F.A.W.L. JOURNAL A Publication of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers SPRING 2006 FAWL joined other women’s organizations at an ERA press conference and rally outside the Senate Chambers. FAWL President June C. McKinney Bartelle, pictured here, spoke in favor of ratifi cation of the Equal Rights amendment, as did Senate sponsor Gwen Margolis and House co-sponsors Arthenia Joyner and Curtis Richardson. SEE PAGE 10 FAWL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAPTER PRESIDENTS £June C. McKinney Bartelle . .850/414-3771 £BARRY WOMEN LAWYERS £MIAMI-DADE FAWL President . [email protected] ASSOCIATION Sandra Hernandez . .305/633-1581 Christina Johnson. .407/719-5501 [email protected] £Wendy Loquasto. .850/425-1333 [email protected] President-elect wendyloquasto@fl appeal.com £NORTHWEST FLORIDA £BROWARD COUNTY WOMEN CHAPTER FAWL £Mary K. Wimsett . .352/374-3656 LAWYERS ASSOCIATION Abigail Sanders . .850/429-7408 Secretary Maryk.Wimsett@gal.fl .gov Jennifer A. Anzalone . .954/761-8600 [email protected] [email protected] £Amy Furness . .305/530-0050 £NOVA LAW CENTER CHAPTER Treasurer afurness@carltonfi elds.com £CENTRAL FLORIDA ASSOCIATION Sarah Dubman. .954/554-5631 FOR WOMEN LAWYERS [email protected] £Carolyn C. Coukos. .239/444-5300 Mary Musette Stewart. .407/422-6105 Treasurer-elect [email protected] [email protected] £PALM BEACH COUNTY ASSOCIATION £Sherri L. Johnson . .941/952-1070 £CLARA GEHAN ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN LAWYERS Communications Editor [email protected] FOR WOMEN LAWYERS Victoria A. Vilchez . .561/471-0001 Lucy Goddard-Teel. .352/955-5022 V2fl [email protected] £Mary C. Gomez. .305/818-7030 [email protected].fl .us Membership [email protected] £PINELLAS COUNTY £COLLIER COUNTY WOMENS’ ASSOCIATION £Rebecca Harrison Steele . .813/254-0925 BAR ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN LAWYERS Public Relations rsteele@aclufl .org Jacqueline Buyze. .239/514-1000 Donna Rose . .727/586-1554 [email protected] fl [email protected] £Patricia H. Stephens . .850/894-0055 Executive Director [email protected] £HILLSBOROUGH ASSOCIATION £SARASOTA FAWL FOR WOMEN LAWYERS Marjorie A. Schmoyer . .941/954-0064 Sarah H. Dennis . .813/209-5058 [email protected] FAWL COMMITTEES [email protected] £SOUTH PALM BEACH £JACKSONVILLE WOMEN £AMICUS COUNTY CHAPTER LAWYERS ASSOCIATION Siobhan Shea . .561/655-4114 Lisa M. Peraza . .561/603-0120 Deborah Greene . .904/359-5505 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] £ £AWARDS ST. THOMAS UNIVERSITY £LEE COUNTY ASSOCIATION Barbara Twine-Th omas. .813/221-4454 LAW SCHOOL CHAPTER FOR WOMEN LAWYERS [email protected] Yesenia Arocha Josephine Gagliardi . .239/481-4435 [email protected] £ [email protected] BREAKFAST & BOOKS £ Jacqueline Buyze. .239/514-1000 FAWL AT STETSON £MANATEE COUNTY FAWL [email protected] Kate Egelston Ginger Perusek . .941/745-1500 [email protected] £ [email protected] BYLAWS £ Patricia L. Morgan . .352/754-4166 TALLAHASSEE WOMEN LAWYERS £MARION COUNTY FAWL [email protected] Mary Ellen Clark. .850/414-3764 Janet L. Fuller. .352/351-2222 [email protected] £ [email protected] EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES SECTION LIAISON £ Tammy Fields. .561/355-4398 VOLUSIA/FLAGLER £MIAMI LAW SCHOOL, tfi [email protected].fl .us Monica Hirsch Wilson. .386/615-6815 WOMEN IN LAW monicahw@cfl .rr.com £HISTORIAN Shaena Rowland . .732/841-7434 Dinita L. James . .813/261-7858 [email protected] [email protected] £JUDICIAL MONITORING Evelyn L. Moya. .941/321-2990 FLORIDA ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN LAWYERS [email protected] P.O. BOX 15998 • TALLAHASSEE, FL 32317-5998 • 850/894-0055 £LEGISLATIVE VISIT US ON THE WEB AT Kendra Davis . .850/414-5265 [email protected] www.fawl.org £NOMINATING FOR MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Deborah Magid . .305/770-4892 AND ADVERTISING INFORMATION. [email protected] £SCHNEIDER AND DAVIS FUNDS ARTICLE SUBMISSION: Paola Parra . .904/398-9002 We encourage authors to submit articles through FAWL’s Journal editor, [email protected] Sherri Johnson, at [email protected], £VIRGIL HAWKINS LIAISON or contact the Association’s offi ce as referenced above. Rachelle R. Munson . .407/623-1051 fi [email protected] 2 Spring 2006 • FAWL JOURNAL PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Balancing the Scales t has been a they were taught strategies to strengthen Governors’ process provides FAWL Ibanner year, fi lled and promote their career goals. Timely an opportunity to raise the awareness by with excitement, and practical information was given of the Bar regarding women’s issues June C. challenges, and regarding development of skills needed and to work with the Bar for the McKinney successes. Across for women lawyers to take charge benefi t of our membership. Bartelle the state, FAWL’s of their careers and lead successful Th roughout the year, FAWL Board and members professional lives while simultaneously chapters monitored the Judicial have worked tirelessly and unselfi shly balancing their personal lives. Nominating Commissions interviews to carry out the focus