Q 2 s Men in Service Like to Keep in Touch With Home. * * * The NEWS Can Follow Home of the News rosse Them Anywhere. 99 Kercheval ews TV. 2-6900 Pointes Call TUxedo 2-6900 --,._------------ at the Post Office at Detroit. Wcb. Entered as Second Class Matter Fully Paid Circulation HEADLINES Blizzard Brings Demise of the Last Rose of Summer 856 Permits of th. Coach of Chicago \VEEK Issued Since As Compiled by the Bears Has Double First of Year G1'OSJ6 Pointe News Public School Report for Third Thursday, November 8 Quarter Reveals Gre.~it PRESIDENT TRUMAN chal- Dose of Bad Luck Construction Activity lenges Russia to accept a "fool- proof" disarmament plan under The rate of new home con- which UN inspectors would police Residence of Heartly (Hunk) Anderson Ransacked Wh iIe struction in the Grosse Pointe each country's forces and weapons His Team Is Being Taken to Cleaners School District is still contin~ including atom bombs. Russia re- jects proposal and suggests in. , By Detroit Lions uing at a very high rate, ac; stead that all countries get to- ------ cording to the third quarterly gether in peace conference not Double trouble was enc?untered during the :veekend by report just issued by L. M, later than next June. Heartly (Hunk) Anderson, lme coach of the ChIcago Bears, Bartlett Director of Pupil .. whose residence is located at 180 Moran road in Grosse Pointe Personn'el for the Grosse TEN PASSENGERS HURT, one Farms. While the Andersons were in the Windy City watch-' Pointe Public Schools . seriously, when a suburban Grey. ing the Bears take a beating from the Detroit Lions, a burglar This report shows. that ':.856 hound bus bound for Mt. Clemens. I did a pretty thorough cleaning job of their h0me here. residential family ~nit building skidded on Gratiot near Chene The Andersons' was one of~>-------------~ permits were issued in the Grosse and crashed into a utility pole, two Moran road homes burglar- CI b Pointe School District during the • • .. ized during the past week, the Rotary U. first nine months of 1951. This Friday, November 9 Farms police reported. is 299 fewer permits than were THE GOVERNMENT takes Discovered by Maid P t S t iss~ed las~ year for a c~mparable action which will allow price The Andersons's daughter, Mrs. ar y e I perlOd. WIth the e,:,ceptton of lal?~ hikes on about one-fourth of the Jo Ann Wilcox was at' the house year, however, thIS number. ex- country's manufactured goods. Fri~ay afternoon and left about For Monday I ~:~~:d.that of any other year on Raises will be effective Decem bel' : 5 0 cl?ck. The burglary occurred I Woods Leads Again 1~ I sometIme between then and • ~. .. • .. I T d 't 9 '1 k I Neighborhood Club Will Be Grosse Pomte Woods contmues ues ay m.ornmg a ,0 c oc .' ., to lead with 326 permits for this AN ANCIENT, four-story brick: v.:hen a maId, Thelma .Blbby, ar- Scene of Big Event to Raise period. This is followed by 171 building collapsed at 310 wood-j nved to do some c1~anmg. It may .Money for Charitable for the Farms, 742 for the Park, ward avenue early last evening. have occurred .dunng ~he we~k- P 140 for the section of Harper Had been condemned. ,F. A. Rit- end, as Mr. W1lcox saId he was 'I rogram Weods which is in the G..rosse ter. 55, only occupont at the time, at the house Monday noon and -. Pointe School District 58 for the was trapped. but was released II while he did not investigate, he The Grosse Pomte Rotary C't f G P . t' d 19'f . ' .....1 b 'II ld . 1 V orosse Oln e, an or 'without serious injury. later recalled tl:at everythmg! '-- u . WI h a Its annua I com- I Gr;sse Pointe Shores. • - * -Picture by Fred Runnells I had not seemed m order. I mumty g.ames party ne:::,t A breakdown of the data by Saturday, November 10 Mary Dennis of the Grosse Pointe News staff inspects a frozen bloom in the News rosebed after last week's near I ThelmaScreenBibbyRemovednotified Mrs. theMondayNeighborhoodmght at 8 Club.o'clock The111 showselementarythat schoolthe Poupardcensus districtsCensus SIX PERSONS, including both blhzard. Inside the office vases still held blooms which had been picked before the unseasonal arctic blasts descended Wilcox, who called the Farms party is open to the public. District with 140 permits leads parents of a family of 11 chi!