SACRAMENTO RAGTIME SOCIETY NEWSLETTER Chris Bradshaw sized heat to the festival. n less than a month, the West Coast Rag- And as if that isn't enough, from our Itime Society Festival will be in full own side of the pond, we are very fortu- swing, bringing new meaning to “global nate this year to have the scholarly “Gentle- warming” as three hot performers from man of Country Rags,” Trebor Tichenor around the world add their heat to the fest- returning for solo and family performances ival. From Norway, Morten Gunnar Larsen plus a seminar. is returning with his stellar repertoire of As equally at home with ragtime as classic rag favorites, some stomping and classical music, Richard Dowling, a classic- striding, “Jelly Roll” Morton, Gottschalk al pianist with many awards to his credit, Americana treasures, and plenty of beauti- joins us for the first time at this year's festiv- ful contemporary rags. al. Terry Parrish, also in this year's lineup, From “down under,” Australia, world will be bringing us folk rags and rags from class performer, John Gill, is making his Indiana. Other standout festival per- premiere appearance at the upcoming fest- formers include Frederick Hodges, Tom ival. Described as one of the world's best Brier, Carl Sonny Leyland, Squeek Steele, stride, early jazz and ragtime players, Gill's Virginia Tichenor, Ray Skjelbred, repertoire includes the compositions of Stephanie Trick and others. Scott Joplin, Eubie Blake, Willie “The Li- The SRS gang is well represented with on” Smith, Joseph Lamb, James P. John- already mentioned Tom Brier and Virginia In This Issue son, “Fats” Waller and more. Back by Tichenor, plus Nan Bostick, the Brad- popular demand, Neville Dickie from Eng- shaws, Drivons, Sullivans, the Raspberry land will be coming to the festival with Jam Band, the Porcupine Ragtime En- more lively stride, boogie-woogie, and semble, and others. Check out the entire blues. This crisscrossing, transoceanic, pole- hopping trio promises to add some tabasco- See Continued on page 3 SACRAMENTO RAGTIME SOCIETY By Tom Brier t took a little while for the crowd to gather in the candle-lit bar PORCUPINE RAGTIME ENSEMBLE Iat the Red Lion, but as the people gathered, the momentum Elliott Adams, piano; Sue Desper, flute & piccolo; Robyn built up, and with the momentum came musical surprises. One Drivon, tuba; Bub Sullivan, cümbüsh, *vocal; Petra Sullivan, viol- surprise was the Bradshaws’ performance of Little Jack’s Rag, in where for the first time I can recall, Chris Bradshaw was on the Africa On the Ohio Metchor T. Mathison, 1899 right side of the piano bench playing the melody. Another was Vir- Belinda Fred S. Stone, 1905 ginia Tichenor’s fine rendition of The Pearls, a new addition to *Ain’t We Got Fun her repertoire. During pauses in the music, everyone gave a hearty Gus Kahn & Raymond Egan – Richard A. Whiting, 1921 hand to Merv Graham, the “snowbird,” who will be spending the The Castle Walk James Reese Europe & Ford T. Dabney, 1914 winter in warmer climes. Merv’s latest contribution to our Society Tom Brier, piano is a sound system in a box, which fills the room nicely and reduces our dependency on volunteers who can’t always make the meet- A Certain Party Tom Kelley, 1910 ings. Well wishes were also sent out to Steve Johnson and his new Curiosity James E. C. Kelly, 1910 bride Mandy; and also to Ilah Blauvelt, who unfortunately was in Untitled (Rag #205) Tom Brier, 2009 the hospital, but was apparently giving the staff there what-for. RASPBERRY JAM BAND A minor correction to last month’s listing: “Sugar” Willie Er- George Preston, euphonium; Mary Preston, violin; Julia Riley, ickson informs us that the title of his composition is actually Mud- flute & piccolo; Tom Brier, piano duh, Duh Pizza Cudduh. Blue Goose Rag Charles L. Johnson, 1916 And now, here’s what was played this month: Blue River Alfred Bryan – Joseph K. Meyer, 1927 Jack Bradshaw, piano Jack Bradshaw, piano One Shoe Blues Steven Stiller, 2004 Pastime Rag No. 1 Artie Matthews, 1913 Frog Legs Rag James Scott, 1906 Pastime Rag No. 2 Artie Matthews, 1913 Charcoal (A Study In Black) S. Gibson Cooke, 1903 Great Scott Rag James Scott, 1909 RASPBERRY JAM BAND “Sugar” Willie Erickson, piano George Preston, euphonium; Mary Preston, violin; Julia Riley, Sonny Boy flute & piccolo; Tom Brier, piano Al Jolson, Bud G. De Sylva, Lew Brown, & Ray Henderson, 1928 Pine Apple Rag Scott Joplin, 1908 “Sugar” Willie Erickson, upright piano, tuba, & vocal; Tom Bri- Perryville Tom Brier, 2002 er, piano Such Is Life Charles L. Cooke, 1915 Ja-Da Bob Carleton, 1918 Virginia Tichenor, piano Elliott Adams, piano; Tom Brier, upright piano Swipesy Cake Walk Scott Joplin & Arthur Marshall, 1900 The Pearls “Jelly Roll” Morton, 1923 Sunbeam Charles L. Johnson, 1909 Bucksnort Stomp Trebor