Jawitz Properties 42 Douglasdale R4 299 000 Century 21 42 Douglasdale R1 690 000 Century 21 110 Douglasdale R2 690 000 Renprop Residential 133 Douglasdale R740 000 Renprop Residential 139 Douglasdale R3 250 000 RE/MAX 139 Douglasdale R1 250 000 RE/MAX 155 Douglasdale R2 699 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 155 Douglasdale R3 299 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 73 Douglasdale R3 595 000 Homes of Distinction 73 Douglasdale R3 599 000 Homes of Distinction 73 Douglasdale R1 199 000 Homes of Distinction 184 Douglasdale R1 400 000 Tyson Properties 185 Douglasdale R1 480 000 Tyson Properties 185 Douglasdale R1 100 000 Tyson Properties 38 Dowerglen Ext R3 950 000 Jawitz Properties 57 Dunkeld R4 200 000 Pam Golding 147 Dunkeld West R11 000 000 Sotheby's International Realty 81 Dunkeld West Offers? Adrienne Hersch Properties 33 Duxberry R6 000 000 Jawitz Properties 51 Duxberry R4 250 000 Pam Golding 154 Duxberry R5 800 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 105 Eagle Canyon R6 500 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 105 Eagle Canyon R2 850 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 60 Eagle Canyon R3 650 000 Pam Golding 103 Edenburg R2 295 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 148
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