Congressional 'Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 90 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 113 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1967 No. 190 House of Representatives these people were involved in the long range people, Cordell Hull rejected the truce (A The Preferred Minority: The program for the Communist takeover of three-month truce had been sought by the China. This was well documented during the Navy and War Dept.) and issued the ulti- Untouchables Senate investigation of the Institute of Pa- matum to the Japanese which was answered cific Relations. These people are protected by bombs on December 7. I learned during EXTENSION OF REMARKS and have become "untouchables," getting the irn hearings that a basic memorandum OF security clearance from "higher up" in spite that constituted the Hull statement of No- of their known subversive records. Often vember 26 was written by Harry Dexter HON. JOHN R. RARICK their names are quite unknown to the gen- White." (White was later proved to be a eral public but their influence is great. One Communist and Soviet agent.) OF LOUISIANA of these "untouchables" is Harold Robert General George C. Marshall testified dur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Isaacs, and his subversive record is well ing the Pearl Harbor Congressional Hearings Tuesday, November 21, 1.967 d'Eirmentect. that, If the 90-day truce had been effected, Tonnes was born in New York City on Sep- the United States might never have become RARICK. Mr. Speaker, many tember 13, 1910, the son of Robert Isaacs involved in the war at alt. Major General times those who talk equality disbelieve and the former Sophie Berlin. He graduated Charles Willoughby, USA, Ret., who prob- the people are even qualified to govern from Columbia University with an A.B. De- ably knows more about the Sorge Spy Ring, themselves. gree in 1030 and was married to Viola Robin- its machinations and agents, than any other In a statement to the House of Rep- son on Sept. 14, 1932. They have two chil- living (loyal) American. recently informed dren, a son—Arnold R.. and a daughter— us personally that the 134,000 American resentatives in the CONGRESSIONAL REC- casuclties in Korea can be directly attributed one of Noven-,bor 7, 1067, under the title Deborah S. Harold Isaacs' employment rec- to the activities of the Sorge Spy Ring which of "Walt W. Rostow: Another Alger ord. as reported in "Who's Who in World involved a number of Americans. He stated Hiss?" I quoted an illuminating article Jewry" (1965). is as follows: that, except for the fact that this Soviet Reporter, N.Y. Times, 1928-30; city editor, intelligence operation convinced the Jap- in the November 3 issue of the Herald China Press, Shanghai, China, 1930-1; city of Freedom, a fortnightly periodical anese government to attack the United States editor, Haves News Agency, Shanghai-N.Y., instead of the Soviet Union, there would published at Zarephath, N.J., which rec- 1935-40; writer-reporter CBS, 1940-3; asso- have been no U.S. Involvement in World ommended a "thorough investigation" ciate editor. Newsweek, 1045-50. War II, Korea and Vietnam, and China would of the subjects background and activi- Isaacs received a grant as a Guggenheim still be free; even the Soviet conquest of ties. Fellow in 1980, write books and, from 1953 on, became affiliated with the Center for In- Eastern Europe would probably never have In the November 17 issue of the in- ternational Studies at the Massachusetts happened. dicated publication there is a sequel on Institute of Technology where he Wes asso- In August 1951, General Willoughby, who "The Untouchables" which supplies ad- ciated with Walt Whitman Rostow among had been General Douglas MacArthur's In- ditional documentation on Rostow, others. Isaacs' wife also became associated telligence Officer for eleven 'years, testified with the Center as a researcher. This Center before the House Committe on Un-American Isaacs, end others. was established with CIA funds and does re- Activities and introduced into the record While V2ey talk brotherhood and a search with federal grants to finance these many 0-2 military intelligence records which world ordered under the law, they projects upon which decisions of our high exposed the Sorge Spy Ring and the Ameri- e.erapt themselves because they regard government officials are based. can aspects of the case. Also testifying was At the time Harold Isaacs was working in Mitsusada Yoshikawa, former Japanese Proc- themselves in the king clan—they are the Orient a spy ring was In operation there urator (District Attorney) and official of the the untouchables, above the law, above which changed the course of history. Not Ministry of Justice of Japan. l"rom these the people, and above criticism or com- too well