INDEX Absolute Research, 7, 11 File on 4, 100, 223–224 Academic staff investigation, 32 juniors staff, 51–53 Beer, Janet, 16, 67 professors, 52 Bennett, Alan, 38–39 teaching staff, 31, 57, 152–153 Bill’s New Frock, 188 Advisory Conciliation and Birmingham University, 102, 183 Arbitration Service (ACAS), Bisexuality, 8 14, 108–109 Bishop’s Mill Pub, Durham, 33 Advocates, 44, 189, 208, 235–236 Boar, The, 35–36 Ahmed, Sara-Director of Feminist Bola, JJ, 166, 173–174 Research at Goldsmiths Boston Marathon, 168 University, 96 Bristol University, 97 Alcohol British Board of Film Classification, and consent, 39–40 166 drunkenness, 34 British Heart Foundation, 234 effect of, 40 Brook, 7 Alienation, 161 Brunel University, 61, 115–116 Ambassador programme, 178 Buckingham, Julia, 16–17, 61, 190 American Health Care, 179 Buckley-Irvine, Nona, 149 Angiolini, Elish, 44, 52–53 Bullingdon Club, The, 39 Anglia Ruskin University, 125–126 Burnell, Jocelyn Bell, 138 Appeal, right of, 122, 126, 205 Bystander Argentina, 155 intervention, 184–185 Aristotle, 168 training, 182, 184–185, 230–231 Arts Council of Great Britain, The, 138 Cambridge Analytica, 155 Attenborough, David, 177 Cambridge University, 97, 100, Australian Human Rights 102–103, 105, 111, 178, Commission, 18 204 Campaigns Baird QC, Vera-Victims’ coalition, 239 Commissioner, 31, 61, hub of, 237 112, 126, 146–147, local, 234–235, 240 223 national, 6, 235 Banter, 40, 74, 147 Canadian Parliament, 155 Barber, Michael-chair of OfS, 8 Cancer Research, 234 Bartoli, Marion, 168 Cardiff University, 183 BBC Central Lancashire University, 151 BBC News Reports, 26 Chapman, Emma, 25, 99 261 262 Index Charities, 108–109, 138 Drucker, Peter, 206–207 Chief Executives of companies, 137 Dunn, Peter-Director of Press and Children’s Commissioner, The, 151 Media, Warwick University, Clifford, Max, 108 27–28 Closed community, 144–145, 176, Durham University, 5–7, 33, 35, 95, 207 97, 148, 167 Clubs Duty of care, 65, 112, 196 officers of clubs, 209 Dweck, Carol, 189–190 rugby clubs, 148, 185 sports clubs, 58, 148, 209 Edinburgh University, 178 Communications, 76–79 Education Select Committee of Complainants House of Commons, 240 gender of, 235–236 Empowered Campus, The, 146 needs of, 127, 239 End Violence against Women rights of, 205 Coalition, 5, 224 Complaints Enforcement of policies and anonymous, 116 procedures, 224 record, 22–23 Equality and Human Rights sexual abuse, 8–9, 24 Commission (EHRC), sexual assault/rape, 66 231–232 sexual harassment, 201 Equality and inequality Confidence and self-esteem in Britain, 137 Consent in universities, 137 nature of, 208 Essex University, 99 training, 44, 178–182 Evening Standard, 99 workshops, 178, 179 Conservative Party, 39 Fat Girl Rodeo, 35 Corbyn, Jeremy, 169 Feminism, 174 Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1 Fenton, Kevin, 29 Coventry University, 8 Fenton, Rachel, 230–231 Culture Change. See Universities UK Fiction, role of, 188–189 (UUK) publications Field, Mark, MP, 168 Field trips, 46–48 Daily Mail, 97 Finance Directors of companies, Dandridge, Nicola 137 when Chief Executive of OfS, 228 Financial Times, 155 when Chief Executive of UUK, 13, Fine, Anne, 188 229 Fraenkel, Eduard, 1 Darwin, Charles, 164 