- . ~382 EAST WITTERING. SUSSEX. (KELLY's county court district, Westhampnett union, ruMl deanery M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. The Duke of Richmond <lf Boxgrove (third division) and archdeaconry and diocese of and Gordon K.G., P.c. is lord of the manor and principal Chichester. :From the mouth of Chichester harbour to the landowner. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief extremity of Selsey Bill, a distance of ahout 8 miles, the sea, crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is r, 176 acres <lwing to the flatness of the country and the nature of the of arable and pasture land and 177 of water; rateable value, soil, has encroached so as to have absorbed 8 large portion of [1,549; the population in r88r was 230. the prebendal manor of Bracklesham, belonging to this Parisp. Clerk, Edward Redman. parish. The church (name unknown) is a small building of WALL LETTER Box cleared at 4_35 p.m. Letters arrive from tJtone, partly of Norman date, consisting of chancel and nave Chichester at 9 a. m. The nearest money order office is and a wooden belfry at the west end, containing one bell, _ at West Wittering & telegraph office at Sidlesham. and was restored in 1877: there are 100 sittings. The register dates from the year 1658. The living is a rectory, CARRIERS TO CHICHESTER.-Henry Redman, every mon . .average yearly value from tithe renkharge £ 17s, net wed. & sat.; George Thomas Jordan, tues. wed. & fri . -income £r6o, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of The children of this parish attend Birdham & West Witter- London, and held since 188o by the Rev. Henry John Sargent ing schools Sargent Rev. Henry John M.A. Rectory tang Lucius (Mrs.), blacksmith Redman Edward, miller (wind) Sparkes Mrs. Stubcroft Mills Henry, farm bailiff to the Rev. Sparkes Mrs. farmer, Stubcroft Dillaway George, Royal Oak P.H John Rusbridger M.A Stevens Richard, grocer & miller (wind .Jordan George Thomas, carrier Napper George, blacksmith & steam) i WEST WITTERING is a village and parish, bounded distributed by the vicar, on Ash Wednesday, in wheat, to on the west by Chichester harbour and on the south by the poor widows and widowers of the parish; the same bene­ English Channel, 8 miles south•west from Chichester, in the faction also provides 6~. 8d. for a sermon : the church land South Western division of the county, Manhood hundred, of nine acres produces [17 os. 6d. yearly, which is devoted Chichester rape, petty sessional eH vision and county court to church purposes~ Carpenter's charity of 3s. a year, district, Westharnpnett union, rural deanery of Boxgrove derived from £5 in Savings Bank securities, is for clothing. (third division) and archdeaconr:t and diocese of Chichester. The manor house of Cakeham, a spacious mansion, with The sea has of late made great inroads on the south-west of hall, chapel and large apartments, was occasionally oecupied this parish. The church (name not known), supposed to by the Bishops of Chichester from the 13th to the middle of have been erected by St. Ric-hard (de la Wich), bishop of the 16th century: Bishop Sherburne (15o8-36) especially Chichester ( 1245-53), is an ancient edifice of stone, 'mainly frequented it and erected, early in the 16th century, a lofty in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south hexagonal brick tower, from which an extensive sea view is aisle, north porch and a northern tower with wooden belfry obtained. There are two coastguard stations in this parish. ~ontaining 3 bells: there is an ancient Norman font and The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are lords of the manor. in the chancel, on the north side, are two ancient monu- The principal landowners are James Gorham and Thomas ments and 8 remarkable coffin-lid of Purbeck marble, Aylmore esqrs. and Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Combes and Mrs. dis,covered upside down during the restoration ; on the top Andrews. The prebendal estate, held by the trustees of is a cross in a low relief, on 8 double step; close to the cross, Oliver Whitby esq. for three lives, and comprising about 275 <lD the sinister side, is a pastoral staff, similarly cut; this is statute acres, is in this parish; these trustees also hold the said to be a memorial of a "Boy> Bishop" and is almost ,.ectorial tithes. The soil is of rich quality, producing LTops unique, a similar memorial in Salisbury Cathedral being the of 'Wheat, barley and oats. The area is 2,286 acres of land <lnly other known to exist: there is also a monument of and 980 water; rateable value, £2,991; the population in Caen stone, richly decorated with has-reliefs representing 1881 was 655. the "Annunciation," and "Resurrection,'' but wit bout Parish Clerk, Alfred Holden. inscription; from the shield of anus upon it and its general PosT & M, 0. 