-t ::c m ; m 0z 0 ~ m (/) r ERRATA (THE TABON CAVES): (I) Page viii, line 23 should read: "Color Plate I-A: ... ,. (2) Page viii, line 24 should read: "Color Plate 1-B: ... II (3) Page viii, line 35 should read: "Spouted effigJ vessel ... " l (4) Page I 1 line 8 of Footnote I shoul omit 11 11 •• • earl .. THE TABON CAVES (5) Page 16, line 25 should rea : 11 II ••• and 2840+ ... (6) Page 17, line 34 should read: ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS "9250+250 B.P. 11 (7) Page 51, line 20 should read: AND EXCAVATIONS ON PALAWAN "Plates 1-B: a,b,c). 11 (8) Page 51, line 23 should read: 11 ISLAND, PHILIPPINES 1-A-k ... II (9) Page I02, line 15 of footnote should read: "The forms too are ... 11 (10) Page 107, line 2 of Table VIII should read: "dorsal surface removed (Color Plate l-A:r); 11 {I I) Page 112, line 14 should read: 11 11 ••• iron implements ... ( 12) Page 115, line 2 of caption Fig. 35 should read: "the medium is ... " ( 13) Page 117. line 9 should read: 11 ••• (see Table IX) ... " ( 14) Page I I 81 line 5 should read: 11 11 ••• (Table IX) ... ( 15) Page 119, line 16 should read: 11 11 ••• The physical fea- ( 16) Page 129. line 24 should read: II ••• (Fig. 35} ... II ( 17) Page 132, line I 0 should read: 11 11 ••• Uyaw Cave (Fig. 39-b) ... ( 18) Page 134, line 33 should read: 11 ••• (Fig. 39-a) ... " (19) Page 142, lines 6-9 should read: "J. Acid etched stone bead from Manunggul Cave Chamber B (Metal Age: Developed Period)" "K. Acid etched carnelian bead from Guri Cave By (Metal Age: Early Period}" (20} Page 144 should read with additional descriptions of Color Plate 1-B: ROBERT B. FOX "T opaque glass bead (Metal Ager 11 U-W Glass beads from Bubulungon Cave No. I: Chamber B (Age of Contacts and Trade with the East}" (21) Page 146 caption should read: Monograph of the NATIONAL MUSEUM "Fig. 42.'' (22) Page 149, caption of Fig. 45 should read: Number l "Spouted effigy vessel. .. 11 (23) Page 153, line 9 should read: "(Table XII)" (24) Page 194, line 4 should read: MANILA 11 Mabuchi, Toichi" 1g10 COLOR FRONTISPIECE: A superb exam­ ple of a Late Neolithic burial jar from Manunggul Cave, Lipuun Point, Pala ­ wan. The jar cover represents soul s sailing to the afterworld in a death boat. Height, 66.5 cm .; diameter at greatest width. 51 .5 cm . / MANUNCCUL JAR CONTENTS FRONTISPIECE ii LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES . vi PREFACE ix CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF PALAWAN . l II. TABON CAVE: AN UPPER PALAEOLITHIC HABITA TI ON SITE . 21 III. GURI CAVE: A POST-PLEISTOCENE HABITATION SITE WITH UPPER PALAEOLITHIC FLAKE ASSEMBLAGES AND A NEW LITHIC TECHNOLOGY . 45 IV. DUYONG CAVE: A STRATIFIED SITE WITH A SMALL FLAKE AND BLADE INDUSTRY DEDICATION AND NEOLITHIC ASSEMBLAGES ............... 53 This report is dedicated to my co-workers V. THE JAR BURIAL COMPLEX OF THE TABON in the National Museum of the Philippines. CAVES ......................................... 67 The data presented are a product of their THE TABON POTTERY COMPLEX ...... 75 individual efforts and of having worked to· VI. THE CULTURAL ASSEMBLAGES OF SIX gether towards a more detailed definition JAR BURIAL CAVES AND CHRONOLOGICAL of a part of the complex prehistory of the DEVELOPMENTS Filipino people. 105 NGIPE'T DULDUG CAVE ................... 105 MANUNGGUL CA VE ....................... 109 DUYONG CAVE AND UYAW CAVE ......... 119 PAGAYONA CAVE ......................... 145 TADYAW CAVE ........................... 151 VII. NOTES ON THE CULTURAL CHRONOLOGY AND RELATIONSHIPS OF THE JAR BURIAL COMPLEX OF THE TABON CAVES AND PALAWAN ....................................... 157 VIII. TEST EXCAVATIONS AND EXPLORATIONS IN PALAWAN .................................. 167 APPENDIX I: DEATH, BONE WASHING, AND JAR BURIAL AMONG THE SULOD OF CENTRAL PANAY, PHILIPPINES .................... 181 REFERENCES . 189 ILLUSTRATIONS 198 v ,.. LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES PAGE TEXT FIGURES 15. Jar with Cover Hidden on Shelf in Guri Cave (x 1/4 natural PAGE size) ............................................................. 51 1. Map of Palawan Island, showing the location of the Tabon Caves 16. Floor Plan of Duyong Cave; contour interval is 40 cm. · · ..• 55 and the major archaeological sites discussed in the text ..... 3 2. Map of Palawan Island, showing the location of Tabon Caves 17. Profile of Duyong Cave showing stratigraphic features ..... 57 and other areas discussed in the text. The insert shows the location of Palawan Island with reference to the Philippines 18. Small Flake and Blade Assemblage from Duyong Cave .....• 61 and Borneo and the 50 fathom line ........................... 5 19. Artifacts associated with Neolithic Burial in Duyong Cave: 3. Gold ornament with Garuda image. .......................... 