
This project is funded by the European Union BEST HOTELS of Moldova BEST HOTELS of Moldova 'We£comd 'Eine atl vrnit! rbaößa noMaJoiaim! BEST HOTELS of Moldova Q 2 | Distinguished guests, We are happy to welcome you. We want you to have an enjoyable stay with us, all our staff will be happy to assist you in everything you might need, With this catalogue we intend to introduce all the hotels. We are glad to offer a selection of establishments in three, four and five stars, in highly attractive and populär destinations, offering our guests a wide variety of possibilities for leisure. ^ 3 Dragi clienti, Vä salutäm cälduros! Vä uräm o sedere pläcutä in hotelurile noastre, iar personalul nostru vä stä la dispozitia Dumneavoasträ pentru a vä transforma vacanta intr-o amintire pläcutä. In acest catalog ne propunem sä vä fami- liarizäm cu hotelurile noastre. Suntem ?n- cäntati sä vä oferim la alegere hoteluri de bienvenidos ,. 3 ,4 si 5 stele, situate in cele mai populäre l bienvenue si atractive locuri de agrement, unde ve$ avea la dispozifie nenumärate posibilitätf de petrecere a timpului übertntr-un mod f Welcome interesant §i pläcut. n willkommen ikkomen welkom g |2 ikkomen Bine a%\ venit 1 2 3 YßaxaeMbie K/inembi, o 1 1 aloha benvido welkomin Mbi paflbi npiißeTCTBOBaTb Bac! E ^flobpo n 0 >Ka/1 0 B a T b | bem-vindo Mbi xe/iaew BaM npwyrmoro OTflbixa b Hamnx oie/mx, a Becb Harn nepcoHa/i c O yookoso /lacKaßo npocuMO > benvenutO y^oBO/ibCTBueM noivioxeT BaM bo Bcex HeoöxoflMMbix Bonpocax. 3 tmm KaTa^oroM > välkommen w itam tervetuloa -Q ongi etorri HaM Öbl XOTe/lOCb 03H3K0MHTb BaC CO BCeMM HaLUHMH OTe/lflMH. Mbl paflbl npe/uioxmb Ha Bam Bbiöop 3-x, 4-x w 5-h 3Be3AOMHbie oie/in, pacno/ioxeHHbie B Mpe3BbNaHHO npHB/ieKaTe/ibHbix m nony/iapHbix Meciax OT^bixa, r,qe Bbi Haw/teTe 6o/ibiuoe pa3Hooöpa3ne B03M0XH0deH npoBeßeHwa flocyra. 2 This publication was elaborated within the EU funded Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme, implemented by UNDP through the project «Building business relations of hospitality industry on both banks of the river Dniester» that was implemented by the Agency for Regional Development of Transnistria in cooperation with the National Association of Hotels and Restaurants of the Republic of Moldova. Acest catalog a fost elaborat Tn cadrul AaHHbii/i Kaia^or pa3pa6oTaH b paMKax Programului finantat de Uniunea Europeanä nporpaMMbi, ^MHaHcupyeMOM EBponei/icKi/iM „Sustinerea Mäsurilor de Promovare a cora30M «noggepxKa Mep no yKpen^eHura Increderii", implementat de PNUD, prin goBepua», BHegpaeMoM nPOOH, npoeKTOM intermediul proiectului „Consolidarea relatiilor «nocrpoeHi/ie ge^oBbx oTHomeHUM de afaceri din industria hotelierä de pe ambele rocTUHUUHOM UHgycTpuu o6oux 6eperoB maluri ale raului Nistru", realizat de Agentia ^HecTpa», pea^U3oBaHHoro AreHTCTBoM de Dezvoltare Regionalä Transnistreanä Tn PeruoHa^bHoro Pa3BUTua ripugHecTpoBba cooperare cu Asociatia Nationalä a Hotelurilor coBMecTHo c HapuoHa^bHoM AccopuapueM si Restaurantelor din Republica Moldova. rocTUHup u PecTopaHoB Pecny6^UKU Mo.ngoBa. the European Union The content of the publication may not necessarily reflect the views of the EU Delegation or of the UNDP Continutul acestei publicatii nu reflectä neapärat punctul de vedere al Delegatiei UE sau al PNUD CogepxaHi/ie gaHHoM ny6gi/n^i/n/i He o6fl3aTegbHo o Tp axaeT TouKy 3peHi/ia fle.