www.ukrweekly.com св ОБОДА A^SVOBODA УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАІННИК ^Н^ UKRAINIAN DAIIV і; І віЛі-о x--x 1 MhCJ і З'СЛ І --ж. f а:ол І о ^ -tae Ото ж ^ "ч .:; ого О: ч vol. LXXXVIII ШNo. із THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 29,1981 25 cents І Documents provide new information Archbishop Sulyk, Metropolitan Mstyslatf on plight of Sichko rainiafamily members nmee t aWeeklt Ukrainian Orthodox centeyr PUBLISHED BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC., A FRATERNAL NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - Materials in response to the measures taken documenting Soviet repressions of the against him, on October 21, 1980, he Sichko family and, in particular, 20- renounced his Soviet citizenship, de– year-old volodymyr Sichko who was clared his refusal to serve in the army recentlysentenced to three years' impri– and expressed his desire to emigrate to sonment, have reached the West after the United States. circulating in the Ukrainian samvydav. As a result of these actions, he was According to Nina Strokata Kara– arrested on December 6, 1980, and vansky, a former Soviet political pri– charged, under Article 72 of the Cri– soner now residing in the United States, minal Code of the Ukrainian SSR, with the documented repressions of the refusing to do military service. His trial Sichkos are typical examples of the new took place on January 9, in Dolyna, forms of genocide used by the Soviet ivano-Frankivske oblast. He was sen–. regime against Ukrainians. tenced to three years' hard labor. Father and son Ukrainian Helsinki in a statement regarding the renun– Group members Petro and vasyl Sich– ciation of Soviet citizenship, Mr. Sichko ko had previously been sentenced for claims that he was "expelled not for their rights activity. Stefania Petrash academic failures, but rather because of Sichko is known for her appeals on his father and brother." behalf of her husband and sons. volodymyr's father, Petro Sichko The latest documents to be received was involved in the post–World War 11 here include a statement byYolodymyr Ukrainian national liberation move– Sichko in which he renounced his ment in western Ukraine. A survivor of Metropolitan Mstyslav Soviet citizenship (dated October 21, Stalin's concentration camps, he was BOUND BROOK, N.J. - Newly 1980), his appeal to students of the amnestied in 1957. consecrated Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, metropolitan-designate of Ukrainian world (late 1980), his statement at his volodymyr's brother, vasyl, was Metropolitan-designate Stephen Sulyk trial (January 9), and Mrs. Sichko's enrolled in the journalism department Catholics in the United States, paid an appeal on volodymyr's behalf (January of Kiev State University from which he official visit to his Ukrainian Orthodox Rev7Roman Dub"itsky, his successor at 11). was expelled in 1977. After his arrest, he counterpart. Metropolitan Mstyslav at the Assumption of the Blessed virgin The new documents reveal the fol– was held for two years in a psychiatric his official residence here on Monday Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church in lowing information. hospital. afternoon, March 23. Perth Amboy, N.J. Both father and son were arrested Metropolitan Mstyslav attended by Following a brief, private meeting in volodymyr Sichko was expelled shortly after their appearance ot volo– his secretary, the Rev. Frank Estocin, the metropolitan's quarters, the two from Kiev State University on March dymyr ivasiuk's burial in Lviv in 1979.- who is also the dean of St. Sophia men moved to the study where they 21, 1980, after he refused to become a Seminary, warmly greeted Archbishop exchanged gifts. Metropolitan Msty– KGB informant. (Continucd on page 12) Sulyk, who was accompanied by the slav presented Archbishop Sulyk with a series of books, and the archbishop gave І the metropolitan some of his liturgical SUSTA holds weekend conference in New York works. Archbishop Sulyk disclosed that he by Roma Sochan Hadzewycz College, Rutgers University — Newark, tary; Roksolana Labinsky, financial had come to Bound Brook to formally City College of New York, University of director; ihor Zwarycz, educational invite Metropolitan Mstyslav to his NEW YORK - Representatives of Connecticut, Wayne State University, director; Julianna "Puni" Ratych, installation ceremony, due to be held in 14 Ukrainian student clubs participated as well as members of TUSM — The public relations director; and Roman Philadelphia on March 31 at the imma– in a SUSTA conference devoted to Ukrainian Student Organization of Juzeniw, Prism editor. culate Conception Cathedral. "developing and utilizing student po– Michnowsky, and representatives of Club reports Saying that he had already made tential" which was held here at the Rhode island's Ukrainian Student Reports covering the problems and plans to travel to Europe and Tunis to Ukrainian Liberation Front building Club, a Provrdence-based regional achievements of student clubs were recuperate from his heart condition. during the weekend of March 21-22. group which encompasses