17.01 GREENS NORTON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 3RD JANUARY 2017 AT 7.30PM AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE, TOWCESTER ROAD PRESENT; Cllrs C. Bowmer (Chair), S. Pittom, P. Barnes, C. Dodd, N. Throssell and Cllrs Mrs S. Shepherd-Cross. J. Docking and P. Leach . Also present Cllr C. Manners, District Councillor and Mrs L. Paice, Clerk. 1 APOLOGIES were received from Cllr Mrs M Hiscutt (work commitment) Cllr J Edwards (work commitment), G. Solomon (unwell) and J. Golcher (away). 2 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS were noted. 3 i)No DISPENSATION REQUESTS had been received. ii) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST were made by Cllr Mrs J. Docking and Cllr P. Barnes, all personal and in relation to the Community Interest Group considering options on the Butchers Arms.. iii) Members were reminded of the REQUIREMENT TO UPDATE REGISTER OF INTEREST FORMS following any changes, within 28 days of the changes 4 It was RESOLVED that the MINUTES of the Meeting held on 5th December 2016, having been previously circulated, be signed as a true record in line with Standing Order 5a(iii). 5 ISSUES MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WISH TO RAISE –No public present. There was no report from the COUNTY COUNCILLOR. Charles Manners as DISTRICT COUNCILLOR updated members on the position with the proposed Towcester Relief Road. It was hoped that there would soon be resolution on this part of the Towcester South development. A resident of Littleworth was unhappy with the recent decision to grant permission at Selby Barns. 6 PLANNING – 6.1 The following APPLICATIONS were considered and comments would be sent accordingly: Application No Details Comments S/2016/3053/FUL Two storey extensions to side and rear at No objections 41 Church View Weblink: http://snc.planning- register.co.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=95302 S/2016/3136/FUL Two storey side extension and basement at No objections Parva Farm, Duncote Weblink: http://snc.planning- register.co.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=95424 6.2 PERMISSIONS were noted for 14 School Lane,35a High Street, the Coach House, Falcon Manor and Caswell 6.3 No REFUSAL notices had been received. 6.4 A report on Community Governance Review from SNC as part of the Local Plan consultation was noted. 7 FINANCE - 7.1 It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid: Chq Amount Incl Payee Details Power No VAT of 2670 £721.06 Linda Paice Salary LGA 1972 s 112 2671 £183.30 HMRC Tax and NHI LGA 1972 s112 2672 £702.00 Mat Webber Jubilee Garden Open Spaces maintenance Act 2673 £168.00 28.00 Greyhound Play equipment LGA 1972 s14 Leisure repairs 2674 £172.73 29.56 SSE Electricity Highways Act 2675 £105.00 GN Primary Room Hire LGA 1972 s 111 School 2676 £100.00 Sue Ingram PF works Open Spaces Act It was RESOLVED that the following additional payments not shown on the Agenda would be paid: 17.02 Chq Amount Incl Payee Details Power No VAT of 2677 £169.20 28.20 A H Contracts Dog bin Open Spaces Act maintenance 2678 £810.00 135.00 Allseasons Duncote dog bin Open Spaces Act and PF fencing 2679 £50.00 GNRBL Poppy Wreath GPOC donation Members were reminded of the rules relating to payments not shown on the meeting Agenda and it was RESOLVED that the following amendment be made to the Council’s Financial Regulations as point 6.5 of those Regulations: ‘The Council shall give consideration at each meeting to payment of accounts which have arrived between the date of issuing of the meeting Agenda and the day of the meeting. All such payment decisions to be formally minuted’ 7.2 RECEIPTS – £85.08 – GNAGS water 7.3The Council’s bank balances at 31st December 2016 would be circulated once the Bank Statement arrived. 7.4 Details of receipts and payments to December 2016 had been circulated and were noted. The internal verification had been completed and no issues raised. 7.5 Submission of the Precept Demand for 2017-18 in the sum of £60000 was noted. 7.6 Information from NCALC on precept capping had been circulated and noted, 8 REPORTS- 8.1 HIGHWAYS- i) No further issues reported. Clarification was given on the Mill Lane highway deteriorations reported at the last meeting. ii) There were no updates on previous reports. iv) The Duncote VAS was being monitored and the batteries managed. The Clerk would seek a quotation to have this converted to a mains electricity supply source. iii)There was nothing further to report on volunteers for the 2017 Speedwatch initiative. iv) The Clerk had made contact with the Police & Crime Commissioner to assess support for the Safe Speed system and use of the data collected. The following response had been received: ‘Operational decisions such as these are the responsibility of the Chief Constable, however having spoken with his Office I can confirm that this is not something the Force are looking to take forward at this time. Unfortunately in addition to what is already enforced and the Community Speed Watch scheme, Northamptonshire Police simply do not have the infrastructure to manage the potential number of referrals that are likely to be generated through the use of the device.’ The council deemed this response as indicating a known problem on speeding with an inability/refusal of the Police to take action. It was therefore RESOLVED that the Police Commissioner and the Chief Constable be asked to attend a future meeting to further clarify their position. Representatives from other parishes would be given the opportunity to attend. The Clerk would update MAV Systems on the current position. 82 FOOTPATHS – A report from the Parish Footpaths Officer was noted 8.3 LIGHTING – Nothing to report. 8.4 TREES –Nothing further to report. 8.5 PLAYING FIELD – i) No new issues had arisen from Cllr Solomons weekly reports and several items for attention had been added to the Parish Lengthsman’s works list. ii) Replacement of the seesaw would be followed up by the Clerk. iii) The replacement fencing works had now been completed. 8.7 POCKET PARK – Nothing to report. 8.8 VILLAGE GREEN – No issues. 8.9 JUBILEE GARDEN –Nothing to report 17.03 8.10 OTHER REPORTS - i) In the absence of Cllr Edwards, there was no update on the defibrillator project. ii) The position on the ACV registration on the Butchers Arms public house was clarified following information from SNC. The closing date for bids was 26th January 2017 iii) Nick King from South Northants Volunteer Bureau was planning a Neighbourhood Watch Meeting on 24th February at the Community Centre to try to reinvigorate the scheme in the village. The Clerk would check whether this had been publicised on the village website. 9 CORRESPONDENCE – 9.1 Tablesdcorrespondence was noted. 9.2 Consultation via SNC on the removal of the telephone kiosk on High Street had been received. After consideration it was RESOLVED that the Council’s wish was to adopt the kiosk rather than have it removed. Options for its use would be considered at a future date. 10 CONSULTATIONS- None 11 ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING AGENDA - None requested. 12 DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Monday 6th February at 7.30pm at Greens Norton Primary School, Calvert Road There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 8.35pm .
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