, THE DAILY NEWS lVallabJr I' (Price 5 cents) Lnaries Hutton & Sons Vol. 6~.' No. 177 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1957 .., I, I! I .1,· , i' ' , , • !.' I , I :'1 'I ':! .C.A. Aircraft ·1 I , I . I 1 I I' I I " rashes Near_ 1 i. I I 'nist Rescues 'I I uehee i. City( , " j', , , i MONTREAL (CP) - A Maritime Central Air­ I, Climber ,;I rapped ways plane crashed and burned Sunday, 15 miles , , , By MICHAEL GOLDSMITH southwest of Quebec, killing the 79 persons " GIINDELWALD, Switzerland (APl-A daring aboard. Iwinging at the end of a cable, Sunday, It was the worst crash in Canadian aviation 1 I c young climber trapped for eight day. history. 1 ' The plane-a OC·4-was on a flight from i~ north wall of Eiger Mountain .. Sudden I ' end thunderstorms cut short efforts to Landon to Toronto unci.;r charter to an organiza. !J three compan ions, tion known as the Imperial Veterans of Toronto. Germans, last reported clinging' to a It carried 73 passengers and a crew of six. itdg e 1,200 feet from the summit of the Three airmen from Trenton, Ont., who jump· peak, were milling from the vast ed into the crash scene radioed to their plane ,i overhead: "There are no survivors". ,. , I '''r .\lfr~d Hr:c· ------------ The plane burst into flames after crashing . !:·;':;l:e "!Iere tile I The atorm came on suddenly :I!: reW:ed .Iil'e . and made al! further rescue at· during violent thunder storml in the cHea this , bJ: f0und no, tempts Imp 0 5 sib Ie. It also : shrourlcd the entire roc.k face In afternoon. "All we could see \las' a big I .------- , , _,,:; ~"r,. Cucnt:,er i thick rag which prevented any el· hole," said Sqdn, Wlr. R. Wood, afternoon's storm. S-:ne cal s arl -~ ,: Gr:,dlr,;cn. 3nd! fort to locate the two Gerans or who fiew over the crash scene. trY in.: \. get in 2nd others are ", )i, c! r.otl'.lell, I determine whether the fourth "It crashed on the north slde trying to gc' cut," police s,.;l " :0 ~ ~CJr cxhaui· . Z. OF Lecco, was al!ve, of a wooded area and apparently They said a six-mile line of 'I' or,/ I :11': 01 t".em is man was allve, burned rig'llt away. There are just automo~ilcs '\'3" ,'.;' .... ~ "~t on the ~: ,[r"J' burns a; I Longhi had been Injured by a I few bits of wing and tail IhigJ1way lEading to Is!oudlL .nd .- I. I rore .:ipPlng: rock fan and N:mained sU5pended around," they were m;;hing efforts to un· .. d. from a rope some 300 feet below Residents of the area told or 1 tangle the jam. 10 Sl'm!IT I' the ledge where the three others hearing a loud blast about the 1 The plane hed left Keflavik, ~ :(I1lc,lalcri or the had sousht shelter the last two COWES, England-PrInce Charles, S'·year·old heir to Hritain's Throne, is ~hown on 8 motorboatlng trip with time the plane "'ent doim. Iceland at 1:12 a,m. and h.d CJ.l:.) (wii, 2D, of I days. his father, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. It was a big day for young Charles, marred only by the fact The gTealest loss of life in I checked in by ra[lio over Mane· 'I! brJu;:11: to the The wCRther forecast for toda)' Canadian ~ir crash prel'iously ton N.B., Mont Joli, Que:, and ,'t ~raI!IC; brOKe, \l'a~ unfa\'orable, that the motor gave out and the boat had to be towed Bway.-(I,N. Photo) . was last December ,,·hen a TCA Quebec City. It was not heard .. • id at thc tOP A German guide, Alfred Gram· plane went down in British Co- trom again after the Quebec City . , .:. ,~~ I re ClIe, in~er, Iwinglng at the end of a lumbia and 82 persons were report. , . him d~wn by I cable, was lowered down the rock In Oman killed. MeA officials said they hav~ tiro:lp Ih~ InOIl· face by a winch and returned with FORMEK 5ERVIC'EMES "absolutely no idea of what !~I, Cordl strapped 10 his back. (A't Fuston, Ont., John Pea· caused the plane to crash." cock. fermer president ot I vet- The distance betll/,een Qqebee erans' association, IBid the men and Montreal is about ,160. JIlUU I I I \ aboard ~e' •.. "undou~dly" f<lr- and Ule .. f11abt>-t1me iI ~ . in­ i, mer Brltlsh servl~men and their hour. The 'DC·' . Wl5 due over fam!!!es coming back to Canada Montreal at 3 p.m. and wMn it Roe Cnmpany after holidays in the United King· did not check in the learch be­ ""'"' _____________. ____ ~!~~NIZWA, 'Omu (Rellters)-The ,";~9.!~:!