Volume 20, Number 3 2 99 iiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiii~11 *The AVALON HILL 1.:..1iiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiAiiiiiiiiYiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiloiiiiiiii"iiiiiiiiHiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiilPiiiiiOiiiiiiiiihliiiiiiiioloiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiYiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER (hereafter re­ beyond mere reorganization and that the rules and GENERAL ferred to as ASL) will occupy all my time until its tactics employed countless times in the past may The Game Players Magazine printing. The title itself is something of a no longer apply. ASL will require careful scrutiny misnomer, and does not do justice to the effort by veteran and novice players alike; those expect­ The Avalon HIli GENERAL ,s ded,cated to the presenta­ lion of authoritative arllcles On the strategy, taclies, and being expended on it, the connotation of "Ad­ ing to use it merely as a handy reference book to a vanation of Avalon Hdl wargames. HISlOrtCa! articles are vanced" suggesting that it is more difficult than system already learned will be surprised by the included only Insomuch as they provide useful backgfOund the original but not essentially different. While it is extent of inherent change. InformatIon on current Avalon HIli tilles The GENERAL IS true that ASL in all its depth may well be more The looseleaf binder format planned is a first published by the Avalon Hill Game Company solely for the cultural edification of the serious game aficionado, in the complicated than the basic SL game, it is our in­ for Avalon Hill and acknowledges the ills of a con­ hopesof improving the game owner's proficiencyof play and tention that it be far simpler in application than the stantly evolving system. Although we would like providing serVices noi otherwise available to the Avalon Hill whole of its predecessors' parts. To the purist, to say that this is the final word, experience has game bliff. Avalon Hili is a diVISion of Monarch Avalon however, ASL should play far smoother than even taught us that perfection is an elusive target and Industries, Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary 01 Monarch Avalon. Inc. The shares of Monarch Avalon, Jne. afe publicly basic SQUAD LEADER. For ASL is more than just a nigh on impossible on a scope this large. However, traded on Ihe NASDAO System under the symbol MAHI. For recompilation of that which has gone before, players should find it easy to augment further Informatlon about the company write 10 Harold Cohen at the although reorganization plays a significant role in additions to ASL by posting them to the binder as execullve offIces of the company. 4517 Harford Rd., the increased playability of the game. Rather, ASL new modules become available. Errata and Bailimore, MD 21214. Publication 1$ b,-monthlv with mailings made close to is a new game in and of itself, forged from the changes, the inevitable miscreants of a system as the end of February, April, June, August, October and battle-tested trials of nine years of constant evolu­ rich in detail as this, will be cleanly incorporated December. All edltonal and general mall should be sentto the tion as simulation gaming's widely acknow(edged into the binder by simply replacing obsolete pages Avalon H,II Game Company, 4517 Harford Road, Bailimore, leader in its field, Veteran squad leaders wi!! find MD 212ii'.i One year subscnptlons are SV.OO. Two year subscriptions are $14.00. All domestic subscrIptions sent that the system itself has changed in myriad ways Continued on Page 43, Column 1 via bulk pern'lIL Domestic First Class Delivery and all subscriptions to Canada and MeXICO must pay an addItional $9.00 per year postage charge All overseaS subscriptions must add an additional $12.00 per year postagecharge. Send checks or money orders only. AH is not responSible for cash lost in transit. Those with a current American Express, VISA, MasterCard or Choice may call 800-638-9292 toll free to renew subscriptions or order merchandIse. Absolutely no complaints or QuestIons will be handled on this number Any bUSiness other than a credit card purchase must be handled by mall. Address changes must be submitted at least 6 weeks In advance to guarantee deilvery. Paid advertiSIng IS not accepted. but news of Importance to the gaming com­ munity IS sOlicited. Convention announcements must be received at least 3 months In advance and contaIn informa­ tion pertaining to AH games in use. Articles from subscnbers are considered for puhlication at the discretion of our editorial staff. Articles should be typewrHten, douQle-sQaced, and embrace the tenets of good E-ngttsh usage. There isno I'lmlt to word length, Accompany­ ingexamples and diagrams should be neatly doneinbl~ck or red ink. Pholographs should have caption andored" line written On back. Rejected articles will be returnedwhene\ler possible. EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Donald J. Greenwood