www.ukrweekly.com Vol. Lll No. 17 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 22,1984 a 25 cents ХРИСТОС BOCKPEC - CHRIST IS RISEN Ukrainian Catholic hierarchs: Supreme Executive Committee meets; faith brings Christ's power UNA assets top S50 million "That 1 may know Him, and the power We must ask ourselves on this Day of JERSEY CITY, N.J. - The Ukrai­ Prior to their meeting, the UNA of His Resurrection" (Philippians 3:10). the Resurrection: "Is this same power nian National Association's assets officers attended the funeral liturgy for available for us today?" In many ways exceeded S50 million as of the end of renowned bandurist and conductor In the entire history of the world there our world is living under the same February — just days after the fraternal Hryhory Kytasty that was held in South has never been a transformation so conditions as those discouraged, de­ organization's 90th birthday which was Bound Brook, N.J., at St. Andrew's immediate, so radical and so thorough as pressed and defeated disciples were on Washington's birthday, February 22 Memorial Ukrainian Orthodox Church. the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It from the day of Christ's burial to the - reported Supreme Treasurer Ulana turned 11 men who were utterly defeat­ resurrection day. It is true that we were Diachuk at the regular meeting of the The full text of the appeal to UNA 'ers ed into a bold, death-defying, complete­ not actually with Jesus historically as Supreme Executive Committee held appears on page 3. ly committed band of witnesses. They His disciples were. But this does not here at the UNA main office on Satur­ became the nucleus of the greatest mean that we are deprived of Christ's day, April 14. Present at the Supreme Executive group of people the earth has ever seen power. In a sense, more power becomes In addition to financial matters, the Committee meeting were: John O. Flis, — the. true believers in Jesus .Christ. available to us through -faith: -Jesus- meeting focused much attention on the president; Myron B. Kuropas, vice These trembling followers were stand­ recognized that Thomas believed be­ UNA's participation in the drive ini­ president; Gloria Paschen, supreme vice ing helpless before their hopeless inade­ cause he saw, but did not Jesus Himself tiated by Americans for Human Rights presidentess; Walter Sochan, secretary; quacy and suddenly they flamed with then say, "Blessed are they that have not in Ukraine to secure passage of a bill — Mrs. Diachuk, treasurer; and Stefan assurance and became irresistible with seen and yet have believed" (John HR .4459 in the House of Represen­ Hawrysz, organizer. Sen. Paul Yuzyk, their rock-like spirit. All this happened 20:29)? Each one of us belongs to this tatives and S 2456 in the Senate — that the UNA's supreme director for Canada, because of the power of Christ's Resur­ group. We have seen and believed not would create a federally funded com­ was unable to attend. rection. with our bodily eyes but with the eyes of mission to study the Great Famine of At the beginning of the meeting, the In the power of the risen Christ, these faith. 1932-33 in Ukraine. The UNA supreme officers heard a report by Maria K. early Christians went forth to change It is this faith that brings Christ's officers decided to issue an appeal to all Woroby of the University of Minne­ the face of the world. Because of their power to us. Reflect on our oppressed UNA'ers, urging them to contact their sota, who is working on an index to the experience with the Resurrected Christ, brothers and sisters who daily live under senators and congressmen and seek Svoboda Ukrainian daily. Ms Woroby they worked miracles in His name, they the strain of a totalitarian regime. Still their support for the legislation. (Continued on page 13) lived a life with a kind of joy that the they believe! In spirit they quote the world cannot give nor take away and words of the Psalmist David: "1 set the with a happiness that never tarnishes Lord ever before me; with him at my nor turns sour. (Continued on page 10) Ivan Sokulsky said to recant JERSEY. CITY. N.J. - Imprisoned the 44-year-old poet in which he said human-rights activist Ivan Sokulsky that his political activism was the Ukrainian Orthodox hierarchs: has become the second known member product of "egoism" and self-aggran­ of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group to dizement. Dissident sources could not feast of feasts brings life recant his dissident activities, accord­ independently confirm the recantation. ing to a recent story in News from In apparently renouncing his views, "Let us embrace one another