0., s. U. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-John eharacter it has been attributed to William Ernle or Ernley Jordan, receiver. Letters arrive from Chichester at esq. who inhabited the manor house of Cakeham in the 16th 9.30 a. m. ; dispatched at 5 .:;~ 5 p.m, on week days & at eentury and died here in 1545: there are 267 sittings. The 10 a. m. on sundays. The nearest telegraph office is at register dates from the year 1622. The living is a vicarage, Sidle~~harn average tithe rent-charge £139, net yearly value [250, with Tesidence and 21 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of National School (mixed), built by the Whitby trustees for Chichester, and held since 1889 by the Rev. George Chester uochildren; there are now (189o) 127 children; average Walpole M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. Here is a Bible attendance, 100; Thomas Pennock, master Chnstian chapel. There is a charity of £6 1:6s. 4d. yearly, CARRIERS TO CHICHESTER. John Robinson & John Osborne, derived from five acres of land, left by an unknown donor and mon. wed. fri. & sat. ; John Jordan, wed, & fri Gorham James, Cackham 'Combes Maria(Mrs.),farmer,Rookwood Hoare George, carpenter Sainsbury Waller Langford Farne James, farmer Hunt James, farmer 1'homas Thomas, Eleanor cottage Forward Thomas, chief boatman, Coast Jordan John, baker & grocer, Post office ·walpole Rev.Geo. Chester M.A. Vicarage Guard station, Cock bush Napper Jas. blacksmith & beer retailer Gorham James, landowner & farmer, Redman Alfred, wheelwright COIIMEHCIAL. Cackham Robinson John, carrier & beer retailer · Aburrow Augustus, farmer Harris Thomas (Mrs.), farmer & land- Robinson Waiter, Dog & Duck P.H Andrews Sarah (Mrs.), farmer owner, The Elms Stevens William, r.ocer & butcher Aylmore Thomas, farmer & landowner Howes Robert, chief officer of the Willshire Frederic , blacksmith Bard Eliza (Mrs.), Lamb P.H Chichester Harbour coast guard WIVELSFIEI.D is a parish and village, 4 miles south- ister's residence attached, founded in 1779, and seatin~. 150 east from Cuckfield, 2 north from Burgess Hill and 2! south persons. The charities include £8 arising from Balaing's from Hayward's Heath stations on the London, Brighton charity for rent of house and land, left by Miss Frances .and South Coast raUway, in the Northern division of the More by will, dated 12th Dec. 1723, [':A of which is distri­ county, Lewes rape, Street hundred, Cuckneld petty ses- buted to 40 needy persons on St. Thomas' day, the sional division and county court district, Chailey union, remainder being applied to educational purposes; More's rural deanery of Lewes (third ~ivision), archdeaconry of charity of £5, derived from the Morebouse farm, left in Lewes and diocese of Chichester. The church of St. John 1731 by Thomas More esq. ; and Lucas's charity of £2 12s. the Baptist is a small building of stone in the Early English left in 1742 by Waiter Lucas esq. of Cuckfield, are both _style, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south given to the poor in money. Great Ote Hall. the property porch and at the south-west angle an embattled western of Maj.-General Richard Temple Godman, and the residence tower with spire containing 5 bells. one of which is dedicated of M. H. Woods esq. is an ancient mansion formerly the to St.. Augustine : the interior was thoroughly restored and residence of the Countess of Huntingdon, and has been reseated in I 869, and an organ was placed in the church in recently restored: several Elizabethan and N uremburg coins 1877: the stained east window is a memorial to the Rev. were met with during the progress pf the work. William George Dixon, d, 28 Jan. 1864, and on the north side of the 'fanner Farncombe Tanner esq. of the Fishers, Wakescolne, chancel are two others to Jane Tanner, d. 18 Feb. 1881: Essex, The Right Hon. Lord Monk Bretton P.c. W. Bacon there are a piscinre in the chancel and 110uth chantry, and esq. of Lunce's Hall, Lieut.-Col. John Rose Holden-Rose an aumbry in the chancel: the north door way is Norman: D.L., l.P. of The l<'erns, Major-General Richard Temple there are tabletll to the More family, and 200 sittings. The Godman, Mr. John Martin Combridge, of 26 Western road, register dates from the year-~559· The living is a. vicarage, Hove, Brighton, Misa Jane 'fanner, of Wootton HoU86, net yearly value £1-2~, with residence, in the gift of Charles Patcham, Waiter Charles Re'tshaw esq. Q.C. of Sandrocks, Longley esq. (who owns the rectorial tithes, commuted at Hayward's Heath, and Charles Stewart Cox esq. of Qold £399 16s. Bd. ), and held since 1884 by the Rev. Henry 1 Harbour, are the chief landowners.
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