BAYLOR BATTLES CRUSHING DEFEAT Museum’s puppets TEXAS FOR BIG 12 LADY BEARS VOLLEYBALL DROPS ENTERTAIN, EDUCATE SUPREMACY PAGE 4 MATCH 3-1 TO AGGIES PAGE 4 CHILDREN PAGE 3 ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2006 Spring shows marked rise in BU hazing Better system cited the higher number of reported incidents as an increase in haz- as reason for increase ing, but said she believes “there in reported incidents is a better system now and just a better way of collecting evi- By Laura Frase dence.” and Laura Klingsporn “I would attribute (the in- Staff writer and Reporter creased number of violations to) the system and the students Hazing incidents in the themselves that are reporting spring of 2006 nearly amount- more,” she said. ed to the total number reported In the spring, Baylor in the three previous years. launched a Web site devoted Dr. Liz Palacios, dean for stu- to the anonymous reporting of dent development, attributed hazing violations. the higher number to the more Student Policies and Proce- effective system of self-report- dures defines hazing as “any ing. action taken or any situation Baylor Judicial Review pub- created which is intended to lished a listing of hazing viola- produce mental or physical dis- tions for the past four years in comfort, embarrassment, ha- the Sept. 12 issue of the Lariat. rassment, ridicule or suffering.” While only two organiza- By Baylor policy, “an orga- tions were listed each year from nization commits an offense if 2003 to 2005, five organizations the organization condones or Kelly Moore/Lariat staff made their way onto the list for encourages hazing.” Baylor also spring 2006: Brothers Under dictates that even if a student Keep that motor running Christ, Gamma Alpha Omega, consents to hazing activities, Kappa Sigma, Phi Gamma Delta that isn’t grounds for being ex- Gavvielle Pitones, 8, and her sister Abigail Pitones, 6, enjoy the motor- The attractions opened on Oct. 6 and run until Oct. 14 at the Heart of and Phi Kappa Chi. cycle ride Wednesday afternoon at the Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo. Texas Fair Complex. Palacios said she doesn’t see Please see HAZING, page 6 Local children need mentors Waco charities focus on helping man Services and the Administration for and our portion of the mentors come pri- kids with incarcerated parents Children and Familes, Flores said. marily from Baylor and Truett,” Salinas “We are trying to show the children in said. By Claire St. Amant the program that there is more to living Salinas and his assistant, Arlington ju- Reporter than just violence and crime,” Flores said. nior Corey Grice, have been recruiting on Currently, 205 mentors have been campus, hosting tables in the Bill Daniel When parents go to prison, they aren’t matched with children, but 200 more men- Student Center and speaking to individual the only ones punished. Their children suf- tors have been promised, Jeannette Ross, student groups, so far they have only had fer greatly as well. MCYC FOCUS assistant, said. As a part of nine students volunteer, Grice said. In 2004, Making Collaborations for the terms of the grant, Mission Waco is re- “So many students would tell us they’d Youth Count (MCYC) and Mission Waco sponsible for matching 15 mentors but has love to help, but they just don’t have the collaborated with the FOCUS mentor pro- set its own goal of 30, said Raul Salinas, time,” Grice said. “But one hour a week can gram that matches adults with the children Mission Waco FOCUS Director and Truett change the life of a child forever. It’s too im- of incarcerated parents, MCYC FOCUS di- Seminary student. portant to get cut out of your schedule.” rector Jessica Flores said. While most of the mentors involved with According to the Baylor Community Family Opportunity Creates Under- the program are members of the Waco com- Mentoring for Adolescent Development, 84 Courtesy photo standing and Success, the official program munity, about 20 Baylor students have been percent of students who are mentored show The Family Opportunity Creates Understanding and Success program match- title, was made possible through a federal matched with children, Ross said. es local children with adult mentors. grant by the Department of Health and Hu- “Mission Waco is an auxiliary of MCYC Please see MENTOR, page 6 Author draws high interest Democrat Capacity crowd expected Business, said the business school munications and marketing for the defends was interested in having Blanchard Hankamer School of Business, said for best-seller’s speech speak because of his prominence in another reason Blanchard was in- on business leadership the business management consulting vited was that Dean Terry Manness top donor community as well as his deep-seat- asked his executive council to read