6 a) large Tridacna shell adze; (b) front and back view of smaller Tridacna adze-axe; (c) shell pendant; (d) front and 4. Polished Stone Tool from Aborlan, Palawan. ................ 7 back view of Cone shell ear ornament; (e) large polished 5. Map of the Quezon Area, west ccast of Palawan Island, show­ stone adze; (f) lime container with Duyong Neolithic burial; ing Lipuun Point and the Tabon Caves, and other caves and ( g) similar Arca shell line container from Bato Puti Cave, Lipuun Point. ...................................... · . · . · · 63 excavated or described. ....................................... 12 6. Ploor Plan of Tabon Cave with areas excavated indicated by 20. Edge-ground tools: <a) from Pilanduk Cave; (b) from Mara'may dark shading. ................................................. 23 Cave ........................................... · ... ················ 66 7. Tools from Tabon Cave: (a-m) examples of flake tools asso­ 21. Tabon Impressed: Representative sherds from Duyong Cave of ciated with Flake Assemblage III; (n-o) choppers; (p) quartz this pottery type, including bound paddle and carved paddle. 82 hammer stone. ................................................ 30 22. Tabon Impressed: Examples of Rim Impressions and Scal- 8. Plane view of limited area of Tabon Cave, 3 x 7 meters in loping of this pottery type from Duyong Cave .............. 84 size and from 85 to 115 cm. in depth, showing distribution of chert and hammer stones which form workshop and ha- 23. Two Burial Jars from Manunggul Cave (Chamber A>. ....... 86 bitation areas. ................................................ 32 24. Tabon Incised and Impressed: Representative sherds of 9. Stratigraphic profiles of Tabon Cave: (A) Flake Assemblage II this pottery Types from Duyong Cave. ...................... 88 showing location and stratigraphic features; (B) Stratigraphic relationships between Flake Assemblages II and III; and <C> 25. Tabon Incised and Painted: a shallow bowl with four holes Large flake tools of Flake Assemblage II. ................... 34 near the rim probably for suspEnsion during rituals ....... ·. · 89 10. Schematic profile of Lateral 11.5 in Tabon Cave, showing stra­ 26. Some Vessel Forms of the Tabon Pottery Complex.......... 93 tigraphic relationship of Flake Assemblages I, III, IV, and V ( 1966). .......................................................... 36 27. Examples of Vessel Forms and Decorations of the Tabon Pot­ tery Complex: (a) an example of Tabon Polished with highly 11. Flake tool from Sidangan, Zamboanga del Norte, showing burnished red slip, and usually tall, restricted neck; from highly developed unifacial secondary flaking not found in the Diwata Cave; (b) angle-bodied vessel from Diwata Cave with Tabonian tradition. ............................................ 37 incised designs above the corner point ( c) Angle-bodied bowl from Diwata Cave with incised designs above the corner 12. Fossil human bones from Tabon Cave: (a-d-e) Lateral, frontal, point and paddle impressed designs over the lower body and ventral view of "Tabon Man" tentatively dated to 22·24,000 and base; an example of Tabon Incised and Impressed; (d) B.P. <b> Late Neolithic skull from Manunggul Cave, 710-890 B.C. shallow bowl, Tabon Polished, from Diwata Cave with unusual (c) Early Metal Age skull from Bato Puti Cave; (f-g) fossil in-turning rim; <e > further example of a vessel belonging to mandibles of two other individuals from Tabon Cave. ..... 41 the pottery type Tabon Incised from Duyong Cave; (f) an unusual cover box from Bato Puti Cave which contained the 13. Floor Plan of Guri Cave. .................................... 46 painted teeth of more than one individual. ................ 95 14. Flake Tools from Guri Cave. 49 28 • Design Patterns of the Tabon Pottery Complex. ............. · 97 vi vii PAGE 29. PAGE Bu.rial jars and trunconical jar covers from Sa-huynh, Indo- Nephrite bracelet from Tadyaw Cave. 153 Chma [after .Janse (1959) Fig. 1; and Solheim (1959b) Figs. 1 48. and 2 J showmg relationships with those of the Tabon caves. 101 49. Forms of Trunconical Covers from the Tabon Caves. 154 Sasak Rock Shelter: rimsherds showing "Sloping-S" Designs. 170 30. F~oor Plan of Ngipe't Duldug Cave, a Late Neolithic Jar Burial 50. Site.............................................................. 51. Lungun Cave: (a) Log Coffin for secondary burial <x 1/5 106 natural size); (b and c) knives from the coffin; and (d) 31. 172 Restored Vessels from Ngipe't Duldug Cave ................... 108 decorated bowl believed to be associated with coffin .......... 32. Floor Plan of Manunggul Cave: Chamber A is Late Neolithic 52. Kuruswanan Ledge: Boat Coffin for Primary Burial. ........ 173 and Chamber B and Area C are associated with iron im- plements......................................................... 53. Magmisi
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