GIfltmprttnrt Satlg (ftamjma Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXV1 I NO. 90 STORRS. CONNECTICUT Wednesday, March 18. 1970 Tabb Contract Recommendation Reversed By SHE LA COHEN Co News Edi I or petition this week urging Dean Kenneth dean of the school based on the de- Tabb, who is 28 years old, has pub- G. Wilson of the College of Liberal partment's recommendation." lished several articles and is arranging Assistant Eonomics Professor Arts & Sciences to overturn the re- Attempts were made by The Cam- for the publication of his first book. William K. Tabb learned yesterday that commendation. pus to reach Taylor for comment. This In addition to his regular Univer- his contract •has not been recom- When asked to comment on wnose de- reporter was told Taylor was busy and sity course load, Tabb has been teach- mended for termination." This was a cision it was to reverse the recommenda- requested to call back. Later attempts ing a course in the Inner College this reversal of a recommendation by the ten- tion, Wilson, said, "I think what's im- proved futile since only a busy signal year, and this semester he is co-teach- ured members of the Economics depart- portant is that no recommendation to ter- was received. According to Southern ing an inter departmental course. ment that he receive a terminal con- minate will be made*. The University New Eg la ml Telephone Company opera- tract. (A terminal contract is good for Board of Trustees are scheduled to make tor, the line was 'temporarily out-of- Tabb is a member of the Under- only one year and Is not subject to re- the final decision on Tabb's contract order. It may just be a receiver off graduate Curricula Revision Committee, newal) Tabb was notified of the action today. They usually accept the recom- the hook," she said. of the Eonomics Department. He is by Paul N. Taylor, acting head of the mendation of the dean of the school. Faculty members are usually given also a member of the Economics De- Economics department. According to Provost Edward V.Gant, terminal contracts if their teaching or partment Recruitment Committee, which Tabb was not informed from what le "it is not the policy of the university publication record is poor. Many mem- is in charge of recruiting new faculty vel the reversal came and by whose ac- to comment on individual cases" of con- bers of the University community contend members for the department. Tabb is tion. He believes it came partially tract renewal and tenure decisions. He that Tabb's qualifications are excellent also a member of various committees due to the support of the faculty and stu- also said that "no one person decides and that political considerations were and subcommittees of the Faculty Senate dents on his behalf. Over 1800 persons, the Issue. It is a collective judgement important in the Department's recom- and the College of Liberal A rts and Scien- Including 44 faculty members, signed a by the president, the provost, and the mendation. ces. Daily Campus Endorses Doneiko Correction BY ERICA PB4£Y CoNews Edi tor The Connecticut Dally Campus to- soft-shoe job, requiring the aDuity to day endorced Associated Student Govern- Mi i Doneiko was contacted by the In the interview with Allan work with all kinds (A persons, both from Campus last night and accepted the ment (ASG) vice-presidential candidate within and without the student body. Drlsco'l appearing in Monday's endorsement for ASG president. She Campus, the answer to the ques- Judy Doneiko as a write-in candidate for "Judy Doneiko has exactly the right the office of ASG president. urged those who would have voted for tion "Should the ASG take a stand skill and ability to handle that job," her for the vice-presidency to write Sen. Alan Lee has been endorsed for Whalen said. on the racial situation on cam- vice-president. her name in on the election ballot for pus?" was incomplete. It should "The best man for vice-president," president. have read, "Yes, the ASG oppo- Editor-in-Chief Michael J. Whalen Whalen said about Alan Lee. Miss Doneiko expressed some doubt said In the editorial that Miss Doneiko ses racism and so do L Not "We think Lee will do a good job as to whether or not students would being black, I cannot really •has enough gentleness and consider- of controlling the senate." vote for a woman for ASG president. ation for other persons so that we be- understand racism. I would be "His past investigations, such as the The editors of the Campus suggest hypocritical to say either I or liev e she would make an Ideal ASG that students on this campus are ready president." ln-depth report he made on the univer- ASG had a so ution on or had sity bookstore last year have shown that to give the 19th