c oRro REISSN 0819-5633 VOL 96 NO 8 March 7, 1992 NAIL 1U/2 n No tio blica u t—p Pos alia tr Aus d by re te is Reg C AI ANL OS Three-Quarters of a Million Signs Printed ust on three-quarters of a million of the March issue of the Signs of the Times have Jbeen printed and are now being distributed to churches for evangelistic outreach. The March issue features well-known media personality Dr James Wright on the cover and also contains advertising for some of his books. His books are printed at Signs Publishing Company, and literature evangelists will follow up any inquiries. The magazine has articles on salvation, the family, health, the Sabbath, the state of the dead, the second coming and more. It also shows the Adventist Church being active in the community. RECORD EDITORIAL Official Paper Seventh-day Adventist Church Last Words South Pacific Division Editor Bruce Manners ne day an American stormed his These "pictures" of the faith are no Associate Editors Gary Krause, Alan Holman Oway through one of the great longer on trial, but our response to Assistant Editor Karen Miller European art galleries. The man them is. Editorial Secretary Glenda Fairall Copy Editor iraeme Brown dashed through the gallery, pausing After looking at that editorial, I Senior Consulting Editor Laurie Evans only briefly at the occasional picture. prolonged my somewhat self-indul- Correspondents Ray Baird, Lyn Bartlett, Terry Then he charged toward the exit gent nostalgia by glancing through Butler, Ray Coombe, David Hay, Maua Kemo'o, Colin Winch, Neroli Zaska doors. the correspondence files from my Regional Reporters George Drinkall, Chris Foote, Before leaving, he turned on the time at Signs. Some letters made me Eric Greenwell, Colin House, Larry Laredo, Malcolm Potts, Leigh Rice, Lyndon Schick, Gordon Smith, dignified attendant at the door, and linger—particularly encouraging Chester Stanley, Bill Townend. said, "Not a thing worth seeing here, ones. Local Reporters Church Communication Secretaries not a thing!" There are letters from people who Subscriptions South Pacific Division, $A31.00 $NZ43.40. Without blinking, the attendant were desperately trying to hang on to All other regions, $A64.00 $NZ89.60. Air mail postage replied courteously but firmly, "If you their spiritual lives. Where are these rates on application. Order from Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. please, sir, these pictures are no people now? Were they able to keep Manuscripts All copy for the paper should be sent to their focus on the kingdom of heaven? The Editor, RECORD, Signs Publishing Company, Have they found love and acceptance Warburton, Victoria 3799. Phone (059) 66 9111. Five years later, I don't Telefax (059) 66 9019. in the church? Printed weeklyby Signs Publishing Company. know of anything more Before I leave for the Adventist Media Centre in Wahroonga, I want Directory of the South Pacific Division of the Seventh- important. to say thank you very much to every day Adventist Church, 148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW 2076. one who has shown me friendship, Phone (02) 489 7122. (Legal Trustee: Australasian longer on trial—the spectators are." given me help and encouraged me Conference Association Limited. A.C.N. 000 003 930 Secretary: Tom Andrews, Assistant Secretaries: As Christians, our lives revolve over the past five years. It has meant Richard Milne, Properties: Bruce Jackson, Finance.) around certain "pictures"—concepts, much to me. President Bryan Ball beliefs and values—that are no longer And I'd like to thank those people Secretary Laurie Evans Treasurer Tom Andrews on trial. These "pictures" are the prin- who have shared their criticisms and Assistant to President Gerald Clifford ciples on which the kingdom of heav- concerns. You have forced me to re- Associate Secretary Vern Parmenter en is based. They are constant and examine some of the "pictures" in my Associate Treasurers Owen Mason, Lynray Wilson Field Secretary eternal—the still points in our moving lives. Like masterpieces, they increase Departments and Services: ADRA Harold Halliday (Director), Neil Hughes, in value over time. And I'd like to thank Peter Truscott However, it's always a healthy sign Adventist Health Percy Harrold (Director), Harley when church members browse those people who have Stanton Adventist Health Services—Life Plus Don Bain through the "art gallery" of their faith, shared their criticisms (Director), Val Charlton. and carefully and critically examine and concerns. Adventist Media Centre Nat Devenish (Manager) their understanding of the exhibits. Archivist and Statistician Roy Clifford Auditing Service Max Mitchell (Director), Eric Such a process took place in 1888, as Hokin, Ernie Moffitt, Neville Sawert. Robert Stratford people gained a new understanding of life. I've learned from you all. Christian Services for the Blind and