University ofCmcinnat"· N·EWS'" ··R Vol. 54 ' No.3 Deol)ls Testimony Ope\,$ :Concert. Series ··Begins Sunday Council1s Crime ;Hearings by Phil Schlaeger With Belafonte At·· Field,house City Council's Crime Stu d y by Peggy Gannon Committee formally opened its' ,hearings on Friday, Oct,' 7 with Harry Belafonte,Nana Mous- testimony from Dr. Claude R. kauri and Nipsey Russell this Sowle. Sunday open the- first in this Dr. Sowle, Dean of UC's.College year's Union Concert' Series. In of Law and an acknowledged ex- the tradition of last year's first pert on the administration of annual concerts in' the fieldhouse, criminal justice, traced the causa- the central stage will' be circled tion of crime to deep social and by chairs and bleachers with the economic discontent" but pointed performers as close as possible to out that progress resulting from the audience. present socio-economic undertak- Mr. Belafonte 'never takes an ings would not be evidenced for audience for granted. He con- another 5-15 years. stantly reviews and '.refreshes, his In the meantime, said the Dean, presentations, which never Jose we will have to rely more on our their enthusiasm and appeal. This police force as a "stop gap" hold- production offers Nana Mouskouri ing action. asIiis-latest addition to his ever Recom mendations , changing concert group. Dean Sowle then went on to Belafonte Singers To' Appear should have the' authority to se- make the .following recommenda- 'lect his top aides. The Belafonte Singers, whom he tions to the committee: (4)' An Office of Legal Counsel' founded over three years ago, will (1). Cincinnati needs. a larger should be established within the back him with' the necessary' vo- police force to cope with" the police department to aid and cal aid in many of his selections, mounting problem of crime. abet the police in coping with giving them a broader and more (2). The salaries of city po- the law explosion that has oc- flexible quality 1 licemen should be raised as soon curred within the criminal field. Belafonte is never placed in a as possible. The Dean pointed out to the static setting .that does not change year after year. Even through his The Dean pointed out that "we committee that "No corporation would dare conduct its affairs presentations are e sse n tially get roughly what we pay for," , "pure Belafonte" he is, neverthe- Harry aelafonte and that no officer should re- today in a legal fog. Nor 'should any police -departrnent. ':' less, surrounded with the,right - . ceive a salary of,~ess" "tban background and the best material and yet still see to it that audi- way of familiar touches. $10,000 ,a ;year Hestim~my by'<a ' (Continued' on Page 2) to give it a new 'look,a new sound ences iget what, they, ,wap!. in the Nipsey Russell, who has won later- witness established the fact " ," ,> ' , , t-ellgH:t~iasti~,..response from .audi- thatp 0 I ice officers average $5,600a year.) . .- In maintaining tpa£lhe' police .tOl11sey· H~reTomorrow Nicg'"hI','::',r~:~~l~::r~~~~~~rh~e:i~ chief should receive not a penny , '.. " ~ show. l3e.la.fonte;f.who:seldGI1'ftlt1-1 less-than $30,000 per year, the .' .: ~ " ",'. lizes -the. serviceS"~bf'a, comedian Dean reasoned that law enforce- ment is big business and. big business just doesn't "'pay "it's 'Sponsored By· Newman, . , Center,- ~:lt~cO:u~:'::~7s\:~\~~~~b~~::ground m mUSIC and dance as chief executive $18,000 a year , well as comedy. and expect to retain the most by F rank' Melcher qualified men. Dean Sowle sug- Ramsey Lewis, who is being, gested that in the past, the city sponsored by the UC Newman ~Festiyities 'Begin- has been "trying to get big Catholic Center at the Music Hall league results with minor league Ballroom tomorrow night from 9 56 Girls CO"",pete; stakes." to 1, is described by Time maga- (3). The city's current police zine as being. "not 'only in, but the Judges Select'lO chief selection procedures should hottest jazz artist going. The be reviewed" 'with searches to younger generation has adopted by Karen McCabe' fill .vacancies conducted" on a Lewis as the purveyor of a-' new The 10': Homecoming Queen~ nation-wide basis, instead of the and wonderous sound." semi-finalists for this year are: current pol icy of restricting Over-night Success Shari ,Baum, Sigma Delta Tau, Burdette, Behle", Kappa Delta, searches to a local basis. The The' new sound of Ramsey Dean reasoned that a wider Janet Hadler, Chi Omega, Sue Lewis, first heard on his Cadet re- Hanni, Chi Omega, ,~lbrey Har- search would be necessary to se- cording ~of "The In Crowd," won lect the best man available. rell, Zeta Tau Alpha, Cathy.Mey- virtual overnight success for .the. ers, Alpha Chi Omega Robin Sev- In answer to a question raised