East Tennessee State University Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University Archives of Appalachia Newsletter Magazines & Newsletters 1981 Archives of Appalachia Newsletter (vol. 3, supplement, 1981) East Tennessee State University. Archives of Appalachia. Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.etsu.edu/archives-newsletter Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation East Tennessee State University. Archives of Appalachia., "Archives of Appalachia Newsletter (vol. 3, supplement, 1981)" (1981). Archives of Appalachia Newsletter. 13. https://dc.etsu.edu/archives-newsletter/13 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Magazines & Newsletters at Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Archives of Appalachia Newsletter by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 .0 ,..- TJ_IF ;~ ·"' ' JVe 0 ' . P.~:1~lra <-- :·: .(i NEWSLETTERr11 VOL. III, SPECIAL SUPPLE°MENT July 1, 1981 APPALACHIAN FOLK CULTURE AND REGIONAL HISTORY: A GUIDE TO AUDIO AND VIDEO RECORDINGS AVAILABLE FROM THE ARCHIVES OF APPALACHIA Introduction i ng the contents of these recordings. Due to t ime and financial constraints, the Archives cannot provide its The Archives of Appalachia is a regional ins ti tu- researchers with a detailed finding aid to these mate- t i on devoted to the collection and preservation of the rials. Instead, this Guide briefly descri bes our documentary heritage of the Central Southern Appalach­ a udio-visual coll ect ion and the individual tapes found ians. Located on the main campus of East Tennessee in each collection. Audio tapes are listed first, State University in Johnson City,Tennessee ,the Archives followed by video tapes. The collections are arranged opened its doors in 1978 and serves as a repository for alphabetically within these two broad categori es and records pertaining to the economic, social and cultural the tapes are arranged according to their original or­ development of Appalachia i n the twentieth century . The der as they were received by the Archives . Three in­ Archives is particularly interested in those persons dexes follow these listings . The first index· indicates and organizations active at the grassroots l evel i n the the tape locations of speakers and performers; the se­ region. Among the many iml)ortant collect i ons housed at cond lists song titles ; and the third provides a sul5- the Archives are the oaners of the Carolina,Clinchfield ject listing based upon the categories originally es ­ .and Ohio Railway, the· C~ngress for Appalachian Develop­ tablished by Professors Tom Burton and Ambrose Manning . ment, and the First Tennessee-Virginia Development Dis- of ETSU to describe the contents of their collection. trict . In addition to paper and photographic materials, the Archives also holds a large number of a udio and The audio and video tapes i ncluded in this guide video recordings including the tapes of Broadside Tele­ are drawn from the following collections: The Burton­ vi sion, Inc., WSJK-TV, the Burton -Manning Oral History Manning Collection, the Charles Gunter Collecti on , the Archives Project, and the Charles Gunter Collection. Broadside Television, I nc . Coll ection, and the WSJK­ TV Collection . Each tape has its own alpha- numeric These audio- visual collections posed special pro­ identification number (e . g . BM-24A, CG-6, BS-123/4, or blems for the Archives when accessioned. 1-1.any of the WSJK-3) . All aud'i o tapes are recorded in mono at 7 ½ recordings were produced on either outmoded or un­ rps and may be played on either a four-track or a two­ stable tape stock . The Archives held the original of track tape recorder. All video tapes are 3/4 inch u­ _ each tape but only rarely held an additional user matic cassettes employing the now standard video format '-,. copy ·as well. Thus, the rich contents of these collec­ compatible with most university and institutional video -.. tions were not readily available to researchers and systems. _ indeed, they were in danger of being lost entirely as ' resources due to their deterioratini:; state. The Archives Researchers are welcomed to use these materials in therefore applied to the Division cf Research Programs, the Archives of Appalachia. The facility is open be­ the National Endowment for the Humanities for a grant tween 8: 00 a. m. and 4: 30 p . m. , Monday through Friday . .t' · to nreserve these recordings through their duplication Users may also borrow tapes for one month a t a time by .