Freedom of expression, 84, 145 Data Protection Act, 78 Freedom of Information request Desert Island Discs, 49 authors Detachment authors’ letter to universities, 4 detached tone of procedures, nature of authors’ request, 196 107–109 of senior managers, 196 results of authors’ request, 20 Dignity, 14, 176, 243 BBC, 101 Dignity Advisors, 115 Guardian, 152–153 Dobson, Andrew, 97 Friendship groups, 56, 214 Donellan, Austen, 65–66 Index 263 FRIES, approach to issue of consent, Harris, Rolf, 108 179 Hart, Celia, 180–181 Funding of universities, 141 Heads of department, 154 Hidden Marks. See National Union Galloway, Scott, 155 of Students (NUS) Gays, 15 publications Gender Hinds, Damian, 140 bias, 2 Historic cases, 118 discrimination, 170 Hite, Shere, 164 pay gap, 137–138, 138 Hogg, Robert, 148 studies, 70 Homophobia, 149–150 GenPol, 182, 235–236 House of Commons, 155, 240 Giugni, Lilia, 182 Huffpost, 180–181 GMB trade union, 237 Human Resources Departments Goodlad Initiative, The, 185–186, (HR) 211 attitude of, 157–158 Government intervention criticism of, 88 2016 approach to UUK, 4, 13 work of, 89 disadvantages of, 225 Hymas, Charles, 166 selective approach to, 225 Government Minister for Independent Sexual Violence Advisor Universities, 26 (ISVA), 182 Greenfield, Susan, 189 Independent, The, 6, 96, 154, 156, Greenpeace, 168 183, 194, 224, 239 1752 Group Information gap, 15–18 foundation, 236 Initiation tests, 36 Power in the Academy: staff Insecurity, 143–144, 158 sexual misconduct in UK Inverdale, John, 168 Higher Education. (With Ireland, 155 NUS), 7–8 ITN, 137–138 Silencing Students: Institutional responses to staff sexual Jackson, Clare, 101 misconduct in UK Higher Javid, Sajid, 3 Education,26 Johnson, Boris, 39, 169 Guardian, 6, 38, 80, 96–97, Johnson, Jo, 3 102, 103, 152–153, 171, Judges, 78, 165 228 Guild of Higher Education Katehatis, Alexandra, 151 (GuildHE), 200 Keble College, Oxford, 39 – Guilt, 54 55 Keele University, 94, 97 Guinness, Dan, 185, 211 Sexual Violence and Support Team, 114 Hallien, Pierre, 186 Kelly, George, 190 Halls of residence, 128, 146 Kemp, Gene, 188 Hall, Stuart, 108 Kennedy, Helena, 183 Harasser, pass the, 83 King’s College, London, 65–66 Harassment advisors, 205–206 Kingston University, 60–61 Harman, Harriet, 45 Klute Nightclub, Durham, 33 264 Index Lad culture and laddism, 36, National Union of Students (NUS) 147–150, 238 campaigns, 3 Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, 1 publications Lamb Sir Norman, MP, 60 Hidden Marks, 2010, 60, Lawlor, George, 182 238 Leadership, 4, 154, 240–241 Power in the Academy: staff League tables, 141, 194–195 sexual misconduct in UK Leicester University, 58, 100 Higher Education (With Leicester#MeTooOnCampus, 1752 group), 2018, 234–235 237–238 Lester, Julius, 170 Sexual Violence in Further LGBT, 150, 170 Education, 2019, 238 Liberal environment of universities, That’s What She Said (with 57 Alison Phipps), 2014 Lodge, David, 1–2 National Union of Students (NUS) London, 25, 87–88, 111, 235 publications, 3, 33, 64, 170 Lorenz, Konrad, 164 Neoliberalism, 142 Louisa, 32 Newcastle University, 183–184 Louise. See FRIES, approach to issue New York University (NYU), 155 of consent Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) LSE, 