Tichenor, 1964 By The Silvery Nile Jack Yellen – Charles L. Johnson, 1921 The Favorite Scott Joplin, 1904 Elliott Adams, piano Pink Poodle Charles L. Johnson, 1914 Pansy Blossoms Rag Charles L. Johnson, 1909 Pride of the Smoky Row (Q-Rag) J. M. Wilcockson, 1911 The Bully Rag J. Fred O’Connor, 1910 Patricia Rag Joseph F. Lamb, 1916 Chris and Jack Bradshaw, four-hand piano; *Robyn Drivon, tuba; #Bub Sullivan, mandolin; #Petra Sullivan, violin Little Jack’s Rag Arthur Marshall, 1976 *Dengozo Ernesto Nazareth, 1914 *#Ragged Jack (The New Rag) Jack Bradshaw, 1909 SACRAMENTO RAGTIME SOCIETY ust a reminder that all are welcome to Div. 2B 10:30 A.M., ages 11-14 (Classic--ad- vanced group) by Pat Schreiner Jjoin us on November 7 at Trinity Cathed- ral, 2620 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, for Div. 2A 1:00 P.M., ages 11-14 (Junior--begin- his world lost some of its sparkle with ners group) the Fifth Annual West Coast Ragtime Soci- Tthe passing of Helen Fingado on Div. 3 2:00 P.M., ages 15-18 September 17, 2009. With her ready smile ety Youth Piano Ragtime Competition. This free event, featuring over 65 students Public parking is available on the and cheerful demeanor she was a joy to street or at a parking garage located very performers, will be held from 10:00A.M. to know. And to know her was to love her. close. Parking spots take a credit card only. 5:00P.M. You may quietly wander in and Helen was out as you choose. Expect to hear some Bring a light jacket for this event as the born in Sacra- very fine playing from some exuberant Cathedral is sometimes on the chilly side. mento and youthful players. The schedule is: For more information call Chris Bradshaw lived there her Div. 1 10:00 A.M., ages 8-10 at: 408-842-4990. Hope to see you there. entire life. She was a bride of Continued from page 1 will also be available. lineup on page 6. the '50s with For more information call toll free: 1- priorities of So much to do! So much to see! Great 866-724-9273 or look on-line at www.west- family, home music to hear! For the delight of the dan- coastragtime.com. Badges may be ordered and com- cers, dance instruction and live music, ahead by credit card by calling Bob Gonza- munity. provided by several wonderful ragtime en- lez at 1-866-724-9277 or by downloading Among her sembles, will be ongoing throughout the the form on-line. The Red Lion is full, many friends festival. Dancers will have dance space back however festival housing is still available at were several in the Martinique and also in J.B.'s the nearby Double Tree Hotel. Be sure to with whom she'd maintained contact since Lounge. Add to that the special evening mention West Coast to receive the festival junior high and even elementary school. shows, silent movies, entertaining and edu- rate. It is advisable to make your reserva- She was an enthusiastic member of the Sac- cational seminars, plus youth programs fea- tions early. ramento Ragtime Society for over twenty turing tomorrow's ragtime stars. This is Double Tree Hotel Sacramento years. a“not-to-miss" festival. 2001 Point West Way Since early 2007 Helen had been the The festival will be held at the Red Li- primary caregiver for her husband, Bob Fin- on Hotel Sacramento. All events badges $99 for 1-4 persons 1-800-222-8733 gado, who had suffered a terrible stroke are $85 if ordered before November 1. We are looking forward to welcoming you that left him unable to care for himself. They will be $90 at the door. Day badges to the 2009 West Coast Ragtime Festival. Only in her final weeks did she acknow- ledge the rapid deterioration of her own health. Helen is survived by her loving family: Her husband of 58 years, Bob Fingado; son Don Fingado of Sacramento; daughter and son-in-law Patti and Tom Harris of Up- land; five grandchildren and two great- grandchildren. She will be greatly missed. SACRAMENTO RAGTIME SOCIETY est Coast Ragtime Society’s festival ing Taslimah Bey, of Detroit, MI, Richard 1921. Vocalists Miss Ann Gibson, Sean W planners are busy organizing excit- Dowling, of New York, NY, Terry Parrish Sharp, and Helen Burns, will all be fea- ing special events and shows for the upcom- of Indianapolis, IN, Ray Skjelbred, of tured in this show along with the most ing West Coast Ragtime Festival November Seattle, WA, Squeek Steele of Virginia beautiful chorus girls in the world! 20-22, 2009. The festival opens Friday, City, NV just to name a few! Sunday morning will again feature the November 20 and the first special show Festival headliner, Frederick Hodges, traditional “Youth Concert” where you can that afternoon will feature a set of the pub- will again present his delightful piano ac- hear the future of ragtime—our 7 youth per- lished ragtime of John Stark.
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