of the under the leadership of Evelyn 2005 - 2006 theme, “Balancing Moya, our Judicial Monitoring the Scales.” My sincerest Chair. She met with JNC appreciation to everyone chairs and notifi ed chapters who worked to make this a of interviews in their circuits successful year. I am honored to monitor. We wrote letters to have served as FAWL’s on behalf of our members to 54th President. It has aff orded support their applications for me immense personal appointments, and we made satisfaction to represent telephone calls on behalf of you in so many arenas. our member-candidates. We In January, FAWL put saw our members appointed to out a call to its membership the positions that they sought. to provide examples of FAWL partnered with the National Association of Women We are also pleased that there biases or discriminations Lawyers to present “Eff ective Techniques to Advance Women are more women on the bench currently faced by women Lawyers to the Top” held in Washington, D.C. Pictured from today than there were a year attorneys. Many members left: FAWL President June McKinney Bartelle; President of ago, but we recognize that these responded by asking how the the National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations, Carole numbers still do not refl ect our Aciman from Hughes, Hubbard & Reed LLP and President of information would be used percentage of Bar membership. the National Association of Women Lawyers Lorraine Koc, and by requesting that their General Counsel to Debshops, Inc. in Philadelphia. Hopefully, SB 766/HB 113 will names not be used in any way. pass to fund and increase the Th ese questions and requests number of judges in the state demonstrate that problems still exist Our “Balancing the Scales” initiative so there will be other opportunities today. Th is knowledge provided me the made us take a good look at Th e Florida to increase the number of women momentum to testify before the Florida Bar. We asked ourselves, “Does the on the bench in the state. Supreme Court Standing Committee role of our ex-offi cio seat on the Board FAWL has been blessed this on Fairness and Diversity on your of Governors serve any purpose?” We year to have Lobbyist Yolanda Cash behalf. I told our story about the plight decided that it certainly does. It keeps Jackson advocate on its behalf. She of women and their treatment as our members informed about issues that has done a masterly job of raising our attorneys in the courtroom by judges, may impact them. In addition, it provides political awareness. She often says, opposing counsels, bailiff s, and often FAWL an opportunity to inform Bar “Th ere are no professional groups on by the clients they seek to help. leadership about the dynamic, capable, the hill taking care of women’s issues.” FAWL’s midyear meeting held in credentialed members who stand ready Lobbyist Cash Jackson planned and Miami, provided FAWL members an to serve the Bar in various capacities. implemented a legislative strategy opportunity to immerse themselves in Ex-offi cio membership provides an for FAWL that has made us a more topics and activities to enhance their opportunity to advocate for committee eff ective entity. Th e key strategy leadership capabilities. Participants and other appointments for our members. was to create access. She initiated were empowered and enlightened as Even limited participation in the Board of £ PRESIDENT, Continued on Page 11 “We are pleased that there are more women on the bench today than there were a year ago, but we recognize that these numbers still do not refl ect our percentage of Bar membership.” FAWL JOURNAL • Spring 2006 3 JOINT AWARDS LUNCHEON KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Judge Gill Freeman to Speak on Fairness in the Courts by Janeia Daniels, Esq. practices for diversity recruitment and retention utilized by state and national FAWL ANNUAL organizations, and other research MEETING he Honorable Gill Freeman of materials relevant to the ongoing Boca Raton Resort and Club Tthe United States Eleventh Circuit development of diversity perspectives. in conjunction with Court of Appeals will deliver the keynote In addition, the Committee recently The Florida Bar address, “Fairness in the Courts.” released a report of recommendations Annual Convention No stranger to the judiciary’s eff orts “Promoting and Ensuring the Diversity June 22-23, 2006 to promote fairness and equality, of Judicial Staff Attorneys Judge Freeman has served in and Law Clerks within the Thursday, June 22 various lead roles on past fairness Florida State Courts System.” 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. commissions, the Gender Bias Th e Committee also hosted FAWL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Commission, and the Racial and a two-day town hall meeting MEETING Ethnic Bias Commission 10 Year at the Florida Bar’s Midyear Retrospective, and also teaches Meeting in Miami, and is Friday, June 23 a fairness course at the New currently gathering information 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. Judges’ College.
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