^era^l/ll/l EC u.ni/1 nPO O H 3 Index/ Continut/CoflepxaHne Pag RADISSON BLU LEOGRAND HOTEL***** 8 NOBIL LUXURY BOUTIQUE HOTEL***** 10 BERD'S DESIGN HOTEL***** 12 PREZIDENT HOTEL RESORT**** 14 CLUB ROYAL PARK***** 16 MAXIM PASHA HOTEL***** 18 JOLLY ALON HOTEL & BUSINESS CENTER**** 20 BEST WESTERN PLUS FLOWERS HOTEL**** 22 CITY PARK HOTEL**** 24 BRISTOL CENTRAL PARK HOTEL**** 26 VISPAS HOTEL**** 28 MANHATTAN HOTEL & RESTAURANT**** 30 REGENCY HOTEL**** 32 JAZZ HOTEL**** 34 DACIA HOTEL**** 36 JUMBO HOTEL**** 38 WEEKEND BOUTIQUE HOTEL**** 40 HOTEL VILA VERDE*** 42 THOMAS ALBERT HOTEL*** 44 ZENTRUM APARTMENTS**** 46 FAMILION APART-HOTEL**** 48 OLSI BUSINESS & SPA HOTEL**** 50 COSMOS HOTEL*** 52 LUNA HOTEL*** 54 EUROPA HOTEL*** 56 MAJAMI HOTEL*** 58 HOTEL VILLA NATALI*** 60 IRIS HOTEL**** 62 VILATULIP HOTEL**** 64 ART RUSTIC HOTEL*** 66 VILLA ARUS**** 68 SUMMIT VILLA*** 70 HOTEL VILLA ROSSA*** 72 STEJARIS HOTEL*** 74 SUISSE APARTMENTS & HOSTEL 76 4 Index/ Continut/CoflepxaHne Pag RUSSIA HOTEL**** 78 TIRASPOL CITYCLUB HOTEL**** 80 WP-HEALTH COMPLEX**** 82 SOFIA HOTEL*** 84 AIST HOTEL** 86 STARYIE BENDERY HOTEL** 88 BENDERY PRIETENIYA HOTEL*** 90 CHÄTEAU VARTELY***** 92 ORHEI PURCARIWINERY**** 94 SHTEFAN VODA VATRA ELITA RESORT**** 96 VADUL LUI VODA IT-RELAX HOTEL*** 98 CENTRAL HOTEL*** 100 SOROCA AZALIA HOTEL** 102 CAHUL ALTIN PALACE*** 104 COM RAT DNESTROVSKI SAD HOTEL COMPLEX*** 106 DUBOSSARY NISTRU HOTEL AND RESTAURANT COMPLEX 108 CONFORT HOTEL*** 110 DROCHIA VILLA FLORENTINA 112 EDINET SHARM HOTEL** 114 GLODENI VILA FAMILY** 116 CRICOVA KOLIZEI HOTEL*** 118 KAMENKA IMPERIA HOTEL AND ENTERTAINMENT COMPLEX 120 5 Key to Symbols / Icoane / Ili/iKTorpaMMbi o Parking / Parcare / üapKOBKa © Cafe (P izza) / Cafenea (P izza ) / Ka<))e (n m j,ep u fl) ©WI-FI / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi © Banqueting hall /Salä de banchete/ EaHxeTHbm 3a/i ©Restaurant /Restaurant / PecropaH © Equipped kitchen / Bucätärie amenajatä / 06opyflOBaHHan xyxHn ©Bar (Pub) / Bar / Eap (ria6) o Catering / Catering / KeiiTepMHr Postal Services and Cargo / Servicii postale si transport Cargo / M eeting facilitie s / Salä de conferin^ä / KoH<|>epeH4-3a/i © riomoBbie yc/iyrn m Cargo Limousine and Chauffeur Service/ Limuzinä si sofer personal / Business Centre / Business Centru / Eii3Hec-4eHTp © o /liiMy3iiH m yc/iyrn Macmoro BOfl me/in o Courier Services / Serviciu curier/ Yc/iym xypbepa © Medical Services / Servicii medicale / MeflH 4HHCKne yc/iyrn Secretarial Services / Servicii de secretariat / Concierge Service/ Serviciu de concierge / Yc/iyrn KOHCbepxca ©Yoiym cexpeiapn © Translation Services / Servicii de traducere / B ab ysitte r / Bonä / H aha 0 Yoiym nepeBOflmiKa © ©Laundry/ Curä^ätorie / npaneMHasi © Ironing Service/ Servicii de calcat haine/l"/ia>xxa oflexcflbi Exchange/ Schimb valutar/ 06wieH BasitoT Cash machine / Bancomat/EaHKOMaT Key to Symbols / Icoane / Ili/iKTorpaMMbi e Library / Bibliotecä / Eu6/iuoTexa o Ping-Pong / Ping -Pong / HacroyibHbm TeHHMc ©SPA / centru SPA / CnA-nemp © Billiards / Biliard / En/ibnpA Boats, Kayaks, Water Scooters/ Bärci, Caiace, Scutere/ Beauty Salon / Salon de frum usete/ CasioH KpacoTbi © e llporyyioMHbie xaTepa, 6aMflapxn, cxyTepa ©Massage / Masaj / Macca>K o Fishing / Pescuit / Pbi6a/ixa ©Sauna / Sauna / CayHa e Smoking Area/ Zonä pentru fumätori /Mecra ß ,j\n xyp em ia ©Gym / Sala de sport / CnopT3a/i © Pool / Piscina / EacceiiH ©Football / Teren de fotbal / OyT6oyibHoe no/ie © Beach / Plajä / llnsixc Children playground / Teren de joacä pentru copii / Ten nis / Teren de ten is / TeHHMCHbM KopT © © fleTcxan urpoßaa n/iou^aflxa ©Volleyball / Teren de volei / Bo/ieii6o/ibHan n/iomaflxa e Terrace / Terasä / Teppaca ©Hookah / Narghilea / Ka/ibflH o Garden house & brazier/ Foisoare si Gratar/ Eeceflxn m rpaTap Pets are allowed / Animalele de companie sunt acceptate/ Karaoke/ Caraoke/ KapaoKe © © flonycxaeTcn pa3MemeHiie flOMaiuHnx HdiBOTHbix Facilities for people with disabilities / Facilitä^i pentru persoane cu mobilitate redusä / Wine shop / Magazin de vinuri /BuHHbiM Mara3MH © yflo6cTBa flTisi yiKJfleii c orpaHnnem-ibiMU bosmokhoctamm o o Wine tasting / Degustare de vinuri / ßerycraiiMSi bmh o G ift shop / M agazin de cad o uri / CyBem ipHbiti Mara3MH ©Car rent / Chirie auto / ripoKaT aBTOMo6n/ieii o Shopping center/ Shopping Centru /Shopping-L^emp ©Bicycle rent / Chirie biciclete / ripoxaT Be/iocMnefla © Casino/ Cazinou /Ka3HHO ©Travel Agency / Birou de Excursii / 3xcxypcnoHHoe 6topo © Minimarket / Minimarket/ MiiHM-MapxeT 7 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ CHISINAU RADISSON BLU LEOGRAND HOTEL & 77, Mitropolit Varlaam st r., Booking.com Chisinau, MD-2012 (fÜStripadvisor* V. +373 22 201 201 Q Expedier e +373 22 201 222 H i I $ http://www.radissonblu.com/hotel-chisinau Hoteisxxxn u i Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel Chisinau Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel Chisinau Chisinau is the most impressive hotel reprezintä unul dintre cele mai aß/iaeica o/jhum M3 caMbix BneuaT- accommodation that öfters sumptuous impresionante hoteluri din Chisinau, /ifikdmnx OTe/iew b KniiiHHeße, npefl- comfort and the finest amenities, with care oferä un confort desävärsit, cu /iarafou],nx H/j,ea/ibHbiw komcJ>opt. 143 143 stylishly decorated rooms and 143 de camere decorate Tntr-un stil HOMepa, ocjiopM/ieHHbix B OCOÖOM suites specially designed to bring the deosebit, iconic si elegant, specific CTH/ie, o/inu,eTBopFiHDT cnequcjiH K y B ce- joy of a restful, comfortable and care- brandului RadissonBlu, toate acestea MupHO y3HaBaeivioro 6peH/i,a Radisson free experience. Iconic, stylish and pentru a oferi o cazare peste asteptärile Blu, to ecTb oöecnem/iBai-OT ycnoBHa, sophisticated, Radisson Blu creates oaspetilor hotelului, in tandem cu KOM(|)opT h 6e33a6oTHoe npoxHBaHHe excitingly individual hotels for individual serviciile cunoscute in toatä lumea, care rocren. 3HaKOBbiH, 3/ieramHbiM h H3bi- minds. We delight our travel sawy, duc faima acestui brand de renume. cxaHHbiM öpeH/t Radisson Blu co3,4aeT modern guests with a genuine, inviting Iconic, stilat si sofisticat, brandul BOCXHTMTe/lbHO OpHTHHa/lbHbie OTe/lH, ambiance. Radisson Blu strives to Radisson BLU creaazä hoteluri incitante, OTBeuaroiHHe noipeÖHOcram Kax/joro engage each and every guest through
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