Hearing Righteousness by Faith. It was an honour (as well as good Impaired Ray Coombe Church Ministries Bryan Craig (Director and Family Predictably, I reread my first fun) to have worked with Jim Coffin Ministries), Wilfred Bili (Stewardship), Colleen Buxton RECORD editorial before starting as his associate during his time in (Children's Ministries), Barry Gane (Youth), Alwyn this final one. It was all about the Salom (Personal Ministries), Eric Winter (Sabbath Australia. School) prophets, who continually stressed the And I'd like to wish the new edito- Communication, Public Affairs and Religious important "pictures" of faith—things rial team all the best. The new editor, Liberty Ray Coombe Education Les Devine (Director), Barry Hill, Ian such as justice, mercy and faithfulness. Bruce Manners, is extremely gifted Howie, Owen Hughes, Bob Spoor The prophets specialised in camels, and has much to contribute. Bruce is Health Food Eugene Grosser (Director), Greg not gnats. also long-suffering and tolerant. He's Gambrill, Lance Rogers, Allan Staples, Ray Windus Ministerial Association John Gate Five years later, I don't know of had to be—we shared an office for Publishing Bruce Campbell anything more important. We can eas- many months. Risk Management Service Robert Smith (Manager) ily spend our time worrying about I'm cutting this editorial short. It's Trust Services Jim Lansdown gnats, but in the words of the prophet my way of making up for the times Micah, "And what does the Lord when I've been long-winded over require of you? To act justly and to the past five years! love mercy and to walk humbly with God bless. your God" (Micah 6:8, NIV). Gary Krause. 2 RECORD March 7, 1992 LETTERS article? Does the editor know what Shocked! Short Sermon the church teaches? And, does he Jim Coffin's article on the TEGO believe in the content himself? I was recently shocked at the reac- Factor (RECORD, February 8), I suggest that when an article is tion of a well-read Catholic school should be read, learned by heart (and used in Viewpoint, that it be followed teacher, who, after attending our head) and inwardly digested. In spite by a positive statement assuring the church for the first time, suggested of wailing babies, fidgeting teenagers reader that the church and the editor that we treat Ellen White on the same and sleeping elderly citizens, some agrees with the content. Further, that spiritual level as he treats Mary, their preachers drone on regardless of the articles not measuring up to this stan- saint. He was amazed at the lack of TEGO Factor. dard be rejected for publication. scriptural input in the Sabbath school The best sermon I ever heard lasted Also, letters and articles that reveal lesson. 15 minutes and I can still remember it a lack of unity in the church make it I hear so often that we are students after 30 years. That's what I call a difficult for Adventists to influence of the Bible, but sadly, I hear so little memorable sermon. family members in making right deci- of it in our lesson discussions. It Frances Krats, NSW. sions. Anything the RECORD prints appears we have to authenticate should bind our members together. every point with an Ellen White state- Kent's Wisdom We should have nothing controversial. ment. After reading Pastor Coffin's article W. E. Rudge, Old. I believe it's time that we pub- on the TEGO Factor, I couldn't resist lished more articles on revelation and passing on to RECORD readers some You won't find articles in the inspiration, so that the church can be words of wisdom from the late Pastor RECORD that call into question the re-educated on the priority of J. W. Kent. He said, "If the people go fundamental beliefs of the Adventist Scripture and the role that the Spirit to sleep, wake up the preacher!" Church. In other areas of conduct and of Prophecy writings play in the People never went to sleep while belief church members have a variety church. Owen M. Adamson, Old. "J. W." was preaching. of opinions. Even some principles that Mel Stewart, Old. we all agree with can be interpreted in various ways. Music, worship style and To Logo or Not to Logo? jewellery are just three of the topics About six years ago an attempt was that a mixed group of Adventists could made to have the church and all its spend a lively Sabbath lunch on. Views expressed in Letters to the Editor do not departments adopt a common South Viewpoint allows for the expression of neccessarily represent those of the editors or the denomination. Letters should not exceed 250 words Pacific Division logo. It was even some of those opinions. The editors and should be mailed to RECORD -Editor, Signs hoped that overseas divisions might believe that a lack of unity comes not Publishing Company, Warburton Victoria 3799, Writers must include their name, address and tele- adopt our choice.
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