students at delivered by hromada representatives. Metropolitan Mstyslav announced that During the course this conference of several schools, including Brown Uni– The most pressing problem mentioned he planned to send Archbishop Con– the Federation of Ukrainian Student versity. Providence College, Rhode was also a perennial one: how to get (Continued on page 10) Organizations of America, the partici– island Junior College and the Univer– students to be active members of clubs, pants — students as well as guests — sity of Rhode island. not merely names on a membership discussed problems facing Ukrainian First on the agenda of the conference roster. (All clubs, it should be noted, student hromadas throughout the United was a meeting of the SUSTA Council of mentioned this difficulty. Save for St. 1NS1DE: States, the possibility of establishing a Presidents which comprises presidents John's University, that is, which, be– Ш Materials on the use of Soviet- chair of Ukrainian studies at Columbia of all U krainian student clubs across the sides reporting that it had "no pro– supplied evidence by the U.S. De– University and the case of volodymyr United States. blems," proudly stated that nearly 100 partment of Justice, the Demjanjuk Sichko, a 20-year-old Ukrainian stu– The meeting evolved into a round- percent of its members were active.) case and related stories — page 3. dent recently arrested and sentenced by table discussion and problem-solving Ш Media Action Coalition's Corn- the Soviets. Also discussed were ways to promote bat Correspondence — page 5. session in which all students present — activities of clubs and thus attract new Students also found time for enter– not only club presidents — participated. U Tips on collecting The Weekly tainment at a film night, and for a members, leadership qualities which and Svoboda by Roman Juzeniw - The session was chaired by Ronya make a club president effeotive, types of student art exhibit and talent show. Stojko-Lozynskyj, SUSTA president. page 6. Taking part in the weekend events student activity, and how to alleviate Ш Retrospective exhibit of art were students of Rutgers University — in additon to Ms. Stojko-Lozynskyj, poor turnout at club events. works by the late Damian Horniat– New Brunswick. Hunter College, New the following SUSTA executive board Students present agreed that Ukrai– kewych, as reviewed by Hilary Zary– York University, Pace University, members attended the weekend con– nian professionals and SUSTA should cky Jr. — page 7. ч establish mutually beneficial contacts. Columbia University, the Cooper ference: Michael Mulyk, vice president Ш Panorama — page 9. Union, St. John's University. Queens — East Coast; Marianna Hatala, secre– (Continued on page 16) У 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 29,1981 No. 13 Moscow group appeals for Meshko Reagan administration planning NEW YORK - The Moscow Hel– apartment searches, detainment and vOA, RFEfRL budget hikes sinki Group issued a statement in surveillance). defense of Oksana Meshko, who was last Before her arrest on October 14, WASHINGTON - The Reagan moil in lran and - Afghanistan. sentenced in January to five years' 1980, Oksana Meshko was committed administration plans to increase budget The bulk of the vOA increases will exile. The statement, dated February 7, to a psychiatric hospital. She was outlays for voice of America and Radio probably be earmarked for construc– was released by the press service of the deprived of visitng rights, and corres– Free Europe Radio Liberty operations, tion of facilities to increase its trans- Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council pondence, and no parcels were forward– particularly in the area of broadcasts io mission range, in addition, one of its (abroad). ed to her. She was released from the the Central Asian regions of the Soviet new priorities will be to begin broad- The statement appears in translation hospital on August 25, 1980, but the Union, in an attempt to offset Soviet casts in the Azeri language to the Soviet below: investigation of her case continued. She propaganda advances in the Persian republic of Azerbaidjan, which borders The trial of Oksana Meshko, the well- was summoned for interrogation by the Gulf area, according to a story in the lran. the Post said. known Kievan human-rights activist KGB on October 13, never to return Washington PoSt by John M. Goshko. and founding member of the Ukrainian - home again. Once again, she was con- According to reports, the Reagan . Helsinki Group, was held in Kiev on fined to a psychiatric hospital. administration plans to boost gran,ts to Czech authorities January 5-6, 1981. Oksana Meshko was in December of that year, she was Radio Free Europe^ Radio Liberty by і sentenced to six months' strict-regimen found guilty and transferred to prison, 54 million and the УОА budget by some detain priest labor camp five years' exile, charged S87 million. Despite President Reagan's pending further investigation of her PRAGUE, Czecho-Slovakia - The under Article 62 of the Criminal Code case.
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