Oct. 19 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 that are led by the people of Sudan. After so gether and to make a strong and sustained ef- much suffering, they deserve a future that al- fort on behalf of a better future for the people lows them to live with greater dignity, security, of Sudan. and opportunity. It will not be easy, and there are no simple answers to the extraordinary NOTE: The statement referred to U.S. Special challenges that confront this part of the world. Envoy to Sudan Maj. Gen. J. Scott Gration, But now is the time for all of us to come to- USAF (Ret.). Remarks Following a Meeting With Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq October 20, 2009 President Obama. Hello, everybody. Be- Moving forward, we will continue to work fore I discuss the meeting that I’ve just had with our ISAF partners as well as the Afghan with Prime Minister Maliki, I just want to Government, however this election turns out, make a brief statement about Afghanistan. to ensure that we can move the Afghan—that I had the opportunity to speak with Presi- we can move Afghanistan towards peace and dent Karzai this morning, and I wanted to con- security and prosperity and that the will of the gratulate him on accepting the certification of Afghan people is ultimately done. So we are the recent election. As we all know, this has pleased with the steps that have been taken to- been a very difficult time in Afghanistan, to day, and we hope that we can build on this not only carry out a election under difficult cir- progress. cumstances, where there were a whole host of I finally want to thank the incredible work security issues that had to be resolved, but also of our U.S. military and the young men and postelection, a lot of uncertainty. women who are stationed in Afghanistan who President Karzai, as well as the other candi- are doing so much to help bring about a more dates, I think have shown that they have the secure and prosperous and democratic Af- interest of the Afghan people at heart, that this ghanistan. is a reflection of a commitment to rule of law, I am grateful to have the opportunity to see and a insistence that the Afghan people’s will Prime Minister Maliki once again. We had a should be done. And so I expressed the Amer- wide-ranging discussion about the continuing ican people’s appreciation for this step. progress that Iraq is making. We have seen in As I mentioned before, this has been a diffi- the last several months a consolidation of a cult election. You have violent forces opposed commitment to democratic politics inside of to democracy in Afghanistan. And yet despite Iraq. We are very interested, both of us, in these very difficult conditions, what we’ve making sure that Iraq has an election law that seen is elections take place. We have now seen is completed on time so that elections can take the IEC and the ECC in Afghanistan com- place on time in January. That is consistent plete their work. We have seen the candidates with the transition that has been taking place, expressing a willingness to abide by constitu- and I reemphasized my commitment to Prime tional law, and there is a path forward in order Minister Maliki that we will have our combat to complete this election process. troops out of Iraq by August of next year and I want to give particular thanks to Ambassa- all of our troops out of Iraq by 2011. dor Karl Eikenberry and his team, who have But we didn’t just talk about military and se- been working tirelessly throughout this pro- curity issues. What is wonderful about this trip cess. I also want to commend Senator John is that it represents a transition in our bilateral Kerry, who was in the region traveling and relationship, so that we are moving now to is- ended up working extensively with Ambassa- sues beyond security and we are beginning to dor Eikenberry and was extraordinarily con- talk about economy, trade, commerce. The structive and very helpful. So I think he de- business and investment conference that’s tak- serves great congratulations. ing place is going to be very well attended. It 1540 Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 / Oct. 20 includes not only Prime Minister Maliki but We have discussed the issues of common in- business leaders from both the United States terest to our bilateral relations under the—that and Iraq. We’ve seen over the last several are today framed under the strategic framework months progress being made on providing clari- agreement and the various sectors, and all this fication about investment laws inside of Iraq. is important for broader relation of our two na- There are, obviously, enormous opportunities tions. for our countries to do business together. We have also discussed the issue of the elec- And so I just want to congratulate Prime tions and the importance that these elections be Minister Maliki on what I’m confident will be a held on time based on the national principles. successful conference and to reemphasize my We have also commented on the role of the administration’s full support for all the steps United States that supports Iraq and the impor- that can be taken so that Iraq can not only be a tance to end the international sanctions on Iraq secure place and a democratic country but also and to remove Iraq from under chapter 7, be- a place where people can do business, people cause we don’t have weapons of mass destruc- can find work, families can make a living, and tions anymore, and today, that we have put children are well educated. And that broader forth a lot of common sacrifices, and today, that sense of a U.S. relationship with a democratic there is a pluralistic political system in Iraq. Iraq is one that I think all of us are confident we This is important to move Iraq forward and to can now achieve. promote investments. So thank you so much, Mr. Prime Minister, We will follow up on the outcome of the for your presence here today. business investment conference in its various And I don’t know if you—maybe we could sectors because today, Iraq has moved beyond a translate the last part just about Iraq, as op- dictatorship and beyond the destruction, and posed to Afghanistan, just in case there’s we are trying to rebuild all our sectors of agri- some—— culture, oil sectors, tourism, and so forth. We [At this point, an Arabic translation of the Pres- want to give the U.S. companies an opportunity ident’s remarks was provided to Prime Minister to be present in investing in Iraq, and all this Maliki.] cooperation on the basis of the strategic frame- work agreement. Prime Minister Maliki. Thank you, Mr. Presi- I thank you very much. dent, and this opportunity to hold the business President Obama. Okay, thank you, every- investment conference is a big economic dem- body. onstration and manifestation of the importance of this event that brings together more than NOTE: The President spoke at 11:58 a.m. in the 1,000 business entrepreneurs and a very distin- Oval Office at the White House. In his remarks, guished, high-level Iraqi delegation. he referred to President Hamid Karzai of Af- I have also discussed with President Obama ghanistan; and U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan the various issues and the fact that our relations Karl W. Eikenberry. He also referred to the In- today have moved along and not only confined dependent Election Commission and the Elec- to the security cooperation but today have toral Complaints Commission of Afghanistan. moved to the economic development and to Prime Minister Maliki spoke in Arabic, and his providing prosperity for the Iraqi people. remarks were translated by an interpreter. Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Unit Citation to Alpha Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry October 20, 2009 Please be seated. Good afternoon, every- welcome to a moment nearly 40 years in the body, and welcome to the White House. And making. Now, last month, I was privileged to 1541.
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