(lre L(r(tk ao rr(r(.k [4(rrrr .rrht(:h J(r., al, i:p r. frr:arr', DtrJJ rt i rJ-bx tt'rtt I rl t a I a c}:tcclc,o teuasb lzrstoprcol socrety 618 South Michign . Chicago,Illinois 60605 . Telephone:(312) 663 5634 soceta ne(r)s SOCIETYACSUIRES SEVERAL ADDITIONAL ORAL HISTORIES FOR ITS TAPECOLLECTION Lrsr INcLUDESLEADERs As Werl As ATTRACTIVECOLOR BROCHURE NOl,l ORornanyPsoplr wrrH TALEsTo Trll AVAILABLETO EXPLAIN SOCIETY'S WORK Thc ranino nf lha historical recollec- An attractive color brochure explaining tions of key individuals in the locaL the work of the Chicago Jewish Historical Je\rish conmunity continues under Society Society has been produced and is available auspices. According to Sidney Sorkin, com- tor distribufion to potentiaL members and mittee co-chairman, the Society's oral his- friends oI the organi zat ion. tory col lectjon now contains reminiscences The brochure, \,,rhich f eatures rare his- of almost 100 different individuals in ad- torical photographs, details the various d - t ion co taped records oi CJHS meet ings activities of the Societv and exoLains its and various other hlstorical programs and membership Tho r structure. ^r^'1,,- ^f event s . a committee headed by CJHS Board mernber Jan The March, 1983, issue of Society News Hagerup, it was made possible by the donat- contained an up-to-date listing of a1L in- ed services of several members of the dividuals in the CJHS 0raL History Collec- graphic arts industry. Mrs. Hagerup was tion. Since then histories have been re- assisted by committee members Doris Minsky, corded by the tollowing persons. Tn each CJHS vice-president, and Elaine and Irwin case the person is identified and some of Suloway. the general topics included on the tape are Donated services included artwork and listed. layout by Vito DePinto of Depinto Craphics, Samuel Deilch. Businessrnan, Yiddish- typesetting by Jerry Rosenberg of Key- ist, and philanLhropist. Largely fami ly strokes of Lincolnwood, and printing by hisLory irom Eastern Europe to Palestine in Icontinued on paoe eiqhtl Open Meet i ng Sunday, January 4, 1987 Free Admission Spertus CoIIege Program rrCh i cago Jewish t'lomen" Dr. June Sochen 1 PM: Refr eshmen ts 2 PM: Program See Page Three for Details 2 I President s lle s s age I'lno Clr'r TEr-r-US I'IOREABoUT SoneTHoUcHTS ABour Lnwnuale,s I'lor-nEnHllr- AT OLDBrrH EI? FonmenSyHaeoeuE BurLDrNGs A newspaper announcement that a renewaL projecl was being considered for Lawndale (at Kedzie Avenue and Roosevelt Road) caught my eye. I wondered if it might in- volve the demolition of some former synagogues or other Jewish institutions in the area. The least I could do was I to investigate to determine what might be lost before there was a chance to record it ti This former building of Temple Beth El (right ) stands with Molner HalL barely visible on the left aL 2124-26 West Crystal Street. It later becane Dorshe Tov. In Fresiden! his History of the Jervs of Chicago, H. L. Sch!,rartz Meites says that Molner. HalL, apparently originally an apartment building, was o! collect docunents. I later determined named after a menber of the congregation. that, from the point of view of Chicago Can anyone telL us more about this building or Jewish history, that project does not en- the man it honored? danger an existing structure of any impor- tance. However, the area remains an "en- a rnemorial great dangered species. " Lo a man and recognition of The fact that so many building sti11 the hero of former inhabitants of LawndaLe, stand in Lawndale testifies as to how vib- The Jevish people have rnoved rant the Jewish cornmunity must have been in elsewhere and relocated their synagogues, this Chicago neighborhood. Both magni-fi- usual ly carrying the same name with them. But in rhe old area noL all syna- cent synagogues of architectural beauty and gogue names have been obliterated nor aI1 converted two-fLats or individual homes cornerstones removed nor aIl religious used as synagogues tell us of a reaL dedi- sym- " ^"e catron to the practice of Judaism. '" sriII some famil- iar names and dates on cornerstones in Nanres Indicate Diverse Or igi ns Hebrew or with rhe Jewish year indicated. The sheer number of houses of worship Tours Recal1 Lawndale Lif e and rhe diFferenr names indicarirg Lhe The tours of the Chicago Jewish place of origin of the members are evidence Historical Society show those partici- of the strength in diversity of the commun- who pate many oF the places ity. In these names are to be found WiLno, to which I refer and Leave a Lasting Lida, Pinsk, Shavil Ve-Yanove, Odessa, impression of what life must have been like in LawndaLe per- Kovne, Motele, and many more. They aLso in the iod 1910 to 1955. include references to the Bible such as Our Society is trying preserve "Tents of Jacob" and'tlishne ur Gemorah.'l to or t^^^r nq:^-^^ r^,,.