- on the Pointe, police. Detective Sergeant El- This is the event which the the list for the first nine months dnn, and fu~ ~~q~~ killed ------------------------------------------------------------- m~ L~ailie ~v9tip~d. En~y ~c~ club ~ ilie ~~mati~~ ~1951. Th~~fu"ow~ clmciy in a head-on crash two miles; G df II r Overflow Crowd Turns Out' New Kerby was gained by removing a metal service organization stages each with 131 permits for the Mon- north of Pontiac. A surviving i 00 e OWS screen from a kitchen window. year to raise funds to support teith Census District and 124 for teen-agel' says the driver of their i . Apparently the window had been its extensive and varied charit- the Kerby District. The remain. carrongdeli.berately drove on the, P S l T D t BI d M b.1St t T k left unlocked. able program. ing elementary census districts :v . SIde to ,teac~ t~e. oncom- ! aper a e 0 ona ,e 00 as .0 lee 0 a e The entire ~ouse had been Last year the 'party netted in order are as follow: Torre~ lr.g dnver to dIm hIS llgnts. I •• • .• _ ransacked. It w1ll not be known $8,000, every cent of which was Woods, 111; Trombly, 78; Roslyn • * • I December 1,."! UnIt Pays VISIt to POInte More Pup'Ils until the Andersons return and used for these philanthropies. road, 70; Maire, 63; Mason, 55; , SIGMUND ROMBER~, com-I" i ' ... ... .. I II .. make. a .cheCk, what is the fl;lll The very large majority of the Defer, 50; and Richard, 33•. P?ser. of m~ny outstan~mg s~ng --- I . .. ,... ... -:-:-- '. extent of the burglary_ Mrs. W1l- expenditures are local and dir-" Enrollment Is 6,463 ~lts, mcludl~g10rk78 muslca~~, d!ed I James McNafly and Dave Congregational Church Is Collection Headquarters' As 172 I Big Addition ..Will Be Read'y cox was.. able to. list a number ectly benefit the community. The enrollment in the Grosse In a ~e'i' h ~otel fo owmg I N I A • t d Ch • Pints Are Obtained from Nearly 250"Who Volunteered T . H dl All Ch'ld I of._~hings that ....ha.d, been taken'l William G. (Dutch) Wahl of Po~fePublieSchoolsat the end . It cere 1'a e~o~r ~ge. I age pp0ln e • alr- _______, o. ~n e I ren n Set of Silver Stolen I Devonshire road is general chair- of October was 6,463, which is 'an S d . N b 11 men of Annual Lions The visit of the Red Cross Mo,bile Unit to the Pointe last District on November '9 Among these are a portable, man of this year's party. increase of 449 over a comparab,l, e, THE U~;~TE~~e;I~ THREE:I . Club Event Friday' was' .termed a great, success by Red Cross officials. -' - I TV set, a po~.table typewriter. (i C C-- h d:tie last year. ni~~eates,t in- d T k d I -- powers an ur ey announce I "Blood donabons were obtamed from " 172 persons most of ,, Accordmgt 'd tof an Janounce-W dset of hflatd' SIlver MAdthat Mr. An- ar ras es ',creaseth I by schoolt 1 diVISIOns1 h' h IS ,.on their determination to arm. train I James N. McNally and Dave which is already in Korea, available for the wounded. men recelVe r?m ames . erson , a gl~en rs. n el~o; he e emen aft eve fW 41g57?OW d hId f nd th Ar b W rld Nagel were appointed chair- The Red Cross had asked that<t. Bushong, Supermtendent of for C h,rlstmas ast y~ar, a wa c , GI T k .as an enro ment 0 , , an Its~n VItal- e peewaterways e and a,oJ! lands0, men, b y P reSl-d ent Thomas a mlmmum. 0f 200 donors' be churches sent 6 and 16 respectIve-. th e G rosse P om. te P u bl' IC cuff't lmksd 'tha quantlty1 thO of men'sd ass rue Thmcrease- . ofh'378h overh 1a year11 ago.t against Communist aggression. 'I Munson of the Grosce Pointe signed up, which would normally ly , Schools, . all children in the SUIs ~n o. er C? mg an ~c- e Junto.r Ig sc 00 euro men Th d 't 1 th tAb OP L' f h I~G df I guarantee that blood could be ob- . K b S hID' t . t '11 b cessones mcludmg necktIes. of 1,308 IS 69 above that of last ~Y,ma e I l~ ear t ~ t ra th - I IOns, or t e annua 00 e - tained from at least 100 Actually B'usilless Places Canvassed er Y " c OOh ISNrlC ~ beTaken from twin beds were a Mrs, Helen Fisk Finzel of 6615 year, and the senior high school fl?~~l~~tt;Ol~ an~iddl~ ~ast ~: jlow Newspaper sale to be con- nearly 250 persons ap~eared. it Many of, the donors volun~eer~d atten dmg t.
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