- _.., ' on ~ore stable, state-of-the-art , taoe media. Upon re­ completing and returning the forms attached at the back ceivinr, the F;rant from NEH ( RC-10001 - 80- l!JlO), the of this guide. Service fees covering mailing, insurance Archives o roceeded to make two master copies of each and wear- and-tear on the tapes must accompany these oriv, inal ;,ideo or audio recording covered under the forms . Addition a l order forms may be obtained from the arra ngement with the endowment. The first or reference Archives of Appalachia, the Sherrod Library, East Ten­ coov is stored in an environmentally cont r olled vault nessee State University, Johnson City , Te nnessee, 37614. al~~g with the orig inal. The second cony is available For more in format ion, contact the Di rector, c/o the Ar­ to s~holars and st~dents of Appal achian studies for chives or call ( 615) 929-4338 , 929-4 365, or 9 29 -4303. research ourposes, either at the Sherrod Library or This project and the guide which marks its compl etion th;,~ugh a~ inter-institution loan arrangement. As a were made possible in part t hrough a grant f r om the result- of the successful completion of this project, National Endowment for the Humanities. valuable records of the oral, cultural , and musi­ cal ·traditions of the mountains of Southern Guide Abbreviations Appala.chia have been preserved and made more accessible to our user c~nstituency. We wish to ac ­ BM Burton- Manning Collecti·on Audio Tape knowledge the generous support of the National Endow­ BM-17/\./B indi cates that BM-17 is actually two tapes: ment for the Humanities and to thank them for their "'A" and " B" . help in this regard. ,, . BMV Burton-Manning Collection Video Ta ne The p urpose of this Guide is to provide the pro­ BS Broads ide Television, Inc. Collection Video spective user of the Arc hi ~f Appalachi-i,. ',s audio­ Tape visual collections with pertinent i nformation concern- . ·:~_,_ The Sherrod Library, East Tennessee State University Johnson City, Tennessee 37614, Phone: (615) 929-433~ John Birchfield (Hampton Creek, VA), Mrs. J. Birch­ Presnell and Buna Hicks, Sally and Will Roberts,· BS-19/20 indicates that BS-19 and BS -20 are physically Whil: these inde~es are not as comprehensive as the field (Hampton Creek, VA), Paul Gladney. Janette Carter Ke lly. located on the same tape recording. ~rchi ves would l1k: to o~fer ~ ts researchers , the three BM-22A/B (c): songs with guitar. (plr): Osie Owenby BM -41A/B (c): songs with dulcimer. (plr): Mr. Manning (c): contents of taoe i~de~es when used in conJ unction with the general taoe (Gatlinburg, TN), LeRoy Cureton (Saint Tide Commu­ (ETSU), Margaret Winters, Toe River Valley Boys, (cd): condition of t~pe''' listings ought ~o provide an adequate starting point. nity, TN), Beecher McGaha (Bogard Community, TN), Dr. Burton, Ed Burton, Jim Carmichael, Ab Miller CG Charles Gunter Collect ion Audio Tape fo; those study in? these recordings. The tape listings Alma Barnette (Belfast, VA), Mattie Carr (Seymour, and John Patton, James Gillespie, Reed and Robbie (d): duration of taoe which follow are in the order originally established TN), Horton Barker (ETSU), Margaret Winters (Elk Walsh. indicates side· one of audio tape (e.g.BM-3i) by Professo7:s Burton and Manning as they assembled Park, NC), Harold Winters (Elk Park, NC), Joseph S. BM-42A/B (c): songs with guitar. (plr): Dr. Burton , ii indicates sid·e two of audio tape ( e.g.BM-4ii) these materials. Britt (Johnson City, TN), Mrs. Louise Pleasant Jean Richie, Horton Barker, Toe River Valley Boys, ( p lr): oarticioants and location of recording (Johnson City, TN). Beech Mountain Ramblers, Ray Hicks, Jeanette Carter, WSJK i,SJK-TV. Collection Video Tape BM -1 ( c) : children's songs and ballads . ( plr) : Audrey BM - 23A/B (c): songs with guitar or banjo . (plr):Mrs.J. Doc Watson, Gaither Carlton. McGuire, Mattie Carr ( Wautauga Co . , NC), Eva Roe W. Shew, Dock Boggs (KY), Ray Trivette (Butler, TN), BM-43A/B (c): bawdy ballads and hymns. (plr): Dr. Bur­ ;,Unless otherwise indicated the quality of the dupli­ (Johnson City, TN), Grace Goforth (Knoxville, TN). Lewis Hicks, Spring Valley Ramblers, Tab I-lard ( Beech ton, Margaret Wright, MTSU Sacred Haro Singers, cated recordings are good to excellent. The condition BM - 2 ( c): children ' s songs and ballads. ( plr) : Horton I Mountain, NC), Mac Presnell (Beech Mountain, NC), Wendy, Franklin George, Toe River Valley Boys, of the actual tape stock (i.e. the recording medium) Barker (Marion, VA). Albert Combs (Beech Mountain, NC), Buna Hicks and Calladonian Pipe Band, Reed and Robie Walsh, Horton is excellent throughout. BM - 3 (c): children's songs and ballads. (plr): Mrs . Hattie Presnell ( Beech Mountain, NC), Mrs. Frank Barker, Beech Mountain Ramblers, Bun a Hicks, Hattie Hogan (Newport, TN), Joe Dunn, Calvin Hartsell,Lula J I Thomas ( Johnson City, TN), Kathy Klepper, Ella Law­ Presnell. The Thomas G. Burton-Ambrose N. Manning Collection Jayne Hartsell (Washington Co ., TN), Clarence Torn son and Jenny Lawson (Kingsport, TN), Shirley Riner, BM -44 (c): ETSU Folk Festival '68.
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