LEGAL PAPER OF THE TOWN OF NUTLEY Vol. X. No. 28 NQTLEY, N. J , SATURDAY, APRIL. 30, 1904. ONE DOLLAR PER Public School Free Lecture. WTTII TUE? BAWT EDO NiKllt Club win Challenge the winn- Invitation From VeteS THE TOWN COUNCIL The last lecture of the cour.se will BOARD OF EDUCATION I I XXXI iilJj DU I I JuJliIIIJ club in tlie Inter Club match The veterans of the Civil be given it the Park School Auditor­ ___________________________j roll either 3 or 5 games some time in Nutley, extend an invitatitj| ium, on Thursday evening, May 5, at the latter part of June. lousiness of Ivast Meeting1 of Its Monthly Gathering is a Busv Ladies’ Bowlin;; Scores. members of the Town Couf Official Year Not Great. 8.15 p. m. Tbe subject of the lecture On Tuesdsy evening the Fortnight­ officers of each departmei One. The following ladies made scores of will be “Russia and Japan in the ly and Nutley No. 1 Clubs will roll On Wednesday evening, the 27th On Tuesday evening the Board of bers of tbe different ortf East.1’ The' lecturer is Mr. Peter 100 and over at the Tuesday afternoon inst., tlie last regular meet ing ol the Education held its regular monthly lodges, Board of Education .i MacQueen, of New York City. The bowling class: present Town Council, was held. meeting at its rooms in the Park The Friday Afternoon < lub. Veterans and Veterans j Mrs. Stager . I l l Councilman DeVausney was not pre­ lecture will be illustrated by stere- 101 Spanish War, members of 1 optican views. Mr. MacQueen has S c h o o l. Mrs. Eddows 100 The Nutley Friday Afternoon Club s e n t. The Board was informed that al­ ■net on Friday, April 22, at the Department and citizens to' travelled extensively in the East, and Mrs. Feltus. ____ 124 With the obvious determ ination of though the express company had residence of Mrs Charles Van De­ pate with them in their ai| has had many thrilling experiences, Mrs. Sargent . 1 2 4 109 102 putting things in order for the in­ ■failed to deliver .the parcel contain­ memorial exersises, on Mondayj some of which make up a part of his M rs. F o y ........... .. 123 103 103 water, on Prospect street. A most coming members, the Council got to ing returns of the recent School 30, 1904, in the afternoon. ExeJ lecture. The subject is a timely one Miss Stager.... ......... 154 144 123 enjoyable afternoon was spent. work at S.20; at 9.45 the Councilad- Board election, as direcied, they had will consist of parade and seri and should prove uf great interest. Miss Flintoff . .1 1 0 108 106 The next meeting of the Club will journed—excepting a great amount reached the County Superintendent. at the Reformed and Methj Children under twelve years of age held on Friday, May 6, a t th e nf talk little was done. In conformity with the law >passed cemeretie.s The commanding! will not be admitted unless accom­ residence of Mrs. Gotbwaite, on The first communication read was by the Legislature last w inter govern­ Interclub Bowling' Prospect street. A full attendance oer of any organization wishirfj panied by parent or guardian parade will report as earlyj from the war reterans extending an ing the appointm ent of custodians of The Arcanum and Independent is requested. Subject, ‘-French invitation to the Town Fathers to school moneys, the Board reappoint­ Clubs rolled their series on Tuesday W r it e r s .” possible ro Grand M arshall for or participate in the Memorial Day St. Paul’s Concert. ed Dr. Van Riper to take care of its night. The Independents took the S. P . V u e e l a n d , M arsh t! ■exercies. The Clerk was instructed The date of the coming concert at money for another year. This action oddgame. Scores as follows: to acknowledge the receipt of the St. Paul’s Congregational Church, was taken to keep the I oard on the EOYAL A B C iSt'M j Italian Society to Celebrate. l e t t e r , will be held on Monday evening, May Permission has been granted by the right side of the law. as the Doctor’s A . B lu m ........... .. .179 140 111 A long discussion ensued over the 20. It is hoped that a mental note Police Commissioners to the Italian AM US EM. ENTS. present appointment does not J . W ile y ...........................193 166 183 annual report of the Collector, which will be made of the date, as by the terminate until .Tuly. The matter Society of Nutley to hold a parade S. D. Conger............. 