ISSUE THREE | SUMMER & FALL 2015 2015 ISSUE THREE | SUMMER & FALL McMichael Magazine ISSN 2368-1144 ISSN From the McMichael Canadian Art Collection CAN $4.95 of Contemporary Northwest Coast Art Coast Northwest Contemporary of Collection Spirit: The Cameron/Bredt Transforming 7: Professional Native Indian Artists Inc. Frank (Franz) Johnston Thom Sokoloski McMichael Magazine / I Board of Trustees From the Permanent Collection On the Cover Upkar Arora, Chair Joan Bush Don Yeomans (b. 1958), Bear Peter Carayiannis Mask (detail), 2009, red cedar, Tony Carella paint, 99.4 x 61.5 x 31.8 cm, Gift Andrew Dunn Diana Hamilton of Christopher Bredt and Jamie Anita Lapidus Cameron, McMichael Canadian Linda Rodeck Art Collection, 2014.6.49 John Silverthorn Tina Tehranchian Michael Weinberg Diane Wilson Rosemary Zigrossi Ex-officio Victoria Dickenson Executive Director and CEO Guests Meegan Guest, Director-in-Training Jane Knop, Director-in-Training Christopher Henley, Foundation Chair Maurice Cullen (1866–1934), Chutes aux Caron, c. 1928, Geoff Simpson, Volunteer Committee President oil on canvas, 102.3 x 153 cm, Gift of Mrs. Janet Heywood, McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 2003.1 McMichael Canadian Art Foundation Board of Directors Christopher Henley, Chair Victoria Dickenson, President David Melo, Treasurer Upkar Arora Jordan Beallor Isabella Bertani Mark Bursey Doris Chan Susan Hodkinson Iain MacInnes Doug McDonald McMichael Honorary Council The McMichael Vision Harry Angus John Bankes H. Michael Burns To be recognized as an extraordinary Jamie Cameron Robert C. Dowsett Jan Dymond place to visit and explore Canadian culture Dr. Esther Farlinger, O.Ont George Fierheller, C.M. and identity, and the connections between Hon. Judge Joyce Frustaglio Joan Goldfarb, O.Ont Patrick Gossage art and nature. David Grace Rev. Edward J.R. Jackman Extraordinary place to visit Explore Canadian culture Connections between art Hon. Henry N.R. Jackman Michael W. Johnston A physical and virtual gathering and identity and nature Joseph B. McArthur place that provides an engaging Enables our users to understand Bringing together and integrating Samuel Sarick and continually changing experi- who we are as Canadians and the visual arts with the natural Noreen Taylor Anthony Webb ence to targeted audiences and where we fit in the global world to create a cultural land- Wenda Yenson communities driving new and context over time, through the scape that combines works of repeat visits. medium of art. nature and people. Editorial Committee Susan Benton Victoria Dickenson Connie Febbraro The McMichael Mission Sarah Stanners To interpret and promote Canadian and Aboriginal art, to attract local, national, Art Direction and international audiences. Key Gordon Communications Publication Coordinator Jennifer D. Foster, Planet Word 10365 Islington Avenue, Kleinburg, Ontario, L0J 1C0, Canada 905.893.1121 1.888.213.1121 An Agency of the Government of Ontario mcmichael.com Un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario The McMichael has made every effort to obtain copyright permissions for all magazine images. II / McMichael Magazine A Word from the Executive A Word from the Director Director and CEO of Curatorial and Collections This third edition of McMichael Magazine opens Some of you may be wondering why it is that an ex- with a message from a new member of the McMichael pert on mid-twentieth-century abstract art is now di- team. It is my great pleasure to introduce Dr. Sarah recting the Curatorial and Collections department at Stanners, our new Director of Curatorial and the McMichael? From my earliest days as the keeper Collections. Sarah comes to the McMichael with a of the Hart House Permanent Collection at the background of outstanding scholarship and a wealth University of Toronto, which is comprised entirely of exciting ideas. McMichael staff looks forward to of Canadian art, I have seen a discernable connec- working with Sarah as she guides the gallery’s exhi- tion between representation and abstraction. With bition plans for its fiftieth anniversary in 2016 and my later focus on the National Gallery of Canada’s develops exciting ways to celebrate Canada’s 150th Jack Bush retrospective exhibition and my still- anniversary in 2017. Keep your eyes and ears open ongoing compilation of the Jack Bush catalogue for ways to listen to art. raisonné of paintings, I have delighted in examining The McMichael has always been associated with an artist’s extraordinary journey from landscape to the Group of Seven, but this summer the gallery abstraction—one that is paradigmatic to the evolu- showcases the works of another group, known as the tion of modern art in Canada. “Indian Group of Seven” or the Professional Native I am very pleased to now be working for the Indian