World J. Surg. 7, 143-148, 1983 Wor Journal of Stirgery Evaluation and Management of the Polytraumatized Patient in Various Centers S. Olerud, M.D., and M. Allg6wer, M.D. The Akademiska Sjukhuset Uppsala, Sweden, and the Department of Surgery, Kantonsspital, Basel, Switzerland A questionnaire was sent to the following 6 trauma centers: Paris: Two or more peripheral, visceral, or com- University Hospital for Accident Surgery, Hannover, Fed- plex injuries with respiratory and circulatory fail- eral Republic of Germany (Prof. H. Tscherne); University ure. (This excludes patients who only have sus- of Munich, Department of Surgery, Klinikum Grossha- tained fractures.) dern, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany (Prof. G. Dallas: Multiply injured patient presenting le- Heberer); Akademiska Sjukhuset Uppsala, Sweden (Prof. sions to 2 cavities, associated with 2 or more long S. Olerud); University Hospital, Department of Surgery, bone failures; lesions to 1 cavity associated with 2 Basel, Switzerland (Prof. M. Allgiiwer); H6pital de la Piti~, or more long bone failures; or lesions to multiple Paris, France (Prof. R. Roy-Camille); and University of extremities (at minimum, 3 long bone failures). Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. (Prof. B. Claudi). Their answers have been summarized in a few short paragraphs where tabulation was not possible, Do You Grade Polytrauma, and If So, How? and then mainly in tabular form for convenient comparison among the various centers. There seems to be considerable international agreement on the main points of early aggres- Hannover: Yes, with our own grading system along sive cardiopulmonary management to prevent multiple with ISS and AIS. organ failure and also, surprisingly, on the advantages of Munich: SAT-System (Grosshadern scale)wSl_3 early internal fixation of major fractures. = injuries of skeletal system; Al_3 = abdominal injuries; and TI_3 = thoracic injuries; plus shock index for brain trauma and shock. Uppsala, Basel, and Paris: No. Dallas: Grading is done according to Schwei- How Do You Define Polytrauma? berer's classification. This goes along well with the trauma severity score (Gaber), which is mainly Hannover: Three severe injuries, at least 1 of which accepted in the U.S.A. is life-endangering. Munich: Injury to more than 1 body region, of which at least 2 must reach a grade 1 in SAT-system Approximate Number of Polytrauma Patients per (see below). Year? (If subgrades available, please indicate) Uppsala: Multiple injuries to soft tissues, bone, and parenchymatous organs combined with shock. Hannover: One hundred twenty intensive care with Basel: Extensive injury involving body cavity + I artificial ventilation and 140 multi-injured without major fracture, 2 body cavities, or 3 major frac- artificial ventilation. ture s. Munich: In 1978, there were 57; in 1979, 108; in 1980, 86; in 1981, 119; and by May, 1982, there were 43. Uppsala: Five to ten per year. Reprint requests: S. Olerud, M.D., The Akademiska Basel: About 50. Sjukhuset Uppsala, Sweden. Paris: About 60. 0364-2313/83/0007-0143 $01.20 1983 Soci6t6 lnternationale de Chirurgie 144 World J. Surg. Vol. 7, No. 1, January 1983 Dallas: About 250 (all grades)--lst grade about with PEEP in our polytrauma patients (see earlier 50-75; 2nd grade about 75-100; and 3rd grade about definition of polytrauma patient). (b) severe sepsis 75-100. with shock; (c) primary pulmonary trauma; (d) severe brain damage; or (e) derangements in blood gases in septic or trauma patients. On What Total Number (Approximate or Precise) Basel: Deterioration despite CPAP. of Polytrauma Patients Do You Base Your Paris: Surgical intervention with general anesthe- Statements? sia. Clinical signs of respiratory insufficiency with radiological proof of pulmonary edema. Hannover: Precise number, 860. Dallas: Po2 < 60 mm Hg at FiO2 0.21. Munich: Precise number, 407. 4. Do you use indwelling peridural anesthesia in Uppsala: Not given. serial rib fractures? Basel: Precise number, 250. All 6 centers use it. Paris: Precise number, 166 in 3 years (1979- 1981). Dallas: About 250 per year. Your Criteria for Diagnosing a Generalized Sepsis? Prophylaxis of Pulmonary Failure: Hannover and Munich: Not stated. Uppsala: History: previous trauma, major sur- 1. What in your opinion is the most important gery, burns, etc., complicated with fever, chills, consideration in preventing pulmonary failure? and often (but not required) a positive blood culture Hannover: Volume treatment and mechanical ven- combined with a low systemic blood pressure. tilation with PEEP. Basel: Hyperfibrinogenemia, thrombocytopenia, Munich: Early shock treatment and early intuba- glucose intolerance (increased insulin requirement), tion with controlled (PEEP) respirator therapy. positive blood