The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine History Documents Special Collections 1891 Poole & Yeaton's Business Directory and Reference Book of Piscataquis County Poole & Yeaton Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mainehistory Part of the History Commons This Monograph is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine History Documents by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MAINE MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Pamp 376 A. C. GETCHELL, Vickery CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS Affords ate L CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. a FULL LINE OF FOREIGN DOMESTIC WOOLENS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Too Sure UNION SQUARE,_______ DOVER, MAINE Be POOLE & YEATON'S Protection May Business Directory at THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS the T o-m orrow Least Piscataquis County ---------- AND VICINITY. Possible T o-day OBER & CLARK, Leading Dealers in Cost. DRY* and* FANCY* GOODS. lnsure OUTSIDE GARMENTS AND CARPETINGS. Never undersold. Best assortment always on hand. 15 UNION SQUARE, • DOVER, MAINE. HOME OFFICE, 98 EXCHANGE ST., PORTLAND,ME GENTLEMEN! When you are in need of any For yourself or your Boys call at P. L. LOWELL'S, 30 MAIN ST., DEXTER. Where you are sure to find TILE LARGEST STOCK, THE LATEST STYLES, THE LOWEST PRICES. We carry as large a stock of HATS, CAPS AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS As can be found in this part of Maine. We invite inspection of our goods. YOU CAN FIND A COMPLETE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF Furniture, Window Fixtures, DRAPERIES & UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES AT C. H. WYMAN'S, DEXTER, - MAINE. Embalmign a Specialty. GUIDE AND REFERENCE BOOK. A INDEX TO CONTENTS. Title Page, 1 Calendar 1891-92, - - - - 3 Postal Rates, - - - - 5 Distances and Fares, - - - 7-13 Dover and Foxcroft Churches and Lodges, - 15 " " " Business Directory, - - 17 Weights and Measures, - - - 33 Guilford Churches and Lodges, - - - 35 " Business Directory, - - 37 Sangerville " " - - - 43 Monson Churches and Lodges, - - 45 “ Business Directory, - - - 45 Milo Churches and Lodges, - - 49 " Business Directory, - - - 49 Brownville Churches and Lodges, - - 53 " Business Directory, - - - 53 Greenville " " - - 57 Dexter Churches and Lodges, - - - 59 " Business Directory, - - - 59 Corinna Churches and Lodges, - - - 65 " Business Directory, - - 65 Newport Churches and Lodges, - - - 67 " Business Directory, - - 67 H. B. BENNETT, 401 FORE STREET, - PORTLAND, ME. Wood Engraving, Stencils and Rubber Stamps. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. B POOLE & YEATON’S BUSINESS DIRECTORY J. M. JORDAN, JR., PROP. ROOMS NEWLY FURNISHED ------- AND------- LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY, FIRST-CLASS HOUSE IN ALL RESPECTS. FREE HACK TO ------- AND------- FROM ALL TRAINS. THE MONSON RAILROAD. THE MODEL NARROW-GAUGE OF THE EAST, BEING BUT TWENTY-FOUR INCHES! Fully Equipped with Elegant Cars EXTENOS FROM MONSON JUNCTION, ON THE BANGOB & PISCATAQUIS R. R.. TO MONSON VILLAGE, HAVING BANCHESR TO ALL THE SLATE QUARRIES. ITS TRAINS CONNECT WITH ALL EXPRESS TRAINS ON THE BANGOR & PISCATAQUIS R. R. TO AND FROM BANGOR AND GREENVILLE, AND WITH SAME ROAD MAKING CLOSE CONNECTIONS AT FOXCROFT WITH THE MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD TO AND FROM ALL POINTS IN THE WEST. H. A. WHITING, President. J, F. KIMBALL, Treas. and Gen. Manager, W. L. ESTABROOKE, Supt, GUIDE AND REFERENCE BOOK. C MERCHANTS EXCHANGE DEXTER, MAINE This is the only first-class Hotel in town, and has been remodeled and refur­ nished from cellar to garret. It has some of as fine rooms as can be found in any Ho­ tel in Maine. Steam- Heat and Electric Light, GOOD WATER AND DRAINAGE. Good Attendants. Terms, $2 per day. O. E. BLACKDEN, Prop. D POOLE & YEATON’S BUSINESS DIRECTORY Clement & Brown Mfg. Co. General Agents for MANHATTAN VAPOR STOVES. You can do all your baking and washing on a vapor stove with less trou­ ble and less annoyance from its heat, than if you use a range or cook stove. Cream Cans and Tanks. Patent Crated Faucet Oil Cans, Tinware, etc. The DECROW FURNACE is not an experiment, but has been in successful operation since 1833. The smallest one will thoroughly warm from two to three rooms; the largest will heat a whole house. It is also admira­ bly suited for heating: Churches,Halls and School-housesand commends itself to all looking for a low priced heater. It will do the work just as well as one that costs three times its price. Send for circulars and price lists. 