ISSN 0216 - 809X (Print) LIFE ISSN 2685 - 4112 (Online) An Analysis Ma’rimpa Salo As A Traditional Culture In Sinjai Regency (A Cultural Approach) Andi Rukayah1, Burhanuddin2, Rezki Fadilah3 1,3Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Muslim Indonesia 2Akademi Bahasa Asing, Universitas Muslim Indonesia Abstrak The purpose of this study is to know the local culture in Sinjai. As we see today is the technology and foreign cultures that keep us from the life and culture of our ancestors gradually been worn. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method that given images or facts. The writer needed library research, field research, observation, interview, and documentation to sup- port the data. Marimpa Salo is dispels activities from upstream to the mouth of the fish is done in two villages namely Sanjai Village and Bua Village, both of which are mediated by Appareng River. This tradition has been carried out in the time of Bulo Bulo kingdom are still preserved Sinjai district until now. The results of this study are expected to be fruitful thought "let 's pre- serve our culture for posterity and for Indonesia”. Keywords : Ma’rimpa Salo, Traditional Culture, Sinjai, South Sulawesi Abstract Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui budaya lokal di Sinjai. Seperti yang kita lihat hari ini adalah teknologi dan budaya asing yang menjauhkan kita dari kehidupan dan bu- daya nenek moyang kita secara bertahap telah usang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif berdasarkan fakta. Penulis menggunakan data dari kepustakaan, lapangan, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi untuk mendukung data. Marimpa Salo adalah kegiatan menghalau dari hulu hingga muara ikan yang dilakukan di dua desa yaitu Desa Sanjai dan Desa Bua, yang keduanya dimediasi oleh Sungai Appareng. Tradisi ini telah dilakukan pada masa Bulo ketika kerajaan Bulo masih dilestarikan Kabupaten Sinjai sampai sekarang. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi pemikiran yang bermanfaat "mari kita lestarikan budaya kita untuk anak cucu dan untuk Indonesia". Keywords: Ma’rimpa Salo, budaya tradisional, Sinjai, Sulawesi Selatan 1. Introduction and traditional ship manufacture are develop Sinjai is one of regency in Sulawesi in North Sinjai sub-district. Selatan. It located in strategic position from Beauty and natural wealth owned this economical because can be reached through area is usually called to be three- dimen- three stripes of land transportation, the sional as it covers the mountainous land- Southern stripe through Bulukumba Regen- scape, natural beaches, and islands. This cy, the northern through Bone and the West golden triangle promising future expecta- through Gowa. There is “fish landing port” tions owned progress Sinjai.Sinjai has many makes a swift flow of good and services tourist places such as archaeological herit- through sea from Sinjai to other area or age, relics of the colonial period, and the province. beauty of the tourist spots that are created The potential industrial sectors are naturally other. Continuity is maintained 1.097 units of small scale industries. There because of the love of every society Sinjai. are passion fruit processing and Susin Naturalness still looks like Air Terjun (Sinjai’s milk) in West Sinjai sub-district Kembar in Sinjai Borong , Wae Pella in and volatile oil distillation in South Sinjai Central Sinjai used as tourist attractions, sub-district. While fish processing industry VOL.17 NO.2 DECEMBER 2018 94 ISSN 0216-809X (Print) ISSN 2685-4112 (Online) َو َع َلى ُجنُوبِ ِه ْم َو َيتَ َف َّك ُرو َن ِفي َخ ْل ِق ال َّس َم َوا ِت َوا ْْلَ ْر ِض َربَّ َنا Baruttung waterfall will return renovated َما َخ َل ْق َت َهذَا َبا ِط ًَل ُس ْب َحا َن َك َف ِق َنا َعذَا َب ال َّنا ِر)and opened to serve waterboom , boasting (191 Hill Gojeng located in North Sinjai . Relics Indeed, in the creation of the heavens of the colonial period, also affected the and the earth and the alternation of the beauty of the district tourism Pharmaceutics night and the day are signs for those of standing in downtown Fort Balangnipa. We understanding. 