E. C. No. 4<4 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE (1965-66) HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT (THIRD LOK SABHA) MINISTRY OF EDUC^ATION COUNCIL OF SCIENTinC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH National Physical Laboratory, New Ddhi LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI ApHl, i966IChtiira, 1888 (5) PHet: R$. a-jo LIST OF AUTHORISED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT PUBUCATIONS SL Name of Agent Agency SI. Name of Agent NO. No. No. ANDHRA PRADESH 13 . Deccan Book Stall, 65 Ferguson College Road, I. Andhra University General Poona-4. Cooperative Stores Ltd., Waltair (Visakhapatnam). RAJASTHAN 2. G,LR. Lakshmipathy Chetty 94 and Sons, General 14. Information Centre, Go- 38 Merchants and News vernmcnt of Rajasthan, Agents, Newpet, Chan- Tripolia, Jaipur City, dragiri, Chittoor District. UTTAR PRADESH ASSAM 15. Swastik Industrial Works, 2 3. Western Book Depot, 50, Holi Street, Meerut Pan Bazar, Gauhati. City. BIHAR 16. Law Book Company^ 43 Sardar Patel Marg, 4. Amar Kitab Ghar, Post 37 Allahabad-1. Box 78, Diagonal Road, Jamshedpur. WEST BENGAL GUJARAT 5. Vijay Stores, Station Road, 35 17. Granthaloka, 5/1, Ambica lo Anand. Mookhcrjce Road, Bel- gharia, 24 Parganas. 6. The New Order Book 63 Company, Ellis Bridge, 18. W. Newman & Company 44 Ahmedabad-6. Ltd., 3, Old Court House Street, Calcutta. MADm^A PRADESH 19. Firma K. L. Mukhopadhyay, 82 7. Modern Book House, Shiv 13 6/1 A, Banchharam Aknxr Vilas Palace, Indore Lane, Calcutta-12. City. DELHI MAHARASHTRA 20. Jain Book Agency, Con­ 8. M/s, Sunderdaf Gianchand, 6 naught Place, New Delhi. 601, Girgaum Road, Near Princess Street, 21. Sat Narain & Sons, 3141, Bombay-2. Mohd. All Bazar, Mori Gale, Delhi. 9. The International Book 22 House (Private) Limited, 9, Ash Lane, Mahatma 22. Atma Ram & Sons, Kash- 9 Gandhi Road, Bombay-1, mere Gate, Delhi-6. 10. The International Book 26 23. J. M. Jaina fit Brothers, 11 Service, Deccan Gym­ Mori Gate, Delhi. khana, Poona-4. 24. The Central News Agency, 15 11. Charles Lambert & 30 23/90, Connaught nace, Company. 101, Mahatma New Delhi. Gandhi Rosd, Opposiu Qock Tourer, Fort, 25. The English Book Store, 20 Bombay. 7-L, Connaught Circus, New Delhi. 12. The Current Book Houae, 60 Maruti Lane, Raghunath 26. Lakahmi Book Store, .2, Municipal Market* Dadaji direct, Bombay-i. )anpaih« New Delhi. CORRIGBiJDA i s . lQ3rd Report of the Sstiraates ComitteG on the Ministry af Sducatix?n - C.S.I.R-. - National Physical Laboratory. New Delhi, f * Page ii, Item V (iii), toi ^t r,ea.d 'at '. Page 19, line 3 from bottom, before 'intellectual' insert 'and'. Page 24, line 8 from botton, for 'terms* read 'term'. ; , ; Page 37, line .4 recoimuendation, for, 'ponit ' read ‘rjoiht '. Pace 3§, para 37, line 3,XS!Z ' c f read 'on'-. Page 47, line 10 fron hotter., 'Developnitnt ' read 'Development', Page 50, line 7 fror. bettor., for 'ferritest' read 'ferrites'. Page 52. footnote, line P,f s j . 'uiven' ,refi<^ 'giving'. Page 73, line 13,£p.r 'stated ::e ' rejt^. 'stated: " I ' . Paj'e 75, line 6, 0£^', 'oontInously' ;^^ead 'continuously', Page 76, line 15,£ o j; 'proces?' 'possess'. Page Cl, linr 18 from bottom, ^o r. 'is* pea4 'are*. Page 87, lines 7-9 fron bottor..g^X.^S-3, \;ords 'The Committee f e e l .... systen:'. Page 90, line 9 from bottom,Ccji 'temparatures ' read 'temperatures'. Page 97, line 4,£ o i. 'Thi.-^' 'Trials'. Page 101, line 15, 'er.xhasioe * read'eniphasis'. Page 109, line 3 from bottom, for 'alleys' 'alloys'. Page 115, line 4, foy 'balancing' read 'balancing' ( p . r . o . ) Page 129, line 14, for ’decision’ read 'decisions’. Page 13S, Heading, for 'Conclusions' read 'Conclusion* Page 169, columns 1 and 2, ^or ' 1 13 I L S ^ '2 13'. Fage-17C, column 3, lines 11-12, for 'handling' road ‘handing*. Page 179, columns 1 and 2, for 51*8 " l i 51* Com-ENTS Pagb C o m p o s it io n of t h b Co m m it t b b (▼) I ntroduction (vii) ! • iNTilODUCTORY A. Role of Science ia the Plaaned Economy of the Country I (i) Research activities during Second World War 1 (ii) Research activities after Independence . 2 (iii) Scientific Policy Resolution 2 (iv) Implemsnration of Scientific Policy Resolution 3 B. Planning of Research on National Level 4 (i) Different agencies for Scientific Research . 4 (ii) Expenditure on Scientific R e s e a r c h ..................................... 5 (iii) Planning of Scientific Research at the National Level 10 (iv) Proposal for Working G r o u p .............................................. 10 (v) Study Group for Scientific Ressarch of the National Planning Council............................................................................................ 11 C. Scientific Research S t a t i s t i c s ........................................................ II f r Orga!