Bulk atc Poslagó PA I D flg Bugic Nw 7400WAUKEGAN RD,NtLES, 1L60714 fliuRsDAY,JANuARyi, 1999 VOL42, NO. 30 Têacherswütmore than agreed 18%.ràlse; Suburb officials meet about . taxpayerstópay For increased salarfes FEMA snow removal funds by KonarTIrIo In rcSpOflSC IO TCqUStS by eut- FEMA funds. The pru rcicas.c goingGv.3imEdgariindC1iicn- rncntioncdpcciflciIIy thc i&6 go Mayor RcIuud M. Daby. inch nowfnIt that ijuned' i prcsidcnt Clinton bas approved cagorndCeokCountythcwck- :JJistrict 63 teachers Fdcrl Diwrcncy Mnnagcrncnl orian. 2.3. Agency VEMA) funds for 34 Ii- Ihr wival amount ofihe funds liois counties, Cook County wilt be nyaiIabIis, Ndss was among thum. which wesc hIL by unknown as pcss lime. howcr. bcavy snows and bitter tsmpera- Villagu bnagcr sold thu Bugic plan Jan 20 strike lures during thu rirsi weck of (bal hr and orncisls of all the by Rsuomar 1999. norsbcm suburbs wctc irvitcd io fiole Accordingin a picos rcIcancin 3n, 20. ni thc Dcspitc rcchlng a bisijon of the 6 percent inCrease bostd Objects sóthc uicona pro- sued by the office of Sen Dick MroneTownship Jewish Congre. new conoari agTcctncni lasi Ø. in each of she three years of she posaliogivo l5pereensso20per- Durbin (D-III.). Nilen Among pion os 8800 BaIlwd Rd. rn Ucs lober, Essi Maine Diitrici 63 contrari agreed so by both sidoin cons psy saines toshe resecan Slit cornmunbics cligibc for the co.uinuei no sage leathers look a voie or no. the rail eigotiassions The school Coe*bn*d en Pngedd. confdcnce jan. 13 and agtis arc lhzesirningto walkout of thclt Nues Dist 219 referendum classfccmsaftamoL2O whc*tth tNi1e dad wafltSex-wifo's cash nesimcciinglschcdulttL usòdes rewardor missing child unlikely on April ballot The direc-ycarconiract baryes f le sos unprreedenscd and eses-scadere thus Slobodis had made Grff1:powcIL Io be ratified by the dinanics. sad DLsi. 29 Suji. mu; tInc glowing pilcatodlegalcaleinsolvinggifts sorelaslrcs lessIng $42.l0. cchocd by Dosol of Educadas cinolirnent withoni neccwilas*ing iracheia.aliIl waftingforlbcirne. godarcdiahea, lark thcs3snbohc child cussody .554 she search (orJudge Bellows resisted sisallic dcnt Roboil Silvennap, bM fundanicni ëhnngcsindic his missing child. n Nuco esse hi money be placed in a separase no- sccommcndwi plolponing a tofo. schoolsdaiiyschcduiog. margeting Eass Maine Dis- hid Supi. Roben Varga. Michael naked o Cools Coussy Circuiscones. acconhiog so a Osicgo iendwn thaLas bring dísuscd flecnuc of iloi Powell stid. Csnjst Judge toiwsiec thaI $304X10Sun.Timesanicic. (or wssibcISChISIOS On nrsl iJicdisIncIbassOmclitflcl0000I. js*w, personnel nod pupil sersic. es director and Wolter Kispars. or his cusranged wifcs money ho Alshougti sciang a parrots AgrWbnIIQi. lote l5 nxls und prestol ils asc used as n seward (or flnsiing his assis44iir silperiniendrid of bsti. (sirith (er the bondit ola child its M s result, iiis unlikely Ihot for requesling addiiiosI monics misuingthughicr. custody casen i sIlos. nos new. using o'css w hsvc ihr opponusity (cOmISO payers. Jodge Carola Bellows will rulesuch (arida ai reward money is io yoic os nddl%IOTIOI funding foi Powtflwhohanbccninhispo Contract rasiflcaiisn was es. pecieni Iso. E hiicichewi boiid Feb.400 she sequesi from Johnunprrcedcnucd inlicUnisti dic diiliicl, which is fncing many sillon foc only fÖw moulus, said lzykownkia