August 2020 Management Data Report Heat Map: Performance RAG Rating Finance RAG Rating HR - Absence HR - Indicative Workforce Red > 10% of target Red • ≥ 0.75% Red • > 4% Red • > 1.5% of target Amber > 5% ≤ 10% of target Yellow/Amber • ≥ 0.10% to < 0.75% Amber • ≥3.7%<4.0% Amber • > 0.5% ≤1.5% of target Green ≤ 5% of target Green • < 0.10% Green • <3.7% Green • ≤ 0.5% of target Grey No result expected Contents Acute Hospitals Services Population Health and Wellbeing Data Coverage Issues NSP KPI Overview 4 Population Health and Wellbeing (metrics reported quarterly) - Data coverage issues Acute Services 176 Inpatient Cases 7 Community Healthcare Services Data coverage issues Community Healthcare 177 Daycase Cases 9 Primary Care 90 Emergency Discharges 11 Social Inclusion 97 Elective Discharges 13 Palliative Care 98 Maternity Discharges 15 Mental Health 100 Inpatient Discharges greater or equal to 75 years 16 CAMHS Waiting List 105 Daycase Discharges greater or equal to 75 years 18 Older Persons 106 Level GI 20 Disabilities 110 Level dialysis 22 National Services Level chemo 23 PCRS 113 Inpatient & Day Case Profiles 25 National Screening Service All Emergency Presentations 27 National Screening Service 116 New ED Attendances 29 Finance Return ED Attendances 30 Gross Debtor Days for Private Charges 118 Injury Units 31 Service Level Arrangements 119 Other Emergency Presentations 32 Net Expenditure by Division 120 Births 33 Hospital Groups 121 Outpatient Attendances (New & Return) 34 CHOs 124 Adult In Patient Waiting List 36 National Ambulance Service 126 Adult Day Case Waiting List 38 Health and Well being 127 Child In Patient Waiting List 40 Primary Care (Total) by CHO 128 Child Day Case Waiting List 41 Primary Care (excl Social Inclusion) by CHO 129 Outpatient Waiting List 42 Primary Care (Social Inclusion) by CHO 130 GI Waiting List 44 Mental Health by CHO 131 Urgent Colonoscopy 46 Social Care (Older Persons Total) by CHO 132 ED PET - All Patients 48 Palliative Care by CHO 133 ED PET - Patients over 75 years 49 Social Care (Older Persons) by CHO 134 ED Patients who leave before completion of Treatment 50 Social Care (Disabilities) by CHO 135 ALOS excluding over 30 days 51 Health and Wellbeing by CHO 136 Medical ALOS 53 Support Services 137 AMAU within 6 hours 54 PCRS 138 Acute Medical Admissions 55 Demand Led Schemes 139 Emergency Re-admissions: Medical 56 Net Expenditure (Pay) 140 Surgical ALOS 57 Net Expenditure (Non Pay) 141 Surgical Day of Admission 58 Net Expenditure (Income) 142 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy 60 Income by Category 143 Emergency Re-admissions: Surgical 62 Agency & Overtime 144 Delayed Transfer of Care 64 Human Resources HCAI - Hospital acquired S. Aureus infection 66 Employment by Service Area 148 HCAI - Hospital acquired C. Difficile infection 68 Employment by Staff Group 149 Number of New Cases of CPE 70 Employment by Administration/Section 38 150 Cancer rapid access within recommended timeframe 72 Employment by HG & CHO 152 Cancer Services - Breast 74 Absence Rate by HG & CHO 163 Cancer Services - Lung 79 Absence Rate by Service / Staff Category & Division 164 Absence Rate by Service/ Staff Category, HG, CHO Divisions & Cancer Services - Prostate 82 National Services 165 Cancer Services - Radiotherapy 84 Absence Rate by HG, CHO & National Services 166 NAS 86 Absence