190 are not forgetting ancient objects that can Ma'rimpa Salo is a significant ancient be found in Bulupoddo. Cultural properties Buginess as a form of fishing in the river Sinjai also become the pride of Indonesia. carried from generation to generation in a People Sinjai prides owned geograph- way to block the fish from the river up- ical conditions. Existence of geographical stream to the mouth of which is accompa- circumstances given by God to be grateful. nied by a variety of boats to the beat of if viewed in terms of natural scenery , ele- pounding drums and other sounds made of ments that support it , and the potential con- bamboo rods.This activity is done worked tained therein. The potential of Sinjai can together at Bau village (karuan dulu) as an be develop by government and society. expression of praise and thanksgiving to Al- Awareness must rise for importance of our mighty God for any success Ruma Lao (rice earth. harvest) and the success Ma’ppaenre Bale Sinjai’s position has good strategy from (fish harvest) in each year . several potential, like tourism area poten- In process of tradition, this party has tial, cultural tourism, and culinary. several interrelated components in the suc- The position of the Sinjai Regency lo- cess of these activities. The implementation- cated in South Sulawesi with Sinjai as capi- party of Ma'rimpa Salo make by all actors in tal. Sinjai regency has an area of 819.96 Sinjai regency that have invited. They usu- km2 (81 996 ha) to the position of 50o 19 ally decide who want to invite by meeting. ’30 “- 50o 36’ 47” South Latitude and be- The components joined in the processes tween 119o 48’30”-120o 10’00” East Lon- Ma’rimpa Salo are mention below: gitude, and has lowland and plateau. Bone 1. Arung is the highest decision makers and Regency borders Sinjai on the North. There the implementation of the Party and the is Bone Gulf in the east, The South by people assigned tasks to his society and Bulukumba Regency, and the west by oversee the implementation of the party. Gowa Regency. The travelled distance from 2. Gella (head of a village) and To Matoa three regencys around three and four hours. Village (Community Leaders) are regula- Culture is an identity in an area. Every tors and implementers in area of party place has different dialect, art, habitual and under the supervision of Arungas well as tradition. It does not same with another lo- the responsible executive of the People's cation. The difference factors like climate Party. and place (plateau, lowland, coastal area, 3. Lolo Kampongis organize, planning, pre- and mountain range). pare everything to the implementation of In society, human and culture cannot the party and the people who responsible separated. Both of them have relation and for the success this party. usually called duumvirate. There is not cul- 4. Pabelle is duty to prepare the equipment tural that cannot grow up from society, the of party on the sea. other way there is not society without cul- 5. Ponggawa lopi is leader, also crew assis- tural. tant. In cultural development, Islam is im- 6. Sanro or shamans (indigenous leaders) portant as reference. Some verse explains are participated to pacify the ritual in about basic principles in Al-Qur’an, so processes ma’rimpa salo. Moslem can develop the cultural with maxi- 7. Paggenrang is a component of musicians mal. Islam rate as intellect and thinking in on a boat. top position, Allah swt says in Ali Imran: 8. Paddareheng or padawa-dawa as pre- 190, 191: pared the consumption. .The government and society .9 ِِ َّن فِي َخ ْل ِق ال َّس َم َوا ِت َوا ْْلَ ْر ِض َوا ْختِ ََل ِف ال َّل ْي ِل َوال َّن َها ِر ََليَا ٍت ِْلُو ِلي ا ْْلَ ْلبَا ِب)190(ا َّل ِذي َن يَ ْذ ُك ُرو َن ََّّللاَ قِيَا ًما َوقُعُودًا VOL.17 NO.2 DECEMBER 2018 95 ISSN 0216-809X (Print) ISSN 2685-4112 (Online) In preparing of preparing, this compo- The implementatation of Ma’rimpa Salo is nent has been prepared and a determination begin some activities as follows: of the event ma'rimpa salo. Firstly, compo- nents of custom meeting for determine the 1. Ma’tanra Esso (discussion) implementation time of ma’rimpa salo. The In the implementation of Ma'rimpa Sa- results of discussion formulate the follow- lo, villagers Sanjai or Bua village held a ing: consultation or in Buginess language 1. Announce to the public about the imple- Ma'tanra Esso as the first thing that must be mentation plan ma’rimpa salo wiil com- done. Custom device does discuss the deter- ing soon. mination of Ma’rimpa Salo. Which acts as a 2. All component / custom actors and so- component implementation Salo Ma'rimpa cialite make formal meeting to determine ie rafting or Sanjai village chief and village the day of ma’rimpa salo. chief Bua, Gella, bissu, Pabelle and villag- 3. Planning agenda of ma’rimpa salo ers Sanjai and Bua village. The atmosphere is made as royal style because each wearing a suit and a cap Buginess warrior costume. 2 Method The method used in this study is quali- They discuss all matters relating to the event tative descriptive method that give images Ma'rimpa Salo and tasks respectively. The or facts. According to Taylor in Moleang results of the parley that is, as follows: (2002:3) stated that qualitative method is 1. Announced to the general public on the considered as the research procedure to implementation of the plan will arrive produce the descriptive data in the method Salo Ma'rimpa implementation period.
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