
June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4053 I am very pleased they have been mem- New health insurance plans will now to support those who have done so bers of our team. For all of them and cover a range of preventive health serv- much for our Nation and am just as especially for the Senators and the sup- ices, including contraception services, proud of those communities that do the port we have received today, we appre- at no cost. same. ciate the support very much. The annual cost of birth control pills Congratulations to the Southwestern Mr. President, I yield the floor. can range from $160 to $600. For many Illinois and St. Louis regions on win- f women, that expense has been a barrier ning the Abilene Trophy. Tomorrow’s to accessing basic health care. awards ceremony reminds us of your FORTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF Over the last 48 years, we have made commitment to our servicemembers at GRISWOLD V. CONNECTICUT tremendous progress ensuring women Scott Air Force Base and to our mili- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, 48 years have access to quality health care and tary families. ago on June 5, the U.S. Supreme Court are free to make decisions about their made a landmark ruling in Griswold v. own health. f Connecticut, which legalized birth con- As we remember Griswold v. Con- SRI LANKA trol for married couples in all 50 States necticut, we must remember those who and paved the way for women and men fought to ensure access to contracep- Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I rise to to have legal access to contraception. tion. We must protect personal free- encourage our Department of State to The Justices’ decision not only rec- doms and defend our Nation from ef- review its current policies regarding ognized birth control as a right pro- forts to undermine access to basic the country of Sri Lanka, and seek fur- tected under our Constitution, but em- health care. ther engagement with its leadership so as to assist them as they continue powered women and families to make f decisions in the best interest of their their progress toward complete rec- health and well-being. AWARD OF ABILENE TROPHY TO onciliation and reconstruction after 30 In fact, access to birth control has ST. LOUIS REGION years of the civil war against the had such a dramatic impact on women Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I rise Tamil Tiger terrorists. and families in this country that the today to commend the communities of As you know, four years ago Sri Centers for Disease Control and Pre- St. Louis and Southwestern Illinois re- Lanka defeated the Tamil rebels, and vention named it one of the top 10 pub- gion for winning the Air Mobility Com- is currently recovering from the eco- lic health achievements of the past mand Community Support—Award also nomic, political, and social upheaval century, along with vaccinations and known as the Abilene Trophy—for caused by this destructive civil war. adding fluoride to water. their support of Scott Air Force Base Peace has brought historic post-con- Family planning and contraceptive in 2012. flict recovery, and I find that Sri services give women and couples the The Abilene Trophy is presented an- Lanka has brought the dividends of ability to determine timing of births nually to a civilian community recog- peace in an inclusive manner, in par- and family size. nized for providing outstanding support ticular to those in the north and the Research shows that having smaller to a nearby US Air Force Air Mobility east of the country from where suicide families and spacing out births im- Command base. The award has been bombers and other terrorist attacks prove the health of children and presented every year since 1998 and were once launched. women. highlights the role our communities It is my understanding that, since Access to contraception also im- play in support of our service men and the war ended, those two areas have proves the economic and social well- women and their families. seen an economic growth of 22%, com- being of women. Scott Air Force Base in St. Clair pared to an average of 7.5% in the rest Contraception allows young women County, IL, is home to the 375th Air of the country. It is also my under- to postpone pregnancy until they finish Mobility Wing, the Air Force Reserve standing that Sri Lanka has removed school, secure a good job, and are as Command’s 932nd Airlift Wing, and the half a million anti-personnel mines, re- ready as any parent can be to start a Illinois Air National Guard’s 126th Air settled 300,000 internally displaced peo- family. Refueling Wing. Scott Air Force Base ple and re-established vital social serv- The benefits of contraception help also headquarters major military orga- ices in the areas of health and edu- not only women, but their children. nizations such as USTRANSCOM, the cation. It is making progress in other When parents have prepared them- Air Force Global Logistics Support areas of reconciliation in accordance selves financially and mentally to love Center, and the Air Mobility Com- with its legislative and budgetary pro- and support a child, the child reaps all mand. Winning the prestigious Abilene cedures, and is expected to conduct the benefits. Trophy is particularly meaningful, elections in the north in September— While the Supreme Court’s 1965 rul- given the multiple missions supported an important step towards political ing on Griswold v. Connecticut paved there. reconciliation. Such processes take the way for legalizing contraception, The nomination package for the Abi- time, as we have learned from our own the Federal Government has played a lene Trophy cited over 270 examples of Civil War. key role in expanding access to family how the surrounding communities have It seems to me that Sri Lanka is de- planning services. supported military personnel at the veloping into a key economy, both in In 1970, under President Nixon, title base, including in-kind donations such its own right and as a gateway to X was created and remains the only as $500,000 worth of documented mate- India. It is my understanding that U.S. dedicated source of Federal funding for rial aid through the H.E.R.O.E.S. Care private investment there totals billions family planning services in the U.S. program. Partnerships were built that in long term Sri Lankan bonds. Such Title X provides critical family plan- could help servicemembers and their investments there, however, are not as ning and preventive health care to 5.2 families find appropriate resources. visible as the airports and harbors fi- million low-income and uninsured Servicemembers and their families nanced by China and other govern- women and men across the country. were recognized by major league sports ments. Regardless, it is my under- Title X services prevent nearly 1 mil- teams such as the Cardinals and the standing that at this time, Sri Lanka lion unintended pregnancies each year, Rams and by community schools and continues to present a unique window almost half of which would otherwise businesses. Countless other examples of of investment opportunities for U.S. end in abortion. generosity, support and gratitude from companies. In 1972, 2 years after the creation of the community have provided finan- In addition, Sri Lanka’s geo-strategic title X, Medicaid funding for family cial, physical, and emotional support location and deep-water ports could be planning was authorized. throughout the year. vital to the long term financial and na- Last year, a key provision of the We owe a great debt of gratitude to tional security interests of the U.S. health care reform law took effect that the men and women who have sac- Some 50% of all container traffic and builds on the legacy of Griswold v. Con- rificed their lives or go to work every 70% of the world’s energy supplies pass necticut. day to protect our country. I am proud within sight of the Sri Lankan coast. VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.058 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 Understandably, U.S. policies to- reer in Fort Dodge, but was transferred cers in the line of duty should be appre- wards Sri Lanka have focused on ac- to Tuskegee, AL, to train in the hended as quickly as possible. However, I be- countability for what happened during Army’s Black pilot program, where he lieve the responsibility to address this issue, as it relates to state and local law enforce- the last phases of the civil war as well received the rank of commissioned sec- ment officers, lies with the states and local as on steps toward reconciliation ef- ond lieutenant and specialized in oper- communities that these brave law enforce- forts that seek inclusion of former ter- ating the AT–6 Texan and the P–40 War ment officers serve. Furthermore, while I do rorist enemies into the democratic Hawk. He then, in 1944, became an ac- not believe this issue is the responsibility of process. While these aspects are very tive fighter pilot in Italy, conducting the federal government; if Congress does act, important and deserving of support, I over 60 long-range combat missions as we can and must do so in a fiscally respon- believe there is the opportunity to en- part of the 100th Fighter Squadron. His sible manner.
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