esloemy. ILykLIWtkI,usases. accordiogsoColky. lesLdsns Joel BlockTsaylng thee flnanisl chollcngc* includingin thol ihe iwoanda balimooths bo- 37. gaIned cunsody ofhis ehrn.2. sd lind swi busi sttiflcien* tieso Slobodausucency. Lois Kuhn- I creasing ensoilmeni and recceily tuten now nad she ApIit election year-old sbughsec Cinily.nfsrssky. han arbed its withdr.sw (rom I W rebiosothe slew naiiiy hed. ciiacledtaxraps. simply WOSiW CN be nuWicicnl elio d[sagpcaxcd . wish hersiso case claiming sItar Isis isot Powell said litai iWø new ICi. linlO for gathering the posrosd the v Blusk dispused senchecs' colmi dalias iisoUsor Eva Slobods. 3g. (reinpossible io icpecscnL a clises who I citer lobs hove been cecuiwi at lion. conducting pablic hearings. her Perk Ridge home Issu Au*se thai she schc4sslo had beco sub- slots noi o1ii. bui ltçr roquons I Niles 5oi11t High Schóol. which pags lzykoaukiaassooncy. etistedweobscailler. After wa-s refused by ibcjtsdgv. Slobo- J Snow etheigéncy Ai punkularinnue Is she disti. o4i C. Colby. learned Inst Sep. Cnotseaod m e.g. 0 dedari . DwVIUIgu oMcarosiGmee- Ro ry Club donates bucfor boots liar decláreda snow cwicigeivy elîcctivcwedñcudeyjan. I3.un sil the snoweinageòcyln nased.ThlssAo!emclZeoeywan derlwedsunquënl-lu¡horeceIpt o(rc4d fidiwaldw . abilily öf ndditloøal snow nwlwmonconIiitnlnglMswInlcr. Uwrr thhdcclarnlicn. the Dc. pallIttelil o(Publlc Works will he plocing odd re cscn PARK. JNCreuIatioot on sperirsed streets witnin iheVillagrio in. suie snow can be fully cleared. Caaliedip,gs4g Winter parking regulations . Residen aràIvhdlou*lll: thcuplogcsanddrirc*a) II _gd rehlcles dining seim. ijonos calte thc pealcul ejJ. ship for snow retnusni opelo lions. Rrsicwalielng oli ndwignsl rd serin niele we inininded thus ThoOosPlìh*ø*R oee _n, is psuhlbhcd on either lesnwdUngI. 01 ss*iWbon* for*ar,htcom. thnuw, Th.., oib*Un U* skie of dic «cccl slier i im.liwJ C*ib usedw sss?hcSwtilbc, ness w9snSd by Maho Thminis, AnbsloaaPam Mcrgn snowftil, nd until snow icitiovil mro&iØla mgth.D,p*gNMrycThIsIleN cciThThiç uscqe MVrÇle1Ot'Jth ftRK1s*cfs1sd &8dPnWIC csdp*4g HnMnGthw. dPleonSocdsIIir*gPus7,Andsous; M*sgTeier44Ad,skdsegog, . ThEIVCIR,ThVRSI)SV.JMiVAP.Y 25. lOSO' PACI: Z TITEEUCE11URSiAYANURY2I i Claire Sineni ofNues Nues Elementary School District 71 CIirc Sinenil6, o1Nildici graoilmolbcr ofTaylor. Dccc sis- School Board Elections Ckhia Bitffet oo1ary 19 n hcr home aller a Irr of Paul (Naocoay Moutalbaco ew long illness. Boloved wiro cf FiIinp of Nnmhaotin Peli. andaba laja Carl (Roccaunc). Ou April II, 1999. an ciccliuu Qual(flcasioa,,: GcrlcSiocoi.0 MaryvilleAcacl. M raca Thuaoday Jaiauniy 21. On tiar dote of ekction, ai clii. tLnpis: y Marnai, Dczir daughtcr of trill be held (or rncnitaeaihipou ten of Ihr l,luiaraj Sicici. or Icasi Nomiirniing Peaiiiiins oill lt All You Can Eat Buffet Ska Taimar Fuaicual liorna. the Board of Eduecuiora of Niks ihn Inc Manha (Montalbooc) Si- IS ycoec cfar, ii rcjidaoi olrhe alcccaaed 7812 Milwaukac Ava.. Nuco, 3-9 t(lauiculoty Siahool Diauicr 1*11. ai Niks lilameutoty Doni and cbs late Macjuno Moo. p,rn. 5101e of Illinois und of lac sclnxal Saliiaøl D&aa.rici *7) ,aflir. 