cultures. Uppsala: Effective shock treatment combined Paris: Positive blood culture, fever together with with prophylactic ventilation with PEEP in patients general symptoms of chills, hemodynamic and bio- with polytrauma and septic shock. logical (leucocytosis) modifications. Basel: Early diagnosis and prevention of cardi- Dallas: Continuing fever > 38.5~ fibrinogen opulmonary failure by early use of CPAP or PEEP. split products, increasing glucose intolerance, in- Paris: Avoid pulmonary overload and perform creasing O2 consumption, positive blood culture. extubation as early as possible. Dallas: Early mechanical ventilation associated with appropriate shock treatment. In What Way Does A Compound Fracture Alter Your Choice of Treatment in Multiple Injury 2. What are your criteria to apply CPAP (continu- Patients? ous positive airway pressure) with mask? Hannover: Not instead of mechanical ventilation; Hannover: Delayed wound closure. only after extubation. Munich: Fracture must be stabilized within the Munich: Conscious patients after extubation, im- first 6 hours. paired ventilation. Uppsala: More rigid fixation system and more Uppsala: We do not use CPAP with mask. open wound treatment. Basel: Decreasing Po2 on room air. Basel: Indication for stabilization more stringent. Paris: Interstitial pulmonary edema but no other Paris: A complex fracture must be treated within impairment of homeostasis. the first 24 hours, but an eventual neurosurgicai or Dallas: Po2 < 80 mm Hg at FiO2 0.21. abdominal intervention has priority. Frequently an 3. What are your criteria to intubate and ventilate orthopedic operation is performed consecutively, the patient under PEEP (positive end expiratory under the same anesthesia. pressure)? Dallas: Insist on emergency stabilization (the day Hannover: Dependent on severity of injury. Always of admission). in lung contusion. No limits in pulmonary function parameters. PEEP is always used. Munich: Unconscious patients, severe trauma, Nutritional Support shock (even transitory), massive transfusion, and thoracic trauma. 1. In patients with abdominal trauma and sepsis: Uppsala: (a) We use prophylactic ventilation How? S. Oierud and M. Allg6wer: Trauma Center Survey 145 Hannover: Provide 3,000 cal/day, as soon as possi- Hannover: Better intensive care, PEEP ventilation, ble feeding by gastric tube. and aggressive volume replacement. Early osteo- Munich: Parenteral, more fat than sugar, 3,000 synthesis of major fractures. cal. Munich: The fact that polytrauma is seen as a Uppsala: Total parenteral nutrition using carbo- compound syndrome, not only a sum of several hydrates, amino acids, and fat combined as soon as injuries. Better rescue (helicopter), improved anes- possible with tube (enteral) feeding. thesia techniques (respirator), and improved train- Basel: Total parenteral nutrition. ing of surgeons. Paris: Exclusively parenteral (3,000 cal/day). Uppsala: Early use of aggressive shock treat- Dallas: Parenteral support 4,000-6,000 cal/day on ment, careful respiratory monitoring, and early use average, consisting of a glucose-fructose-amino ac- of ventilator with PEEP (prophylactic ventilation). ids-essential fatty acids balance. Basel: Progress in prevention of infection and of acute respiratory failure. Progress in monitoring 2. In patients with brain injury and long-lasting and control of cerebral edema. unconsciousness: How? Paris: During the period 1960-1970, improve- Hannover: Same way. ment of emergency treatment and of rescue systems Munich: Mainly by gastric tube (as early as for more rapid admission to hospital were signifi- possible) 3,000-3,500 cal. cant. Since 1970, progress is mainly due to the Uppsala: Tube feeding (enteral). improved knowledge of the physiology of the lungs Basel: Total parenteral nutrition followed by na- in the polytraumatized patient. sogastric tube feeding. Dallas: Improved rescue systems, appropriate Paris: Enteral nutrition (drip feeding by gastric aggressive shock treatment, early mechanical venti- tube and nutrition by pump). lation, team approach observing the goals of an Dallas: Initial parenteral support, followed by overall treatment plan, early operative fracture gastrointestinal tube feeding with 5,000-7,000 cal/ care, improved consistent medical treatment in day on average. ICU, early nutritional support, and improved diag- nostic procedures, e.g., computed tomography scans. If You Have Graded Your Patients, How Does Lethality Relate to the Grading? R6sum6 Hannover: Bad correlation with AIS and ISS. Munich: Fractures: no influence. Brain trauma Un questionnaire a 6t6 envoy6 ~t six centres trauma- alone (50%) and thoracic trauma followed by PTPI tologiques. Leurs r6ponses ont 6t~ r6sum6es en and multiple organ failure are
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