101 & 103 Broad St., Bangor. GUIDE AND REFERENCE BOOK. E J. Willis Ronco, Proprietor. Newly Fitted Up and First-class in Every Particular. FIRST-CLASS LIVERY Connected with the house. The Exchange is centrally located, being situated in Foxcroft Square overlooking the business portion of the two villages. One minute’s walk from Post Office and Telegraph Office, and only three minutes’ walk to the M. C. R. R. Station. No pains will be spared to please all patrons of the House. Carriages to and from all trains. Commercial travelers will find the Exchange homelike and pleasant, with fine, well lighted Sample Rooms at their command. F POOLE & YEATON’S BUSINESS DIRECTORY E. BAILEY, MANUFACTURER OF THE WELL-KNOWN BAILEY FLIES WHICH ARE WARRANTED NOT TO STRIP FROM THE HOOK, OR PULL FROM THE GUT. If your dealer does not keep them, send your orders to the Manufacturer. TROUT, BASS and SALMON FLIES ON HAND AND TIED TO ORDER. Orders by iVIail Promptly Filled and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A FlI J. IJNE OF FiNfiINN' TACKLE AN'D jSPO^TI/^^ $001)$ IN NTOCK. FOXCROFT MAINE. GUIDE AND REFERENCE BOOK. G 1870. 1891. J. F. ARNOLD & SON. THE LARGEST FURNITURE, CARPETING BEDDING HOUSE IN THE STATE. Ten thousand feet of Floor space, cover­ ed with all the latest styles. Parlor Suits, 15 styles; Chamber Suits, 50 styles; Lounges, 40 styles. Common and Pillar Extension Tables, Wood and Cane Seat Chairs, Mattresses and Spring Beds, Mir­ rors, Feathers, Wood and Marble Top Cen­ ter Tables. A Large Line of Carpetings and Rugs. We do not claim to undersell our competi­ tors, but do claim to sell the best grades of goods made, at bottom prices. Goods sold on Installments. We prepay the freigh . ■ It costs you nothing to look our Stock over and get prices and it may save you something. 14 LINCOLN ST., FOXCROFT, ME. H POOLE & YEATON’S BUSINESS DIRECTORY ---------T h E--------- POOLE & YEATON PUBLISHING CO., Journal Building, BANGOR, - - MAINE. PUBLISHERS OF City and Postal Guide ipeotopieg! Books, Maps, Charts, Time Tables, Etc. Published to Order for ipeotopie§! any City or Town in the United States. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. Advertising carefully and advantageous­ ly placed in any part of the United States, Canada or Europe. AMENTA FOR BUFF ORB A ANB CO A ACEA FlftE AOVFRTIRI^R ROVELFIEfi. BRANCH OFFICE, POST OFFICE ADDRESS [93 Exchange St., Bos 944, PORTLAND, MAINE. BANGOR, MAINE. 1891. 1892. POOLE & YEATON’S Business Directory AND Reference Book , OF Dover, Foxcroft, Dexter, Newport, AND Principal Towns of Piscataquis County. Presented with} the Compliments of the Leading Business Firms. Compiled and ZPublislied by aTHE POOLE & YEATON DIRECTORY PUBLISHING C0..K BANGOR, MAINE. BANGOR: JOURNAL PRESS. 1891. UY ( Babson’s Shoe Store. ) $3 Boots, ) MEN, ABSON’S ] Foxcroft, Maine, [ $2 “ [ WOMEN, 'OOTS. ( is the place to buy ) $1.50 “ for ) CHILDREN Devoted to the Interests of Piscataquis County. PUBLISHED THURSDAYS AT 17 UNION SQ., DOVER. Subscription Price. $1.50. One of the Best Advertising Mediums in this Section of the State. Send for Rates. JOB PRINTING. In this department we have unsurpass­ ed advantages for doing all kinds of work. We have lately added a new Job-printing Tress and other material and will guar­ antee to fill all orders to the satisfaction of our patrons, on which condition we ask a liberal share of your patronage. OBSERVER PUBLISHING GO,. iL. P. Evans, Pres, and Treas. IF. B. Canney, Business Manager. DOVER, MAINE. $8.00 per gross delivered. Circulars and samples free. Perfection Dyes W. Cushing & Co., Foxcroft, Me. UY ( Babson’s Shoe Store, ) $3 Boots, MEN, ABSON’S J Foxcroft, Maine, $2 “ WOMEN, CHILDREN. BOOTS. ( is the place to buy ) $1.50“ for GUIDE AND REFERENCE BOOK. Manufacturer Df CARRIAGES AND SLEIGHS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ALSO SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CARRIAGE PAINTING. Al.11 - Work - Guaranteed - to - Grive - Satisfaction. UAAIWCEE DQJAEJA wee. Perfection Dyes Guaranteed Brilliant and Fast § washing. UY ( Babson’s Shoe Store, ) $3 Boots, MEN, ABSON’S Foxcroft, Maine, J $2 WOMEN, CHILDREN. BOOTS. ( is the place to buy ) $1.50 “ for 4 POOLE & YEATON’S BUSINESS DIRECTORY" Slate Cutters, Bark Mills, Rotary Bed Planer, Gang Lath Mills, Automatic Box Board Machines, Bolters, Clapboard and Shin­ gle Mills, Butters and Bunchers, Crank Drag Saw Machines, Gang Edgers, Spool Wood Bolters, Shafting and Castings, manufactured by the Hinckley & Egery Iron Company, BANGOR, MAINE. $8.00 per gross delivered. Circulars and samples free. Perfection Dyes W. Cushing & Co., Foxcroft, Me. nUY (r Babson’s Shoe Store, ) $3 Boots, ) MEN, RaBSON’S < Foxcroft, Maine, $2 “ WOMEN, Doots. i‘ is the place to buy ) $1.50 “ for ) CHILDREN. GUIDE AND REFERENCE BOOK. 5 POSTAL RATES. FIRST-CLASS MATTER Mailable matter of the first class embraces letters, postal cards, and all matters wholly or partly in writing, except as hereinafter provided. Every Letter, or written communication, any distance within the United Statesf 2 cents for each ounce or fraction thereof. Drop Letters, 1 cent for every ounce or less. At offices where free deliv­ ery by carrier is established, 2 cents for each ounce. Book Manuscript, manuscript for magazines, periodicals, newspapers, and music manuscript are now subject to full letter rates of postage, ex­ cept they be accompanied by proof sheets or corrected proof-sheets, when the rate will be one cent for each two ounces or fractional part thereof.
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