Rate by Hospital 167 National Ambulance Service NSP KPI Overview 87 Absence Rate by HSE, S38 & Staff Category 169 Absence Rate by Staff Category 170 EWTD Acute Hospitals 172 EWTD Mental Health Services 173 EWTD Disability Services 174 Data used in this report refers to the latest performance information available at the time of publication Acute Services 3 NSP KPI Overview Reporting Period August 2020 Outturn Reporting Target/EA Target/EA % Var YTD V Activity YTD % Var YTD V Previous Year Performance Activity / KPI Frequency Full Year YTD Activity YTD Tgt/EA YTD SPLY SPLY May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Discharge Activity Inpatient M-1M 635,532 645,037 374,911 321,300 -14.3% 371,065 -13.4% 42,274 45,571 51,277 0 Inpatient Weighted Units M-1M 641,751 636,992 370,432 329,927 -10.9% 371,256 -11.1% 40,307 44,304 49,489 0 Day case (includes dialysis) M-1M 1,106,491 1,142,437 675,176 504,158 -25.3% 646,240 -22.0% 52,254 67,493 82,400 0 Day case Weighted Units (includes dialysis) M-1M 1,085,928 1,066,369 630,200 473,432 -24.9% 634,939 -25.4% 46,189 62,587 77,173 0 Total inpatient and day cases M-1M 1,742,023 1,787,474 1,050,087 825,458 -21.4% 1,017,305 -18.9% 94,528 113,064 133,677 0 Emergency inpatient discharges M-1M 438,544 444,606 259,857 228,362 -12.1% 256,937 -11.1% 31,391 33,308 36,038 0 Elective inpatient discharges M-1M 89,238 91,635 52,335 37,219 -28.9% 51,470 -27.7% 3,040 4,386 7,467 0 Elective day case discharges M-1M New KPI 2020 N/A N/A Maternity inpatient discharges M-1M 107,750 108,796 62,719 55,719 -11.2% 62,658 -11.1% 7,843 7,877 7,772 0 Inpatient discharges ≥75 years M-1M 126,385 126,828 74,551 66,963 -10.2% 73,521 -8.9% 8,770 9,763 10,717 0 Day case discharges ≥75 years M-1M 204,226 209,249 123,311 94,336 -23.5% 117,530 -19.7% 10,264 12,844 15,638 0 Level of GI scope activity M-1M 107,069 108,260 63,784 37,187 -41.7% 62,738 -40.7% 2,267 4,788 6,374 Level of dialysis activity M-1M 177,341 180,969 106,361 103,765 -2.4% 102,711 1.0% 14,517 14,570 14,359 Level of chemotherapy (R63Z) and other Neoplastic Dis, MINC (R62C) M-1M 220,989 226,443 133,291 111,523 -16.3% 129,236 -13.7% 13,343 15,363 16,750 0 Emergency Care New ED attendances M 1,251,506 1,283,401 857,493 701,291 -18.2% 831,806 -15.7% 85,964 91,198 97,269 96,882 Return ED attendances M 111,252 116,180 78,317 57,222 -26.9% 73,839 -22.5% 6,603 7,864 7,763 7,753 Injury unit attendances M 99,222 103,215 70,120 59,232 -15.5% 65,275 -9.3% 6,524 7,732 8,787 8,950 Other emergency presentations M 44,456 44,916 30,012 24,355 -18.8% 29,206 -16.6% 2,479 3,087 3,480 3,309 Births Total no. of births M 59,406 59,247 39,498 37,885 -4.1% 39,346 -3.7% 4,686 4,684 5,056 4,834 Outpatients No. of new and return outpatient attendances M 3,354,919 3,318,610 2,212,130 1,891,658 -14.5% 2,237,760 -15.5% 193,242 232,206 266,349 247,194 New: Return Ratio (excluding obstetrics, warfarin and haematology clinics) M 2.6 1 : 2.4 2.4 2.9 20.8% 2.6 11.5% 3.5 3.0 2.9 2.8 Activity Based Funding (MFTP) model HIPE Completeness – Prior month: % of cases entered into HIPE M-1M 89% 95% 95% 86% -9.5% 88% -2.3% 86% 87% 86% Inpatient, Day Case and Outpatient Waiting Times % of adults waiting <15 months for an elective procedure (inpatient) M 86.0% 85% 85% 78.2% -8.0% 84.4% -7.3% 83.6% 81.8% 79.8% 78.2% % of adults waiting <15 months for an elective procedure (day case) M 