148–149 BBC revelations about NDAs, 26 Lucky Jim,1–2 Emma Chapman and NDAs, 25 Goldsmiths and NDAs, 96 Manchester University, 176 Northumbria University, 60–61 ManMade, 137, 139, 168 Mansfield College, Oxford, 183 Office for Students (OfS) Mansion House, 168 equivalent in Wales, 229 Marketisation and legal powers of, 228 commercialisation of regulatory framework, 227–228 universities, 142–144 welfare of students and, 227–229 Martin, Sally, 139 Olivearius, Anne, 153 Masculinity and manhood Oregon. See Harasser, pass the male entitlement, 2 Oriel College, Oxford, 132 male stereotypes, 190 Outsourcing, 142–143, 158 masculine identity, 40 Oxford University, 1, 39, 180, pressure on men, 87–88 186–187 Master’s Degree, 10 Media, 5–6, 10–11, 27–28, 45, Page, Tiffany, 40, 44, 152 93–106, 111–112, 156, Parliament, 137, 240 225 Penis, 40, 149–150, 164–165 Mediation, 77, 123, 202 Perception, 90 Melbourne University, 172–173 Perpetrators (and alleged Members of Parliament (MPs), 137 perpetrators), 32–37, 41, #MeToo Movement, 59, 74, 156, 80–84, 108, 112, 152, 156 234 PhD Millionplus, 200 students, 49–51 Morris, Desmond, 164 supervisors, 49 Motivation, 192–193 Phipps, Alison, 36, 142, 209 Index 265 Pinsent Masons, Solicitors, 67 Queen Mary and Westfield College, Plagiarism, 56–57 66 Plato, 86 Queer, 8, 149–150 Pleck and Sawyer, 165 Police Racial harassment in higher attitude to university disciplinary education, 231 action, 131–132, 153 Ramakrishnan, Venki, 49 Metropolitan Police, 115–116 Rapunzel, 188 Policies Regulations. See Procedures dignity and respect, 200–201, Report and Support, 117, 120–121 203, 207, 209 Reporting sexual abuse equality and diversity, 176 anonymous reporting, 75, 105, sexual harassment and abuse, 116–117 128–129, 134, 200 under-reporting, 9–10, 22–23, welfare policies, 227 74–75, 105, 203, 236–237 Pornography, 37–38, 150–152, where to report, 4, 238 165–167 Reputational damage, 24, 26–27, Postgraduates, 5, 8, 35, 94–95, 212 71–72 Power Reputation of universities, 20, 25, abuse of, 217 29, 71–74 imbalance of, 213–214 Research organisations, 232–234 Predators, 1, 3, 41, 43, 106, Revolt Sexual Assault, 6–7, 9–11, 97 152–153, 216 Risk assessment, 95 Prevalence of sexual abuse, 11 Roman Catholic Church, The, 6 Price, Hannah, 94 Rugby, 147–149, 179, 185–186 Private lives, 212, 214 – Procedural justice, 112 113, 126 Sanctions, 55, 177 – Procedures, 107 135 Sarah Green, 5, 69, 224 anti-harassment and bullying, Sathyamurthy, T.V., 45 203 Saville, Jimmy, 3, 108 – – complexity, 120 121, 157 158 Scandals reported in the media dignity at work and study, 176 Birmingham University, 102 disciplinary, 88, 119, 127, Bristol University, 97 – 232 233 Cambridge University, 97 grievance, 119 Durham University, 96 – legalese, 120 121, 202 Essex University, 99 not written for complainants, 205 Exeter University, 94 sexual harassment and abuse, 134 Goldsmiths, London University, 96 student complaints, 77, 119, 127 increase in reports, 97 student conduct, 119 Keele University, 94 Professors, 41, 138, 140, 152 LSE, London University, 148–149 – Public agencies, 230 232 mismanagement, 21 Public Health England, 5, 230 Sussex
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