Artists Inc. Co-founded by Daphne Odjig in McMichael, and I intend to keep the gallery’s re- the early 1970s, this group included many artists as- spected community, members, and future members sociated with the McMichael—Norval Morrisseau, at the forefront of my mind. I also feel it is important Carl Ray, and Odjig herself. It is a great honour to to extend our reach to all Canadians and indigenous have their works installed at the McMichael. people across this vast country, as well as to bring our The McMichael is also most fortunate to be able national arts into context with the rest of the world to increase its own collection of works by indigenous around us. As my doctoral work was partly focused artists, with the generous donation of forty-nine on the way in which prominent collectors or family- works by contemporary Northwest Coast artists. formed collections founded Canada’s public muse- This gift from Jamie Cameron, a former McMichael ums, I am well-primed to navigate the history of the Board member, and Christopher Bredt will enable McMichael, while also keeping my eye on the future. the gallery to show the development of artistic So far, the view is great! traditions from this region, by a celebrated group I was born and raised in Toronto, but I know all of artists. too well that a view from outside of the city lends Join us at the McMichael and share in the breath- a greater vantage point and perspective. I want to taking art of this country. embrace the McMichael’s special position and make the most of the new landscape before me. —Dr. Victoria Dickenson, Executive Director and CEO —Dr. Sarah Stanners, Director, Curatorial and Collections McMichael Magazine / 1 CONTENTS 12 Two Media, One Message: A Discussion with SUMMER & FALL 2015 Watercolourist David McEown and Photographer Daisy Gilardini on Art and Conservation by Rachel Weiner 03 VanishingEXHIBITIONS Ice: Alpine and Polar Landscapes in Art, 22 The Art of Don Yeomans by Chris Finn 03 7:1775-2012 Professional by Dr. Native Barbara Indian Matilsky Artists Inc. 14 TimOne Pitsiulak wood carver on andClimate artist’s Change mastery of the Exploringby Michelle theLaVallee breathtaking worlds of ice and snow, and the bymedium Sharona that Adamowicz-Clements forms part of the Christopher Bredt Sevenimpact native of climate artists change formed through one of art.Canada’s most important and Jamie Cameron gift of Northwest Coast art. artist alliances and fought for artistic inclusion in the 16 Eyes on Quebec: Treasures from the Andrée 08 Frommainstream Art to art Action: world. Dr. Barbara Matilsky on the 24 RhéaumeThe Photographs Fitzhenry of and Frank Robert (Franz) Fitzhenry Johnston Power of Alpine and Polar Imagery by Rachel Weiner Collectionby Sharona byAdamowicz-Clements Katerina Atanassova 08 DaphneThe curatorial Odjig: process Trailblazer of capturing and Advocate the beauty and fragility TheAn storyexploration of two Canadianof one Group collectors of Seven and founding their passion ofby Earth’sJann L.M. Polar Bailey Regions in Vanishing Ice. formember’s art and art delight education in using nationwide. the camera as a form of At 95 and still active as an artist, Daphne Odjig, one of the artistic expression. 10 Afounding Northern members Narrative: of the Lawren Professional Harris Native in the Indian Arctic Artists 22 Jean Paul Lemieux and the Figure byInc., Chris considers Finn herself “very, very lucky.” byPROGRAMS Sharona Adamowicz-Clements A reflection on one artist’s drive to explore and depict the 28 AnThom examination Sokoloski: of the Water—Nature’s artistic evolution Sensorium of one of 10 spiritualNorval Morrisseau: pull of the Arctic. His Art and His Influence Canada’s by Robert most Enright accomplished painters. by Chris Finn Innovative Canadian multidisciplinary artist Thom The “Copper Thunderbird” altered traditional imagery 26 KarineSokoloski Giboulo: on water, What the Isnatural My Name? environment, and their through symbolic adaptation of colour, line, and subject byconnection Sharona Adamowicz-Clements to people’s physical and spiritual selves. matter. 3031 NewSpeaking McMichael from thePublications Middle Space: by Rachel A Conversation Weiner, 12 Breaking Barriers: Alex Janvier on His Early Life, His Sharonawith Contemporary Adamowicz-Clements, Artist and Michael Ola Mazzuca Nicoll Artistic Development, and the Challenges of Being a TheYahgulanaas McMichael byadds Rachel to its Weiner list of publications with p.10 Native Artist in Canada by Rachel Weiner these latest offerings. 34 Connecting Art and Nature: The Birchbark Canoe 16 An American Artist in Canada: Joseph Sanchez Talks 34 PaintingProject byPictures Anna Stanisz on Silence: Acclaimed Jazz about His Experience as a Member of the Professional GuitaristA
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