«satios asd Fusctioms of NPL (0 Historical B a c k g r o u n d ....................................................... 15 (iO O b j e c t i v e s .......................................................................... 13 (iii) Organisation of N P L ......................................................... 14 (tv) Prof. Blackett’s Suggestions........................................................ 15 (v) Menon Committee Suggestions.............................................. 16 (vi) Suggestions of Third Reviewing Committee of CSIR (1964) 19 (vii) Functioning of D iv isio n s........................................................ 30 Ill, PLAHMISO o f RESB.\RQt PROGR\M.\tBs IN NPL A. Classification of R esearch................................................................. 2Z B. Identification of Research P ro b le m s............................................... 24 C. Selection of Research Problems........................................................ 26 D. Project R e p o r t s ........................................................................... 29 B. Association of Scientitis with too many Pw^ects 3 ^ F, Costing of Research Projects 33 O. Expsnliture during ths three Plan Periodi 34 H. Penpoctivc P l a n ...........................................yt (i) (ii) Pac rv. Spohsored Resbaxch in KPL (1) Conference of Research and Industry 40 (ii) PL-480 Schemes 40 V. CoMMBRaAL Exploitation of Processes (0 F e r r i t e s .......................................................................... 4 ^ (ii) Process for the manufacture of Soft Ferrites • 4 ^ (iii) Production t Pilot P l a n t .............................................. 46 (iv) Commercial Exploitation 47 (v) Demand of Soft Ferrites 47 ^,vi) Licence for the manufacture of electronic components for Radio In d u s tr y .......................................................................... 4 & (vii i Proccss for the manufacture of Professional Tcrriic? • 50 (viii) Proccss for the manufacture of Arc Carbons . 57 \^ix) Commercial exploitation of the know-how for the manufacture of Arc Carbons ........................................................ 5^ (x) Know»-how for Dr> Cells Carbon Rods .... 64 ;xi) Ceramic C a p a c ito rs........................................................ 65 (x*i; Indigenous know-how’ wswa-i>i5 foreign collaboration 66 (xiii; Appjimment of C o m m i t t e e s ..................................... 67 (xiv; Outright Purchase of foreign know-how 69 (xv; Transfer of MRDC from the Ministr>’ of Education 69 (zvi) Joint Standing Committee for Scientiiic Research and Industry 7» VI. Standardis-^tion and Testing Work A. Developmental Testing and Routine Testing 7» B. Schedule for Testing Charges j .............................................. 9 0 C. Testing of Clinical T h erm o m eters..................................... 82 VII. Working op D ivisions ^Units A- Devclopment-cttfw-production Unit for Electronic Components 94 (i) Production of Anteiuia Rods 84 (ii) Profit and Loss Account *5 (tii; Rejected Rodi 85 (i t ) Cost of Production B. Electronics Division . *7 (i) Project on “ Simultaneous Inter-communication System •7 Solid Stale Physics Division .... (0 Collaboration with Solid Sute Physics Laboratory . (iii) D. Electricity D ivisio n ................................................................ S9 (i) Scicntist'in-chftrge........................................................ 89 (ii) Survey and investigation of Dielectric and Insulation Materials 90 E. Radio Propagation U n i t ....................................................... 91 (i) Strength of S t a f f ....................................................... 92 (ii) Achievements of the Unit ..................................... 92 F. Heat and Power D ivision....................................................... 95 (i) Solar Cooker ........ (ii) Solar Water H e a t e r ....................................................... 97 (iii) Solar Still . 97 G. Applied Mechanics Division 98 H. Theoretical Physics Division 99 I. Division of Analnical Chcmi8tr>* 10 (i) Basic Rcscarch Projects , . 102 (ii) Project on “ to investigate the utilisation of fish body oil’’ 102 J. Low Temperature Division 103 (i) Norlcco & Philips X-ray Equipment 103 K. Glass I'echnology Unit .... 104 ^i) Research on Vacuum Tubes and High and Ultra-high Vacuom Practice . 106 L Rain & Cloud Physics Research Unit 107 Strength of the Unit 107 (r.) Expenditure of the Unit 108 (iii) Achievements of the Unit 108 (iv) Transfer of tlic Unit from NPL . 105 M. Division of Materials 109 N. Division for Computer Technology . no VIII. CK>rrRAi. Workshop and Siorbs (i; Workshop Rcviewmg Committee 113 (ii) War Disposals Stores 11^ IX. Review or Projkcts lodependent Review 119 X. COORDISATION OP RpSRARCII ACTIVITIBS A. Coordination between Divisions of NPL lai B. Coordioation with
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