~$L1rt~~~~~~plantaUons. c The targets ,,'ert sottened lIP ~y atta" Sunday mominll by a1x dam. He issued I list of the per- gan, i rest round fort O! Nizw8, head· Nizwa was taken b~ the spelr- several daya of bombing and Venom jet figbters. sons supposed to be aboard the Maritime Central Airways' op- : I RHtDE : 0/ Canada'_ four big ballc steel quarters of the Imam Df Oman, head of I 700-man motorized col- strafing by :Brltls.h. jet fighters. Latest report.!i from tribesmen plane. erallons are centre<! in the Mari· . ' feU Sunday 10 a Brltish.led motor· umn led by British :Brlg. A. R. At Firq, heavy bombers drop- said I the Imam himself WI! not BUlinm Edllor I industries - the othrs arc Steel The three men who parachuted time provinces but the company Cmd! Ltri has: Company of Canada Ltd. and Da- Ized column. Robertson. The column was flown ping fragmentation bombs were In Nizwa. He and I lieutenant In remained at the scene and an has three DC-4's operating on b)' a m.n \\,10 '; minlon Foundries and Steel Ltd., With Its surrender, the Imam', to the Inland airfield at Fshud called in \(J help clear the way known IS the "lord of the Green RCMP ground part)' also was on transatlantic charter runs, Of late contest wlth the British _ backed Aug. 6, then swung across t}Je 96 for the column, whlch was held Mountain." Suleian bin Himyar, I 1,1 ':1 i'0'.th .1 C!O.IC I both at Hamilton - naturaUy its way to the crash, the~e planes have b€cn' used I· sultan of Muscat and Oman ap· miles of desert Nlzwa, meet- up fOr two day •. there by unex· WHe reported near Birkat, about Ill·, "mo.~ 1"'" cr· 1 ra iscs conjecture. ~ Maritime Central said there, mainl)'to transport immigrants I · ~:mi," REASONS UNCERTAIN pearedThe fall\() beof NizlI'aat an occurredend. less Ing It s on 1Y rna Jor resistance. at p4!ctedly strollg reSIStance.. ~lx milu to the ust of NizWI, were 72 passengers aboard the to Canada. !1:I~r :.' I,~rn Into I So far, however, there ls no in- plane on the flight to England but A team ot inspectors from the · pt:~'lp! Ic'.' rOU.ld \ dication of whelhcr the moves than 3\'1 hour. after the !all of 73, including three infants, were federal transport department o£­ , have any llgnlflcance In a Joint Flrq, six mUes away and ~e making the return trip. £icc here left Montreal Sunday · :: in 11 ) pm. it sense for Alsoma and Dosco; city's main defence outpost. The plane was piloted by Nor· II night b inl'cstigate the crash. · I:om I small _IT· I II'hether It ls Just a matter of A. The Imam's remaining forces man Ramsay ot Montreal. ~ICA ~ICA officials issued a list ?I , I V. Roe liking stecl; or whether It were belleved to have scattered Predict Realignment said Ramsay was in thcir employ the namcs of the crew and said has turned its main Interest from lnto the hllh. His brother, Taleb two yeRrS and dcscribed him as thc)' expected to han the pas!en· one compRny to another. bin All, who helped organiZe the a "good. well·trained llilot." gcr list available before midnight, At present the offcr to Do~co is attack agalnst the sultan was re· 'rhe 34-year-old pilot formerly after next-of·kin have been no it· anI)' In the "Intent" stagc. Thurs· porled to have fled IS British Ir· flew with TCA. In December, lied. , . , i , ,. dR)"S announcement said, how· mored cars appeared on Nizwa's 1954. hi~ pilot's licenCe was sus· Thur"h) -it el'cr, thAI It ls expected an offer streets. Government Departments pended for six month~ following I I, , i.11 11ion 01 nffer· wlU bc made In firm ruhlon as The clty opened II! gate Ind ~ . ' KEPT INTAt'I' There could bt some significance the crash of ! TCA super.Constel· 01 Dominion soon Is legal tormBlltle! can be surrendered without firing a shot, Prince Refuses By JOHN LeBLANC When the Liberals left office in this ,tatement lut Wednesday lation near Brampton, Onto C~[(orat:on, com· complied with, but not later than A _mall crowd ,athered to watch . CanadiaD Preu I'taff Writer there were 20 department! apart that JU!tce Ministe Fulton will A transport department board DoICO, Aug. 30. the troops enter and gave a strag· ryITAWA (CP)-Some observ­ r. or inquiry blamed the crash "ne· ~.coo cmpln) CC'. As announced, A. V. Roe would gllng cheer. A tew per5<lns ca r· ers hell! think there probably will from the prime minister's office.
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