By Van Darden ed Christian values. Lead Like Jesus. Chris Bell doesn’t Staff writer “Ken is doing a lot of work in “All of Dr. Manness’ executive regret decision to ask service leadership and comes at it council, including many of the de- As part of the Ben H. Williams Dis- from a distinctly Christian point of partment chairs, have been reading Friedman to drop out tinguished Speaker Series, the Han- view,” Neubert said. “He uses Jesus and discussing this book,” Jackson kamer School of Business has invited as a model for servant leadership and said. By Kelley Shannon best-selling author Ken Blanchard to that’s what initially attracted him to “And they’ve all really gotten a lot The Associated Press speak at a noon luncheon Monday. us.” out of it.” Blanchard’s published works in- Neubert said the idea of servant Another book that Blanchard SAN ANTONIO — Democrat clude Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from the leadership is fundamental to situ- helped write was Who Moved My Chris Bell, trying to keep his Greatest Leadership Role Model of All ational leadership, or adapting lead- Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with governor campaign’s new mo- Time and The One Minute Manager, ership styling to meet the needs of Change in Your Work and in Your Life, mentum going, battled Repub- which has sold more than 13 million those being led. with co-author Spencer Johnson. lican Gov. Rick Perry’s camp copies and has been translated into “His books are very practical,” Beaumont graduate student Noel Courtesy photo Wednesday after the governor’s more than 37 languages. Neubert said. “They discuss the nuts Tuason said he read Who Moved My side criticized Bell’s rich big do- Dr. Mitch Neubert, associate pro- and bolts about how to best lead Cheese? for an organizational behav- Ken Blanchard, best-selling author of Who Moved My nor. fessor of management and the Cha- people.” Cheese and Lead Like Jesus will speak Monday at the Bell also said he doesn’t re- vanne Chair of Christian Ethics in Cynthia Jackson, director of com- Please see AUTHOR, page 6 Hankamer School of Business. gret his unsuccessful attempt to get independent candidate Kinky Friedman to leave the governor’s race. “I reached out. Suffice it to Yankee presumed dead after airplane crash say, he didn’t reach back,” Bell said. “We have a shared goal of By Colleen Long raised fears of another terrorist people aboard were killed. was registered to Lidle, who Angeles, told The Philadelphia getting a new governor.” The Associated Press attack. Lidle’s passport was found had repeatedly assured report- Inquirer this summer. “I’m not Perry’s camp launched an ag- A law enforcement official in on the street, according to a ers in recent weeks that flying worried about it. I’m safe up gressive attack on John O’Quinn, NEW YORK — A small plane Washington said Lidle, an avid federal official, speaking to was safe and that the Yankees, there. I feel very comfortable the Houston trial lawyer who carrying New York Yankee pilot who got his license during The Associated Press on con- who were traumatized in 1979 with my abilities flying an air- gave Bell $1 million this week Cory Lidle slammed into a 50- last year’s offseason, was aboard dition of anonymity. It was not when catcher Thurman Mun- plane.” and pledged to give or raise $4 story skyscraper Wednesday, the single-engine aircraft when immediately clear who was at son was killed in the crash of The crash came just four million more. apparently killing the pitcher it plowed into the 30th and 31st the controls and who was the a plane he was piloting, had no days after the Yankees’ embar- Perry campaign spokesman and a second person in a crash floors of the high-rise on Man- second person aboard. reason to worry. rassingly quick elimination Robert Black released a state- that rained flaming debris hattan’s Upper East Side. Mayor Federal Aviation Administra- “The flying?” the 34-year-old onto the sidewalks and briefly Michael Bloomberg said both tion records showed the plane Lidle, who had a home near Los Please see PLANE, page 6 Please see BELL, page 6 VOL. 106 No. 27 www.baylor.edu/Lariat © 2006, BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 2 The Baylor Lariat OPINION Thursday, October 12, 2006 Would God approve billboards’ faith messages? You’ve probably seen them inane attempts at cultural rel- thing. They’re not intrusive, the message itself. board witticism will probably before. evance such as, “As my appren- they’re not all obnoxious and The triteness provides more just feel further alienated from Maybe while driving down tice, you’re never fired.” Some point it’s not like they’re asking you fodder for critics’ cynicism while those responsible for it.
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