MANAGING EDITOR: Rex A. Marlin GRAPHICS: Jean Oaer, Dale Sheaffer. Charles Kibler, Rodger MacGowan, Stephanie Czech, David Lawrence Cover Art: Rodger MacGowan Maatheed Dealgn: Stephame Czech AREA Tachnlclan: 8renda Parrtsh GENERAL Subscriptions: Gertrude Zombro Purchases of Games, PBM kits and parts: Brenda Brauer FOREIGN DISTRIBUTORS: Overseas readers are urged to CRAFT OF THE SOLDIER-KING 5 make subscription arrangements With the appropriate agent, The Winning Edge in FREDERICK THE GREA T By Deane Sperdakos AUSTRALIA: Jedko Games, 18 Fonceca St., Mordialloe, 3195, Vleta"a; DENMARK: Jom E"ksen, Sondertoften 209, OK 2630 Taastrup; GREA1:BRITAIN: Avalon l'JilllUKI LTD, DIPLOMACY AND GRAND STRATEGY 11 ~50 High.Rd., North Finchfey, London N. 12,ONL; JAPAN; How to Prevent the Lights from Going Out By Joseph Balkoski Post Hobby, 1-38 Yoyogi, Shibura-KU, Tokyo; SINGAPORE: WQng International Entr., 6 Jalan Sinar Bulan; Singapore THE SILESIAN WARS, 1740-1745 15 1750; SOUTH AFRICA: Gamma Games ltd, P.O. 80x More Scenarios for FREDERICK THE GREA T By Arnold Blumberg 2904, Capetown 8000; SWEDEN' Target Games, Skogvaktargatan 2, S-11542 Stockholm. SUPPLEMENT TO THE COMMANDER'S NOTEBOOK 21 Rules Questions: R&D, NOTE: all questions should be' Analyzing the Rest of the PANZERBLITZ Scenarios By John Hunter diagrammed. No Questions can be answered which are unaccompanied by a self-addressed envelope. Ouestions must be based on rules of play fnot historical or design MONTCALM AND WOLFE 28 matters} and be based on the current rules edition. Questions The French and Indian War-1759 By Fred Sassin on more than one game must be listed on separate pages and accompanied by a separate SASE for each game. GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO FANDONIA 31 IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS: Inform us immediately. A Lost Work of Strategy By Michael Anchors The Post Office destroys magazines even if you leave a torwarding address. AH ASSUMES NO RESPONSI81L1TY THE COMPLEAT DIPLOMAT 33 FOR ISSUES LOST DUE TO AN INVALID ADDRESS. Please Is Munich Burning? By Rod Walker state both your new and· old address. FOR GOD AND THE KING 34 Copyright 1983 Expanding CONQUISTADOR's Repertoire By Greg Costikyan Th#! T THE RATINGS GAME 36 AilAL01,T HILL~\YV Surveys in The GENERAL By Peter Kiczek PLUNDER IN THE WEST 39 Gall'#! COll.p"".y /;~f\O Strategies for CONQUISTADOR By Greg Costikyan 4517 Harford Road, If\~C NEW OPTIONS FOR MISCREANTS 41 Baltimore, Md. 21214 \~ 'L..J Additional Tables for DOWN WITH THE KING By Glenn Rahman 3 T.M. Tactical ArmorCommand Here are just some of the exciting features: One last tug to the helmet strap-a reassuring glanceatthe l.A.C. can be played solitaire against the computer or as line of powerful steel monsters and you know all is ready. From a two player (or two team) game with the computer as your command hatch you raise your hand and order mediator. "forward"! The air suddenly fills with the roar of engines and the rumble of treads, as the mighty dreadnaughts of the land start The most important armored vehicles of Britain, Russia, U.S. forward. You command a team of your country's finest armored and Germany are available to command-40 in all. vehicles in a mission to search and destroy the enemy. Choose from five different scenarios to play. Actions range l.A.C. is a game of World War II tactical armored combat. from open meeting engagements to assaults against You pick a nation (from among the four major combatants­ prepared positions. Britain, U,S.A, Germany and Russia). You build a combat You pick the sides. You choose the weapons. A simple pur­ team from their most powerful tanks, assault guns and tank chasing system has been provided to let you "buy" what you destroyers. You command the team you've created in major want in balance with your opponent, operations against like forces of the enemy, The results of combat are determined by the computer, It All the famous vehicles of the second world war are here­ factors such critical elements as range, armor thickness (front, Tigers, Panthers, Shermans and JS II's; Jagdpanthers, SU 152's, rear and flanks), tracking time, the speed and maneuvers of Fireflies and T 34's, just to name a few. They have all been both the firing and target units, visibility and weapon adjust­ thoroughly researched and their important features program­ ment to determine weapon accuracy. med into the game. Each vehicle is distinguished by such Special options include hidden movement, improved elements as armor thickness (rear and flanks as well as front), positions, smoke mortars, minefields, close assaults, overruns fire power, speed, acceleration and gun traverse. Even minor and indirect fire. points like fuel tank location can be critical. The computer handles all the technical details. This lets you TAC. on diskette retails for $40.00 and can be concentrate on making the same kinds of decisions the real played on th following computers: Apple® II's with 48K life tank commanders made.
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