8% l«pl md Colimtat latfjj INCOBlORATING THE ROTAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 15—NO. 22 HAMILTON, BERMUD^. SATURDAY. JANUARY 25. 1930 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM FRENCH DELEGATE PAYS JTRIBUTE TO ENGLISH IDEALS SECURITY BY GENERAL "CYRIC r VICTOR B MOVIE EXPERT INTER- EVENTS OF THE WEEK THEY SAY THURSDAY'S RACE 1 VIEWED TOday—Band Concert, Par-la- That the boxing show gave specta­ REDUCTION KEY-NOTE Ville, 10.30-12.30 noon. tors their money's worth. Talkies Here to Stay * * » OF CONFERENCE LEADS ONE-DESIGNS IN STRONG 00 That there was incident enough te WIND, WITH "STARLING'V.ia- Among the recent arrivals at the serve everyone's taste. COND. ••PRINCESS" LOSES Hamilton Hotel are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur James, of New York. Just PERSONAL * * * MAINSAIL BEFORE START. at this time Mr. James visits us That spectators love drill and dis­ as a mentor for all questions and cipline. ith a 20 mile South-wester problems of sound-pictures. He is Miss Jennie Ginocchio, a visitor • * » on her quarter, her spinnaker the editor and publisher of Exhi­ from Jersey City, N.J., is now at Final Report on Hatry Smash pulling like a team of horses, the That most of them admire tt most bitors Daily Review and Motion the Hamilton Hotel and will pro­ —on the parade ground. Trimingham boat crossed the finish Pictures Today in New York. As­ bably remain there the entire line off the Princess Hotel to win sociated with pictures ever since season. She is an extensive traveller * * • the second race of the Winter Series their invention, Mr. James came and has visitedfmost of the famous That the task of pleasing everyone after a hard fight with Starling, to the industry with long training capitals of the world. Mis Ginoc­ is hopeless. owned and sailed by J. E. Pearman, as a newspaper man, having held chio is well known in New Jersey. who finished only 29 seconds behind positions on several metropolitan Overseas Trade Bigger in Volume But Values her. k*\ papers including the Morning Tele­ ! That only the inexperienced or Fall—Canadian Statesman Makes Strong •"ourse G was signalled by the graph. He has been closely con­ Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lane and greatly daring tries. nected with motion pictures from Master E. C. Lane are paying their Committee, giving a reach Jto * * * Plea for Empire Trade—Members of Spanish Point Huoy, a beat to Mor­ the time of the first serious writing annual visit to Bermuda and stay­ Indian National Congress Sen* gan's Island Buoy, a beam reach on - the subject and is known to ing at the Bermudiana Hotel. Mrs. That the debate on marketing to Somerset 3uoy, and a spinnaker everyone in the film world. His Lane is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. produce was full of interesting tenced for Sedition—Labour run to the finish line off Princess activities in this line have been J. A. Sherrard and they have been argument. Hotel,—9 miles. All the yachts many and varied. His comments coming to Bermuda every winter • * * Government Helps Fishing came to the line with single reefs on sound pictures, coming, as they for a number of years. Mr. Lane is That everyone wants to improve tucked in, though most of the do, when Bermuda is on the eve of connected with the shoe Industry the agricultural industry. Industry—Tariff Commis­ fleet shook them out to the run accepting this new departure, are in New England and is well known * * * extremely interesting. in business circles here. home! However, they had all the That few can agree on the method sion Attacked by U.S. sail they wanted on the long thrash "At the beginning of the talk­ to be adopted. to windward from Spanish Point ies," said Mr; James, "one or two Senator to Morgan's Island, for their sails sound pictures were put upon the Mr. Lionel Shirley Jackson, son * * * were wet some 6 ft. up. market, more particularly by War­ of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jackson, has That if government aid Is proporel ner Brothers, and these made such completed a four months' course business complains of inter e - -lie starting gun found all the an Instantaneous success that they at the- Ontario Business College, ence. yachts on the line footing fast, but immediately flooded the whole Belleville, in bookkeeping, and • * » THE NAVAL CONFERENCE right to regulate her own by theirs. Cyric opened up a short lead by the For Japan ex-Premier Wakatsuki country and literally swept the graduated with high honours, time Two Rock was reached, promoters into fortune. While achieving 100% in several examina- That if it doesn't, business com­ Naval Needs of Nations said tbat his country's policy was plains of lack of support. based on peace and economy and though Starling and Longtail closed these pictures with their sound lous subjects covered. urged "actual reduction" by all on the leader running down to dialogue and synchronized music He arrived in Bermuda on Friday » » * LONDON, Jan. 23.