and to­ repeated and touching hymn," Christ is Ukraine, a Soviet publication distri­ Mr. Sokulsky became the second mem­ gether sing: Christ is risen!" risen from the death, by death He buted in the West. ber of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group to trampled death, and to all in the graves The dramatic disclosure came in a recant. Several years ago. News from Dear and beloved brethren in Christ! He granted life." March issue of the paper, which pub­ Ukraine reported that the Rev. Vasyl As on every Easter night, today the How, then, can we not but respond to lished what it said was an interview with Romaniuk had repudiated his activities solemn homily of St. John Chrysosiom, the appeal of the Church and her with the group, which was formed in the great teacher of the Church, echoes hierarch to be enlightened by the 1976 to monitor Soviet compliance with today to those who bear the name of solemnity of the Resurrection, to em­ the human-rights provisions of the 1975 Christ. From the depths of the ages it brace one another and call even those Helsinki Accords. Most of the original penetrates the human heart and awakens who hate us our "brethren?" How can 37 members of the group have been the human conscience. we'not but forgive everything and imprisoned, exiled or expelled from the As we listen to this homily on Easter everyone for the sake of the Resurrec­ USSR. night, it seems that it is directed to each tion? Is it possible for someone to pass News from Ukraine did not reveal and everyone of us. It summons all of us this most difficult examination in the the circumstances of the Sokulsky to enter into the joy of Christ the Savior life of a human being? In truth it is interview, such as the date or place, but who rose from the dead for our salva­ difficult for the individual to attain to the interviewing journalist" was identi­ tion. It calls for the rich and the poor to this and the more so impossible for fied as an L. Hamolsky. celebrate this feast of feasts in common human society which has become Mr. Sokulsky was sentenced in 1980 unity. It calls for no one to be pained by accustomed to internal discord, to be­ to five years in prison, five in a labor his sins for forgiveness has been bestow­ littling authority in its own center, to camp and five in internal exile. Earlier, ed from the grave. self-aggrandizement and repression of he had been tried and imprisoned from In addition, the homily of the the weak. Unfortunately these charac­ 1970 to 1973 for his participation in a hierarch St. John Chrysostom calls teristics of this present illness are found student movement in the Ukrainian city upon us not to fear death, for Christ's in us Ukrainians, especially when we of Dnipropetrovske. He and co-defen­ death and resurrection have liberated us. enjoy complete freedom. dants Mykola Kulchynsky and Vasyl It is for this reason that we often near In order to recognize the reasons for Savchenko admitted distributing a during the paschal days the much (Continued on page 10) Ivan Sokulsky (Continued on page 2) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 22,1984 NO. 17 Sakharov may need surgery Meshko's niece in Australia MOSCOW - Soviet human-rights activist and physicist Dr. Andrei Sak– fights to free exiled aunt harov suffered a painful attack of thrombophlebitis in a leg last week, ESSEN DON. Australia - Maja friends said on April' 16, according to Hrudka of Edithvale has been battling Reuters. with the Kremlin since the mid-1970s The friends, who are in close touch to allow her aunt to leave the Soviet with Dr. Sakharov's family in the West, Lnion, reported the Australian- could nof confirm a West German Ukrainian Review here. television report on April 15 that the Her aunt is no ordinary citizen, Nobel Peace Prize winner had entered a however. She is Oksana Meshko, 78, hospital in Gork). the city where he prominent human-rights activist and lives in enforced exile, and had re­ member of the Ukrainian Helsinki quested an operation to remove a blood Group who has been exiled since clot. 1981 in a remote region of Siberia Thrombophlebitis is an irritation of north of the Chinese border near the the inner lining of veins, which can Sea of Okhotsk. She is not due to cause clots to form. Dr. Sakharov has complete her term until 1986. suffered from the disease for several TTWi years but had refused to entera hospital Dr. Andrei Sakharov. Ms. Hrudka, 48, who is director of in Gorky for fear that something might Dr. Sakharov's wife, sent a telegram to nursing services with the Victorian happen to him there, the friends said.
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