DIRECTORY. J NORFOLK. THETFORD. 471 Cooper M.R.C1S.Eng., ·L.R.C.P.Lond. East Ha.Tling; Salvation Army, hold meetings at the Odd Fellows' hall1 Hepwortl1 & Hopton districts, Wallac& Pethe1'ick Castle. .st-l'eet ; I1i a.tn. &i 6.30 p.m • L.R.C.P.Lond. Hopton; Honington district, John Sey~ " • moar Gelston L.R.C.P.Irel. h.worth; Methwold dis­ SCHOOLS. trict~ Ernest G-eorge Archer M.R.Q.S.Eng. The Hill 'l'he Grammar School was founded in 1566 by Sir Richard house, Felt;well; North Lopham di~trict, William David Fulmerstone (knighted in I'36o at Berwick by the Duke Adams M.B.~ C.M.Edin. The Cedars, Kenninghall; of Norfolk), & incorporated by Act of Parliament in Northwold district, William G-loag Galletly M.B., C.-M. r6n & is now a Secondary School ; · the buildings Sycamcre housP, Northwold; Thetford district, A.llan occupy the site of Trinitr church, onee the cathedral GlaisyPr MiRns L.R.O.P.Lond. & M.R.G.S.Eng. "Alex- · church, 1!ome vr the arches of which still remain. In l -andra hous~. Bridge street, Thetford 1-87.6 the Charity Commissioners formulated a scheme Public VaccinatorS', same as medical officers, except That­ ; fur the government of the school, when thec premise11 ford district, -Alu.ed Harris M.B. Market place, Thetford . we.re almost wholly ~ebuilt, provision being made for Superintendent .Registrar, Joh11< Houehen, London road, 8o boys. Chemical & physical laboratories have since Thetford; deputy, W. J. Haywood,• London rd. Thetfrd been added & the old chemical laboratory converted Registrm'S of Births & Dea.ths. Methwold sub-dil'ltrict, into 1t caFpenter'l! shop ; the school cricket ground is­ l John Shaw Wat~on. Mundford R..S.O.; deputy, Fred. in Bury road. I Attached ~ the school are three H. Chandler, Vine cottage, Northwold; Thetford sub­ :Foundation Scholarships & six Free Scholarships, & district, G. H. W. Hayes, 64 Bury road, Thetford; provision is made in the scheme for one Fulmerstone deputy, John G. Brown, King street, Thetford Scholarship of £6'o a year, tenable for three years at any Reg;istrar 6f Marriages, Alfred A. Davies, High street, university. The head master's residence, on the oppo­ Brandon; deputy, Palmer A.Lingwood,London rd.Brndn site side of London roa;d & erected in 1879, is a large 'The Workhouse, in Bury road, is a structure of brick, building faced with flint & red brick, & is available for erected in 1836, & capable of holding 250 inmates, & 20 boarders; there are now (rqo4) about 41 boys, of bas a chapel adjoining; Gem-ge Leaton, master; Rev. • whom :r:6 are boarders in the school house ; the school John Phillipl!l Watts, ohapJ.ain; Allan G. Minns L.R.C.P. is nutnaged by a body of 12 govemors; chairman, F. H. Lond: medical officer; Mrs. S. Raynor, matron • Millington esq. J.P. ;· head master, Rev. Benjamin ·Reed B.A.London, National Medallist in Science I The Girls' Grammar School, ·in the London road, which PUBLIQ O~FICERS., , ' • · iS' under the same governorship as the boys' school, was <Certifying Factory Surgeon, Pambroke Robert Jsph.Bunch 1 erected in 1887, at a cost of £3,500, defrayed out o{ Minns M.D. 19 King street the funds of Sir J. Williamson's Charity, from designs 'Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for Borough, George by Mr. J. Os borne Smith, arehiteet, of London, & was Odden Read, White Hart street enlarged in 1903'; it is at present available for so girls, Clerk to Charity !l'rustees & to the Grammar School & with a boarding house for 12 boarders ; there are gar­ Hospital Foundation, Frederick V. Houchen, London rd dens fm tennis & the use of grounds for hockPy & Clerk & Re~istrar to Burial Board• Chas. Farrow, 14 cricket~ twe Foundati<ln Scholarships & Six Free Well street Scholarships are attached to the school, which. is Oerk to the Lunacy Visiting Committee, George Odden ' examin'ed 'Yearly by the Cambridge Syndicate : pupils Read, White Hart street · · Pntered 'for· Oambridgoa Local Examinations; a pre­ Collector •of King's Taxes, Henry John Lockwood, 45 paratory depaTtment for boys & girls under the age Croxton road , of 8 years was 11dded in 1901 ; Miss Cecilia L. Phillips, Collectar of Inland Revenue, William Chismon, Grove la late of Redland High School, Bristol, head mistress . t' A. United School District was formed for the control of PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services, 'l'hetford, Bridgham, Feltwell Fen, Larling & North.