—Naval powers Spanish Point, the latter passing today submitted a statement of the powers. were far from perfect, such an im­ by the Fort St. George, and has That perhaps an old saying can be her, and rounded the buoy in first petus to the new business enflamed accepted a position with the Ham­ their naval needs as the first busin- Having online d these national position, with Cyric second and paraphrased. naval policies at their first business all the picture organisations, with ilton Press. es of tbe morning session of tne ftarling third, and the rest of the 11*9 power conference. They all session this morning the chief the result that very soon every delegates gathered again in Down­ f.e:.t all within a boat's length. company plunged into making talk­ -oo- sp ke of tbe desire of their peoples i I sets were flattened for the long That "We live to farm, but we wi9h te eel secure but coupled that with ing Street later and by nightfall ies. However good or bad these they had agreed upon a working grind to windward, and sheets of productions were at the beginning, people would Bend us the money er phasis that naval needs were spary drerysh^gd. skippers and firewjjr CANADIAN MANUFACT- instead," might do. re ?.tive and that by common agree- plan for procedure in their adopts wo are now coming to a most stab­ to harmonise divergent viewpoints as they drove their charges into a ilised product, both in general en­ m nt armaments could be reduced. white-capped sea kicked up by the PuERS ASSWMIOtf "-¥- "1 ;*s a problem for us of the wUl in a common International agree­ semble—which means getting into That more Caaadian business men ment realising the reduction of strong South-wester. Flirt, Starl­ a perfect union the screen possibili­ tc live" exclaimed Premier Mac­ ing, Sea Witch and Cardinal im­ are coming. Donald. "It is a Hfe or death pro- fleets. ties and the sound mechanism— * * * mediately tacked to starboard, on and the training and technical * * * bl m for us to have free access to rounding, and after a short hitch Lord Mayor Gives Banquet perfection of the actors themselves, Delegates Arriving Monday That the Chamber of Commerce tE9 whole world.'* to port were followed by Cyric and a, * a, with special-reference to diction. may have a busy time with them. Longtail. The skippers were all evi­ Canada's Co-operation LONDON, Jan. 24r—The Lord George Arliss, in Disraeli, is per­ As will be seen in our cable des­ » * * dently looking for smoot her water haps the best example of a sound Mayor of London welcomed the under the Long Island shore, for patches a delegation representing That the development at Tucker's ,ONDON, Jan. 23.—Hon. J. B. delegations at a reception and ban­ the entire fleet stood to the South­ the Canadian Manufacturers As­ Town is proceeding at a furious R; Iston, Canadian Minister of Na- (CoBtiaBed oa Page 2) quet at the Guildhall last night. ward until they had reached their sociation will arrive in Bermuda on rate. ti'. nal Defence, repr'-nn-^trrj of In proposing the toast of the suc­ objective, and then stood in to the Monday by the Lady Drake, and * * » th» Dominion at the Naval Con- cess to the conference the Lord -00- Westward. Before Pearl Island was a special general meeting of the That if anyone wants to learn fe ence, in addressing tbe first Mayor referred to the great task reached, Cyric had again worked i Chamber of Commerce will be held something about modern me­ wcrking session of the conferenca before the delegates. He said into first place, while Starling and POUTICAL LEADER HERE at 9.30 a.m. to welcome the dele­ today declared no Canadian ex­ thods, he should spend a day or so "There are, of course, numerous Longtail were having a battle gates. down there. position of the naval question would difficulties, some obvious and some royal. Neither Sea Witch, Flirt, EOR REST The Hon. the Colonel Secretary • • • be made at this time, but that obscure, but none of them ought nor Cardinal seemed to be able to has kiadly promised to be present Or aada was prepared to .co-operate to be insuperable if approached in hold the flying leaders. Cardinal has and it is hoped that members in­ That in spite of the absence of George TJ.
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