Economics Development Analysis Journal 9 (1) (2020) Economics Development Analysis Journal http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/edaj The Analysis of the Economic Inequality of the Coast Regions Yulhendri1, Inaya Sari Melati2, Jean Elikal Marna3, Weni Softazia4 1,3,4 Economics Faculty, Universitas Negeri Padang 2Economics Faculty, Universitas Negeri Semarang Article Information Abstract ________________ Hisrtory of Article Received October 2019 West and East coast of Sumatra are two different geographical and trade routes. The West Coast is Accepted December 2019 connected with trade direction to India, Arabia and Africa while on the East Coast it is connected Pusblished February 2020 with trade in the Malacca Strait, East Asian economy. Based on photos of satellite images at night, ________________ the east coast has more light compared to the west coast. This study analyzed the differences in Keywords: economic inequality between the economy of the population residing in the West Coast Region and Culture, Education, the East Coast of Sumatra. This study took data sourced from the Indonesian Central Statistics Farmers, Poverty Agency published in the last 5 years, 2013-2017. The data were processed using SPSS and Excel _______________ using the Williamson Index analysis tool. There are 23 Regencies / Cities in the West Coast and 23 Regencies / Cities in the East Coast analyzed where the West Coast average growth rate in the last 5 years is 5.17% and East Coast 5.48% with the Inequality index using the Williamson Index formula in West Coast 0.37 and East Coast 0.28. It was found that economic activity on the East Coast tends to be more lively and higher economic growth with a low level of inequality compared to the West coast of Sumatra © 2020 Universitas Negeri Semarang Corresponding author : ISSN 2252-6560 Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka AirTawar, Padang, West Sumatera E-mail: [email protected] 111 Yulhendri / Economics Development Analysis Journal 9 (1) (2020) INTRODUCTION affects the level of a region economic growth. Sumatera is one of Indonesia’s largest That is why economic inequality exists in every islands consisting of 10 provinces, namely Aceh, region. North Sumatera, West Riau, Jambi, Riau Regional income of known as Gross islands, Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Bangka Belitung Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) is one of islands, and Lampung. Each province and region instruments to measure population welfare in a has different characteristics of natural resources, region by which whenever the GRDB of a region population, and geography that influence its own is high, the population welfare will be high as economic region development. These differences well, and vice versa. The following table 1 will also result in the differences in economic contains the average of the GRDB per capita characteristics, and growth of achievements in growth rate of current prices based on islands in each region. That is why it is normal that regional Indonesia within 2013-2017. development can be unequal. This inequality Table 1. PDRB Growth Rate Based on Constant Prices by Islands in Indonesia in 2013-2017 No Islands PDRB Growth Rate (%) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1 Sumatera 4.95 4.60 3.53 4.29 4.30 2 Java 6.01 5.57 5.48 5.60 5.61 3 Bali, Nusa Tenggara 5.95 3.90 10.42 5.92 3.73 4 Kalimantan 3.95 3.37 1.38 2.02 4.33 5 Sulawesi 7.69 6.87 8.19 7.43 6.99 6 Maluku dan Papua 7.71 4.54 6.28 7.40 4.89 (Source: Indonesia Central Statistics Agency (BPS), 2018) Sumatera island area covers 443,0065.8 are the plantations of palm oil, rubber, and coal km2 areas. It is one of Indonesia largest islands (Perpres, 2012). Based on geographical and whose economic growth and contribution rank is economic aspects, the West and East coast in the top 2 after Java island. This island has regions of Sumatera have a greater opportunity various economic potential and is supported by to develop than those in Northern and Southern strategic geographical location that is in synergy of Sumatera. It is because the Western part of with Southeast Asian Economy, namely Sumatera is bordered by Indian ocean. Indian Malacca Strait and the Andaman sea in India ocean is a pretty large trade route in Indonesia, border its north, while Indian Ocean which is the so it will facilitate and expand the trade route of gate to western Indonesia borders. Various and the West coast regions of Sumatera Island. abundant natural resources make Sumatera Moreover, Malacca Strait is a strait that is island suitable for the development of plantation, directly connected to the East coast of Sumatera agriculture, mining, industry, and trade sectors. in which this Eastern part of Sumatera is the Indonesia Presidential Regulation leading area of economic growth, namely (perpres) number 29/ 2011 on the Government Peninsular Malaysia. Also, since Sumatera Work Plan in 2012 involves Sumatera island as island is close to Singapore