Concordia purchases two new [Meinert biatherswre Hybrid vehicles - Page 4 a common goal, - Page Friday, INGembcr 4, 2009 Vol: 1,XXXVIVil `Www.thra..;on‘ordian:org the NCORDIAN e s udent-run newspaper of Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota by the ROTCs dive outside of their comfort zone numbers BY MARY BEENKEN country on what is known no aquatic experience before Staff Writer as the Order of Merit List. joining ROTC and for many, 1110T(1 It's 6:ro a.m. on Nov. r8, Only the top ro percent of certain parts of the test were and 38 cadets break into a those on the list are guaran- nerve wracking. Reserve Officers' ; chorus of "Happy Birthday" teed to get any selection they "I'm terrified of water," Training Corps as they tread water in the want of military jobs. said Nelson Godbolt, a cadet ' pool at MSUM's Nemzek After treading water in from Concordia. ROTC produces officers Hall. They are part of swimsuits, the cadets leave Concordia sophomore in all branches of the U.S. NDSU's Army Reserve Of- the pool to put on their Rachel Campion said that Armed Forces. : ficers' Training Corps pro- uniforms, substituting ten- being blindfolded was the gram, and they are warming nis shoes for their normal hardest part for her. She also ROTC graduates constitute up to take their annual Water combat boots. According to said that the cadets usually 56 percent of U.S.Army, Combat Safety Test. Stroud, this is in an attempt try to get through the test I percent of U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Shawn Stroud to keep MSUM's pool clean. like any other part of physi- said that cadets must pass The rest of the test is com- cal training. Corps, 20 percent of U.S. the test each year to en- pleted in full uniform. "You just do it," she said. Navy, and 41 percent of sure that officers are able In order to pass the test, For many of the cadets, U.S.Air Force officers, for a to survive and function in the cadets have to swim so the test is part of prepara- combined 39 percent the water in an emergency meters in their full uniforms, tion for a program called the of all active duty offi- situation. However; he also swim across the pool with an Leadership Development As- cers in the Department believes that it fulfills an im- Mr6 held above their head sessment Course, which eval- PHOTOS BY HANNA STEVENS of Defense. portant part of their training in one hand, jump into the uates each cadet's abilities as Cadets splashed into the MSUM pool with rubber M I 6s.They to be future military leaders. diving well of the pool with both a leader and a follower. swam 15 meters while holding the fake rifles above water. As of June 2006, there were "Part of leadership is be- a vest of equipment and re- The program will take place a total of 3,229 units: ing able to operate outside move the equipment before at Fort Lewis in Washington tinue with the ROTC pro- meet these situations if they of their comfort zone," he resurfacing, and be pushed this summer and includes ad- gram. ever arise in the line of duty 1555 Army AJROTC units said. off the five-meter diving ditional aquatic safety tests. Maj. Scott Ewen, who "If you're going to make Because of the tri-college board while holding an Steven Jaskowiak, a senior works with all the cadets at decisions here, it's the right 794 Air Force AFJ ROTC ' system, many of NDSU's MI6—blindfolded. at Concordia who was the NDSU, thinks that the envi- place to do it," he said. units ROTC cadets are actually Jonathan Lunde, a NDSU score-taker for the test, said ronment of ROTC is benefi- As the cadets finish Concordia or MSUM stu- senior who was acting as Ca- that remaining optimistic is cial because the cadets learn treading water in the pool on 619 Navy NJROTC units dents, They may graduate det Safety Officer for the day, the most important skill in to deal with dangerous situ- the morning of the test and with any major they choose said that he enjoyed the test getting through the rigorous ations that require snap de- prepare to dress for the rest 260 Marine Corps and an additional minor in when he took it in past years. month-long program. cisions in a safe, controlled of their assessments, Stroud military science. Before they "I thought it was a lot of "I figured the time went environment where they comments that no one seems MCJROTC units can graduate, however, they fun," he said. "I grew up on faster if you kept a positive can't be hurt. He said that is to be tired or scared yet—a have to pass certain assess- a lake, so I thought it was outlook," he said. "But at part of