United Nations A/59/PV.16 General Assembly Official Records Fifty-ninth session 16th plenary meeting Wednesday, 29 September 2004, 3 p.m. New York President: Mr. Ping ............................................... (Gabon) The meeting was called to order at 3.05 p.m. Florida and in Japan and China, as well as in our own country and elsewhere in the Pacific, such as in Guam, Agenda item 9 (continued) the Mariana Islands and in Niue. It does not take a scientist to see that such storms are now occurring with General debate increasing frequency and devastating intensity. The President (spoke in French): I now call on We must also express our great sadness over the His Excellency The Honourable Sebastian Anefal, continuing loss of life at the hands of terrorists, and we Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federated States of condemn in the strongest terms all those who wrongly Micronesia. think their causes are advanced by such misguided acts. All human life is precious, but the recent terrorist Mr. Anefal (Federated States of Micronesia): atrocity committed against schoolchildren in Beslan, I am honoured by the opportunity to speak before the Russia, was particularly vile. The world must speak out General Assembly at its fifty-ninth session on behalf of with one voice in utter contempt of those who were the people of my Pacific island nation, the Federated responsible. States of Micronesia, and on behalf of our President, Joseph J. Urusemal. I regret to say that, in addition to working to defeat terrorism, this body must also find more Allow me to extend my congratulations to you, effective means of combating genocide that is Mr. President, on your well-deserved election to this sponsored or tolerated by a Government. There must be high office. I would also like to recognize Mr. Julian no refuge for those who would deny entire populations Robert Hunte of Saint Lucia for his distinguished the basic right of existence. service as president of the General Assembly at its fifty-eighth session. It is obvious today that expressions of condemnation and even multilateral treaties do not Sadly, there have been so many recent disasters in deter such people. As our technology provides even which innocent lives have been lost that time does not more effective and readily available means of mass permit me to mention them all. Whenever we learn of destruction, the bright promise of the coming years human suffering brought about by the forces of nature — could be overwhelmed by an unthinkable nightmare. whether by earthquake, storms or otherwise — our hearts go out to the victims. As Pacific islanders, my The people of the Federated States of Micronesia people feel a special sympathy for the victims of the know that even we, the inhabitants of a remote island recent typhoons and hurricanes in Haiti, Grenada, nation, do not have the luxury of remoteness from the Jamaica, Cuba, the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, threats posed by such crimes against humanity. These This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the interpretation of speeches delivered in the other languages. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room C-154A. Corrections will be issued after the end of the session in a consolidated corrigendum. 04-52673 (E) *0452673* A/59/PV.16 are threats to which all are exposed and from which all Can the nations of the world afford the price tag are at risk. Though our numbers are relatively small, of achieving all those things? The economic many of our finest young citizens are standing today indications are that we can; it is a question of will, with others on the front lines against tyranny and determination and perseverance. There is no lack of oppression. We will not shirk our commitment, but, if wealth in this world. By just about any measurement, there is any hope of making such crimes a thing of the people in the industrialized world today enjoy a far past, that commitment cannot be conditional or higher standard of living than has ever been known selective. It must be universal. before. Many developing countries are not far behind. But, when it comes to actually taking the steps Even if we summon up the will to act collectively necessary to overcome the dilemmas I have mentioned, to put down the darker side of human nature through we confront the real challenge: to determine the wisest collective action, we must work much harder on a allocation of our resources and to act accordingly, in global scale to move towards eliminating the the spirit of the eight Millennium Development Goals. conditions that provide fertile ground for the sponsors of terrorism and genocide. These include conditions of It does not take a great deal of wisdom to poverty, hunger and inadequate access to clean water, conclude that mankind must continue to place high sanitation, health care and education. All those priority on the eradication of poverty and hunger. conditions, of course, are familiar to students of the Likewise, the need for prudence in protecting our United Nations Charter. Thanks in no small part to the earthly environment and its resources is increasingly work of the Organization, statisticians are able to obvious. But allocating our resources properly, identify significant, even dramatic, progress over the identifying the correct timing, and acting so as to attain past 60 years, and those trends can be expected to those goals will require virtually every scientific, continue as we dedicate ourselves to the attainment of economic, political and ethical capacity that we can the Millennium Development Goals. summon. But trends do not mean much to the children who The process must involve an even-handed will die of starvation today, tomorrow and the day after approach, without room for guilt, blame or jealousy. tomorrow. Growth in gross domestic product is of little While there is a real need for action, there is no need comfort to the man desperately trying to support a for panic. The planet can still be saved, and the social family on less than $1 a day, who sees no hope of conditions for despair can be overcome. We must, improving his situation. The world — acting through however, all play our respective roles with this and other bodies, in addition to providing direct commitment, compassion and in accordance with an assistance — must redouble its efforts, because there is equitable division of responsibility. Let us put aside the still a long way to go, and this planet of ours becomes finger-pointing and the tyranny of self-interest, and let more dangerous every day. us set about the task. As if what I have just mentioned were not There are several issues of concern to my country challenging enough, we also now know that the global regarding which I would like, briefly, to be more community faces a wide variety of complex tasks in specific. protecting the planet from environmental catastrophe. First, Micronesia looks forward to the convening We humans, sitting at the top of the genetic ladder, of the International Meeting, in January 2005 in have the capacity to foul the nest of Creation, and most Mauritius, which will conduct the critical 10-year agree that that is happening to one degree or another. review of the Barbados Programme of Action, focusing One thing is clear: we are the only ones who can do on the particular needs and vulnerabilities of the small something about it. Considerable costs will be island developing States as they pursue sustainable involved, and not just in funds. Some say that the development. During the past 10 years, we have seen industrialized world must change its deeply ingrained progress in implementing the Programme of Action, patterns of energy consumption and make other with the close involvement and support of the adjustments. Others say that the developing world must Secretariat. However, that progress needs to be switch to more sustainable development approaches, at accelerated. The International Meeting will enable us a higher initial cost. to identify and make essential course corrections. 2 A/59/PV.16 Naturally, over the past 10 years, we have also seen the facing the prospect of cultural eradication, the emergence of new challenges and issues that were not unabated advancement of already-inflated lifestyles in originally addressed. Now these can also be the industrialized world does not seem a “greater considered. Overall, the outcomes of the International good”. We continue to support the call of AOSIS for Meeting should be target-oriented so that progress in immediate implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. implementing the Programme of Action can be tracked Export and licensing income from the bounty of and measured. Micronesia’s waters and its vast exclusive economic Of course, the International Meeting will be zone is by far the greatest contribution to the nation’s successful only if the representatives of island States budget, next to foreign assistance. Fisheries are also a are able to attend. Micronesia thus calls upon the donor vital resource of virtually every Pacific island country. community to provide generous support to the trust A cooperative approach on the part of coastal States fund so that island States may be adequately and distant-water fishing nations in the sustainable represented at the Meeting. In that regard, I must conservation and management of those resources is acknowledge and express appreciation to those essential, since we now know that they are not countries that have already contributed.
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