93.3% 95% 95% 87.9% -7.5% 92.1% -4.6% 91.9% 90.7% 89.1% 87.9% % of children waiting <15 months for an elective procedure (inpatient) M 91.9% 95% 95% 85.0% -10.5% 90.1% -5.7% 87.3% 86.2% 86.4% 85.0% % of children waiting <15 months for an elective procedure (day case) M 85.4% 90% 90% 78.7% -12.6% 82.5% -4.6% 83.8% 82.3% 80.3% 78.7% % of people waiting <52 weeks for first access to OPD services M 68.9% 80% 80% 60.2% -24.7% 68.8% -12.5% 63.9% 62.4% 61.2% 60.2% Colonoscopy / Gastrointestinal Service % of people waiting <13 weeks following a referral for routine colonoscopy or OGD M 55.4% 65% 65% 34.1% -47.5% 46.3% -26.2% 35.5% 27.1% 31.7% 34.1% No. of new people waiting > four weeks for access to an urgent colonoscopy M 209 0 0 4472 169 2546.2% 1066 513 557 598 Emergency Care and Patient Experience Time % of all attendees at ED who are discharged or admitted within six hours of registration M 62.7% 65% 65% 69.8% 7.4% 75.9% 73.4% 70.2% 69.3% % of all attendees at ED who are discharged or admitted within nine hours of registration M 78.1% 80% 80% 84.4% 5.5% 89.8% 87.7% 85.3% 84.5% % of ED patients who leave before completion of treatment M 6.6% <6.5% <6.5% 4.1% -18.0% 2.9% 3.1% 3.8% 4.2% % of all attendees at ED who are in ED <24 hours M 96.1% 97% 97% 98.0% 1.0% 99.6% 99.1% 98.8% 98.6% % of all attendees aged 75 years and over at ED who are discharged or admitted within six hours of registration M 40.6% 95% 95% 51.9% -45.4% 62.7% 57.3% 51.8% 50.1% % of all attendees aged 75 years and over at ED who are discharged or admitted within nine hours of registration M 58.7% 99% 99% 71.2% -28.1% 82.2% 77.9% 71.7% 70.7% % of all attendees aged 75 years and over at ED who are discharged or admitted within 24 hours of registration M 90.2% 99% 99% 95.2% -3.8% 99.4% 98.3% 97.5% 97.0% Length of Stay ALOS for all inpatient discharges excluding LOS over 30 days M-1M 4.8 ≤4.8 ≤4.8 4.9 2.1% 4.8 2.1% 4.6 4.8 4.8 0.0 4 NSP KPI Overview Reporting Period August 2020 Outturn Reporting Target/EA Target/EA % Var YTD V Activity YTD % Var YTD V Previous Year Performance Activity / KPI Frequency Full Year YTD Activity YTD Tgt/EA YTD SPLY SPLY May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Medical Medical patient average length of stay M-1M 7.2 ≤7.0 ≤7.0 7.2 2.9% 7.1 1.4% 6.0 6.5 6.6 0.0 % of medical patients who are discharged or admitted from AMAU within six hours AMAU registration M 61.9% 75% 75% 69.9% -6.8% 62.1% 12.6% 70.1% 65.6% 77.7% 75.6% % of all medical admissions via AMAU M-1M 32.5% 45% 45% 28.7% -36.2% 32.4% -11.4% 24.2% 24.6% 28.9% 0.0% % of emergency re-admissions for acute medical conditions to the same hospital within 30 days of discharge M-1M 11.4% ≤11.1% ≤11.1% 11.7% 5.4% 11.4% 2.6% 12.2% 12.2% 11.3% 0.0% Surgery Surgical patient average length of stay M-1M 5.5 ≤5.2 ≤5.2 6.3 21.2% 5.3 18.9% 7.4 6.0 5.0 0.0 % of elective surgical inpatients who had principal procedure conducted on day of admission M-1M 75.2% 82% 82% 73.1% -10.9% 75.3% -2.9% 69.0% 71.0% 74.1% 0.0% % day case rate for Elective Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy M-1M 43.6% 60% 60% 46.1% -23.2% 45.8% 0.7% 61.9% 54.5% 39.8% 0.0% % of surgical re-admissions to the same hospital within 30 days of discharge M-1M 1.9% ≤2% ≤2% 2.1% 5.0% 2.1% 0.0% 3.2% 2.8% 2.0% 0.0% Delayed Transfers of Care No.
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