the reason that tests good sign when the water 1 Coast Guard ments of their physical abil- pretty easy." the same time, it's a test, not such as the Water Combat treading is done. JROTC unit ity and leadership skills, and Not all of the cadets were training." Safety Test are administered: "That major hurdle's they are ranked against every as comfortable in the water All cadets have to com- so that the officers have both over," he says. "No one's other ROTC graduate in the as Lunde. Some had little or plete LDAC in order to con- the skills and confidence to drowned so far." Degree- quickies On Tuesday Dec. 8, at 9 p.m Works to 10 p.m there will be a TOMS information night, in- cluding a documentary, and eases music by Petter Eriksmoen. Watch for more information on TOMS in next week's planning Concordian BY EMILY GOTTA Though guests may not Staff Writer notice much of a difference For Seana Johnson, a mu- in Anderson. Commons, sic major, class registration a dramatic change has has always been a dreaded been made.All of the fresh event. To help Johnson and potatoes served are now other Concordia students locally grown and organic. reduce the stress of figur- The potatoes are the first ing out registration re- organic item to be offered in quirements, Concordia has Anderson Commons year- recently implemented a pro- round. The culinary team in gram called DegreeWorks. An online tool available Anderson Commons uses PHOTO BYTANA FLATEN on average 13,650 pounds The Concordia Bubble couldn't hold off armed robbers from a campus apartment building Nov. 8. The break-in spurred more talk through C-Port, Degree- of fresh potatoes each aca- about security features at Concordia, like electronically accessible doors and blue light emergency phones. Works allows students to ac- cess their GPAs, view their demic year that are primar- transcripts, and most impor- ily served baked, roasted, tantly, show students exactly or mashed. Dining Services Tri-College campus security what courses they still need used to receive potatoes for their majors and core re- from Wisconsin, Minnesota quirements. With the help or Idaho depending on avail- of DegreeWorks, determin- ability. re-evaluated after break-in ing what classes Johnson BY MARISA PAULSON MSUM, according to annual Meier, dean of student life, Frances Frazier Comstock needs for her major and what The Concordia College Staff Writer safety and security reports of said that while there were no Theatre. requirements she needs to Global Studies program will each institution, but how do security problems on campus The last four of the eight graduate will be much less of host the third annual "China The break-in on Nov. 8 Concordia's security features that demanded that the step buildings listed just had FOB a headache. Town Hall: Local Connec- that occurred on 8th St., just measure up to the other in- be taken, Concordia decided locks installed this year, and In addition to benefiting tions, National Reflections" across the street from the stitutions in the tri-college to take the proactive ap- MacDonald said he would students, DegreeWorks also at 6:30 p.m.Tuesday, Dec. 8 heart of campus, is a remind- consortium? proach and move in the di- like to continue adding elec- eases the responsibilities of in Birkeland Alumni Lounge, er that Concordia is not iso- rection of providing another tronic access to other build- advisors. According to the Offutt Concourse. Con- lated from the surrounding Campus Building Doors level of security for campus. ing on campus. DegreeWorks' "Facts and cordia is one of only 40 community. Two Concordia All three colleges' resi- There are currently eight "Eventually, and ideally, Answer" section on C-Port, students were victims of an dence hall exterior doors are other buildings on campus we would like to have elec- the program "reduces paper locations throughout the armed robbery. The intruders locked 24 hours a day from with FOB readers that can be tronic access on every build- work, minimizes errors, and country chosen to host this who have been arrested as of anyone who does not have locked electronically: Knut- ing on campus, all 42 build- supports real-time delivery event. press time are all Fargo resi- a key. Concordia's residence son Campus Center, Me- ings, and eventually we will of academic advice." In- dents, yet they broke into an halls were installed with FOB morial Auditorium, Offutt get there," he said. "It's just stead of meeting with their Uh, can we frost that? apartment in Moorhead.
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