150 169 197 is now on file in the hands of the dropping of a cypher in last week’s was placed in the hands of tbe Legal aud celebration of tbe Sacred Heart W. A. Lambert.. .200 134 144 , EMPIRE THEATRE, NEWARK. Town Clerk. The Chairman con­ issue the time for holding the enter­ Committee to be properly adjusted. o f J e s u s , og J u n e 1 a n d 2 . T h e Dr. Van RiDer , 149 134 134 tended that an excess of$510 had been tainm ent was set twenty days before The Superintendent’s Reporlshow- services of a fine band has been en­ Chorley Grajewin. with the as| paid to the Board of Education which it will occur. The chorus and others ed that there had been an increased gaged for the occasion, music will- be a n c e ot Auua Chance and a gay T o ta l ___ ....... 877 743 769 was unauthorized and which the who will take part in the entertain­ attendance in all the schools during played upon the Park grounds at the particularly talented coterie Collector should return to the town INDEPENDENT. ment are in constant practice and the past month. Absence among the conclusion of the parade and a re­ singers, dancers and players treasury. No action was taken upon J . B lu m .................... ...... .131 133 169 every one is expecting that thiseffort teachers has also been less. At the ception and fireworks will be given have not been afraid to go on rectj the matter. O . R u s b y ...................... 155 189 208 wili surpass anyone of the many Passaic avenue school there have at their headquarters on Bloomfield as one of the m erriest assemblies ! S . B lu m _______ ____ .171 184 Bills to the am ount of $516.71 were meritorious concerts which have been been several cases of mumps. The 157 a v e n u e . : *' entertainers on the light theatric ordered paid. O. K ir k e b y .................. .177 168 150 previously given. Board of Health has been looking stage, will appear at the Empijj A letter was read from the Im peri­ E . P o s t ........................ 154 153 185 after this m atter. New Fire Alarm Box. Theatre, Newark, week of May' 7. al Cutlery Co., asking for permission The Arbor Day exercises were Mr. Grapewin will appear in the Lecture at Town Hall. T o t a l .................... 788 827 869 During the week^Cbief Guthrie has to lay pipes in front of its works and very successful. The $100 subscribed melancholy but m irth-provoking role In the Nutley Town Hall on Thurs­ ddcd a another fire alarm box to the to place a fire hydrant upon its pro­ by the citizens to purchase trees High score, W iley. 235; h ig h av e r- of “The Man Who Wished He day evening, May 5, Mr. John Z. *utley svstem. The new box is perty. The matter was referred to was nearly all used for this purpose age, Busby, 170. Hadn’t,” and will explain al! in the Water and Fire Commissioners. W hite, of Chicago, a widely known seated at tbe corner of Brookfield The Board will pay the incidental STANDING OF CLUBS TO DATE. “The A wiikei ing of Mr. Pippe,” one and very popular lecturer, will speak The apporl ioning of the sidewalk GXpOQCtJij. venue and Elm placein proximity to of the liveliest musical comediesof upon the subject -‘The Truth About W.L H . S. he Yantacaw School building. The of the Chauncey Mesler property, ou The Building Committee reported th - year. Matinee s Monday, Wednes­ Prospect street, was brought up and The Trusts”. At the close of his IndeDendent....... 16 8 923 progress on the old Park School build­ day and Saturday, - , referred to the Legal Committee. address ample opportunity will be A r c a n u m ............... 13 11 900 ing aud hopes within a few days to given for questions and discussion. Nutley No. 1 ___ 10 11 870 Mr. Robert Travers asked the call the Board together to consider Council for the usual Memorial Day The meeting will be held under the Fortnightiy. 6 15 830 the plan invited from tbe three appropriation of $ , which was auspices of the Nutley Single Tax 100 competing architects. I authorized Club. Speaker and subject- should Bowling on Fortnightly Alleys ! Unless there be something to attract those who are not too old to The ordinance relating to side­ prevent it, an exhibition similar to Saturday night—Fortnightly C lu b . ‘ THE /ITTENTION walks and gutters, was read by the learn and those who tl ink there is the one of last spring, will be given W. A. Lam bert ........ 168 190 199 room for improvement in our present Of the investing public is* called to tlj' new section Clerk.
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