J. WALTER THOMPSON COMPANY NEWS VOLUME NO. XIX, NO. 40 FOR STAFF MEMBERS ONLY NOVEMBER 6, 1964 Nostalgia Is On the Air... CHASE & SANBORN 100th ANNIVERSARY RADIO SHOW FEATURES STARS OF THE PAST ON NBC NEW YORK — The sponsored network ing for several months, putting together Menjou and Veree Teasdale, Ogden Nash, radio show, once the mainstay of Ameri­ from recordings of broadcasts made in the Ray Noble, Jack Oakie, Margaret O'Brien, can domestic entertainment, is coming back. '30s and '40s, an unusual radio spectacular Mary Pickford, Rosalind Russell, James But it will return for just 55 minutes that will feature such great names of the Stewart, Alec Templeton, Rudy Vallee, when, on Sunday evening, Nov. 15, the entertainment world as: and Mae West. voices of broadcast stars of yesteryear will Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, Announcer on the show will be Jimmy fan out coast to coast from 185 NBC radio Fred Allen, Don Ameche, Ethel Barrymore, Wallington, one of the most popular radio stations in "The Chase & Sanborn 100th Major Bowes, Eddie Cantor, Maurice Chev­ announcers of the period, who worked "The Anniversary Radio Show." alier, Jimmy Durante, Nelson Eddy, W. Eddie Cantor Show" for Chase & Sanborn. Sparked by Norm Varney and Carroll C. Fields, Clark Gable, Dorothy Lamour, From 1929 through 1946, millions of Carroll, a team of JWTers has been work­ Charles Laughton, Carole Lombard, Adolph Americans used to set aside an hour every Sunday evening to listen to the Chase & Sanborn hour and its unending flow of Thompson Adds Ford Rent-a-Car Advertising comedy. Recordings were made of these DETROIT — An important new business Rent-A-Car System "an additional and im­ shows, and it was with about 40 hours of segment, representing a challenging adver­ portant phase in the total transportation such recorded material that Carroll Carroll tisement assignment, came to JWT late services concept which Ford Division be­ worked during September every night for last week with the establishment of a new, lieves should be provided to the public by about four weeks, selecting likely material nationwide car rental system by Ford Ford dealers." from the old shows that would fit well into Division. The new operation will provide for the the new one. Called Ford Rent-A-Car, the system pro­ rental of Falcons, Fairlanes, Mustangs, Working with these discs from NBC's vides for daily or weekly rentals of auto­ Fords and Thunderbirds. It will be imple­ files, Carroll took program segments that mobiles through established Ford dealers. mented market-by-market throughout the originally ran anywhere from seven to 12 L. A. Iacocca, Ford Motor Company vice United States during the next three months minutes each, edited them down, arranged president and Ford Division general man­ by approximately 500 Ford dealers already their sequence and wrote new transition ager, called establishment of the Ford (Continued on page 2) material to tie them together into one well- paced program. Five commercials, written by Harry Bressler, Vivian Graham, Car­ roll Raver and Carroll Carroll were then (Continued on page 3) Chun King Returns Starting today, To JWT-Chicago you can rent CHICAGO—Chun King has been reacquired as a client of JWT-Chicago. a car from a Ford Dealer Chun King Corp., Duluth, Minn., mar­ keter of packaged Chinese foods, will an­ right in your neighborhood! nounce next week the reappointment of JWT-Chicago as agency for its Chun King brands. The move will consolidate with JWT- Chicago the advertising for Chun King's frozen, canned and mixed products — now handled by two agencies. Chun King was a Thompson client from May, 1954 to April, 1959. MacManus, John & Adams, Minneapolis, will continue to handle the Wilderness brand of wild rice and Jeno's Italian foods, marketed by Chun King's Northland Di­ OPENER — Introduct­ vision. ory announcement Robert H. Beeby, executive vice presi­ for Ford Division's RENT-A-CAR new Rent-A-Car Sys­ dent of Chun King, noted that the ad SYSTEM tem, stresses conven­ budgets for Chun King foods have been "in USSIKHUI FMIICrlKD SYSTEM Of FORD DEALERS ience of renting from excess of $2,500,000 annually." Comment­ a local dealer, "right ing on JWT's appointment, he said: "We SIGNATURE in your neighbor­ believe the Thompson organization offers a hood." wide range of marketing, research and product publicity services that will occupy an essential role in our expansion pro­ gram." Thompson Adds Ford Rent-A-Car System famu enrolled as members—in 175 major U.S. markets. "The Ford Rent-A-Car System is de­ signed to provide neighborhood daily rental service for emergency or casual transport­ ation," Mr. Iacocca said. "All member dealers will be operating at 'off airport' locations, primarily from current dealer­ ship facilities." Currently, 60% of the na­ tion's you-drive business is accounted for in airport rent-a-car locations, with the WELL-TURNED—Frames from Command Hairdressing commercial show gymnast Ed Gombos remaining 40% originating from downtown demonstrating lightness as well as the grooming power of the Alberto-Culver product. or neighborhood offices. Mr. Iacocca noted that the "neighbor­ Command Commercial, on Football Telecast, Outpulls Average hood" daily rental operation—that area in which the Ford dealers will be operating— CHICAGO — How do you get maximum The 60-sec. version opens with Gombos currently accounts for approximately 16% audience penetration for a young man's rubbing a small amount of Command in his of the total daily rent-a-car business. This product? First, you develop a sports-ori­ hands. It liquifies quickly, and disappears segment of the market has grown from 1% ented television commercial. Then, you pre­ just as quickly after he applies it to his of daily rental business to its present level sent it over nation-wide football. hair, proving the lightness of the product. in four years. That's what JWT-Chicago has done for Then, Gombos goes through his paces on For about 17 years, Harry Treleaven Alberto-Culver's Command Hairdressing. the high horizontal bar. His hair stays in worked closely with all aspects of the Ford In 60-, 30-, and 20-sec. spots presented place, demonstrating Command's grooming Division account at JWT-NY. Last year, over NFL, AFL and NCAA telecasts, Ed power. he was reassigned as group head for Pan Gombos, former Mid-Western Gymnastics So effective did this commercial test that Am; but now that an additional area of Champion, demonstrates how Command is the 60-sec. version scored a 14.5 Schwerin, Ford advertising is called for, Harry Tre­ the "new third kind of hairdressing that approximately three times the product leaven is handling the new Rent-a-Car brings you the best of both hairdressing average for men's hairdressings. Service. Working with him are his regular worlds . the lightness of a liquid plus Nationwide football is a natural for Pan Am crew: Warren Pfaff, writer, and the grooming power of a tube." (Continued on page 4) Jack Frost, art director. SOUND LEVEL (all readings in decibels) ROLLS FORD ROYCE QUIETER BY 20 mph 4.9 40 mph 81.4 5.5 60 mph 2.8 ( .IMllllt^ l. h> E , Item 11 B divided mail, hie . of Cambridge. Mass. Ihe Jnillisa.... iljillt. 1|U.I •JrolldS liiiiesi .iL,n„m: tiiii.ul|i»|! The 1965 Ford 11. .>|s,-[i,,i ii itcad) 20. ill and firm li-sf ( 1 Hlllll I) bv the United t" mph mth .ill windowi aid vents • ...l- 1 \ks IISMD Ificl 1 t;i .tin us. ia ten ai l»o hiaiid-™-» ItoM.-Kciyce Silver . hl-h HI.I Iniiit passenaer Cloud III wlnns. V-S wuh automatic rf 11 M I Qt IPMI Ifl : Bnn?r* la-iinsriii.-pun. IKI iirm- m New York • nid aoaljzrr. Sir..'.?.' ea.ti lhr<-e lifts lord,, iiv..,diiiB tlmiuyh iliri\i i)iiM.<rvj(K>n rath Willi WI-euNi-iik Prior to ill.: inir.idue.inn .•( Ihe I'Xo including the neark St7,(IU<i price of . .1 is.11 upe re- anil Cruise-O-Matic , .. Fords, ilic counu y't leading auiomo- the RoDs-Royce. Ford does not, '•••' si •rifi-i IVil.i etpicsscj m IVr.n.eil transmission: rides quieter Gal.i.u- SOO LTD, • .1131I ciiiies were iniiiiii in example, have hand-fined parts, at M..-r .l.viM-. N,,if rvulvi, ;ite un- IIIII.I.-I-;IIIS [ivi'tim/eii units. ffir drive ihe new models HI Ford's lop Mats thai :!•,:• coveted by Ihe same itiemuiIII« rhe volume of sound, secret Dearborn leal track. Ote ftrsl choice leathet used on seats in I ag- 1I.M 1 (IM)IJCH I) till Sf|Hi-mh.:r thing mow of these experts remarked land's House of Commons. than a Rolls-Royce! Bui Font doe, late ..quieter ride. However small these advantages over ii..II- Royce maj be. the) areiignifl- timcepi "isolation ' triune Lhat aialaa, n, ea.il euilcriee of quality- important absorbs road vibrations it is sealed the United States todaj 1 he official 10 anyone buying .1 ear in Ford's off from the bod) with eight sofl iqni-rr 1 I'.VI.. iii ji.iic ".' • class, l.i achieve dramatic results butyl-rubber mounts placed al the .[•viAi- •111 birth course 1 such n these, Ford invested SI70,- exact points where vibration] lend lo !r.-.!rl CPU' !<.:!r-K.•.-,•. 000,000 ui tin: pa*i row yean m 1 caned each other out, Quiet Mean QnUH] Iii ,.,:1,SI.-M.V- w-.. .:;.,•.:..•. | a ciiMiihe i| unlit)-engineering program. In addition, uhiasoli coil springs Quiet is a traditional measure of 1 ,:.-.M:S h.nh :f.
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