tall, .academic-looking Chicagoan, by Mr. Morelli, counsel for the' ester, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sal- who' has led his own' trio since ly Skillman, Theta Phi Alpha, Gay committee, Dean Sowle main- 1955. tained that the police chief alone, Talbot, K a p paD e I t a J and "The In Crowd," Lewis's most Millie Tyree, Delta Delta Delta. successful, recording which has, 56 'Compete sold' into the millions, has been -Selected Monday .at a public followed by such hits as "Hang on judging, the 10 were chosen from Sloopy" and "Wade in the Wa- 56 girls on the baSIS of facial ter. " These recordings have re- beauty, figure, and, poise. Nick sultedvin television appearances Clooney ,WL W-TV personality, Si on the country's top shows, includ- Cornell, Post Times Star column- ing the Tonight-Show and Hulla- ist, Evelyn. Teifel, fashion coordin- bullo, and concert 'tours to':Jhe ater for Pogues' and Thelma Lincoln Center .and Carnegie-Hall. Wright of Shillito's' public rela- Grammy Winner tions department were judges. ' Lewis's recognition reached its Finalists Still Secret heights when the National Acad- Ramsey Lewis After a personal interview with these judges, the 10 semi-finalists emy of Recording Arts~: and got a superior rating from the The Clefs disbanded in 1955, and Sciences awarded him a Graminy were narrowed down .to five the record industry's Oscar,for Illinois Federation of Music Clubs, Ramsey' formed his own trio. A finalists Wednesday, Oct. 12. '~The In Crowd." and won, scholarships to Chicago Chicago' policeman' heard the Complete coverage of the five Ramsey began his piano studies Musical' ,College and Roosevelt group and introduced them to' finalists will be given in the' Oc- at the age of six and by the time University. Aft e r graduation, Leonard and Phil Chess' of Argo tober 20 edition of the NEWS he graduated fro m grammar Ramsey attended Chicago Musi- Records. A Chicago disc jockey RECORD. school in' i948, 'had" won the cal College, worked as· a record heard their first recording, intro- Bands March' American Legion Award for 'out- department manager, and played ducing it to his audience, and the This 'year'a.parade promises to standing scholarship, and a $150 professionally' with the Clefs," a 'group began to move. be 'more 'colorful than .ever with college scholarship 'in a -contest seven-piece dance band., . , Ramsey, will be' performing at 25 floats depicting nearly every for gospel choirs and choruses W h i I e performing with 'the two one-hour concerts tomorrow nurse-ry rhyme. Thepar~de will held in' Minneapolis, Minnesota. .Clefs, attending school and work- night, with 'The Frankie Brown also include _ the Bearkittens, He also took second place in the ing in the department store,Ram- Band playing for the dancing. UC's 'band and- several ROTC "Stars of Tomorrow'"TV show.' sey found time to marry his pret- The tickets for the dance, costing units. ,Andersbn, Newport,' and r Scholarship Winner ty childhood sweetheart, Geral- $4 a couple for UC students and Mt. Healthy" High School bands In high school, Ramsey led the dine. The marriage, as successful $5 for .others, may be purchased will also participate, as well as -= senior division .of .the American as Ramsey's career, has pro- at the Over-the-Rhine Room' in the the Forestettes, a marching and Society of Musicians ,~, (~~icago, duced five children. ' Umontomorow, and at the door. drum group from Forestville. r ~ Page IWO (,D~1~~gRSlfY["OF'·CIINICI~\NA1-I{~EWS;,tJ{EC16RD' +h)~rsdoy; (d2tober: \.1"3",' ·1966 [)c)bney, F=rench .'Hall Elect 'lames: R~bdes ,--:~]:b Lay -Cornerston.e·; Officer,s'·'For.Scho'ol·Yea'r Last Monday evening, with house as Secretary, and Dave -For:-.UC's-Raym.ond -Walters-:- Branch- Cohen of Dabster House as Treas- spirit and enthusiasm the men of , Ohio Governor James A. Rhodes September, 1967. It will offer a urer. I , Dabney and French Halls elected will lay the cornerstone for the two-year, program with a variety their 'hall officers for the> com- .c.> Each house in the residence L'C Raymond Walters Branch of major fields. halls was allowed to nominate one. ing year. now under construction off Plain- Through the' Board of Regents candidate for. each office. The can- The': French Hall elections were field 'road, Blue Ash, the Stateof Ohio supplied funds' didatethen had. acquire the conducted by Resident Advisor to' < Ceremonies will be held at 8:15 for purchase' of the 122-ac~~ cam- signatures of twenty - five hall Steve Wilson, The residents elect- a.II). .Saturday. The general pub- pus, and construction, and will members on "a petition. At the ed .'the following officers: Presi- lie is.
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