& South Lopham Schools; Albion Graham Williams, ·st. M:ary'.s Church, Bury road•(Suffolk), Rev. Ernest Wm. Station road, clerk to the managers and attendance Hardy, vicar; 8 & u a. m. & 6.30 p.m. (last sunday in officer month children's service at 2.30 p.m.; wed. 12.30 Public Elementary School, Norwich road, erected in 8.30 p.m.; saints' days, a. m __ _ 1878-9 & opened on the ISt of May, 1879, for 750 chil­ :St. Peter's Church, Rev. John Phillips Watts, rector; II dren; average attendance, 275 boys, 250 girls & 250 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m infants ; Frank Russell, master; Miss Emily K. :St. Cuthbert's Church, Rev. Robert Charles. Sheldon Groom, mistress i Miss Alice E. Edgington, infants' Sweeting M.A. vicar; sundays, 8 & II a. m. & 6.30 p.m. mist res~ & daily & saints' day services St. Mary Rop!an Catholic, London road, Rev. Geoff!-ey CONVEYANCE. Brennan, priest; holy communi<ln, 8.30 a.m.; mass, Great Eastel'n Railw~y. to London & all parts; Austin 10.30 a.m.; evening service, 6.30 p.m.; dail:y mass, Christopher Sainty, station master 8.30 a.m.; devotion on thurs. 7.30 p.m Thetford Bridge Station, Thomas Henry Butters, station Baptist, King street, Rev. William Fitch; u a. m. & 6.30 n:aster ' p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Omnibuses & fiys from the Bell hotel to the railway station Congregational, Earles street, Rev. Philip Henry Davis ; to meet every train . n a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Anchor & Red .Lion hotels 'buses meet all trains Primitive Methodist, Guildhall street, Rev. John W. ·\Vh 1tta· k er; 10._,0.., a. m. ""... 6 .30 p.m.; mon. 7.30 p.m ' 'CARRIERS. Wesleyan, Tanners street, Rev. Thomas Bramfitt; Fakenham-Frank Lovelace, from 'Green Dragon,' sat 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m , Hopton-Charles Goo~man, from 'King's Arms' sat PRIVATE RESIDENTS. · Colby Arthur James, Bridge street Guest Henry, 24 Earles street .Bartram Charles William, 3 Earles st Cole William, 9 Norwich road Halls Charl68 Farro-w, Ban)t house, 13idwell Mrs. Thomas Shelford,Ford st Cronshey Arthur Gayford,Werehatn, ho. Bridge street Bidwell Misses, Ford street White Hart street Hardy Rev. Ernest William (vicar of !land Edward, Well street Cronshey. James, 'The Old house, St. Mary's), King street Boughton Herbert · W!tlter, Btiar Tanner street . Harris Alfred M.B., C.M. Market place bank, Croxton road' Cronshey Jas. Hy.Riversdale,Taniler st Harris Edwin, Norwich road lloughton Waiter James, Stanley ho. Curson Waiter, 66 Bury road Harris Wii:iam Henry, 8g Castle street Vicarage road • Davis Rev. Philip Henry (Oongrega- Harrisoli Thomas Holmes, 7 Bridge st Bramfitt Rev. Thomas (Wesleyan), tional), 15 Bury road " Henley George, 12 Raymond street The Manse, Croxton road ' Doran Frederick Wm. Croxton road Houchen John, The Limes, London rd Brennan Rev. Geoffrey (R. C.), St. Edwards Miss, Manor ho. Tanner st Howard Miss, Guildhall street · Ma.ry's presbytery, London road Evans ueorge, The :Nunnery Howes Mrs. Jas. Lenney, Croxton l'd Bunn Jas. Carring1;on, 24 Earles street Fison John, Red house, King street Jachon :Mrs. John, Croxton road Burrell Ohal!l. St.Mary's house, Bury rd Fison Miss, White Hart street Jennings Miss, Market place Burrell Charles, jun. J.P. Shrublands Fison Mr~. Cornell Henry, Ford place John~n Mrs. M. S. Hillside, White Burrell Charles Wilberforce W. Fison Walter Cornell, Ford place· Hart street . · Shrublands Pitch Rev. Wm. (Baptist), 14 King st Kqick Henry Fison, Kings house Burrell Herbert John, Nunthorpe Fletcher James, 17 Bury road Kimm Thomas Carter, London road BurrelJ R'obert George, Minstergate st Foulger George, Elm house, Earles st Leggatt William Hy. 13 Raymond st Bustin Jahez, Mvrtle ho. Vicarao-e rd Frost Mrs. Edward, Tanner street Lillingstone Thomas, Station road Carter Mrs. Market place e Frost Robert Cobden, London road Mactaggart Mrs. The Springs Carter John Robert, Brewery grange Graves Mrs. 2~ Croxton road · Malim Rev. William Glenton B.A. Oastle Henry John, g:t Castle street Greenland William Richard, Burst {rector of Kilverstone), Osborne Claxton Mrs. 5 Croxton road cottage, London road villa, Norwich road • .
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