Plan:MK Strategic Development Directions Consultation January 2016 www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/PlanMK Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 How to Comment 8 3 Longer Term Vision and Opportunities 10 4 Development Directions 14 5 Next Stages 42 6 Links and References 43 1 Milton Keynes Council | Plan:MK - Strategic Development Directions Consultation, January - April 2016 Section 1 Introduction Section 1 Introduction References' provides you with details of where to go if you want to find out more Introduction about any of the issues we cover in this consultation document or look at any of Milton Keynes is on a journey to create a the documents referred to. new Local Plan - we call it Plan:MK. This document is part of that journey, looking What is a Local Plan? What is Plan:MK? at ideas for the longer term growth of Milton Keynes that have come out of a As mentioned above, Plan:MK will be the series of workshops that took place in new Local Plan for the Borough of Milton Spring 2015. Keynes, covering a period of around 15 years from the date of adoption(1). Before we go into detail about those ideas, this section looks at what a Local Plan is A Local Plan will usually set out a Vision and why we need to have one; what the and Development Strategy for the whole starting point is for preparing Plan:MK; the of the Borough, and include policies that process we will go through as we move will guide developments of all sizes so that forward; and the work that has been done they help to deliver that Vision. This so far. includes the high-level, strategic policies that all development proposals would need to meet, and also the more issue- or 2 area-specific policies that would be used when we determine the detail of a planning application. The Local Plan will also allocate sites for different types of land uses, including areas for residential, employment, leisure, retail, education or community uses. Plan:MK will help to provide certainty for local people, developers and other Following this introduction, Section 2 'How stakeholders about what will happen as to Comment' sets out details of the Milton Keynes grows and changes over the consultation period for this document and coming decades. Plan:MK will also provide how you can send us your views on the the strategic context for Neighbourhood questions posed in this document. Section Plans, prepared by Town and Parish 3 'Longer Term Vision and Opportunities' Councils. discusses ideas of what Milton Keynes might be like in the future, and Section 4 All Local Plans have to be prepared in accordance with the National Planning 'Development Directions' looks at a series (2) of strategic, spatial options for how that Policy Framework , which sets out the could be delivered. Section 5 'Next Stages' Government's policies for development. covers what happens at the end of this When adopted, Plan:MK will form the key | Plan:MK - Strategic Development Directions stage in the process, how your comments document in our Development Plan. The will be used as we move forward, and what documents that together form the else we will be doing in order to prepare Development Plan set out the policies we Plan:MK. Finally, Section 6 'Links and use when we determine planning 1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF, paragraph 157), suggests that Local Plans, like Plan:MK should "be drawn up over an appropriate time scale, preferably a 15-year time horizon, take account of longer term requirements, and be kept up to date". 2 National Planning Policy Framework, NPPF, http://planningguidance.planningportal.gov.uk Milton Keynes Council Consultation, January - April 2016 Section 1 Introduction applications. This includes other planning Where are we starting from? policy documents prepared by Milton Keynes Council and also Neighbourhood Plans that are produced by Town and Parish Councils(3). Neighbourhood Plans are prepared by local communities to address specific planning issues in their local area, and they must go through a process of consultation and examination. They also have to comply with the NPPF and with the strategic policies in the Development Plan. Underlying any Local Plan, there also needs to be a robust evidence base of background The Development Plan for Milton Keynes information documents and research currently includes two sets of policies that papers, outlining the facts and figures will be reviewed and replaced by Plan:MK. about the Borough, what might be expected to happen into the future and the reasons Firstly, there is the Core Strategy that was for those projections or conclusions, for adopted in July 2013 which sets out the strategic planning policies currently used example population forecasts or the need (4) for new homes. We also need to take to guide development in the Borough . account of what is happening in The Core Strategy was prepared during the 3 neighbouring areas and the evidence being recent recession when it was impossible to prepared to support the development of predict how the Borough would eventually their plans. This evidence base will be used be affected by the downturn in the to provide justification for the policies in economy. When the Core Strategy went Plan:MK. through the Examination stage, the Milton Keynes Council Inspector required that we made a commitment to undertake an early review of the Plan in the form of Plan:MK(5). The Inspector also determined that we should allocate some small- to medium-sized housing sites to make sure we had a flexible supply of land to meet our housing target in the Core Strategy, in case the delivery of some of our larger sites is delayed. The | Plan:MK - Strategic Development Directions Site Allocations Plan is being prepared to meet that need(6). Consultation, January - April 2016 3 You can find out more about the Development Plan and the documents that are part of it on our website at www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy. In particular, you can read about the progress we are making with our Site Allocations Plan and our Minerals Local Plan. 4 You can look at the Core Strategy at www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy/core-strategy-2013 5 See Core Strategy Policy CSAD1 "Review of the Core Strategy" 6 Progress with preparing the Site Allocations Plan is covered at www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy/site-allocations-plan Section 1 Introduction The other set of policies that Plan:MK will work closely with communities who have review and replace is the remaining saved prepared and are preparing Neighbourhood policies of the existing Milton Keynes Local Plans on this. Plan which was adopted in 2005(7). Generally these policies are the more We also need to prepare Plan:MK in the detailed, development management type context of plans being developed in policies that are used when we determine adjacent areas. In particular, emerging (8) planning applications (alongside the plans in Aylesbury Vale and Central (9) Government’s planning policies in the Bedfordshire are important factors we National Planning Policy Framework). need to keep up-to-date with, and officers are in regular contact with colleagues in those authorities and also meeting more formally through the Duty to Cooperate. What is the process for preparing a Local Plan? The process for preparing a Local Plan is set out in statutory regulations(10). In summary, the key stages in the process that 4 we are following is set out below: Develop, refine and publish the evidence base underlying the Local Plan. Work on the evidence base continues throughout the plan-making process. Develop and consult on the issues, constraints and opportunities that need to be taken into account in the In preparing our new Local Plan we will also Plan. We did this through our Topic consider the policies for areas covered by Papers consultation(11) between Neighbourhood Plans. This might involve October and December 2014. cross referencing to existing Neighbourhood Develop and consult on options for the Plan policies for specific areas, or we could Plan's Vision and Development include those policies in the relevant Directions for future growth. This is chapter of Plan:MK. The Neighbourhood the stage we are currently at, and the Plans that are currently being prepared purpose of this consultation have to follow the strategic policies in the document. The Development Core Strategy. Since Plan:MK will replace Directions show where and how future the Core Strategy, this might lead to the growth could be accommodated. The need to review some of the existing details will be set out more clearly Neighbourhood Plans so that they fully after this consultation and will lead reflect any new strategic policies. We will | Plan:MK - Strategic Development Directions on to the Preferred Option. 7 The existing Local Plan is available at www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy/local-plan-2005 8 www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/section/planning-policy 9 www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/planning/strategic-planning/planning-policy.aspx 10 The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/767/made 11 All of the Topic Papers are available at www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/PlanMK Milton Keynes Council Consultation, January - April 2016 Section 1 Introduction Develop and consult on the Preferred Options for the Local Plan. This includes the preferred way forward on the Vision and Spatial Development Strategy and an outline of the policies that will be needed to implement and deliver the Plan.
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