known to the American public is hearings and documents we learn the fol- ment. the fact that, except for the successful op- lowing: For that very reason I insert Mr. Frank eration of the Richard Sorge Spy Ring In Richard Sorge, a master Soviet spy who Japan. we probably would never have been held the rank of Colonel in the Soviet Army. Capell's "The Untouchables" here in the using the cover of being a German journalist, RECORD: catapulted into World War II with the re- THE UNTOUCHABLES sulting Korea and Vietnam tragedies. Rob- had become the top adviser to General Eu- ert Morris, who was counsel to the Senate gene Ott, the German Ambassador to Japan. Behind the public figures who make the Internal Security Sub-committee at the Hidemi Ozaki, a Japanest national, was a speeches and decisions stands a shadowy time it held the hearings on the Institute member of a secret section of the Central group of individuals who avoid the lime- of Pacific Relations, which was instrumental Committee of the Russian Communist Party. light. They prepare the speeches mouthed in the fall of China to the Communists, Ozaki was the principal assistant to top by the important personages. They "advise" stated In his book, "No Wonder We Are Soviet spy, Sorge. Ozaki had also become the on the decisions which means they make the Losing" (p. 132-3) : • top political adviser to Prince Konoye, the decisions. They prepare "studiez" on which "General Charles A. Willoughby, who had Japanese Prime Minister, and was considered these "advisers" base their "advice." In this been General MacArthur's Intelligence Offi- the brains of the Konoye Cabinet. Through group which operates behind the scenes, cer, testified about the machinations of the influence of Sorge and Ozaki over the pulling the strings on the puppet politicians, Sorge's ring. Sorge, we learned, had two high German and Japanese officials, they are individuals whose aliliatluns with Com- missions: 1) To rennin intelligence Inforinn- were able to convince the Japanese Govern- :mini/4 omen nod hletory of ectivIl list lit intillsiry ment 1,4) IntIVe IR, InIcon HOOT for an litterk Wei regertiliat InleiiLIina Adele the Inisrmitheini tam- end 2) lefliienre Jima 'trete Niles, Ili such on U.S. niel British territory, !Tither than 1.11 north for rut 'LUU* un the Opylpt eplmuy are a matter of mildly record, in a way He to avert nit ettark on the Soviet well its others Who are ceeret They Union mid in induce en attack on the Agues Smedley, alias Alice Bird, aline Mrti. w"vk to further Lite objelelven et the world Belled Waive, the Dutch and the British •et, i 1f- pl Petrulkos, was an agent in the direct service to the south. of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Central Therm Individuals have 'timely rendered "In other words, during the crucial months Committee of the Third (Communist) Inter- service to the Communist Conspiracy and of October and November 1941, Soviet agents national or Comintern. She received orders are thereafter "taken oars of" In one way were trying to involve the United States in directly from the Central Committee in Mos- or another due to their ests.bilshed dependa- war with Japan. cow (E.C.C.I.) and Richard Sorge and Hideml bility and competence. A large number of "On November 26. to the surprise of many Ozaki were involved in espionage activities glee . He raised no question as to the with her. Harold Isaacs was the editor of the he still kept political prisoners In his jail. The warden's answer was always 'No.' On possibility that Isaacs might be an objective China Forum, an English language Commu- scholar despite his Trotskyite sympathies nist periodical first published in 1932. Isaacs September 30, however. Mr, Isaac of News- week, and M. Marukyusu and M. Giran of a "Motylev particularly expressed Indigna- was a close associate of Soviet agent Smedley tion about a review by the well-known anti- and worked with her. French news agency came to the prison. They did not ask about the political prison- Communist writer. William H. Chamberlin, In his book, "Spies, Dupes and Diplomats," of a book by Stalin. Lattimore replied that he Ralph de Toledano states (P. 63) : ers. Instead, they merely requested to see the had not realized the writer's position, but "Egon Erwin Mach, a Comintern agent. prison. The prison authorities reluctantly that as soon as he learned of the Soviet's agent, organized the Society of Friends of showed them first the work shop. Next they opinion of him, he had canceled an article the Soviet Union, of which Agnes Smedley requested to see the wards. After they went he had ordered from Chamberlin." was an important member. Harold Isaacs was through the wards, they requested to see editing the China Forum, attacking the im- the solitary cells.
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