and Malacca Strait corridor 1 with the theme as production centers, where many economic activities take place, the processing of agricultural products and national East coast regions of Sumatera will get energy barns. Sumatera is also set as the advantages to develop its economy. economic gateway to the markets of Europe, The PDRB growth rate of regencies and South Asia, East Asia, Africa and Australia. To cities in the West coast of Sumatera in 2013-2017 do so, the commodities developed in Sumatera was 5.17 %. The same fluctuation also happened 112 Yulhendri / Economics Development Analysis Journal 9 (1) (2020) to the East coast regions, namely 5.48 %. By Whenever there is a little economic referring to these data, do the difference in PDRB activity in particular areas, it can be assumed that growth rates of West coast and East coast of the areas have high economic inequality. Sumatera Island influence the inequality in both Oppositely, if there is a lot of economic activity regions. in particular areas, it can be said that the areas have low economic inequality. These are in line RESEARCH METHODS with a study by ( Ebener, S., Murray, C., Tandon, This article was written based on an A., & Elvidge, CC 2005) who confirmed national empirical study from quantitative data taken welfare and output based on data provided by from Central Statistics Agency documentation. NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center The data covered 46 regencies/ cities consisting (NGDC) in the form of aerial photographs at of 23 regencies/ cities in the West coast and 23 night. regencies/ cities in the East coast Sumatera These data grid compilation was the result island within 2013-2017. These data were of a resolution composite of 1 km in 6 months processed using Williamson index analysis. In based on images collected during October 1994 addition, the data development from the and March 1995 by the Defense Meteorological beginning until the end of study were analyzed Satellite Program (DMSP) and Operational using Paired Sample Test statistical method. It Linescan System (OLS). Another study was was done using SPSS Version 20 and Microsoft conducted by (Sutton, Elvidge, & Ghosh, 2007) Excel software. about GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of The formulation of Williamson index countries such as China, India, Turkey and covers number 0-1. Index number 0 (zero) means United States in 2000. Then, (Roychowdhury, there is no economic inequality in regencies / Jones, Arrowsmith, & Reinke, 2011) also cities in the West coast and East coast of conducted a study by utilizing the quality of night Sumatera island, while the index number more images in 2001. The following figure 1 is the than zero indicates inequality between regencies/ result of a photograph of Sumatera island at night cities. The greater the index number means the taken by Nasa Earth Observatory 2017 satellite. greater the economic inequality between It can be seen that based on figure 1, there regencies/ cities. is sufficiently bright light in the East coast region These indexes help to determine and of Sumatra Island, while there is no light in the explain the income inequality condition between West coast region of Sumatra Island. According regencies/ cities in the West coast and East coast to google’s study (2017) we can determine the of Sumatera island using Williamson Index number of economic activity in a region by seeing analysis. light in a particular region. If there is bright light, there is a lot of economic activity in the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION region.Bright light at night may indicate the high of low intensity of community economic The observation done by Nasa Earth activities. In relation to this, the above figure 1 Observatory in 2017 showed human activities shows that Malaysia and Singapore countries seen through the light rays at night. By using have bright light, meaning that the economic National Aeronautics and Space Administration activities in those countries are higher than the (NASA) satelite image we can see the condition other regions that look dim. Similarly, bright of Sumatera island at night. In this case, the light is also seen in the Eastern Sumatera, while economic activities are determined by the bright the Western looks dim. light rays in particular areas. However, if the Observatory data in 2017 revealed that the areas are dark or reflect no light it can be said that difference in the light between the East coast and their economic activities are little, or none. West coast of Sumatera indicated that there 113 Yulhendri / Economics Development Analysis Journal 9 (1) (2020) was economic inequality. In details, this article growth and development rate of each region discusses inequality happened in regencies/ cities different. It was because each region has different in the West coast and East coast regions of potential and advantages, such as skilled labor, Sumatera island.
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