^L r-.: -^^--,{ LL dtsu Jew s rsLury.^}^-., Lawndale is now all past for the Jewish ' You can help by retaining your community, but some of the buildings have membership, becoming a member, your been put to good use, Many of those re- or encourag i ng maining serve as churches. fr iends to become members. Theodore Herzl School srands, its name --Norman Schwar t z JANUARYI'IEETING AT SPERTUSFEATURIS TALK ON LOCALJEWISH I{OI'IEN DR.JUNE SOCHEN WILL DISCUSS THEIR MEMBERSHIPRENEWAL }IILL INSURE CONTRIBUTIONSTHROUGH THE YEARS CONTINUATIONOFBENEFITS Ever since the insistence of an early Readers are reminded that membership Jewish woman settLer resulted in the ar:riv- i"1 lhp Sociefv nppds r o be renewed at the al of Chicago's fi rst rabbi in I847, Jew- start of each year. Individual notices ish women have played an important part in will be in the maiL at the close of both the rel igious and secular I ife the hol iday season. of the area. Some of their many contribu- Thp m,dv hanptiic nf momhorchin in- tions will be the topic of Lhe nexl meering .lr.lp n.rri.ac nt reorrlrr maar ino< end re- of the Society, scheduled for L:00 PM, Sun- ceptions, a subscript ion fo Society dty, January 4, at Spertus Co11ege, 618 News, discounts on the Society's sunmer South Michigan Avenue. bus tours and pur.hases at Lhe Spertus Mu- "Chicago Jewish l,Jomen" is Lhe subjecf seum, admission to the annual cLosed of the talk to be given by Dr. June Sochen, hr.'nr-h att l-pa admission ro ^. -aduced professor of history at Northeastern I11i- other events of Jewish historical interest. nois University and a naLionalIy recognized President Norman Schwartz advises mem- author.ity on womenrs history. The address, bers that, in additio'r ro providing scheduled to begin at 2 PM in Bederman lhp hprefirs zhn\ra dues structure also 'hp Hal1, wiLL be preceded, as usual by a makes possible exhibits, the making of oral , social hour and refreshments at 1PM. history tapes, the col lection ot archive material and other activities which help Speaker a Specialist in Women's History 1^. , i LvPlgstlvgJcw'J|ll|'5Lu|)/. ^L 1 ., ,,^ J^ ,l I Fr- i .,: Fl- .,^-., "Because Dr. Sochenrs specialties in- ^^ ^^- - wr(rr d- v<I) -^--^^ js clude both American Jewish history and U.S. Iou dues stru.fur. f\a- our me-rbership III>LULJ ic nprhen< nn nna continues to increase--our old members are better quaiified Lo speak about Jewish loyal and they also bring us rew members. women through the years, said Program We must keep it that way." " Chairman Burt Robi n. "We are indee d Regular annual dues begin at $15,00 fortunate to have her address us." per year. Senior citizens and students pay Among her many publ icat ions are rhe ten dollars--1ess than three cents per day. h^^1, a^-.-^-.i- F.'--" fi.w. fha p',hl;- A fu11 schedule of dues appears on the Last -'i-i-l-,i34:- lll5 Lives of Arnerican Jer,rish Women, 1880-1980, page of this issue. and articles on Jewish women writers, on Fanny Brice and on Sophie Tucker OLDPHOTOS OF WESTSIDEATHLETIC CLUB Sochen aLso edited a special issue of the I1EMBERSARE DONATED TO THESOCIETY journal Anerican Je\^'ish History devoted to Jewish wornen. A coLlection of group photographs of Admiss ion Free to Al1 mernbers of the Buckeye AthLetic Club, a sports organizaL ion founded in the ear Iy Admission is free and guests are we1- 1900's by young Westside Jewish men of mod- come. Social hour refreshments will be est means, has been donated to the Chicago supervised by Hospitality Chairman Shirley Jewish Historical Society and may become Sorkin and a rnembership table will be the subject of a fufure Society exhibit. avdilable for those wishing Lo pay annual The donor is Dr. Burton Roth of Oakbrook, dues in person. whose father-in-1aw was a member of the organizat ion , I et ic un i torms of t he neriod. According ro Doris Minsky, Society "Wp arp in lhe Dro.pcc ol ident ifwino vice-presidenL and exhibit chairman, the each individual and, if possible, summariz i no h r'c <,,heFd,,anf h i .t i photos, more Lhan two doze"t in al | , were rrrrLwry^-,, ^ ^-A, - posfers r.r hr^d,,.a en awhihi, h-^-, rl made into large by Judge Abraharn L. ^r ---^.1 Marovitz, himself an early member, back said Mrs. Minsky.
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