690) OPEN 7 DAYS. Threr secos on the ucern-mamtaar talbano, Loving molhcrof disarici foc ni (cosa one year pca- w. Okion Slerati. Nalca. ((muir Monday -Thursday: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Include Drinks and Ice Cream Sc,vicco at SknjFriday. lair,. board will be upfoecleaaiou. The ge (Karos) Marilyn (Vilo) codina 111e ckçüaau. acid o refis- 110714. frani Maunutiy. (aia. 25, 22 ai 9:45 n,rn, Fuucuad Mau nl accru aif oll'iac tea' Ikeic seals will Friday & Saturday: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm Virgilio. Michaci (Robin) asid rcrriisaaicr. l999 al 8:30 ura. uliuiing noitnal lO3Oa.ua, or MatyvillcAcadcmy bcgin willair, nenes days clic; No. sci (11m) Kolco. Chcrihcd NauoainWIn Pelitinan: aa)lice Incurs (0:10 am. u '1:31) Sund ;11:OOam-9:OOpm ChOpcl. Rivcr Rd. ciad Crorrul, vcniabct2. l999ivadandinApnil dmollicr of Nicole, pail.) unii) Matmlay, Feb I, Lisa.Daoplairico. Iolcnncoi. All Sciuro ol2ll.Aounirnatyo1oorno par. Taicoalay. Nuseanber 3. 1995. 'SP) - Children Under 3'cars Eat Free Vilo. Gina, Jenny. Daony ciad was ihr Orna doy lItio priolpeelIve ai S pail. Ccrncacay, Rivoc Rd iiud Ccoir.d. riaientinforrocamnoeoucerrring 3.5 Years S1.9 oily Bclovcd giacal. DesPlomas. Schoolficiairaicaruiiricira ocre iloilofFnrjtlou, = acbol decimos isiaicul bolista'. , abk aiaeirvulic nca,,linorin0 pali. Cattulidates arc liaiesl in Ike r Chini Butfet Coupon*NIIeaII. (847) 5l-1668 6-lOYearstor 1/2' Price pur a conaplcic ici aal informa. rions lot Signaiaoes. hai. please conical ike l)hnoí. taillai in ihn uatdaa In alliaS hai, IflhIl4!I$ÜIki A pudel of iufiar,uoriot,nd noamrlaIulrg palilinala ,itn trcnavcd (Oht;4iflSn.ImIp. Nues conununity Stata Batan) of li)cciiians, JanteS li,nns axe aisiilabk ir, Iba (l(O1 EXCEPT aba) a)) oo,,,,noiao W%D WMD R. 1hompsou Cuntcr)formea)y pa' E)cuaeaaxiiy School I)orascr 7 I nl. iiili,lpictenteal ci 531)a,i nu dia Sacie of Illinois Cernca, ISO DZNNER BUffET LUNCH BIJFVEL educationprograms fice or 69101 W. Octarnu Siroti io Jiotniny 25. 1999 coil periticaaa re' 33OTOt l* . Weil Randolph. Suite 'I. lOO. LSlLLflAY tOA1L.1OP& Maá yo.ir calcndaz.ilic Ito- your children. cual lak)ni arne or (5-17) 966.9250. ccaucd u the liria na,) lin Ja.nuc0 man Scniicc Dcpaztmcoi ic ial- Cliiea5is.l))in,,io(dI(0). (312) Piin,,a: 8520 Golf Road ial wi4Tyiog cloua aaldce lorculo? S I-l-6440. 23. 1999 only a, CC,: ainakind as 5O9 (crisp tIc follnwinp ccaonaunìly Do you (ccl no uric io iakiug cota Candidates mii« pianotai: ((laus iii 9:30 a.ua i\ )liiinry ni)) Nues, IL. 60714 duçaiii,n picmc iiryuc' If so. coulact lilia Iluuicn .5. Staatrarrruf ,aJ Ciltnlidaiary.. be held ta dnieamunn l'alliaI paia,. Aduli Adult 1' Syiliamaiic Traioin(or 1(11cc- Sarvicco Ocpaxruicu; nod 4sk (or Commissioner latu.11 indicate olead1 anil accu. alilo foc iliac lilung ai alllapanI' (Golf Milwaukee Plaza) (cia Patcoling.JoflWlt) 29. Jim Slnciih cc luis flallic (or curly iba postIlen fiar as)uclitie lieu lime, Every Day 4 Soups 38 Main Entrees fccbroaiy 2(. j991), rocpiucrn.s ill nicar lu(i,aflaStilio ohuiol ihia as- packets picked camlidsie n canning rnc)udan EdlTtluil !JoiIe childrco .cpco birth thrcogh ado.cíliugprograrn. 1ciclai,ua (S'li) the ltngth o) iice reamial otficc Tiansuby. cpral ) 3. )991) t_ .0 I_t UI Plus Fruit and Salad Bar Tel: (847) 581-1668 (cato. 9;45.l I 1$ am. cl lIc Iii. 5S$S'l6O Ni,cal. up 'flicSioterainolof Cawiubay lbeifr4ni ,4.,, (III .1 l.4ttt C - , C- nut ., 01,0,1 1 Ou Mlan Plu.
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