century notion that the power to put a solution into •ASG president is a difficult and Lee is one of the hardest working ASG women are inferior beings a solid effect." time consuming job, but it is also a representatives." kick in the pants, (see editorial on page two) State Employees9Union Angry at University By EH CA PENLEY members are allowed to schedule meet- Co News Edi t or ings in University buildings. The Connecticut Employees Union "As state employees we should have Independent - which represents members been allowed to use the building" Per- of UConn's Security Police staff, mem- ruccio said. bers of the custodial staff, and other "We're entitled to the same privi- state employees - is angry with Uni- ledges as faculty and students and we versity policy. weren't allowed to use them", he added. According to Union Independent DUiial Martin of the Scheduling Of- President Sal Perruccio, UConn-Mans- fice said, "Policy Is we schedule re- field members weren't allowed to use quests by students and faculty'." a room in the Humanities building for When asked why state employees oike their meeting March 15. Instead they the Union Independent members weren't held the meeting In the Storrs Congre- allowed to use University buildings, Mar- tational Church. tin said, "I'm in the same position since The official reason given for not I'm a state employee. I wouldn't ask allowing the Union Independent members to use the building because I don't have to use the Humanities building was that the right - not unless they change the only students, student groups and faculty rules." ASG Elections / Vote Today Associated Press Supreme Court Rejects Busing Plan Tentative Strike Settlement WASHINGTON-.Civil rights attor- SAN FHANCBCO, CALIF.- -San neys imve suffered a rare setback in the Francisco is beginning to u usnarl fol- Supreme Court. The high court yester- lowing tentative settlement of a four- day rejected a plea to reinstate a school day public employes strike. Commuters busing plan in the Charlotte-Ms cklenburg who wore without public transportation 1 New Music IV. A native of schools !n North Carolina, New Musician yesterday rooming found the busos, trol- Norwich, Mr. Turetzky return- leys and cable cars running when they The director-counsel of the legal do- got out of work yesterday afternoon. The ed to UConn to perform 'Inter •0*6 fund, Jack Greenberg, called the , dispute over salaries involves six em- Pictured above, right, is ludes and Etudes' by Stephen filing a procedural matter with "No Mb> ployee groups. It partially closed the Bertram Turetzky, one of the Fisher,and other selected pie- atantive significance." However, in his schools, disrupted transportation, re- featured artists in Monday's ces. •lotion Gr-senberg said :he issue was "of duced hospitals to emergency status, and considerable importance to the (Mora of school Jo88gr«gallon.' he , (Efltmrrttnit latlg Glampms Endorsed: lett< Doneiko For President McKnight for President To the Editor: Lee For Vice-President People are undoubtedly asking themselves why them. That Is where I come in. B elected president Today, the undergraduates of this university will »lect their Asso- Ron McKnight Is running as a write-in candidate lor I would work with the student body to Improve the ciated Student Government (ASG) representatives for the next aca- the presidency of the ASG. effectiveness and goals of the ASG so that they demic year. The main reason Is the lack of student Interest are more closely aligned with your Interests. This is the first ASG election in several years that has offered stu- In the ASG and what It is doing. I have had several To do this, I would recommend to the rest of the dents a choice of presidential and vice presidential candidates. We persons come and tell me that they would like to ASG, that their new constitution that has been several feel however that the choice is not an exciting one, and the making of vote for me for Student Senator, but that the ASG years in the writing Initiate dlstrics elections so that an editorial decision for endorcements has been difficult and un- Is a farce, and that they are not going to vote at all. your needs are effectively represented. I would in. pleasant. I would disagree that the ASG Is a meaningless stltute i meeting at least once weekly whereby stu- We offer below our feelings toward each of the candidates — doing farce. Like you, I am not pleased with everything dents needs and lntersts can be represented, i so In the hope our readers will know that such cameo comments could the ASG has done, but then the ASG cannot please would relnstitute the 24 hour presidency theory easily be unfair.
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